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Teng Crux TV Vlog I love to spend my time on nature, reflecting on the solemnity of the moment in the presence of GOD.


October 25, 2023
29th Week in Ordinary Time [Green]

Lk 12:39-48

✠ A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke

Jesus said to his disciples:
“Be sure of this:
if the master of the house had known the hour
when the thief was coming,
he would not have let his house be broken into.
You also must be prepared,
for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.”

Then Peter said,
“Lord, is this parable meant for us or for everyone?”
And the Lord replied,
“Who, then, is the faithful and prudent steward
whom the master will put in charge of his servants
to distribute the food allowance at the proper time?
Blessed is that servant whom his master on arrival finds doing so.
Truly, I say to you, he will put him
in charge of all his property.
But if that servant says to himself,
‘My master is delayed in coming,’
and begins to beat the menservants and the maidservants,
to eat and drink and get drunk,
then that servant’s master will come
on an unexpected day and at an unknown hour
and will punish the servant severely
and assign him a place with the unfaithful.
That servant who knew his master’s will
but did not make preparations nor act in accord with his will shall be beaten severely;
and the servant who was ignorant of his master’s will but acted in a way deserving of a severe beating shall be beaten only lightly.
Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.”

The Gospel of the Lord.



Today"s gospel serves as a profound reflection on the importance of accountability and faithfulness as stewards of God's blessings. It reminds believers of the need to remain vigilant, ensuring that they fulfill their duties even in the face of uncertainty. Simultaneously, the passage warns of the severe consequences of neglecting one's responsibilities, underlining the importance of obediently serving God and others. ❤️🙏

+Teng Crux

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October 24, 2023
29th Week in Ordinary Time [Green]

Lk 12:35-38

✠ A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke

Jesus said to his disciples:
“Gird your loins and light your lamps
and be like servants who await their master’s return from a wedding,
ready to open immediately when he comes and knocks.
Blessed are those servants
whom the master finds vigilant on his arrival.
Amen, I say to you, he will gird himself,
have them recline at table, and proceed to wait on them.
And should he come in the second or third watch
and find them prepared in this way,
blessed are those servants.”

The Gospel of the Lord.


Reflection #1

The biblical phrase "Blessed are those servants whom the master finds vigilant on his arrival" reminds us of the importance of being prepared and attentive in our lives, as it highlights the rewards of being diligent, responsible, and proactive individuals.

It encourages us to anticipate challenges, be prepared for unforeseen circumstances, and take timely action to prevent or address potential issues. This mindset generates a sense of control and confidence, allowing us to navigate through life's ups and downs with resilience and grace.

Also, it emphasizes the importance of remaining alert and prepared for unforeseen circumstances, highlighting the positive outcome that can be derived from such vigilance.

Being vigilant involves staying aware of one's surroundings, keeping an open mind, and staying attuned to the needs and expectations of oneself and others. It means constantly assessing and adapting to changing circumstances, being proactive rather than reactive, and anticipating potential challenges or opportunities that may arise.

In this sense, those who embody vigilance are often rewarded with positive outcomes. When one remains vigilant, they increase their chances of success, as they are better prepared to navigate unexpected obstacles and seize valuable opportunities that others might miss. Additionally, vigilance can enhance personal growth by fostering a mindset of continuous improvement, self-reflection, and learning.

However, it is important to note that this biblical quote also emphasizes the concept of servant leadership. It reminds us that true vigilance is not only about personal gain or achievement but also about serving others and fulfilling our responsibilities and obligations faithfully.

To be blessed, in biblical terms, suggests not only receiving Divine favor, but also experiencing inner peace, contentment, and a deep sense of purpose. Therefore, to be vigilant and attentive to our duties fosters a sense of fulfillment and personal growth, leading to a more meaningful and satisfying life.

The presence of the master in this phrase signifies an authority figure - GOD. GOD who watches over and guides us. By remaining vigilant, we demonstrate our respect, trust, and commitment towards GOD, aligning our actions with our religious beliefs and moral values.

In conclusion, the biblical phrase "Blessed are those servants whom the master finds vigilant on his arrival" encourages us to prioritize diligence, responsibility, and proactive behavior in our lives. By remaining watchful and committed to our duties, we not only experience personal growth and fulfillment but also strengthen our relationship with a higher power. May we all strive to be vigilant servants, reaping the rewards that come with such dedication. ❤️🙏

+Teng Crux


Reflection #2

Being vigilant in anticipation of the master's arrival emphasizes the importance of preparing oneself in various aspects of life, such as personal and spiritual growth, moral responsibility, community involvement and spiritual enlightenment.

The importance of vigilance in fulfilling our duties as servants is highlighted in the biblical passage "Blessed are those servants whom the master finds vigilant on his arrival." Vigilance encompasses actively staying alert and prepared for the tasks assigned to us, which ultimately leads to blessings and rewards.

Blessed are those servants who consistently exhibit mindfulness, attentiveness, and readiness, as they are more likely to achieve success, fulfillment, and a meaningful existence in their journey towards self-improvement and enlightenment.

By staying vigilant, we can embark on a transformative experience that not only benefits our own lives but also contributes positively to our communities, ultimately leading to a brighter and more harmonious world. ❤️🙏

+Teng Crux

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October 23, 2023Monday29th Week in Ordinary Time [Green]GOSPELLk 12:13-21✠ A reading from the holy Gospel according to L...

October 23, 2023
29th Week in Ordinary Time [Green]

Lk 12:13-21

✠ A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke

Someone in the crowd said to Jesus,
“Teacher, tell my brother to share the inheritance with me.”
He replied to him,
“Friend, who appointed me as your judge and arbitrator?”
Then he said to the crowd,
“Take care to guard against all greed,
for though one may be rich,
one’s life does not consist of possessions.”

Then he told them a parable.
“There was a rich man whose land produced a bountiful harvest.
He asked himself, ‘What shall I do,
for I do not have space to store my harvest?’
And he said, ‘This is what I shall do:
I shall tear down my barns and build larger ones.
There I shall store all my grain and other goods
and I shall say to myself, “Now as for you,
you have so many good things stored up for many years,
rest, eat, drink, be merry!”’
But God said to him,
‘You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you;
and the things you have prepared, to whom will they belong?’
Thus will it be for the one who stores up treasure for himself
but is not rich in what matters to God.”

The Gospel of the Lord.



In Jesus' words, "Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one's life does not consist of possessions," he emphasizes the importance of prioritizing spiritual and moral values over material wealth. While wealth and possessions may provide temporary comfort and security, they do not define one's existence or contribute to genuine happiness. This implies that accumulating wealth should not be the ultimate goal in life, as it often leads to greed and the neglect of more meaningful aspects of human existence.

Greed, defined as an excessive desire for wealth or possessions, is a pervasive vice that can corrupt individuals and societies. It blinds people, causing them to lose sight of their true purpose and become consumed by materialistic pursuits. Consequently, relationships are strained, empathy is diminished, and the quest for accumulation is relentless, leading to an unfulfilling and superficial existence.

Jesus' words also reveal the fallacy of equating possessions with personal worth or identity. Society often perpetuates the notion that one's value is contingent upon material possessions or social status. However, these external factors are transient and subject to change, offering little substance to one's character or lasting fulfillment.

Instead of measuring one's worth by wealth, Jesus encourages individuals to invest in virtues such as love, generosity, compassion, and empathy. By cultivating these qualities, one can experience a richer and more meaningful life, defined by fulfilling relationships, selflessness, and a deeper understanding of oneself and others.

In conclusion, Jesus' warning against greed and the superficial pursuit of possessions is a profound reminder that true fulfillment comes from embracing spiritual and moral values rather than accumulating material wealth. By consciously guarding against greed and prioritizing virtues, individuals can lead more fulfilled lives characterized by genuine relationships and a sense of purpose beyond transient possessions. ❤️🙏

+Teng Crux


October 22, 2023
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time [Green]
[m] John Paul II, Pope

Mt 22:15-21

✠ A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew

The Pharisees went off
and plotted how they might entrap Jesus in speech.
They sent their disciples to him, with the Herodians, saying,
“Teacher, we know that you are a truthful man
and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth.
And you are not concerned with anyone’s opinion,
for you do not regard a person’s status.
Tell us, then, what is your opinion:
Is it lawful to pay the census tax to Caesar or not?”
Knowing their malice, Jesus said,
“Why are you testing me, you hypocrites?
Show me the coin that pays the census tax.”
Then they handed him the Roman coin.
He said to them, “Whose image is this and whose inscription?”
They replied, “Caesar’s.”
At that he said to them,
“Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar
and to God what belongs to God.”

The Gospel of the Lord.



"Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God" is a thought-provoking statement that holds profound significance in matters of religion, politics, and ethics. This timeless phrase, originally uttered by Jesus Christ, implores us to discern the boundaries between secular and spiritual authority, urging us to fulfill our responsibilities to both.

At face value, the saying recognizes the legitimacy and importance of governmental authorities. Caesar, in this case, symbolizes the secular rulers and institutions responsible for upholding law and order. It implies that we, as citizens, have an obligation to acknowledge and honor our civic responsibilities, including paying taxes, upholding the laws, and participating in the democratic processes of their societies. By doing so, we as individuals contribute to the functioning and growth of our respective nations.

However, this statement also delineates the intertwining relationship between earthly and divine affairs. While the realm of Caesar encompasses the temporal aspects of human existence, the realm of God encompasses the spiritual and moral. It highlights the necessity to differentiate between the obligations we owe to the state and the obligations we owe to our religious beliefs.

As we live the complexities of life, we must ensure that we do not compromise our spiritual principles while fulfilling our civic duties. The metaphorical call to "repay to God what belongs to God" encourages us to prioritize our core values, abide by our religious or ethical beliefs, and remain steadfast in our commitments to humanity, compassion, justice, and love.

By invoking this phrase, Jesus Christ not only emphasized the distinct roles of religion and governance but also advocated for a harmonious coexistence between the two. It reminds us that while recognizing the authority of governmental systems is essential, religious and spiritual pursuits should inform one's conscience and guide their actions. This is crucial to maintaining a just and moral society where we can freely practice their religious beliefs while abiding by the laws of the land.

Moreover, this biblical passage encourages individuals to foster a balanced perspective, recognizing that neither the secular nor the spiritual realm exists in isolation. Instead, they intersect and influence one another. Religious teachings can inspire citizens to be responsible, law-abiding individuals who strive for justice, equality, and compassion in their societies. Conversely, the principles of governance, when grounded in fairness and respect for individual liberties, can create an environment conducive to practicing one's religious beliefs freely.

In conclusion, the saying "Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God" urges us to navigate the intricate balance between our civic duties and their spiritual convictions. It emphasizes the importance of harmonizing both realms, maintaining a sense of responsibility towards the governing authorities while remaining steadfast in our religious principles. By reconciling these obligations, individuals can contribute to the betterment of society while honoring their spiritual beliefs and fostering a just, compassionate, and morally upright community. ❤️🙏

+Teng Crux

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October 21, 2023
28th Week in Ordinary Time [Green]

Lk 12:8-12

✠ A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke

Jesus said to his disciples:
“I tell you,
everyone who acknowledges me before others
the Son of Man will acknowledge before the angels of God.
But whoever denies me before others
will be denied before the angels of God.

“Everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven,
but the one who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit
will not be forgiven.
When they take you before synagogues and before rulers and authorities,
do not worry about how or what your defense will be
or about what you are to say.
For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that moment what you should say.”

The Gospel of the Lord


Reflection #1

The Holy Spirit, as described in the Bible, is often associated with wisdom, guidance, and empowerment. In the Book of Luke, it is written that the Holy Spirit will teach believers what they should say in moments of uncertainty or challenge. This divine guidance is not only applicable to biblical times, but is applicable to our lives today.

In the midst of difficult situations, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to say. It is during these moments that the Holy Spirit can step in and guide us towards the appropriate words. Whether it is during a heated argument, a high-pressure presentation, or a comforting conversation with a loved one, the Holy Spirit can bring calmness and clarity to our hearts and minds.

However, it is important to note that the Holy Spirit can only guide us if we are willing to listen and be open to His voice. This requires a humble and teachable spirit, as well as regular communication with God through prayer and meditation. By seeking His wisdom and guidance, we allow the Holy Spirit to speak to us and through us.

Moreover, the Holy Spirit's teachings are not limited to just words. He can also give us insights, ideas, and solutions that we may never have come up with on our own. He can inspire our creativity, sharpen our intuition, and empower us to act in ways that reflect God’s love and grace.

In conclusion, the Holy Spirit’s teaching encompasses more than just words. He is a source of wisdom, guidance, and empowerment in our lives. By cultivating a relationship with Him and being open to His guidance, we can experience His transformative presence. May we always seek the Holy Spirit's teaching, trusting that He will provide us with the right words and actions in every situation. ❤️🙏

+Teng Crux


Reflection #2

The Holy Spirit plays a vital role in guiding and teaching us in our daily lives. It is often during the most challenging or unexpected moments that we lean on the Holy Spirit for guidance and wisdom. The promise that the Holy Spirit will teach us what to say at that very moment is truly reassuring.

In moments of distress, it is natural for us to feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do or say. However, we can draw strength from the knowledge that the Holy Spirit is with us, ready to guide us through any situation. The Holy Spirit’s teachings come in various forms. It may be a still, small voice within us, nudging us towards a certain action or prompting us to speak the truth. Other times, it may be through the wise counsel of others or the words of Scripture that the Holy Spirit imparts wisdom and understanding. Regardless of the source, the Holy Spirit’s guidance is always available, waiting for us to turn to it in times of need.

Moreover, the Holy Spirit’s teachings extend beyond just knowing what to say. It provides us with the confidence and assurance necessary to boldly proclaim our faith and share God’s love with others. By relying on the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we can speak with wisdom, humility, and love, even in challenging circumstances. The Holy Spirit equips us with the words we need to comfort, uplift, and inspire those around us.

In conclusion, the promise of the Holy Spirit teaching us what to say in critical moments is a remarkable gift. It reassures us that we are not alone and that we have access to divine wisdom and guidance. By leaning on the Holy Spirit, we can confidently navigate any situation, knowing that we are equipped with the right words at the right time. ❤️🙏

+Teng Crux

August 27, 2023Gospel Reflection:In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus poses a question to his disciples: “Who do people say t...

August 27, 2023

Gospel Reflection:

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus poses a question to his disciples: “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” This question serves as a moment of reflection, on both the perception of Jesus by the people around him and the extent to which his message has been understood. Upon hearing the question, Simon Peter responds with an assertive declaration, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

Peter's response is significant as it displays not only his personal understanding and faith in Jesus but also his realization of Jesus' divine nature. By referring to him as the Christ, Peter acknowledges Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah promised by the prophets. Additionally, by recognizing him as the Son of the living God, Peter acknowledges Jesus' divinity and his role as the Son of God.

This declaration carries immense importance as it highlights Jesus' purpose and mission on earth. It emphasizes that he is not just a great teacher or a prophet but the embodiment of God's love and salvation for humanity. Peter's declaration becomes a pivotal moment in the disciples' journey, as it solidifies their understanding of who Jesus truly is and deepens their commitment to follow him.

Moreover, this question and response continue to resonate with believers throughout history. It urges us to reflect on our own understanding of Jesus and encourages us to affirm his divinity and lordship in our lives. It challenges us to go beyond perceiving Jesus as a historical figure or a wise teacher but to embrace him as the Savior and the Son of God who offers us the gift of eternal life.

In conclusion, Jesus' question and Peter's response serve as a profound moment of recognition and affirmation. It not only highlights Peter's faith in Jesus but also invites us, as readers or believers, to introspect and answer this question for ourselves. Ultimately, it reminds us that Jesus is not just an ordinary man but the Christ, the Son of the living God, who invites us to follow him and experience the abundant life he offers. ❤️🙏

-Teng Crux


Bread for the Soul #30


Reconciliation is a profound process that requires humility, understanding and forgiveness. It is an essential effort to foster harmony, healing and unity in the world.


Bread for the Soul #11

Generosity transforms lives


Love of GOD and love of neighbor


Bread for the Soul #6

Do to others what you others do unto you. ❤️🙏


Let us pray,

Create a clean heart and a healthy body in us, O GOD. Let your mercy be upon us. Grant us your grace especially in times of trials, difficulties and sufferings. Guide us with your saving WORD, O GOD. Make us humble and meek to learn your ways and be obedient to do your will. This we pray in your mighty Name. Amen. ❤️🙏


Almighty and eternal GOD, make us a faithful stewards of your gifts. Amen. ❤️🙏

GOD's creation is a reflection of GOD's love and omnipotence. Praise and thanks be to GOD! ❤️🙏

GOD's creation is a reflection of GOD's love and omnipotence. Praise and thanks be to GOD! ❤️🙏

GOD's beautiful creationLet us pray,Eternal and merciful GOD, we thank you for your creation. We thank you for creating ...

GOD's beautiful creation

Let us pray,

Eternal and merciful GOD, we thank you for your creation. We thank you for creating us and giving us life. We thank you for all the things that we enjoy from your kindness and might.

Make us faithful steward of your creation. Make us instruments of your generosity and peace to all creatures.

Bless our family with the abundance of your divine providence. Fill each of us with you joy, love, peace and wisdom. Grant us healthy body to fulfill our mission to proclaim you and your kingdom.

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sinned against us. Never let us fall into temptation. By your power and love protect us from evil. Give us your gift of salvation.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Let us pray,

Mama Mary, we love you. Thank you for humbly accepting the will of GOD to be the Mother of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. Intercede for us, your children and bring us closer to your Son. This we pray through Christ, our Lord. Amen.






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