I got a new mouse! This one doesn't have Dr. Pepper, vodka, beer, and coffee in it (yet). Steam allows for hybrid controls. I'm going to be working on my Portal 2 test chamber, but I won't be testing it on stream (if Eric Murphy [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNo4F3mz70-UqRbKwjRmRWg, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVcGfJuCq9Vy7Uv6T6QFaSw, https://www.twitch.com/erictheheathen]) catches wind of this, I don't mind him watching how I make it, but I don't want him to see the cheese; this course is he**in, head, puppies, and a genuine sense of masochism and arrogance from the point of view of a speedrunner, but it's a bad trip fever nightmare for anyone exclusively casual. Just so everyone not in the Talk Heathen group knows, I've challenged Eric Murphy to play my level (as soon as I finish it and make the super secret final room). If he beats this level he's got a hundred dollars. I even sweetened the deal. If his time is under four minutes, I'll double it (the second hundred might take two weeks). If he tries for at least five hours, I'll give him fifty for the effort. I'm going to be deleting this VoD as soon as I finish the stream, so this is your only chance to see the behind the scenes. When creating gets boring, I'm going into the challenge mode to test myself on hybrid controls. I'll be on in between ten and thirty minutes, depending on whether or not my computer feels like being a cactus suppository or not. Spoiler alert: I named this level HARD MODE! Portal Gaiden!! You've been warned!. https/www.twitch.tv/theoneandonlyrao
Once I got my NESCE, my love for retro gaming was reignited. Now I'm taking on the hardest games developers have to offer, and I'm going to attack the low% categories wherever it's applicable including modern games . Outside of gaming, I'm an advocate for equality and human rights.