🌈 What is ovulation + how to track it 🥚🌡️⬇️
Most of us didn’t get the best s*x ed classes (if you even got one at all), and they certainly didn’t cover your fertility, so let me break this down for you right now 👇
🥚 Ovulation is the main event of our cycle
➡️ Ovulation is what happens when an egg “drops” or bursts from its sack and is now ready to be fertilized with s***m to potentially make a baby. Ovulation itself is actually not very long, although we give it about 24 hours.
💧 The fertile window is the window of time in which we can get pregnant. That typically lasts 5-7 days. Why? Because s***m can live inside of us for ~5 days.
So if you are doin the deed and your partner finishes inside of you on Monday, that s***m could possibly get you pregnant if you ovulate a few days later that week.
If you’re TTC, this can work in your favor to be intimate the days leading up to ovulation, but if you’re trying to avoid it is helpful to know for sure where you’re at in your cycle so that you can choose to abstain or use a barrier method and/ or pullout!
After ovulation and up until menstruation (and for some people even a few days into menstruation - important to reference the rules of your FAM method to be sure), we cannot get pregnant! So after you can confirm that ovulation has occurred and have effectively charted your cycle (manually with a FAM method, NOT with a prediction app), you can usually do all of the things you want to each other’s fun parts without a care in the world!
So… HOW do we track our ovulation? There’s a few ways:
1️⃣ Basal Body Temperate (BBT)
2️⃣ Cervical mucus monitoring
3️⃣ Cervical Position
4️⃣ Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs)
5️⃣ A mix of all of the above in a FAM method of your choice
What is FAM? 👉 The goal of the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) is to use the body’s biological signs to make getting pregnant or avoiding pregnancy ideally easy AF. You just have to know how to read those signs and make them work in your favor!