Our Rebel Hymn

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Our Rebel Hymn Our Rebel Hymn is a liberty-minded new aggregate, finding and compiling the best news out there.

By lowering the “travel rule” threshold to $250, the government could access more of our financial data.

By lowering the “travel rule” threshold to $250, the government could access more of our financial data.

by Andrea O'Sullivan It is remarkable just how unremarkable America's massive financial surveillance system has become to most people. Americans were rightly outraged when Edward Snowden revealed the government's widespread spying campaigns on online communications. Yet every day, our financial tran...

The absurdities that result from overreliance on semi-arbitrary race-based categories.

The absurdities that result from overreliance on semi-arbitrary race-based categories.

by Robby Soave of Reason One school district in Washington state has evidently decided that Asians no longer qualify as persons of color. In their latest equity report, administrators at North Thurston Public Schools—which oversees some 16,000 students—lumped Asians in with whites and measured t...



Legally, he might be able to do it. Fiscally, he shouldn’t.

by Mike Riggs of Reason With Democrats staring down the possibility of Republicans maintaining control of the Senate, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D–Mass.) and 12 other Democratic Senators want President-elect Joe Biden to forgive hundreds of billions of dollars in student loan debt by using the Educati...

A second memory card with uncounted votes was found during an audit in Fayette County, Georgia, containing 2,755 votes a...

A second memory card with uncounted votes was found during an audit in Fayette County, Georgia, containing 2,755 votes according to WSBTV's Justin Gray.

The newfound ballots decreases Biden's statewide lead over President Trump by 449, leaving the margin at just 12,929 votes.

A second memory card with uncounted votes was found during an audit in Fayette County, Georgia, containing 2,755 votes according to WSBTV's Justin Gray. The newfound ballots decreases Biden's statewide lead over President Trump by 449, leaving the margin at just 12,929 votes. The news comes one day....

Paraphrasing Ronald Reagan here: Mr. Trump, tear down this fence. It’s unbecoming, unnecessary, and frankly, it scares m...

Paraphrasing Ronald Reagan here: Mr. Trump, tear down this fence. It’s unbecoming, unnecessary, and frankly, it scares me of what else you might do in times of stress.

by Steve Berman of The Resurgent. Whether President Trump retreated to the Presidential Bunker or not is not really a story worthy of serious reporting. Unless, of course, you are expanding the enormous oeuvre of fan-service narrative, like CNN’s Chris Cillizza does for a living. What is a big sto...


Our Rebel Hymn history lesson:

Our Rebel Hymn started as a means to educated curious folks during Election 2016 about liberty-oriented topics. We believe that the two-party system in the United States is broken, and that people shouldn't have to vote for the lesser of two evils.

After Election 2016, Our Rebel Hymn went on a hiatus due to personal reasons that we thought would affect the quality of the information we hope to propagate to the masses.

Now we realized that was a mistake. Now more than ever, the people need to hear how our lives are being controlled by the Democrats and the Republicans. Neither party is on your side. In the words of Alexis de Tocqueville, they are so "enamored of equality that they would rather (see everyone) equal in slavery than unequal in freedom."

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Our name, derived from the punk rock song "To The World" by Strike Anywhere asks, "are our rebel hymns incanted?" Are the songs and slogans of revolution something of the past, or can we reinvigorate a generation to sing louder, push for real change - maximum liberty.

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I want to leave you with the one of the verses from our namesakes lyrics:

Brothers in spirit, sisters in rage:
Will we live out our lives in this concrete cage?
Another heartbeat lost, another police murder,
Buried in the public's eyes on the back page.
Heartbeats lost in a new world order.
Hobbled and bound, but still walking away.

For fans of legal restrictions on self-defense rights, 2020 is a disaster. It provides continuing evidence that to push ...

For fans of legal restrictions on self-defense rights, 2020 is a disaster. It provides continuing evidence that to push gun control proposals is to advocate that the likes of Derek Chauvin—the Minneapolis cop who killed George Floyd—should be armed, while the communities they terrorize should be helpless.

by J.D. Tuccille of Reason For fans of legal restrictions on self-defense rights, 2020 is a disaster. It provides continuing evidence that to push gun control proposals is to advocate that the likes of Derek Chauvin—the Minneapolis cop who killed George Floyd—should be armed, while the communiti...

Over and over again, unions have defended bad policing and bad police. It’s time for them to go.

Over and over again, unions have defended bad policing and bad police. It’s time for them to go.

by Peter Suderman of Reason In 2018, as a gunman murdered 17 students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, Sgt. Brian Miller, a sheriff's deputy with the Broward County Sheriff's Office, hid behind his police cruiser, waiting 10 minutes to radio for help. For his failure to....

Biden voted for the 1997 bill that created the Pentagon's 1033 program, which allows surplus military gear to be passed ...

Biden voted for the 1997 bill that created the Pentagon's 1033 program, which allows surplus military gear to be passed along to local cops. It took 23 years, but he finally changed his opinion.

by Eric Boehm of Reason Biden voted for the 1997 bill that created the Pentagon's 1033 program, which allows surplus military gear to be passed along to local cops. It took 23 years, but he finally changed his opinion. In a Tuesday speech addressing the recent civic unrest that has roiled America si...

"Rioting is a form of tyranny," Tucker Carlson said on his Fox News show. He's wrong.

"Rioting is a form of tyranny," Tucker Carlson said on his Fox News show. He's wrong.

by J.D. Tuccille of Reason Since the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin—assisted by three murderously indifferent cop buddies—protests over abusive and lethal police conduct have spread across the country and turned destructive. Law-and-order types take that as a...

The killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer on Monday has reignited calls for national reforms to polici...

The killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer on Monday has reignited calls for national reforms to policing, including ending qualified immunity, a legal doctrine that civil liberties groups say has become a shield for grotesque police misconduct.

by C.J. Ciaramella of Reason The killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer on Monday has reignited calls for national reforms to policing, including ending qualified immunity, a legal doctrine that civil liberties groups say has become a shield for grotesque police misconduct. While so...

Even before protests over a controversial extradition bill sparked the tumultuous pro-democracy movement that swept acro...

Even before protests over a controversial extradition bill sparked the tumultuous pro-democracy movement that swept across Hong Kong last year, the notion that the city's freedoms were under threat, and that China would soon move to curtail them, had been gestating since the 2014 Umbrella Movement.

via Zero Hedge Even before protests over a controversial extradition bill sparked the tumultuous pro-democracy movement that swept across Hong Kong last year, the notion that the city's freedoms were under threat, and that China would soon move to curtail them, had been gestating since the 2014 Umbr...

It is important to remember that photos and videos of clashes between protesters and police can omit critical context. T...

It is important to remember that photos and videos of clashes between protesters and police can omit critical context. They are snapshots of wide-ranging and chaotic scenes, and often do not tell the whole story.

by Eric Boehm of Reason It's already a surreal scene: The National Guard and local police are marching through a leafy neighborhood in Minneapolis. Then the shooting starts. Tanya Kerssen was standing on her front porch filming the procession of armored vehicles and riot gear–clad troops rolling t...

As emergency orders are lifted and beaches and businesses reopen, add protests to the list of concerns about a possible ...

As emergency orders are lifted and beaches and businesses reopen, add protests to the list of concerns about a possible second wave of coronavirus outbreaks. It’s also an issue from Paris to Hong Kong, where anti-government protesters accuse police of using social distancing rules to break up their rallies.

by Brian Melley and John Seewer of The Associated Press LOS ANGELES — The mayor of Atlanta, one of dozens of U.S. cities hit by massive protests in recent days, has a message for demonstrators: “If you were out protesting last night, you probably need to go get a COVID test this week.” As emer...

In other words, any unfortunate shopkeeper or resident who finds himself in the path of the rioters ought to just assume...

In other words, any unfortunate shopkeeper or resident who finds himself in the path of the rioters ought to just assume that police won't be around to provide any protection from the mob.

Looting and arson have followed what began as peaceful protests in response to the apparent killing of George Floyd by Derek Chauvin, a now-former member of the Minneapolis Police Department. But whatever was the spark that set off the current round of rioting in the Twin Cities area, it is clear th...

"What we saw in the video was inconsistent and contrary to everything we have been taught, not just as an academy recrui...

"What we saw in the video was inconsistent and contrary to everything we have been taught, not just as an academy recruit or a police officer, but as human beings."

by Scott Shackford of Reason After New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer Daniel Pantaleo was videotaped confronting and choking Eric Garner to death in 2014, public outrage over what had happened was fueled in part by defiant police unions in the city who refused to consider the possibility...

While the rest of the world is distracted by the COVID-19 pandemic, China has moved to consolidate its control over Hong...

While the rest of the world is distracted by the COVID-19 pandemic, China has moved to consolidate its control over Hong Kong.

by Eric Boehm of Reason While the rest of the world is distracted by the COVID-19 pandemic, China has moved to consolidate its control over Hong Kong. The United States should respond by allowing Hongkongers to immigrate to America immediately. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced this week that...


by John Vibes of TheMindUnleashed.com A bizarre twist in the murder of George Floyd was reported on Thursday night, as a former club owner in south Minneapolis revealed that Floyd worked at her club as a security guard, alongside recently fired police officer Derek Chauvin, the man who killed him. C...


by Jon Swartz of MarketWatch President Donald Trump is poised to sign an executive order on social-media companies Thursday, escalating his war on Twitter Inc., although it remains unclear what it will entail. Late Wednesday night, the Wall Street Journal reported a draft copy of the order would lim...


by Yonah Jeremy Bob of The Jerusalem Post After years of probes, immunity battles, High Court decisions and a corona delay, Benjamin Netanyahu will go down in history on Sunday at 3 p.m. as the first sitting prime minister to go on trial for public corruption. Just as the indictment against Netanyah...


by MN Gordon of EconomicPrism.com Scientists are always whittling away at the unknown with new tools and technologies. The honest ones recognize the limits of their work. Yet they push onward; always chasing the elusive breakthrough. The charlatans, however, don’t care about adding to human knowle...


WASHINGTON - The Trump administration has discussed whether to conduct the first U.S. nuclear test explosion since 1992 in a move that would have far-reaching consequences for relations with other nuclear powers and reverse a decades-long moratorium on such actions, said a senior administration offi...


Published by themickey on Elite Trader On the first day of China’s biggest political event of the year, Xi Jinping sent a clear message to Donald Trump: We’re going to do what we want in Hong Kong, and we’re not scared of the consequences. China confirmed on Friday that it would effectively by...


by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse “When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.” That is a direct quote from Benjamin Franklin, and it has turned out to be quite prophetic. Today, most of our politicians are socialists whether they a...


by Alan G. Futerman and Walter E. Block How would a libertarian limited government deal with a pandemic, such as the one we are now living with COVID-19? By promoting liberty, not by calling for the death of capitalism and the free market as we hear all too often. Economic freedom is most needed pre...


by Kimberlee Kruesi of The Associated Press NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — More than 11 million people have been tested in the U.S. for COVID-19, all with the assurance that their private medical information would remain protected and undisclosed. Yet, public officials in at least two-thirds of states ar...


by Billy Binion of Reason Last year, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit Court decided that two police officers in Fresno, California, who allegedly stole more than $225,000 in assets while executing a search warrant, could not be sued over the incident. Though "the City Officers ought to....


Asian-American doctors and nurses are fighting racism and the coronavirus


Chile virus cases soar as soldiers deploy following unrest


Report warns against coronavirus fever-screening devices


by Jonathon Turley Various media outlets are struggling with recent polls that not only show President Trump at the same popularity as this time last year but actually rising in states like Ohio. When one poll found him leading by 7 points in battleground states, John King cautioned viewers to “be...


by Robert Skidelsky of Project Syndicate Governments cannot openly admit that the "controlled easing” of COVID-19 lockdowns in fact means controlled progress toward so-called herd immunity to the virus. Much better, then, to pursue this objective silently, under a cloud of obfuscation, and hope th...


by Josh Lederman, Andrea Mitchell and Haley Talbot of NBC News WASHINGTON — Ousted State Department Inspector General Steve Linick was investigating Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s decision to greenlight arms sales to Saudi Arabia against the will of Congress when he was abruptly removed from h...


by Damon Root of Reason The U.S. Supreme Court has an unfortunate habit of shortchanging certain constitutional rights. When the justices hear a case involving a possible infringement on the right to free speech, they generally presume that the regulation at issue is unconstitutional and force the g...


by Lee Fang of The Intercept The Federal Government has ramped up security and police-related spending in response to the coronavirus pandemic, including issuing contracts for riot gear, disclosures show. The purchase orders include requests for disposable cuffs, gas masks, ballistic helmets, and ri...


Compared to last year, the streets of Hong Kong over the past few months have been largely quiet. Gone are the massive protests, as people stayed home to stave off the pandemic. But away from the global spotlight, drastic changes have unfurled at remarkable speed in the city. Just 10 days after auth...


WASHINGTON (AP) — The day he declared the COVID-19 pandemic a national emergency, President Donald Trump made a cryptic offhand remark. “I have the right to do a lot of things that people don’t even know about,” he said at the White House. Trump wasn’t just crowing. Dozens of statutory aut...


Most human beings still think like slaves. Instead of asking questions or using critical thinking skills to ask if something is right before doing it, they simply obey perceived “authority”. The truth is, this lockdown is the fault of everyone who complied and everyone who used forced to exact r...


In the “new normal” of social distancing, governments could dictate who you’re allowed to socialize with and punish wrongdoers via a smart phone tracking app. Governments are now considering a post-lockdown world of “social bubbles,” which in the UK translates into a proposal to allow peop...



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