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Kentucky Constitutional Voice Kentucky Constitutional Voice is geared to remind readers of the document that established this coun

A worldwide slowdown that was totally unnecessary and avoidable.  Turn the pipeline back on and find a way to reverse th...

A worldwide slowdown that was totally unnecessary and avoidable. Turn the pipeline back on and find a way to reverse the missed lease deadline!!!!

The U.S. economy is expected to contract in the second quarter, the latest estimate from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta found.


Who on this planet believes any of this $hit? Have you seen the size of the Presidential limousine? It's called the "Beast" for a reason.

"The president reached up towards the front of the vehicle to grab at the steering wheel. Mr. Engel grabbed his arm and said, 'Sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel. We're going back to the West Wing. We're not going to the Capitol.'"

The Secret Service would never intentionally touch the President in that way and they certainly wouldn't speak to him in that manner.

One of the comments that I read in this article's comment section is dead on the money.  If it is Constitutional to knee...

One of the comments that I read in this article's comment section is dead on the money. If it is Constitutional to kneel to protest the anthem, then it is just as Constitutional to kneel on the field after a game.

The Supreme Court ruled that a school district violeted high school football coach Joe Kennedy's First Amendment rights by firing him for saying on-field prayers after games.

This White House doesn't understand that passing a law in Congress does not change this situation.  A law passed by Cong...

This White House doesn't understand that passing a law in Congress does not change this situation. A law passed by Congress is still subject to Judicial review and would be struck down just as Roe was. The only solutions to their problem are to work with the State Legislatures or pass a Constitutional Amendment. God the libs are ridiculously stupid people.

President Biden called on Congress to codify abortion rights into federal law, while demanding that protests remain peaceful after the Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion.

This seems pretty easy to prove/disprove by looking at the company's P&L sheet.  If gross sales are up, year to year, th...

This seems pretty easy to prove/disprove by looking at the company's P&L sheet. If gross sales are up, year to year, then we know the real reason his products are getting pulled. Just like Tim Allen was denied from playing Buzz Lightyear in the prequel just released. Box office numbers don't lie either.

Businesses decide which products are on their shelves and if they are political blackwater, should they pull them?

I can't believe I'm going to say this, but just when I thought that this administration couldn't do or say anything so s...

I can't believe I'm going to say this, but just when I thought that this administration couldn't do or say anything so stupid, along comes this idiot!
Buttigieg says feds have power to force airlines to hire more workers amid travel delays

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said the federal government has the authority to take action against airline companies that do not meet consumer-protection standards.

See my prior post.  They will lie, cheat, steal, whatever it takes to stay in power.  We need to do all that we can to p...

See my prior post. They will lie, cheat, steal, whatever it takes to stay in power. We need to do all that we can to put light on the shadows that they cast.

At the time, she likened her experience of being nowhere near the breach to that of veterans who had fought in a war, prompting to trend on Twitter,

Read, learn, understand and pray.  Use the power of the voting booth.

Read, learn, understand and pray. Use the power of the voting booth.

The consumer price index for May was expected to increase 8.3% from a year ago, according to Dow Jones estimates.

These are just SOME of the big things that the liberals, with help from a propogandist mainstream media juggernaut, are ...

These are just SOME of the big things that the liberals, with help from a propogandist mainstream media juggernaut, are lying about to the people of this nation. Big, big lies that people are buying hook, line and sinker because they lack the will to find out the truth themselves. The gas is on, the lamp is not lit, and some brains are turning to mush.

A string of recent revelations has raised questions about security posture of Capitol under House Speaker Nancy Pelosi prior to breach.

Instead of being that place where the truth comes out of the shadows and into the light, traditional mass media has beco...

Instead of being that place where the truth comes out of the shadows and into the light, traditional mass media has become nothing more than a liberal propaganda machine that spews out more than their share of half-truths, but sadly, a $hit-ton of flat out lies.

Amber Heard's defamatory op-ed, Taylor Lorenz's erroneous reporting, and open Twitter warfare among staffers have made for a horrendous week at the Washington Post.

So, Flaherty thinks it is a joke for players not to put something on their uniform that they disagree with?  Okay, when ...

So, Flaherty thinks it is a joke for players not to put something on their uniform that they disagree with? Okay, when do the Bible verses start going on, then? Hmmmm...Mr. Flahrety?

St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Jack Flaherty blasted several Tampa Bay Rays players for refusing to wear the gay pride logo in Saturday's game.

I don't know about you, but I remember the press regularly reporting on how much time that Bush spent out of the White H...

I don't know about you, but I remember the press regularly reporting on how much time that Bush spent out of the White House. Who knew that Mr. Biden would eclipse that number? Certainly not me because it is rarely reported on by the propagandists that are keeping him in power.

Biden's increased time off comes as his approval rating sits below 41%

All the items listed here, and more, are exasperated by the fact that plenty of conservatives and news organizations poi...

All the items listed here, and more, are exasperated by the fact that plenty of conservatives and news organizations pointed out, as the policies became evident, that these consequences would occur.

The White House has been plagued with drama in recent weeks as negative reports about President Biden’s press office coincide with a series of messaging gaffes.

Define "Assault Weapon".  If you mean automatic rifles, then there is already a ban on those.  If you mean semi-automati...

Define "Assault Weapon". If you mean automatic rifles, then there is already a ban on those. If you mean semi-automatic weapons, well then buddy, you've got a fight on your hands. The great majority of rifles out there are semi-automatic in nature. If you mean scary looking AR-15s, then you still are going to get a battle because functionally, they are no different that a R***r 10/22 Sporter .22 LR or any other brown wooden stock rifle.
The problem, Mr. President and all the other leftists out there that want to take the guns away is that the gun is not the problem. The person is the problem. Far more people are killed by drunk drivers in the country than are killed by rifles, yet no one proposes taking away cars, do they? So as long as there motorized modes of conveyance in the world, you can just back the F off of my guns, okay?

Conservatives on Twitter slammed President Joe Biden's Thursday night speech calling for new 'assault weapons' bans in the wake of tragedies like the Texas school shooting.

I've said this amongst close friends, but never in public, but, I believe, in criminal cases, that charges of r**e, sexu...

I've said this amongst close friends, but never in public, but, I believe, in criminal cases, that charges of r**e, sexual assault or even sexual harassment, that someone has to go to jail. The charge is so toxic in our culture that the mention of it ruins reputations and lives forever. Once that charge is levied, there are no "takebacks". And, if it can be proven, to the criminal standard of beyond a reasonable doubt, that the accusation is false, then the accuser should go to jail. This is the only way that false allegations in court can be countered and people held responsible for their actions.
I know the argument against this is that it would inhibit women from going to the police and making a statement, but as we have seen in the Depp/Heard civil case, there are people that will go to court, put their hand on a Bible and swear to what they know is a lie.

News analysis Ask any lawyer who specializes in defamation law: It’s nearly impossible for a public figure to ...

A perfect case study to the point I made in an earlier post.  The President doesn't just lie.  He lies with impunity.  H...

A perfect case study to the point I made in an earlier post. The President doesn't just lie. He lies with impunity. He says whatever he thinks will help him and his leftist cause and has not a care in the world whether people call him out on it or not. Why wouldn't he work to rig the midterms? If he got caught, he would just lie about it and that would be the end of it.

This kind of response puts us in a dangerous situation.

If the Leftists have any hope of maintaining Congressional seats this November, Biden has to consider reversing all of t...

If the Leftists have any hope of maintaining Congressional seats this November, Biden has to consider reversing all of the January 2021 executive orders issued around energy production in the U.S. Asking OPEC to increase production is like throwing rocks into the Grand Canyon, hoping to fill it up.
But, do not assume that the Red Wave is guaranteed. This party lied and cheated its way into the White House and conservatives have to know that that is a possibility in the midterms as well. We need to spike the football hard enough to draw a penalty!!!

I mean, yes? No one doubts this, right? Democrats’ own pollsters don’t doubt it. “When was the last time a midterm looked this hopeless for the ruling party?” I asked a month a...

Look, the laws of economics are very much like the other natural laws, like physics or chemistry.  The concept of supply...

Look, the laws of economics are very much like the other natural laws, like physics or chemistry. The concept of supply and demand does not waver in the face of political pressure. If you turn back the regulations and Executive Orders that restricted the ability of this country to produce its own oil, then supply will increase, prices will fall and we can get back to a natural price for goods that are shipped. In literally a matter of weeks, we can go back to $2/gallon gas.

President Joe Biden said on Wednesday it was unlikely his administration would be able to bring down the ...

Now, I'm a guy that took a couple of swings at managerial accounting and economics in college, and I understood what was...

Now, I'm a guy that took a couple of swings at managerial accounting and economics in college, and I understood what was going to happen with inflation. This woman is supposed to be the undisputed expert at this stuff.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen backtracked on earlier statements she made on the threat posed by inflation, citing COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine.

You don't think it has ANYTHING to do with the fact that 40% of all handguns sold are 9mm, do you?  "This tired old man ...

You don't think it has ANYTHING to do with the fact that 40% of all handguns sold are 9mm, do you? "This tired old man that we elected king" just ain't cutting it.

President Biden spoke to reporters about his thoughts on 9mm handguns, calling them "high-caliber" and claiming that the Constitution is not "absolute."

Yep, this is the administration that is "leading" our nation.  Unbelievable!!!

Yep, this is the administration that is "leading" our nation. Unbelievable!!!

Biden administration officials uninvited many police officers who responded to the Texas School shooting from a meeting with the president.

Today, we honor and remember those that paid the ultimate price for our freedom.

Today, we honor and remember those that paid the ultimate price for our freedom.


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The truth, you piece of human excrement, is that the shooter was NOT confronted by any personnel prior to entering the s...

The truth, you piece of human excrement, is that the shooter was NOT confronted by any personnel prior to entering the school. The doors were NOT locked as prescribed by district procedure and YOU are exploiting this tragedy to try to score political points.

"The truth: There were officers at the school in Texas," Schumer tweeted. "The shooter got past them. We need real solutions—We will vote on gun legislation starting with the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act."


Victor Escalon, the South Texas Regional Director of the Texas Department of Public Safety said during a news conference....We will find out as much as we can why it was unlocked, or maybe it (the door) was locked," he said. "But right now, it appears it was unlocked."

The suspect walked into the school and was not confronted by a school resource officer, Escalon said. He said media reports stating otherwise were inaccurate.

Republicans are calling Sen. Chuck Schumer a liar after he blocked a school safety bill Wednesday that he claimed could put "more guns in schools."

Let me fix that for you, Mr. Biden.  Stand up to tyranny and demand common sense mental health legislation that keeps gu...

Let me fix that for you, Mr. Biden. Stand up to tyranny and demand common sense mental health legislation that keeps guns in the hands of those responsible and healthy enough to own and handle them and ensure that those that are not are properly treated, to include involuntary inpatient treatment.

Biden called on the nation to take action on gun reform following the Uvalde, Texas elementary school shooting on Tuesday. An 18-year-old gunman opened fire on Robb Elementary school.

There is no way to get around this fact.  What the U.S. is going through today with fuel is completely avoidable.  The d...

There is no way to get around this fact. What the U.S. is going through today with fuel is completely avoidable. The data in the attached shows that the U.S. was a net EXPORTER of fuel in 2020 and 2021. We do not have to be reliant on other nations to fulfill our nation's energy needs. We could let those barrels of oil that we were importing go to other nations and we could be self-sustaining. Do you really think that the OPEC nations import any oil into their countries? Of course not, so why are we. #:~:text=The%20United%20States%20was%20a,row%20since%20at%20least%201949.

U.S. crude oil imports sources including OPEC and Persian Gulf, and top five source countries of U.S. oil imports and destinations of U.S. crude oil exports.

We're about to find out how "Catholic" Ms. Pelosi really is.

We're about to find out how "Catholic" Ms. Pelosi really is.

Denver Archbishop Samuel Aquila praised Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone for barring Nancy Pelosi from receiving Holy Communion.

Do I think that global food supplies are going to tighten a bit due to the war in Ukraine?  Absolutely.  But to declare ...

Do I think that global food supplies are going to tighten a bit due to the war in Ukraine? Absolutely. But to declare a crisis when Ukraine has 3.5% of the agricultural land of the United States (42 million hectares vs. 1.2 billion), it is hard to fathom that the war would cause a "crisis" in foodstuffs.

UN chief Antonio Guterres warns that developing countries face disaster due to rising prices.

Like many people, I enjoyed the comedy of George Carlin.  He made you think about things from a different perspective, o...

Like many people, I enjoyed the comedy of George Carlin. He made you think about things from a different perspective, often with a joke that would make you smile at the same time. As with many people, I didn't agree with what he said all the time, but I respected that he respected others and didn't use his talent to degrade those that didn't have the same opinion as he. Instead, he found a way to weave that opinion into a joke that could be approaching the line without crossing it. He was a capitalist who knew that if you could keep both sides laughing, you could sell tickets to them both too. That is the secret that more celebrities need to embrace.

George Carlin died in 2008, but he’s very much alive in popular culture. In fact, the battle over his comedic legacy may have just begun. Not only are

FinallySan Francisco archbishop bars Pelosi from receiving Holy Communion due to abortion support


San Francisco archbishop bars Pelosi from receiving Holy Communion due to abortion support

San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone announced Friday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is barred from receiving Holy Communion due to her pro-abortion stance -- marking an escalation in a decades-long tension between the Roman Catholic Church and liberal Democratic politicians on abortion.

People are dying you moron!!!!  Over 600k babies aborted and murdered in the U.S. in 2020.  I don't know why I get worke...

People are dying you moron!!!! Over 600k babies aborted and murdered in the U.S. in 2020. I don't know why I get worked up about her because she is one of the dumbest people I have ever seen. She just needs to go away.

Far-left comedian Samantha Bee lost it over the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion suggesting Roe v. Wade could be overturned.




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