Let us Reason...and ask ourselves a tough question; Do we have a Realtionship problem?
When unfruitful distractions take presidence in our lives; relationships suffer. I don't need to make a list; we all know what we spend our time on.
There has to be balance, ⚖ but that is the problem isn't it...we may be in a state of unbalanced; extremes of dogmatic, prideful, legalistic, causing division, self
absorption, noisy clanging bell, or lazy, indifferent, fearful and self absorbed, self pity; either imbalance doesn't matter, the results are the same; Self on the Throne of our Hearts/Life.
We can't give what we don't have. A life altering heart change; which will cause a vision change. This means we must take up our cross daily dying to self, dethroning ourselves and allow God's Spirit to reign and lead us daily, and we should keep in step with the spirit; living daily unto Christ Jesus; for His glory. Our lives should be lives of integrity; that can only happen when we have an understanding of the dynamics of Love and what that looks like manifested in real life; in relationships, in friendships, acquaintances, and even to strangers. Jesus is our example, we should be mirroring Him.
Let us examine our hearts then, and ask ourselves Why! Why did I do that? Why am I doing this? What is motivating me to do this? What is my agenda in my actions? Is it about me, and what I need or want or is it Because God's Love and Spirit in me, compels me to do and be a person of integrity, a living example and imager of Jesus; in doing so, His love is manifested; bringing God the glory here and now.