HK x TW Songwriting Camp在5月21日圓滿落幕,本次活動為期5天,集結了大馬本地及來自香港、台灣及新加坡的音樂人,歷經檳城及吉隆坡兩個城市,共同創作了24首風格各異,但首首動聽的優秀作品!感謝所有作者及參與人員的努力和付出,音樂的路上不孤獨,一起期待歌曲的未來發展!
Bigphase Music大向音樂
Bowie Ong
Reel 5 studios
Vocast studios
作曲:GooChan @_goochan_ / MC 張天賦 @mcheung1201
編曲:GooChan / 黃兆銘 @nickwong96
監製:徐浩 @terrychui22
Posted @concertyy .
#Repost @ntl.fung
Let‘s Start Again
Are You Ready?
12:00 903 叱咤樂壇首播
15:00 各大平台上架
1/7 00:00 MV
@concertyy @wongsheungchuncarl
Posted @withregram • @warnerchappellmusic Another songwriting camp for the books 💪
Writers & artists from across the world joined @warnerchappellasiapac in South Korea last week to write, create, and collaborate on new music for superstars like AESPA, TWICE, and more.
“We are delighted to be able to partner with our colleagues from around the world in-person again and bring together the best local songwriters, as well as top musicians from around the world, to write K-pop. We hope that through our camps, writers from all around our global network get to have meaningful exchanges in a creative space and form partnerships and friendships.” — Monica Lee, President, Warner Chappell Music Asia Pacific
Posted • @tysonyoshi “if i die tonight” out now ⚰️
Earlier this year… went through some life and death situations and it got me thinking… what if I die tonight… or what if I don’t wanna be Tyson Yoshi anymore… what would I do?
I think I’m gonna write a letter to you all and say goodbye… whether you’re my lover, supporter, or hater… here’s the letter…
I’m not going yet haha don’t worry… just wanna release it since I still have strong feelings on this topic…
Written by @gareth_tong @tysonyoshi @channel.isaac
Prod by @silverstrike_13
⚰️by @poonrealiam
Posted @terencelam0903 🔊 新歌 #doodoodoo 🐝🐞🐛🦋
編曲:盧廣仲 / 林家謙
cover art @shengwong_
今晚 00:00 各大音樂平台上線 🚃
get reminder 👆🏼🔔