We wanna clap for all the 2023 graduates! 🎉👏 Did anyone have graduates this year?
Now here’s a Luke Combs video for your Monday with Kaitlynn singing in the background. We definitely wish we had this kind of energy today. 🤣 Happy Monday! 🤣
Lainey Wilson is a bad a**! We absolutely loved her! ❤️🎉
If you ever have the chance to see Riley Green take it! He was absolutely amazing! ❤️
What happened to the squirrel?
Good Morning everyone Kaitlynn here! Enjoy this video of our life in the country with a possible squirrel in our house. ❤️ Tim and I have been up all night listening to this noise. I hope to never hear it again. 🤣
Happy Giveaway Monday! Come find out what we are giving away!
Fruit roll up Lets Be Honest!
Day 8 of 75 hard is kicking my a**! I definitely needed this jam session in the car this morning!
Kaitlynn is doing 75 hard! And she’s walking! Join her!
We danced the night away! Until 7:45 at least 🤣
Take a ride with Tonyas crazy train!
Grocery shopping haul! Come see what I got!
How do you hype up for the work day? For us, jam session in the parking lot 🤣
Happy Wednesday!