Pray for Kye

Pray for Kye Pray for Kye is a page to keep family, friends and fellow cheerleaders in the loop of Mahkye’s rec


Hello everyone it’s Kye haven’t posted on here in a while only cause I’ve truly been working on myself and getting back to me and I can finally say I’m there , running , exercising daily as my doctor said to do , I can finally say I’m back to where I was , but going back and looking at all the love y’all have shown me on this page just wanted to get on here and say thank you to everyone again for the love and support without those 2 things I don’t think I would’ve recovered , LOVE & GOD BLESS , GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME 💕👼


Day 107

Today Kye was discharged from Westchester Medical and arrived at his 3rd rehab escorted by his dad. I’ll start from where we left off before the madness.
• Nov 20th - discharged from Helen Hayes an acute facility because he wasn’t improving fast enough. Not Happy😡
• arrived at the only sub acute Rehab that would except him. The problem of placement that we keep running into is primarily his age and of course insurance. It was and 1 1-2 away from family so visiting him all the time was impossible. There was so many red flags the first day that he arrived. Let’s just say they were not prepared for him Medically or us as a family we stayed on top of them.
• Dec 2- his mom had to call 911 to get him out of there. He was severely dehydrated, lost a lot of weight, given the wrong Medication and a bed sore started to develop because of their negligence. He was taken to Orange Regional then Westchester that night.
• fast forward his color is back, his skin is healing, and he’s eating like a horse. Lol best of all on Tuesday he fast timed me and all of the sudden he lifted his arm and waved at me. I was in such shock that I asked “what r you doing !!!? He started laughing and said I’m waving at you. Lol. I was so excited because he hasn’t done that since he first went to rehab 3 months ago and yesterday he FaceTimed be and he took the covers off of him all my himself.
And he said, “Nanny God is good.” I know sweetie, I said. “no nanny what r u supposed to say”? Then I realized what he meant so I said “all the time” he said “ all the time” and I said “ GOD IS GOOD”
Thank you for your endless prayers.


Day 104
I apologize for not posting any updates. Kye asked me not to because he didn’t think that you would want to hear about him everyday. Ok so I agreed that every day may have been an over kill but at least let me post 1x a week, he finally agreed.
Thank you to those who have been reaching out to Kye and asking about him and wondering why we stopped posting then asking will we start again?
On behalf of KYE and the rest of the family we want to say Thank you and appreciate your concerns. Although I am keeping notes about his recovery putting it on face book let’s those who care about him know what’s going on.
Kye is back at Westchester Medical were he is undergoing another round of the IVIG.
Tomorrow I will let you know what’s been going on. Goodnight everybody.

Day 75I haven’t been posting lately because nothings really changed, there have been some very small improvements. Other...

Day 75

I haven’t been posting lately because nothings really changed, there have been some very small improvements. Otherwise day after day He wakes up and wonders if today is the day that he’ll start walking again. What can you say to something like that? The only thing he hears over and over again is that it’s gonna be a slow process. In the meantime he has the support of his family and there’s somebody with him almost all the time.
Joshua and I faced time him last and he was in great spirits laughing with Joshua and saying that he can’t wait to see him. I flew to Miami to bring Joshua back to NY where he feels he needs to be. Already I could tell that he’s going to miss the life here I don’t blame him I even don’t want to leave. We have a long drive home but we’re hoping
to have a mother and son bounding moment since he’s lived away from home close to 5 yrs.


Day 60

Yesterday was a tough day for him. Nothing much happens on Sunday so he’s just left with his thoughts and that causes an episode that he calls “having a meltdown”.
Today was not a good day for either one of us.
It amazes me how a person chooses to go to school to be a nurse or to be an aide. The profession demands that you have compassion, patients, your taking on the responsibility of the persons well being while they are under your care but what you do instead is steal a persons dignity. It’s bad enough that he is totally helpless cannot defend himself for the moment except to plead with you to handle him carefully because of the excruciating pain that is part of GBS. He’s telling you where u could hold him and that it won’t hurt so bad and you choose to ignore him while he’s screaming in agony. Thank God he still has a voice because when I got the phone call from him I immediately called the facility and put you in your place “ he’s in your facility to be rehabilitated not humiliated !!!! “ after I said a few choice words I believe I won’t be getting those kinds of calls from him anytime soon. He has family we are in and out all day so that he has someone with him almost at all times.
how can a person get better if you keep breaking their spirit.
They say we are spoiling him,or doing to much, I call it Love!!!!!!!
I hope tomorrow is a better day.

I needed to vent ... thank you.


Day 59

Hello everyone I’m back from my trip and couldn’t wait to go see Kye. We did FaceTime each other but it’s not the same.
Yesterday He looked awesome!!!!! He is still in a lot of pain which is heart breaking to watch, just moving him from the bed to a chair that takes him into the shower was excruciating for both him and I. He cried out in such pain and suddenly sweating profusely looking at me and calling out my name “nanny????” I got so dizzy and almost past out watching this take place and there was absolutely nothing I could do to make it all go away. Despite all he endured he still has that sarcastic sense of humor that you either love or hate but today I welcome it, as you all know he’s actually very funny. Just to know that his personality is waking up it won’t be long before everything else catches up.
Some feelings have returned after the last treatment as far as raising his hands, moving his legs. I believe we are past the angry stage and on to excepting this unfortunate event and we could only move forward from now on.
To his Cheer Family “Diamonds” Mahkye received your mail full of many birthday day cards and another mailing with lots of love letters he read each and everyone it made him so happy to read how you felt about him or how he managed to touch your life Thank you all for taking the time.
Mrs Shelly, thank you for starting a Venmo account for Mahkye I want EVERYONE to know who already donated or will donate that this account belongs to Kye only. When he eventually comes home he will not be able to work for quite some time and anything that’s given to him will help. Mahkye and I Thank You all in advance For your love. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Day 55

Hello everyone. I’m away and I have not been able to see Kye to give anyone any updates but my daughter called and said he received his last treatment on Monday and today he is now in Helen Hayes rehab and Hopefully on his way back to a full recovery.
Thank you for all of your support towards Kye.


Friends and Family
On the behalf of KYE’s medical conditions we have set up a Venmo Account to help with some of his expenses.
Please consider giving.
All donations are greatly appreciated.

To give please:

Thank you for your help in advance.


Day 50

Yesterday was not a comfortable day for Kye in fact it was a long and quite painful one. He had his 4th plasma exchange which leaves him extremely tired. The Dr. performed test on his nerves and muscles reaction and to determine how much damage might have occurred. The Dr’s findings were that a significant amount of damage was done on both the nerves and the muscles apparently Gillians Barre has different levels one being more severe. All this means is that Kyes healing will take longer then expected according to the Dr’s. But I believe in the ultimate physician, our God. Yes, he gave the Drs the wisdom and understanding but he’s the most high, our creator, our healer and for his glory Mahkye will heal way before expected. Tomorrow he will get the last Plasma exchange .
I want to say Thank you to Those who wrote those beautiful letters and sent beautiful Cards. He was so Happy? Goodnight.


WE LOVE YOU 💞💞💞 Mariah Ann Taylor Gina Jones Madison Ramming


From Diamonds, obsession & Exodus and on behalf of all of shouterville, we wish you a Happy 20th Birthday Kye! 🎂


From Diamonds, Obsession & Exodus and on behalf of all of Shouterville, we hope you have a very Happy Birthday Kye! 🎂

Day 46 Today Kye received his second round of the plasma exchange It makes him very tired so it’s hard to tell if there ...

Day 46

Today Kye received his second round of the plasma exchange It makes him very tired so it’s hard to tell if there are any improvements but he seems to be in good spirits.
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to Mahkye💗‘s mother my daughter Tia. When this nightmare began I was there with him for the first three weeks and then his mother took over and she’s been with him ever since day and night with out leaving his side. Tia has become his private nurse, his care taker, physical therapist and advocate.
Every day she sponge baths him, brushes his teeth, braids his hair, lotions his skin so it doesn’t get dry, She makes sure he gets turned from side to side so he doesn’t develop bedsores and so far THANK GOD !!!!!!!!! he hasn’t gotten any, GREAT JOB Tia !!!!
She’ll take a coffee break and then it starts all over again.
She feeds him even when he’s not hungry so he can start to gain some weight back, she sleeps when he sleeps, with It’s like taking care of a baby all over again except this baby is almost 6 ft tall and can talk back.......
I guess what I’m trying to say is she has stepped up to the plate and Mahkye and I love you very much.


Day 45
The past 10 days have been so insane. Kye was transferred on Friday from Orange Regional to WestChester Medical hospital. He was supposed to go to Columbia Presbyterian in NYC Where the best of the best are
when yes bed was given away.

Fast forward to yesterday Friday when arriving at WCMH Kye started his first plasma transfusion. He’ll get another one on Sunday and then again on Tuesday. Pray that this treatment will jump start all those dead cells.


Day 35,

Mahkye had a little set back so he decided to get another round of medication. This process cannot be done at a rehab so we are back at Orange Regional Hospital.
The nurses remembered Kye and got him all set up and made him feel comfortable like an old friend. 5 days we’ll be here. Continue to pray that with this round of medication we’ll see some changes. Pray for a full recovery in Jesus name. Amen.
Thank you all for continuing to follow “Pray for Kye” page and his full recovery. At the end of the day he will have a testimony for the glory of God. Have you ever witnessed a miracle? Continue to watch. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Day 35

Kye hit a little bump in the road so we are back at Orange Regional Hospital going for another round of medication something that cannot be done at the rehab.
When he arrived at the hospital the nurses greeted him like an old friend.
Please continue to pray for Kye as he makes a A full recovery for Gods Glory. Amen



Day 33
I’m beyond happy.
Look what a little kick butt will do.

Thank you Jesus and all who are praying for Kye. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙

Day 33 I’m beyond happy. Look what a  little kick butt will do. Thank you Jesus and all who are praying for Kye. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏...

Day 33
I’m beyond happy.
Look what a little kick butt will do.

Thank you Jesus and all who are praying for Kye. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙


Day 32

First things first.
Today Mahkye received this BEAUTIFUL PHOTO BOOK sent by Madison and Ms. Gina.
His emotions were all over the place when looking through the Beautiful pictures of his time spent with his family and friends in Oklahoma (DIAMONDS).
He said it was one of the happiest times of his life and he’s so grateful that is was captured in this book. It bought back a lot of good memories and he wants to express his love and thanks........ and then
I walked in the room and began talking to him like a coach would when a person sounds, acts and looks like they are giving up. “ if you want to cry” I said “I’ll give you something to cry about! “ his father and I began with the get off the pitty pot already song!!!! A pep talk that lasted 2 hours following another hour of my own physical therapy on him. I had to prove to him that although he thinks he’s made no progress he actually has. I grabbed a leg and told him to push and he did! And then the other leg, then his arms. By the time I finished with him he was so tired he turned to his father and I and said “when I get out of this bed and go to therapy tomorrow i am going to fight back !!!
“I now know your showing me tough love nanny and dad“
Now that’s what I wanted to hear. What a workout it was. Good night all.


I’ve been trying to share this post of kye. For a couple of days now.
I’m so excited!!!!! Look what he could do now. The things that we take for granted. SMH


I’ve been trying to post updates but it’s not working. 😭


Con’t-Update day 18
Kye slept all day after surgery. He still can‘t do much but he’s feeling good. Recovery is not as fast as he would like it too be but with every move he makes hes that much closer to a quick recovery. Keep fighting Mahkye.


Everything went smoothly The surgery is done and kye is resting. It’s only one way from here and that’s up.
I know God is saying about now, “Alright already I heard you” but our father loves when we turn to him in prayer with our needs in Jesus name. “Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door will be opened.”


Day 19 update

Kye had a great ! day yesterday. !!!!!!!! And he was in better spirits.!!!!! I could have sworn I saw a twinkle of hope in his eyes 👀 Again he was moved to the fifth into a different room this time the 5 th floor into a pent house in pediatrics unit were there are more then enough nurses to take care of him, a pull out couch and a shower!!!!!
PT was so happy with his range of motion and the effort that he put into it and are hopeful that he will be on his way to the next step to recovery in re-habilitation facility very soon. 💪💪 and that will be the best place HELEN HAYES. PRAISE GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, day 20, he will be in surgery at 12:30 to get the Feeding tube put in through his stomach and finally takeout the tube sticking out of his face. I wanted to paint a smiley face but he didn’t find that funny. 😊🥺
He did express fear of not waking up because of the anesthesia and his breathing issue.
I had to tell him “Fear is not of God. Replace that ugly F word with FAITH”

Just one last thing. Mahkyes behalf he wanted me to tell you “THANK YOU & LOVE 💗 U SO MUCH I have not wanted to get on FaceTime because I don’t want u to see me like this and because I’m not speaking well it would only be a one way conversation because I can’t talk”


Day 18th update
There were some great things that happened today. Kye received a wheel chair so that he could be pushed out of the room and around the unit. That made him very happy. But then he was given the bad news that there is no improvement with his swallowing test and because of this the tube that is feeding him through his nose can’t stay beyond 2 weeks it has to come out. he would then get the peck that gets surgically placed into his stomach in order to be able to feed him. The down side to that is the MINIMUM the tube could stay in is 2 months wether he gains the ability to eat normally or not. If that’s not enough the nurse today was trying to remove a part of the feeding tube so she could administer his medicine but she used a pair of scissors to maneuver it and put a whole in the tube. That was at 12 noon by 8 pm he hadn’t eaten and medicine had not been given to him. It wasn’t till almost 10:45 pm before the only solution was to remove the broken one and reinsert a new one. That was so traumatizing for him only to have to come back out anyway for the surgery. I’m starting to wonder if we are in the right hospital. 😐 my poor baby.


Day 16-17 update.
This weekend was full of visitors Showing lots of love and support.
Yesterday kye was moved from cardiac icu to medical icu. Which is another step towards his recovery. In fact he slightly wiggled his left toes that he could not do before, the celebration was equivalent to hitting the lottery. 💵💰💸💴 lol
Then we were dropped a bomb the the medical dr that kye would benefit from going to West Chester Medical were he would get a higher level of care.
Confused with questions to what could have changed in his condition and not getting straight answers tension started to flair in other words grandma grizzly bear came out unannounced unfortunately. Lol. Bottom line there are to many cooks in my pourage!!!!! The team of Drs. need to speak to one another and come up with one plan of action.
Finally the plan right now is that kye is getting another round of ivig for 5 days !!!!!!!! Pray that this boost his immune system.


Day 15 Update :
Many tears made for a Rainy day.
Today did not start well, still no decent sleep no matter what meds were given to him to the point that he just plain refused them.
A good friend of his and now mine (Elli) from Tracy California sent him oils a natural alternative. I followed her instructions and by the time I left him tonight he was calm and relaxed. Thank God for lavender and Frankincense and Elli, I think everyone on the floor is calm and relaxed tonight.
Please pray for healing of his mind and soul.


Day 14 update con’t. A swallowing test was done earlier today and to his disappointment he failed. His vocal cords are still to weak so he is not able to speak beyond a whisper and the air way isn’t closing properly which means he cannot eat foods he continues to need the feeding tube.
Kye was moved this afternoon to Cardiac Critical Care drs believe he had a blood clot in his lung because his heart rate is very high. Thank God no blood clots. after addressing his anxiety A heart sonogram was done.
He does have a temp and a possible lung infection.
Not out of the woods yet but he is in good spirits moving forward.

PS. Last night I read to him the 100’s of post that were sent to him, it made him so happy. Even after I ran out he wanted me to read more. Lol. Thank you for being a Part of his recovery and life it means a lot to know that he’s not alone.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙💙💙💙💙❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙💙💙


GM. Day 13 was pretty hectic, no sleep again is an understatement. The nerve pain he is feeling in his hands and throughout his body is excruciating but this is a part of the GBS. The great news about this is that he’s feeling it!!!!! The nerves are waking up but that didn’t stop him from participating in his therapy.

Day 14 towards recovery. I’ll post in the evenings. Thank you for your continued prayers the drs are amazed buy his determination and will to fight.


DAY 1 On the road to recovery!!!!!!


HeS OFF THE TUBE and breathing on his own!!!!!!


Day 12 Update:
Kye had a better night, he Slept. The goal for today is To make another attempt to take the tube out. Rehab can’t begin until he’s off the breathing machine and I’ve had a good cup of coffee. Lol.


Day 11 update:
Yesterday Believe it or not I had no energy to post anything besides everything remains the same Kyes lungs are still unable to breath on Their own. The anxiety level shoots through the roof and blood pressure is so hi the fear is him having a stroke. For now he’s resting.
Thank you all for the continued prayers and love for kye.


Christ is the all-powerful Lord Nothing is beyond Your reach or impossible for You .
Touch KYE’s body and mind Lord.
Mighty God
Mighty in Battle
We Believe


Update on Kye

Day 8 -
pneumonia is getting better so that’s great news!!! his lungs tired easily today so he wasn’t off the life support for long today was maybe 4 hrs. His blood pressure has been steady on the low side another great piece of news!!!! But today I had my hands full Joshua was so emotional when he saw that kye was struggling and crying that it made everyone else emotional.
I pray for a better day tomorrow.
Thank you for your continued prayer. 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙


Update: Kye is very uncomfortable with all the tubes they’re using in his mouth and nose for life support:( All his vitals are level and he hasn’t spiked a fever again!! This is A very scary and confusing situation for him, so please everyone pray for his peace at mind. Overall progress is being made!! Thank you all for the love and support❤️


Update on Kye;
1 week ago today Mahkyes whole life changed and so did ours. The respirator did not come off today ☹️ because the numbers were not exactly where they want them to be but he did last 8 hrs off the machine. Tomorrow is another day. He was so happy when he saw Joshua His eyes lit up. Joshua read to him everyone’s love but there were so many he couldn’t Keep up. lol but keep them coming We believe in the power of prayer 🙏. It’s the weapon and the medicine he needs. Right now he is sedated again so he could get some rest. I will post update tomarrow.
Thank you again to Mahkyes Diamond stunt group for the pink Teddy’s. Joshua gave kye the smaller one so he could exercise his hands by squeeze it.
Getting better everyday. Amen. ❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️🙏❤️💙❤️🙏❤️💙❤️💙❤️


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