Let Genius Burn

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Let Genius Burn A podcast mini-series that examines the life and work of Louisa May Alcott from every angle. Created by Jamie Burgess and Jill Fuller.

"Let's count how many connections we can find to Louisa," Jamie said when we went to the . Challenge accepted! Within a ...

"Let's count how many connections we can find to Louisa," Jamie said when we went to the . Challenge accepted! Within a few minutes, we found a bronze cast of a sculpture of Abraham Lincoln by Daniel Chester French, whose teacher was none other than May Alcott. A few Mary Cassatts and a painting with Big Jo Energy also made our list.

Jamie and I had a writing retreat last week to carve out space for our creative pursuits and dive into the vortex, Louis...

Jamie and I had a writing retreat last week to carve out space for our creative pursuits and dive into the vortex, Louisa-style. Endless cups of coffee and tea, long walks in the woods, and writing by a crackling bonfire with your best friend makes writing even better. We even got to visit the friendly goats on the property! Did we finish prepping Season 3 of Let Genius Burn during our time away? You bet we did! Stay tuned for news of the Season 3 launch date, coming soon.

It's always a good day to start a new journal! I picked this one out especially for the owl on the cover, as an homage t...

It's always a good day to start a new journal! I picked this one out especially for the owl on the cover, as an homage to our Louisa.

In December 1862, wounded Union soldiers from the battlefield in Fredericksburg, Virginia arrived at the Union Hotel Hos...

In December 1862, wounded Union soldiers from the battlefield in Fredericksburg, Virginia arrived at the Union Hotel Hospital in Washington, D.C. Louisa May Alcott was one of the nurses who received them and went to work caring for the wounded.

I stopped at the Fredericksburg Battlefield during my spring break trip. After reading about this battle many times and understanding the effect Louisa's nursing experience had in her life, seeing the actual location made it all more vivid. It was humbling to be on the same ground where this battle took place and remember John Suhre, Louisa, and my own ancestor, who fought here with the 20th New York Infantry. Want to learn more? Check out Louisa's book Hospital Sketches or John Matteson's book A Worse Place Than Hell!
~ Jill

We're in our Editing Era.

We're in our Editing Era.

There's Amy and Jo, Alf and Louisa...and of course Jill and Jamie. We had a whirlwind Wisconsin weekend when Jamie came ...

There's Amy and Jo, Alf and Louisa...and of course Jill and Jamie. We had a whirlwind Wisconsin weekend when Jamie came for a visit! We saw the sights in Madison, including the and . We did some serious Season 3 planning too. As Louisa said, "Good books, like good friends, are few and chosen."

Am I doing some background reading for an upcoming episode recording of Let Genius Burn? MAAAAAYBE.

Am I doing some background reading for an upcoming episode recording of Let Genius Burn? MAAAAAYBE.

Happy first day of October! Here in Wisconsin, I've been harvesting the Concord grapes from the vines in my garden, whic...

Happy first day of October! Here in Wisconsin, I've been harvesting the Concord grapes from the vines in my garden, which connect me to the past in a myriad of ways. My grandparents grew this variety, so I feel their presence and relive my childhood every time I eat one. But the grapes also bring a little bit of Louisa and Concord, Massachusetts to my backyard too. The Concord grape was domesticated from wild grapes by Concordian Ephraim Wales Bull in the 1840s. This fall, I've been slowly reading through The Transcendentalists and Their World, learning an incredible amount about one of the places Louisa called home. I recommend both the grapes and the book!
~ Jill

Don't you just love a surprise in the mail?The Forgotten Alcott is a collection of essays on the legacy of May Alcott Ni...

Don't you just love a surprise in the mail?

The Forgotten Alcott is a collection of essays on the legacy of May Alcott Nieriker, Louisa May Alcott's youngest sister, who lived in Paris and painted among the Impressionists, including Mary Cassatt.

May's contribution to the Alcott legacy is often overlooked, but thanks to editors Azelina Flint and Lauren Hehmeyer, there is a definitive volume that solidifies Nieriker's many accomplishments.

I took this book out from the library several months ago and have been reading it slowly and in pieces. So happy it can now live on my shelf--it's an essential part of the Alcott library!
~ Jamie

One of the other Alcott sites we made sure to visit on our Boston trip was King's Chapel, the site of Louisa's parents' ...

One of the other Alcott sites we made sure to visit on our Boston trip was King's Chapel, the site of Louisa's parents' marriage on May 22, 1830. But the story that came to me was one of memory and time, an old woman visiting her ghosts and letting go of the past. Near the end of her life, Abigail went to the Chapel again, shuffling down the aisle, in tears remembering those she had known in that place who had since died. Heartsick, she swore she would never return. As Louisa recorded, "She never did."

In Boston, we also had the opportunity to explore the , a members-only library in the heart of the city. Louisa became a...

In Boston, we also had the opportunity to explore the , a members-only library in the heart of the city. Louisa became a member in the 1870s! graciously took us through as her guests. The Athenaeum looks out over the Old Granary Burying Ground and features a lovely painting by N.C. Wyeth of Bronson Alcott in the same cemetery. Michele captured a few pics of us in action with the mic rolling!

The highlight of our Boston day was meeting friend-of-the-podcast  who has been a volunteer guide with  for 17 years! Sh...

The highlight of our Boston day was meeting friend-of-the-podcast who has been a volunteer guide with for 17 years! She took us to 10 Louisburgh Square, Louisa's final home in Boston, as well as 20 Pinckney Street where she and Anna had a school and she received the now-famous rejection letter from James Fields. Michele also took us down to the Bellevue Hotel, where Louisa often booked rooms to write. We wandered through neighborhoods that would've been familiar to Louisa, who thrived on Boston's energy and opportunities. Seeing the city through her eyes was so meaningful.

Did we record while we walked? You BET we did! Stay tuned for a fun mini-audio tour of Boston to hit your ears someday soon! Thank you SO much to Michele for her generosity and for such a fun time. Alcott folks truly are the best.
~ Jill

Louisa loved Boston and now I understand why. In our next post, we'll show you the sites we visited that are associated ...

Louisa loved Boston and now I understand why. In our next post, we'll show you the sites we visited that are associated with the Alcotts but for now, just feast your eyes on the beauty of this city!

We started our day at the Isabella Stuart Gardner Museum (May would've appreciated that) and then wandered past iconic Boston sites, such as the Old North Church, the State House, and another ode to a children's classic: the Make Way For Ducklings statue.

Day 1 of my Massachusetts trip: Jamie and I presented papers at the Thoreau Society Annual Gathering! What an honor. We ...

Day 1 of my Massachusetts trip: Jamie and I presented papers at the Thoreau Society Annual Gathering! What an honor. We were part of a panel sponsored by the LMA Society and our session focused on health and wellness in Alcott's life and works. We attended a few other sessions on Thoreau and Emerson as well, soaking in that lovely Concord vibe.
~ Jill

Thank you for including us in your newest article in Discover Concord Magazine, Susan! Susan's piece focuses on how othe...

Thank you for including us in your newest article in Discover Concord Magazine, Susan!

Susan's piece focuses on how other writers have been inspired by Alcott and discusses Barbara Heller's version of Little Women with "handwritten" letters inside, quoting from Let Genius Burn's interview with Heller in Season 2. Take a look!

Here are two articles I wrote that were published in “Discover Concord” magazine. My apologies for not posting the article from 2022 in a more timely fashion. I have been utterly immer…

"You are the gull, Jo, strong and wild, fond of the storm and the wind, flying far out to sea..."~ Little WomenTwo years...

"You are the gull, Jo, strong and wild, fond of the storm and the wind, flying far out to sea..."
~ Little Women

Two years ago yesterday, this little podcast flew from our hands into the world and you all received it with open arms. Tonight I'm flying to Boston, on my way to Concord and Jamie for more time in Alcott's world. I feel you all along for the ride, as always. ❤️ Thank you for the messages and the well wishes, friends. More pics coming soon!
~ Jill

The house is quiet for a little while, so I'm squeezing in some research and writing this afternoon! In less than three ...

The house is quiet for a little while, so I'm squeezing in some research and writing this afternoon! In less than three weeks, Jamie and I are both presenting at the Thoreau Gathering in Concord, Massachusetts on various aspects of health and wellness in Louisa's life and works. I was honored to receive the Sarah Elbert Travel Grant from the Louisa May Alcott Society to make this trip possible. And you know what else this means? Hopefully some more Let Genius Burn episodes coming your way!
~ Jill

Headed home from work yesterday with Bronson's massive book of letters for some "light" weekend research. Whew! (Yes, th...

Headed home from work yesterday with Bronson's massive book of letters for some "light" weekend research. Whew! (Yes, that's my new workplace in the background. Isn't it LOVELY? I can't get enough.) What are you reading this weekend?
~ Jill

Another research day at Harvard’s Houghton Library, home of many of the Alcott’s writings and papers. Feeling so scholar...

Another research day at Harvard’s Houghton Library, home of many of the Alcott’s writings and papers. Feeling so scholarly as I prepare for the American Literature Association conference in May!


Happy first day of spring! The Spring 2023 issue of Discover Concord Magazine is out now and if you flip through its pag...

Happy first day of spring! The Spring 2023 issue of Discover Concord Magazine is out now and if you flip through its pages, you'll find Jill's article about her pilgrimage through Concord last July to experience the sites associated with Louisa May Alcott!

The print magazine is free around the Concord area, available to order online, or you can read a digital version here: https://issuu.com/discoverconcordma/docs/discover_concord_spring_2023/58.

Hope you enjoy it! Thanks to Discover Concord Magazine for the opportunity to share this piece.

Yesterday was my last day at my job of the past 7.5 years and one of my coworkers made me a quilt as a going-away presen...

Yesterday was my last day at my job of the past 7.5 years and one of my coworkers made me a quilt as a going-away present. And it features gorgeous Little Women fabric! As soon as I saw it, I started to cry. It's a gift to be known and understood so well. I'm off to new adventures but I have a beautiful quilt inspired by Louisa to take with me and keep me warm along the way.
~ Jill

Spotted this handmade book by artist Linda Ekstrom on display at the  celebrating Louisa May Alcott—beautiful!          ...

Spotted this handmade book by artist Linda Ekstrom on display at the celebrating Louisa May Alcott—beautiful!

My students told me about this mural and I truly didn’t believe them until I got down to Dunks on Thoreau Street today—s...

My students told me about this mural and I truly didn’t believe them until I got down to Dunks on Thoreau Street today—so funny and silly! I love this so much 😆


March 6. Louisa died today in 1888 so I always try to pause and think of her for a few minutes. Both her November birthd...

March 6. Louisa died today in 1888 so I always try to pause and think of her for a few minutes. Both her November birthday and her March death day tend to be blustery in my part of the world and that seems to fit our wild, tempestuous Louisa, doesn't it? Tonight I'm starting a new novel, Voices In The Dead House, which not only has the best title ever, but focuses on both Louisa and Walt Whitman's experiences as nurses in the Civil War. Has anyone else read this? What did you think?
~ Jill

Hello Thoreau! Jamie and I are excited to announce that we'll both be presenting at the 2023 Thoreau Society Conference ...

Hello Thoreau! Jamie and I are excited to announce that we'll both be presenting at the 2023 Thoreau Society Conference in Concord this July! We're on a panel sponsored by the Alcott Society entitled Louisa May Alcott's Search For Well-being In Life And Narrative. Time to dive into our vortexes and start writing!
~ Jill

Today I’ve had a chance to reflect on how far Jill and I have come in the past 3 years as colleagues and co-creators of ...

Today I’ve had a chance to reflect on how far Jill and I have come in the past 3 years as colleagues and co-creators of Let Genius Burn—wow! We have made presentations in both public and professional spaces about the Alcotts, written and recorded 8 essays about Louisa’s life, and chatted with some of the finest literary scholars, artists, and researchers currently engaged with Alcott work. What a ride!

Best of all, we have each other.

Writing to you from deep winter, where it is about to get to -10 here in Concord tomorrow!This reminds me… we have a tou...

Writing to you from deep winter, where it is about to get to -10 here in Concord tomorrow!

This reminds me… we have a tour of Concord in winter in our highlights! Visit our profile page to check it out.

This is the Wayside House, formerly the Hillside House, where the Alcotts lived when Louisa was 11 to 13 years old. This was quite a happy time in her life, spent here. Thinking of Louisa on this wintry day.


A snowy day here in Concord!

A snowy day here in Concord!

Now up on the blog!The transcript of Season 1, episode 6: “Louisa as Celebrity.” This episode was so fun to write. It co...

Now up on the blog!

The transcript of Season 1, episode 6: “Louisa as Celebrity.” This episode was so fun to write. It combines modern psychological theories on the necessity of celebrities with some of Louisa’s funniest and most candid quotes and stories.

All her life she wanted to be in the spotlight—to be an actress, to see her name in lights—but when fame came, Louisa was too exhausted to enjoy it. By then, she had been through the Civil War. She had lost Lizzie. She was ill and tired and sometimes downright cranky.

But the stories are still entertaining. Louisa, asked to stand in front of an audience and simply turn in a circle. Louisa, riding a train, encouraged by the newspaper boy to buy her own novel. It’s easy now to lose sight of the extent of her fame. But Little Women was just the start of it.

Revisit this episode now on our website at letgeniusburn.com/blog

One of the defining experiences of Louisa May Alcott’s life was the 3 weeks she spent in the Union Hotel Hospital in Was...

One of the defining experiences of Louisa May Alcott’s life was the 3 weeks she spent in the Union Hotel Hospital in Washington, DC. It was her contribution to the war effort, and in the end she nearly gave her life.

The Alcotts were fervent abolitionists, but abolition was far from their only cause. Learn about their involvement in dress reform, diet reform, worker’s rights, women’s suffrage, and more when you revisit episode 5, Louisa as Acitivist, now on the Let Genius Burn blog.



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