“Do you ever wish YOU could sleep on a textbook and retain all the info?? Also, buckle up for the spicy drama that MAY or MAY NOT be genuine (please don't sue us).”
Have you listened to episode 82 yet? This week we talk about Edgar Cayce and the spicy details that may (not) have happened! Be sure to turn in to hear the tea ☕️
#edgar #edgarcayce #edgarcaycecenter #thewarrens #thewarrensoccultmuseum #edandlorrainewarren #podcasting #womenofpodcasting
Have you listened To this weeks episode? On episode 81, Katie discusses Nostradamus and how he cured plague patients with using ✨ hygiene practices ✨ a wild concept I know. He maybe also kind of predicted the future for the next 2000 years. Tune in to hear Katie read some of his predictions and how they came truuuue
#nostradamus #predictions #blackplague #hygiene #washyourhandspeople #spookyprediction #futuresight #paranormal
“What has 4 arms, 4 legs, and started off painting scary, haunted houses before becoming world renown paranormal investigators? Plus, checkout how Divining Daddy Damus predicted the future!!!”
This weeks episode features peoples! Zoe covers the famous Warrens in a two part episode (don’t worry we cover the spicy parts) and Katie covers Nostradamus, seerer into the future. If you haven’t checked it out yet, be sure to do so! 🎙 ✨ 👻
#thewarrens #thewarrensoccultmuseum #edandlorrainewarren #theconjuring #paranormalinvestigators #demonologist #nostradamus #nostradamusprediction #seer #futurepredictions #seeintothefuture
Did you know there are more than one type of “high frequency spirit” that can assist you throughout different points in your life? Yup! Spirit guides, guardian angels, masters/teachers/loved ones, and many more. Check out episode 80 where Zoe and Katie get real technical with @theoptimysticoracle on how these spirits wanna help you!
#spiritguides #spiritguide #spiritual #guardianangel #guardianangels #mastersteachersandlovedones #pastlives #archangels #akashicrecords
“Wanna hear how angels are popcorn and spirit guides are spaghettis? On this episode of Spooky Corner, we interview Tera who works for the Akashic Records. She discussed how spirits and angels are here to help you, and she has NO SPACE for demons. If you wanna check her out more, hit up her website and social medias!
IG: @theoptimysticoracle
The Haunted Housewives Podcast
IG: @haunted.housewives.podcast “
This was such an amazing interview with Tera! She was very thorough with her answer with the best (food) analogies to describe everything. She talks about the Akashic Records and does spirit guide works. This episode is 10/10 awesome. Please be sure to listen to our newest episode featuring ✨ Tera ✨
#spiritguide #spiritguidework #yourspirit #yourspiritguide #raiseyourvibration #raiseyourvibrations #spiritvibrations #akashicrecords #akashic #angelnumbers #angelguides
“Damn those routine flair drop training exercises! Also, if its not a weather balloon, its a barn owl. FACTS!”
It’s Sunday, and you should’ve listened to our newest episode that dropped on Friday 😎 This week Katie talks about the mysterious lights that few over Phoenix AZ. While Zoe tells the tale of the Flatwoods Monster 👹
What were these mysterious lights? Why is the Flatwoods monster called the Flatwoods monster? Tune into episode 77 to discover the ✨ answers ✨
#ufo #ufosighting #ufosightings #weirdlights #itsnotabird #itsnotaplane #itsflairs #phoenixlights #routinetrainingexercise #lizardmonster #flatwoods #flatwoodsmonster
“In this volume of spooky corner, we interview the lovely Karly from @haunted.housewives.podcast! She is an ex-Mormon who found her calling in the spiritual realm, specifically tarot cards. You can check her out on her Instagram @thevillagetarotwitch”
This interview was amazingggg! We had such a blast with Karly on our show. We discussed her journey with becoming a tarot reader and some of her scariest cases 😱 be sure to tune in anywhere you listen to podcasts 👂 🎙 ✨
#paranormal #tarotreading #interview #podcastinterview #womenofpodcasting #podcastingwomen #elemental #forestelemental #nightterrors #podcast #podcasting #stubbedtoe
(Due to technical difficulties (ie Katie getting sick like a lil bitch [strep throat]) we are launching episode 60 now and then 59 later) So do you wanna know how to summon a demon in the shower while butt naked?? Be sure to turn into this episode featuring the most wonderful Becky Kilimnik from @homespunhaints podcast!
#nakedghost #showerghost #showersummoning #multitasking #demonintheshower #episode60 #ballsy #showerdemon #howtosummondemon #derailconversation #shenanigans
“Its been 1 year since we've put together this wonderful sh*t show. So please enjoy this hot special! A place so haunted a man shaped hole with a cowboy hat will whoop your ass. And a place so haunted that no one makes it out unscathed...”
Can you believe it?? It’s actually been one full year since we started this! We’ve had so much fun putting these episodes together and interacting with you all! So for this special occasion we put together two amazingly haunted stories. Zoe covers Bobby Mackey’s Music World and Katie covers the Exorcisms of Latoya Ammons aka Demon house. This one is a goody so be sure to check it out!!
#whacktheguy #mobbosswhack #notmurder #bobbymackeys #bobbymackeysmusicworld #jaylikesbutts #latoyaammons #demonhouse #anniversary #anniversaryspecial #oneyeardown
In episode 54, Zoe covers not deer and several stories of how they look… spoiler alert they kinda don’t look like deer. Anyways this video was circling around on tik tok about being a not deer. I think it’s neck is way too damn long, it should have been running from the sound of the mini bike, and my brain is only processing two legs??? What do you all think?
#spiderdeer #isthatthegrimreaper #notdeer #appalachianbullsh*t #appalachiandeer #tiktokvideoviral #jaylikesbutts #appalachiancryptids #appalachiancryptid
Have you ever seen a deer that didn’t quite look like a deer? A deer that made you feel so unsettled down to the core? Well this episode has 3 stories on not deer and how they are spooky as sh*t
#notdeer #notdeers #notdeerproof #spiderdeer #podcastersunite #womenofpodcasting #appalachiancryptids #appalachiancryptid #appalachianbullsh*t #ifyouaskme #jaylikesbutts
“Even though this som bitch has been seen for over a century, no one has proof it exists. Also, not deer is straight from Adventure Time change my mind. “
It’s Friday and y’all know what that means! New episode 🤩 this week Katie is talking about the Jersey Devil, while Zoe is covering the Appalachian mystery of Not Deer. Be sure to check out this episode filled with a bunch of shenanigans!
#jeserydevil #gongetya #thatsombitch #devilcraze #rattleyourchains #notdeer #appalachiandeer #deernotdeer #mushmellow