Fill your well up and then give from there!
#self-love #valentinesday #
Happy Snow Day!! We love our mugs! Sipping on Hot Chocolate. #thegoodlife #snowday @queenlove1628
The Year of The Dragon. Mount up!!
#yearofthedragon #happynewyear
We crossed the finish line!!! Thank you all SO MUCH! This was definitely a powerful challenge. I'm eager to see what it will unleash. #Barbados #Perseverance #personalpower #coldshowers
What a powerful day!! Are you ready to remove yourself from the "especially" category? We have the power to reverse ANY situation that we face. Do you have the "Eye of the Tiger"? I want to hear your ROAR!! #personalpower #Perseverance #coldshowers #ROAR
Do you want a change in your life. I mean REALLY want a change, a shift? Or are you just going to settle for feeling unfilled? We were meant squeeze every ounce of potential in this life. Stop playing small, stop dimming your light, stop accepting led than your worth, get out of your own way, do I need to keep going?
YOU drive this experience, so where are you going?? #Perseverance #personalpower #determination #Selfdiscipline #coldshowers #thefouragreements
We are beings of unlimited potential!! One of the strongest mediums is TV/ FILM. I'm looking for the melanated film makers, writers, producers to take the helm of writing or creating characters that don't carry the stigma of being black in the U.S.A.
If we were to begin showing ourselves as equals, meaning not eluding to our skin as the reason for any drawbacks. In fact not mentioning our skin at all. That is how we position ourselves as equals, leveling the playing field. We have to level it ourselves. We are not restricted to just one way of being depicted. WE have to put a STOP to allowing media to reduce us to the melanin level in our skin. Empowerment is KNOWING that the skin has no power.
#powerthrough #personalpower #Perseverance #coldshowers
Just want to say "THANK YOU", it means more than I can express. We're almost at the finish line! P.S is actually day 27 but don't tell nobody
#personalpower #Perseverance #powerthrough #coldshowers
This is what Cold Shower Discipline looks like! 👏🏽🥳🎊
If you want to do something you've never done before you have to be someone you've never been before.
#personalpower #powerthrough #Perseverance #coldshowers
It's time to re-write your story!! You are the author of your life. The Universe is the publisher! Oops Day 25!! I need an assistant! 🤣
#personalpower #Perseverance #coldshowers #selfwork
What is the story that you tell yourself, that you have been telling yourself? Where did you get this story? Do you want to re-write your story? OR are you going to settle for the story that undeserved you, especially if it's regarding the melanin level in your skin?? Also keep watch on the system that has governed this country upon its inception begin to dismantle right before our very eyes. A Day is dawning! #personalpower #Perseverance #coldshowers #selflimitingbeliefs
I was off a day. It's day 23!! I've been at this for 3 WEEKS 🥳🎉
It hasn't gotten easier but o have gotten stronger! #personalpower #Perseverance #coldshowers #selfdisciplibe