Share your story below….. #BreakingTheSilence #ProjectRenew #resilience #mentalwellness
Daily affirmations have been known to be beneficial in training your mind to focus on the positive and building self love and compassion. The words you speak to yourself are powerful! Do you start or end your days with words of affirmation? We would love to hear them! Share your favorite affirmations with us below! #projectrenew #restorenurses #mentalhealthmatters💚 #dailyaffirmations
Boundaries are like shields for your mental health. They define your limits, ensuring you stay emotionally and mentally balanced. Remember, setting boundaries is an act of self-compassion. Your mental health matters! What strategies have helped you maintain healthy boundaries in your nursing career? Share your insights below. 👇
Did you know that incorporating mindful breaks into your work day can increase productivity and reduce stress? .....How do you incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine? Share your mindfulness rituals with us! Join the ProjectRenew Community #MindfulnessPractice #NurseCalm #projectrenew #restorenurses
🌺 Start with self-love, and watch as the world blooms around you. Embrace your uniqueness, your flaws, and your beauty. When you love yourself unconditionally, you invite love, joy, and abundance into every aspect of your life. Let your love shine bright! 💕 #SelfLove #EmbraceYourself