SESU Owner/Ceo Npaub Story
“We were certained, we didn’t want a pre-packaged fashion show”
I met Hill Tribe Fusion designer Mang and Shang back in Fall of 2014. Shang had reached out to me and asked if I could open a slot during my team's concert to help feature their collections. At the time, we were just strangers, still unfamiliar with each other’s work, passion, and dreams. Never would I have guessed, this would be the beginning of more beautiful collaborations to come.
What compelled me to work with Hill Tribe Fusion was our common goal; the commitment to create artwork that was bigger than ourselves. So last year, I reached out to Mang and Shang with a proposal and we kicked off pre-production earlier this year in February 2023. For the first time ever, a show will be dedicated solely to Hill Tribe Fusion; upholding the importance of community, heritage and opportunities for models, dancers, singers, small businesses, organizations, and our trusted leaders to be recognized on HTF's runway.
Together our team staffed 100 leads and volunteers: glam squad, media, tech, ticketing, check-in, charcuterie, security, models, coach, singers, emcees and dancers. This show would have not been possible without their time and dedication. Know that your hard work does not go unnoticed. So thank you!
To the donators and sponsors that believed in HTF's vision and SESU's production, we appreciate your willingness to trust and build partnership with our team. Because of your commitment, generosity and support, we were able to deliver a remarkable show, achieving great reviews.
Hope Center
Project Hmong
California State Treasure Fiona Ma
Councilmember Mai Vang
Misty & Phong Yang
Longchang Market
Delola Spritz
Sak Vue, Veronica Thao, Dexe Thao, Mayra Aguiar, Tracie Dang-Perez and Cindy Yang, you are all dependable leaders and it was an honor to see you work in your field of mastery. I admire your hustle, creativity and appreciate all your late night updates and follow-up on our 10+ fb messengers/group threads. At the end of the night, I was left with little words to share. If art is a language meant to speak when things can't be said, know that your artwork elevated the runway and spoke high volume.
And lastly, I cannot thank Mang and Shang enough. Working alongside with Hill Tribe Fusion has expanded my window of patiences and tolerance. Throughout our journey together, you both continue to demonstrate maturity and the ability to operate in chaotic working condition. Although talent is valuable in this industry, it is good character that leads to true success. Thank you for trusting me with your life long work. It is an honor to take lead with both you on your “Journey.” I still can't believe it is your first Hill Tribe Fusion's Fashion Show. The bars are set high, so I know it will only go up from here. Cheering you both on and can't wait to see your work showcase next in PARIS.
“A creative adult is the child who survived and I am so proud of us”
-SESU CEO Taylor Npaub Vang