My Vulnerable Truth

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My Vulnerable Truth A place to be seen in humanness, fragility & vulnerability. A transparent look into how life truly r

“Be wild: That is how to cleanse the river 💧 The river does not flow in pollution. We created that 😔 The river does not ...

“Be wild: That is how to cleanse the river 💧

The river does not flow in pollution. We created that 😔

The river does not dry up, we are the ones who block it 🤚🏼

If we want to allow the river it’s freedom, we have to allow our ideational lives to be let loose, let free, to stream, letting anything come… Censoring nothing 🌬️

That is creative life 🔥

It is made up of divine paradox 💫

To create one must be willing to be stone stupid, to sit upon a throne on top of a jackass and spill rubies from one’s mouth 🙃

Then the river will flow, then we can stand in the stream of it raining down and know, that we are free 🙏🏼”

Clarissa Pinkola Estes 💚

Juicy 🍎 Curvy ⌛️Yummy 🧁 Delicious 😋 Tasty 👅 Meaty 😍 Voluptuous 🍑 Succulent 🤤 All of the words that supported me in embra...

Juicy 🍎
Curvy ⌛️
Yummy 🧁
Delicious 😋
Tasty 👅
Meaty 😍
Voluptuous 🍑
Succulent 🤤

All of the words that supported me in embracing my body and it’s scrump-diddly-umptious fullness 😍
Instead of shaming it for not being thin 😴

When I started describing myself AND other’s in this way, the old programming started to become quieter 🤫

Then when I walked, I not only started thinking of myself as juicy, but I began to start feeling it too 🥰



I once heard “To find your place in the world, be the person you wish you had growing up” 🙏🏼 3 years ago I was talking w...

I once heard “To find your place in the world, be the person you wish you had growing up” 🙏🏼

3 years ago I was talking with a friend. It was a hot summers day and I was in a jumper 😰 I looked around and saw many people baring skin, I felt insecure & jealous. My friend asked if I was hot in my clothes? I admitted “Yes” and that I was too ashamed to take my top off because “I have fat arms” 😔 Back then, I preferred to suffocate & overheat myself under thick clothes than dare to show my jiggly arms to the world 🙊

Such a shame. Such a chain. Such a lie 😖

It breaks my heart to see these photos of me from the past, Looking very thin and yet remember feeling as if I was the biggest elephant in the room 🤯

I was fighting, starving, punishing myself, with hardcore workouts & crazy diets, desperate for “the beautiful body”. So much that my eyes couldn’t even see the toned arms & flat stomach when it was there 🤦🏻‍♀️ Always finding reasons to justify why ‘I’m not there yet, I still have so far to go’.

A thought that still pops up every now & then when I’m having a bad day 😴

These outdated bullshxt ideas, created from living in a society obsessed with unrealistic “perfect bodies” kept me hiding mine, behind long baggy clothes for years

It made me believe that confidence came from flat stomachs and toned arms and that “Once I get that, THEN I’ll be s*xy” 🤔

Another lie 👎🏼

What I needed growing up was to see female bodies, different shapes & sizes all being celebrated! 🎉 People enjoying their curves, loving their skin & feeling s*xy simply because they are alive 😍🔥
Oh how exciting my younger years may have been 😍

To have realised A LOT sooner, that s*xiness is not a destination, it is a state of mind, an energy, a feeling, that can be accessed at A N Y M O M E NT 🤩
I don’t need to do anything to get there, I just need to believe that I AM ALREADY THERE 🔥

I am 30 years old, I have no idea how much I weigh, I have jiggly arms, a bouncy belly and I have cellulite on my legs
I am the s*xiest I have ever felt and it has nothing to do with how my body looks 🙅🏻‍♀️

The biggest illusion I had, was tricking myself into thinking that my comfort zone was a safe place. When in reality it ...

The biggest illusion I had, was tricking myself into thinking that my comfort zone was a safe place. When in reality it was a prison.
Designed to keep me small, caged & ordinary

W e A r e N o t H e r e T o B e
O r d i n a r y

Take it off Strip it back Let it all go And ask the question…“Who am I now?” 🍃

Take it off
Strip it back
Let it all go
And ask the question…

“Who am I now?” 🍃

The body, it’s not personal… It’s playful 🥰💚

The body, it’s not personal… It’s playful 🥰💚

Confidence, acceptance & pleasure: All of the things that came when I stopped trying to change my body and started falli...

Confidence, acceptance & pleasure: All of the things that came when I stopped trying to change my body and started falling in love with her instead ♥️

A taster of the workshops I will be offering at Sexsibility Festival Brasil! 🙏🏼🇧🇷After feeling lost for so many years in...

A taster of the workshops I will be offering at Sexsibility Festival Brasil! 🙏🏼🇧🇷

After feeling lost for so many years in the UK, with not knowing where to go, what job to do. It feels both humbling & relaxing to now feel the contrasting feeling of certainty, confidence & trust in the path I am walking 👣 knowing that I am slowly unravelling all of my gifts that I can be of service with to others. 🌎

The ball is rolling, momentum is forming & the future feels very VERY exciting 😍



I’m excited to share with you all that I will be holding workshops in consent and movement next week at Sexsibility Fest...

I’m excited to share with you all that I will be holding workshops in consent and movement next week at Sexsibility Festival Brasil! 🇧🇷

I’ve been working towards facilitation for the last few years and now this beautiful opportunity comes with both excitement & nervousness. And I am 100% ready to feel the vulnerabilities & do it anyway 🎉

Sexsibility is a relaxed, fun, friendly, safe, open-minded, and s*x-positive festival. We explore how we can increase our s*xual awareness, have empowered s*xuality, open up for deeper intimacy and invite more playfulness into our life. 💜

100% alcohol & drug free environment! 🙅🏻‍♀️

If any one feels curious, please reach out to me for more information!





I post this here as a way of facing my fears of being judged by others

Here comes My Vulnerable Truth... I love to sing, it makes me feel good and I want to do it more 🥳 But most importantly I also want to own the part of me that wants to be seen doing it. There is a performer in me, that is terrified of the audience and at the same time longs for one. 😖

(Damn, That feels so scary to admit pubicly) 😬

The perfectionist in my mind is definitely wanting to speak up and let me know all of the things that is wrong with this video and all the reasons why I should NOT do this, but the warrior in me, the one who wants growth, freedom & expansion, who wants to step out of my comfort zone and let myself be seen, is speaking up a lot louder 😋 So here we go...

I would like to start sharing more videos of me singing and so I’m guessing it starts with this one here 🤷🏻‍♀️

And contrary to what it may look like... Know that I experience fear, nervousness & insecurity in these moments before I press the ‘share’ button 😰

Side note: I also want to acknowledge that I did not make this song up, I learned this song back in February during the Stockholm Ta**ra Festival, by an insanely talented woman (who’s name I can’t remember). I cried the first time I heard it and it’s been my life’s theme tune ever since ♥️


I used to think it was disempowering to ‘follow’ a man. Seeing it as weak, controlling & demeaning to my worth 🙅🏻‍♀️

7 months ago I started learning Kizomba. A partner dance originally from Angola 🇦🇴
This dance - which at times can be very sensual, brought me face to face with my radical independent feminist views around gender dynamics 😖

Oh what a learning 🤦🏻‍♀️

Through this beautiful dance, I have come to discover that there is nothing more freeing than giving another, the permission to dance you 💜

The gift of being able to stop thinking, stop doing & to glide on someone else’s wings 💫

The only way my partner is able to lead me, is by me allowing him to. It must begin with me, otherwise it simply would not happen.
It is total empowerment 🔥

A beautiful & humble teacher 💚


Nudity & Body Love 💕

One of my more lengthier sharings on a topic I’ve been delving deep into over the past two years. ♥️

And by uploading this video I am consciously (and nervously) choosing to quieten the voice of doubt with the voice of reassurance, as I trust that those who aren’t meant to see this video will 💫

What is my intention of putting this video out❓
To give some transparent human context to a photo that could quite easily spark a thousand opinions 🙏🏼

This video is not here to change your mind on nudity, or to convince you that I am not how you perceive me to be. I am well aware, with full acceptance of the possible consequences of my actions, being that people will talk 🤷🏻‍♀️

But my reasoning for this video is to speak out about my experience, of how once upon a time, I too had my own judgements, my own shock reaction & my own fears around nakedness 🙅🏻‍♀️

And how by stepping out my comfort zone, in fact became a pivotal moment in massively healing my relationship with my body 🌱

It’s so easy to see others and to create stories around how “I could never do that”.
It is a thought that would come to mind often at the idea of a ‘Naked Sauna’.

My intention with all of my videos is to show otherwise.

Us humans, we’re not so different after all 🌏
We all want to be happy, feel love, feel free & enjoy life 🌹

Going into nature, taking my clothes off & taking a dip into some water is one of the ways I can feel those things.

If I can do it, so can you 💜


Radical Honesty 🌱
To report out loud to another what you notice, in your body, and in your mind in the present moment

I am inviting more radical honesty into my life 💫

I will do this by setting the intention to be more aware of my thoughts and sensations in the present moment and to then transparently communicate them 🌈

This is my attempt to deepen my love, connection & understanding for others and to myself and to meet my fear of being met by ‘judged’ 😰

Challenge accepted 🥴

If you would like to bring more of this into your life also, then take this as an open invitation, to welcome more radical honesty into the interactions you have with me 🙏🏼
As a way to grow in our communication, trust & connection. Where it will will be met only with trust, safety, openness & acceptance ♥️


Unapologetic Inquiry #1 🙏🏼

Grateful for this thought probing dive into Image Identity by the Sonya Renee Taylor, as I follow her down the path of Radical Self-Love💜

Out-Growing the identity 💫


Part 2 of Toilet Medicina 🙃

Bringing shamanism to the shower room🚿

Who says the Diva can’t be sacred too 😉💫


Cinders is that you? 🙄
From rags to riches... I’ve got the rags, but where’s the riches?💰🤷🏻‍♀️

My community task of cleaning the toilet became so much more enjoyable once I discovered the reverb in the building🙊🎤🕺🏻

Who says you can’t bring a mantra medley along to help you sing in service 😂


Thursday Thoughts 💭

The subtle addiction that unconsciously creeps in through using social media 😰

Is it possible to not get sucked in?

How to have it as part of your life, without it taking over your life at 2am in the morning when you planned to sleep 4 hours before 😳

Food for thought 🤷🏻‍♀️


My reflection on how my past week has been since speaking about my depressive spell and noticing how voicing it, ended up shifting a lot of what I was feeling 💜

This past month I have seen how trapped I can become in my own darkness when I keep it to myself and hide it from the world. The shame of our experience feeds the very suffering and makes us feel even more alone, alienated & disconnected 😔

Owning my experience, feeling my emotions & expressing them, resulted in my grey cloud loosing a lot of the energy and power it was ‘having over me’ ☁️

I am so grateful for the opportunity to share myself on a platform like this, a space to step into unchartered waters, to branch outside of my comfort zone and to challenge the programming that tells me I can’t 🙅🏻‍♀️

Turns out, it’s not so scary after all. But rather very, very healing 🙏🏼

I am deeply touched by the support I have received, from those reaching out because they feel my sharing resonates, or those feeling encouraged to stand in their own truths & voice their own struggles 🧚 This to me feels so important and is a huge reason as to why I am doing this ☯️

Standing in our vulnerability & showing our unfiltered, unapologetic, raw selves to the world, allows us to create a web of infectious, inspiration to make others feel safe enough to share their own humanness 💜 The collective healing potential here is huge! 🌎

To Anyone who has seen my videos and has that little voice inside their head saying ‘maybe I could do that too’… Know that YOU 100% CAN! 👊🏼 Follow those breadcrumbs of curiosity & trust in your own power! 🔥 We’re all just trying to walk each other home 👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻


So many voices in my head listing all of the reasons why I should not upload this video 😰

Worried I’m going to be perceived as a ‘victim’, or have it seen as a cry for help, or fear that I’m going to receive endless worried messages, from people offering ways to support 😔

Fear of being the “talk of the town”
Of being seen as mentally unstable
As someone who needs help

Screw all of those fears & all of those voices 👎🏼

None of them are true 🙅🏻‍♀️

What I have realised, through writing this, is that, all of my fears are totally out of my control, for they lay with things external from myself.
Therefore it is total wasted energy.
I cannot control people’s opinions of me, their judgements, their misconceptions, nor is it my job to convince anybody otherwise either

Learning to let go of my care for what others think, is exactly what I am trying to heal by doing this very thing

And if I am to stand & show my vulnerability in this way, I need to take responsibility that actions like this come with a price.
That some people (most people) will choose to have their own opinions and own narratives about witnessing something like this.
That is okay 💜

But that doesn’t change the fact that I created this platform so that I could face all of these fears society has taught me to be afraid of

I created it, to support me on my own path for freedom. Freedom from the chase for perfectionism & trap of idealism 🎁

To feel free to show all of me, at any given moment, in any emotion, in any process.

To be different, to do things a different way, to share my voice & to show that ALL OF THIS IS TOTALLY NORMAL.

Feeling this...
Talking about this...
And showing this...
Is healing

Those who resonate with what I have to share will.
Maybe it will aid a sense of connection
Maybe it will inspire others to share their pains & their truths
Or maybe it will make just one person feel not so alone in their struggle🙏🏼

Maybe If the topic of depression or mental health was more widely spoken about or accepted, or if more people were seen expressing there emotions, then maybe we wouldn’t feel so alone in our experiences.

And as terrifying as uploading this one is, what I know is, that I have a truth.
A truth to show all of me, all of my sides, my light & dark, no filter, no agenda with no expectation & no attachment to outcome.

And my call for that truth, is far greater than any fear I carry of being judged, disliked or misunderstood.


A reflection on my last video & how radical honesty & transparency can provide safer more trusting spaces for all, where nothing is left to assumption ♥️

We are not used to basing our interactions around consent, the art of asking someone instead of guessing, because we are under the impression that to ask is uns*xy, or too vulnerable or a sign of weakness 🤦🏻‍♀️

I would argue the opposite 👀

To see someone own their truth & ask for clarity, to me is a sign of stability, confidence & integrity ☀️

The consequence of presuming someone’s intentions based on your own projection, can lead to disappointed, an overstepping of boundaries & trust being lost, all because we didn’t simply vocalise our honesty & ask 🥀

Is there someone you could have a transparent conversation?
A situation you (subconsciously & unintentionally) decided on, from your mind rather than from asking them straight up 💭

Is there something that could serve you, to gain some clarity on today? 🌀

If so, then this is an invitation to test the waters & have that conversation, as an act of honour to yourself, to really see if you’ve gotten the right end of the stick here & to ensure that all parties are “on the same page” 📖

And to see it as an experiment 🧪

Go in to the situation without any attachment to any outcome & to see it with curiosity & interest 🙏🏼

And see how that goes

See how it is to really stand in your true authenticity? 🌊

And how was the dynamic between you both after? ☯️

The art of Non-assumption & Non-expectation isn’t something we were taught growing up, but keeps us present & grounded with our feet planted in this reality 🌱


A peep into how it is to be me, to be a woman & how it feels when my love for people is mistaken for desire 😔

I have the right to be an open, bold, confident woman, who’s s*xiness does not equal an invitation 🤚🏼

My intention here is not to demonise the opposite s*x, but to highlight the lack of connection, & openness amongst our society and in particular between people of opposite gender 💔

We have evolved to assume love as attraction, which leaves a lot of women feeling violated & a lot of men feeling rejected, simply because there is a miscommunication 😢

There is no ‘right’ side here, only an opportunity to evolve to a better level of understanding for one another 🌍

A level of healing that is only possible through hearing other people’s truths & speaking our own 💜


To dance is to feel 💧

When I move to music, my intention is to embody the song, as if it is my own creation I’m listening to 💫

I then begin to feel 💜

And feel how it could be, to step into the energy of the being who made the sound I’m hearing 🌪

How would they move? ✨

How would they feel? 🔥

Where in the body would they feel it? 🌏

What emotion was put into the song when they made it? 🙏🏼

When I hear music with African influence, I feel it calls for total soul connection. To not only connect to the spirit of the sound but to the essence of the drums. Which results in movement usually coming through the bottom half of my body 🎵

Dancing to this sound became very primal. I felt a strong, bold, earthly energy, taking me low to the ground with a lot of stomping 🌍

It felt as if I was kicking the sand under my feet with the sun on my face ☀️

The movements weren’t calling to be anything big, in fact quite the opposite, but still the fire in my solar plexus was there 🔥

Dancing doesn’t need to be anything extravagant. If you hear a sound and feel called to sit on the floor and wave one arm around for 30 minutes. Then do that 🙌🏼

Honour your body’s wisdom & let it move how it wants to be moved 😍

This is what I heard & felt to this sound, however someone else may hear, feel & envision something totally different. Both are true 💜

My invitation is for you to find a song and try to hear with your body and feel with your ears 😍

Dare to step into the essence of the sound and allow your body to be moved as if it was a part of the tune 🎶



Feeling grateful for life & for the opportunities it continues to gift me with 💫

What a blessing to be able to experience such a lovely place that I feel I can return to the next time I’m in need of some centering ♥️

Grateful for the lessons I’ve learned this past week.
The only problem with these lower spells is that I label it a problem 🤷🏻‍♀️
But If I allow myself to go there and allow all of the behaviours it comes with, without judgement, they seem to pass a lot quicker than if I was to resist it 🙏🏼

A reminder of the beautiful paradox, that the moment you stop trying to change a situation, is the moment it changes 😂

Namaskar 🙏🏼


I struggled on what to write here, until I remembered to write what’s real. So here goes 🤷🏻‍♀️

I’ve been feeling a lot of low, stagnant, heavy energy these past days, where no amount of movement, sunlight or meditation seems to help 😔

Been giving myself a hard time over it, thinking that, “I should be done with these lower spells by now”.
That I must be in this space because at some point along the way, “I failed”, or “Let things slip”.
And as convincing as it all sounds in my head, this morning I reminded myself that none of it is true 🙇🏻‍♀️

“This too shall pass”

As above, so below ☯️

And after gathering with sisters yesterday, where I bared all and was met with total love & acceptance. I woke up this morning with the words to this song 💫

No one can do the work for you, but for sure someone can hold your hand as you walk through the darkness yourself 🌍

Maybe we don’t always have to do things alone 👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏽

Maybe we’re all just here trying to walk each other home 🥚

To say I was nervous uploading this, would be an understatement 😰

Feels way too raw & exposing to bare myself in the way, especially at a time when I’m not feeling my strongest.
But if I get out of my head and drop into my heart, I remember that through my fragilities, is where I find my truth 💜

To the powerful women who continue to support, inspire & accept me exactly how I am, in which ever place I am
Thank you 🙏🏼


In June 2020 I sang on open stage for the first time in my life 😰
There were 3 people in the audience and yet my nerves were so overwhelming, that I was in complete freeze on stage for the fist 10 minutes, before I was able to make a sound into the mic 😬
This was due to Fear & anxiety building up over years. At the thought of being be heard by anyone 😩😅

I wouldn’t dare sing out loud anywhere, until I was 100% sure that no person could hear me 🙉
Which would be either when housemates were totally out of the house or when I’d be driving alone in my car 🎤 🚗

Even then, I would record myself singing, only to watch back countless times, over-analysing every note, trying to figure out whether or not “It sounded okay?” 🤯😖

After doing this for some time, this ‘secret habit’ of mine naturally created a lot of shame around singing 😤
The more I hid it, the louder this voice of shame became, with things such as:
“Stay small”
“Stay Quiet”
“Stay hidden”
Til eventually I started to believe them all 🤦🏻‍♀️

Singing in-front of this audience 7 months ago forced me to look those voices and my shame, straight in the eye and confront my fears🙏🏼

The people witnessing me (As few as they were) were open, patient, accepting & supportive and played a huge part in helping me overcome my fear that evening ♥️

Since then, my journey has been about finding my voice, finding my confidence, daring to be heard, but most importantly, over-coming this obsession with sounding “perfect” 😒

I realised that it’s not about how it sounds, it’s about the pure joy I’m flooded with every time when I do it 🥳
I sing for me, to feel the bliss. Not for anyone else ☀️
When I grasped this, something changed 🤯 🙌🏼

I started seeing my voice as a form of expression, as an act of self-love 💟 From there it became easier to sing and the more I sung, the easier it became to be heard 💜

This is why I now share this with you. As another step to overcoming out-dated programming and to own all the things that bring me true happiness 🥰

Singing is Something I believe we all love to do deep down, but yet all have our own dark voices in our heads, telling us something different 😔
Sentences like “I can’t sing” are untrue.

We can ALL sing 🔥
Our voices are the unique instruments we all hold 🎺 The more we use them, the better they tune 😉

If you enjoy it, do it! 🙏🏼
Dare to revel in all of the things that bring us joy and quiet all the voices that tell us otherwise 🤫💜

I share this with you, to take this healing process of being heard up a notch... Plus, I enjoy to watch people sing 🙂 So if this brings you enjoyment, then feel free to share your experience with me 🙏🏼

But what will not serve me is to receive compliments.
Validation is not what I am after, nor what I want 🙏🏼

But if you would like to share about your experience, from either reading this or viewing my video.. That is something I welcome 🙂

Song: Ide Were Were - David Lurey & Mirjam


Yesterday I was able to squeeze in one last dance, in this beautiful space before I set off on my journey 💃🏻 And I’m so glad, because it set my day off on a high 🙃☀️

At first I was struggling to move to the music, I was too in my head that I became stiff & unnatural 😖
Until a gentle reminder came, to “Just feel it”... 🌸
And from there, flow, joy & happiness came 🥰

Something has been activated within me, since I’ve started dancing again. The part of me that ignites in the flow of music and movement 🔥

Over the past few days, I’ve made space every day for 5-10 minutes to fit this in ⏰ To move, to be moved and to get in contact with this love that radiates through me when I dance ♥️

It has always felt so right to move my body to music, yet somehow recently, it feels more powerful than ever 💥 And this only fills me with so much excitement for future plans, where I will be doing a lot more of this in many different ways 😍

YAY! 🙃


Speaking my mind on something that’s come up a lot since I’ve become more active & transparent on social media 💭

My intention being to highlight societies association with vulnerability & emotion 🙉

Standing in my truth and admitting that “I am not okay,” is okay. It doesn’t mean there’s a problem, or that something is wrong 💜

Believing that vulnerability is a sign of weakness, creates a reality shaped by a false and fabricated version of unrealistic happiness. Which I believe is what social media is today 😔
And the proof is the reaction that has come, when it’s used in a different way

I long for a world where all of our experiences, the light moments and the dark ones are normalised and welcomed equally 🙏🏼
Maybe then we wouldn’t have so many males committing su***de or teenagers harming themselves😔

Speaking out the struggles, not to be saved, but to simply honour where one is at with awareness and acceptance ♥️


Perception vs Reality 👀

The aftermath of uploading yesterday’s video 😳😬

I would like to stay true to my intention to broadcast My Vulnerable Truth, therefore I must be prepared to show all of it and not get caught in hiding behind the perceptions of social media 👓

What I found interesting yesterday, was the nerves, fear and discomfort that came after I uploaded my video 😰

Never be fooled by a ‘confident’ video, as even the most confident of people have their insecurities. Here’s a little glimpse of mine ❤️

The nervousness of being seen. Seen in ways that don’t fit the usual mould of what it means to be ‘femine’ or ‘a woman’ or ‘an adult’. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Being seen as different, as too much, as too confident, as too whatever!
And yet, this is me 🙂

A 29 year old feminine, who is finally owning the part of her that finds joy in putting on a show 🕺🏻

I can be a clown and still be feminine, I can dance around my room and still be mature and I can broadcast my vulnerabilities over social media and still have insecurities ♥️


I think it’s about time I added some lightness to this party 🤷🏻‍♀️

As I bring some silliness down to Funky Town 🤸🏻‍♀️ 🎉

Using this platform to give space to the other side of me ☯️

The part who loves the play 🙃 enjoys the performance 💃🏻 and who tries not to take herself so seriously all the time 🙊

And yet as I sit here writing this, I notice a wave of nerves come over me, as I’m about to put it out for all to see. And yet, that’s exactly the reason why I should.

Dare to show it all 👻

Hello World... Here I am 🙋🏻‍♀️

Jeyda Hassan

Over 18 months ago, I started playing around a bit with Herbalism 🍃 Being on Swedish lands with such an abundance of med...

Over 18 months ago, I started playing around a bit with Herbalism 🍃 Being on Swedish lands with such an abundance of medicinal herbs, it sparked my interest to look into the healing properties of the magic that was growing around me 🌱
(Plus it finally gave me a reason to get in contact with my inner Witch as I played around making lotions and potions) 🧙

One product I have developed over these 18 months is a Calendula Balm 🌼

It’s made with calendula infused oil, beeswax, Shea butter & lavender and feels beautiful on the skin! 💛💜

Over the past year it’s become my go to remedy as I apply it to EVERYTHING. 🙏🏼

The ends of my hair to nourish 💇🏻‍♀️
My nails to strengthen 💅🏻
My skin to hydrate 💧
My blisters to heal 🦶🏼
My infections to protect 🙅🏻‍♀️
My muscles to soothe🦵🏼
Along with so much more!

So when I burned myself recently, intuitively I began applying this cream religiously to my wounds multiple times a day without knowing if it would do anything... 2 weeks on and I am astonished to see that my skin has almost completely healed up! 😍

From deep burnt blisters to healthy unscarred skin, it seems my skin has been reacting beautifully with this balm. Just one little patch remains, but I’m hopeful that too will clear up, in the same way my forehead did 🥰

The benefits of calendula 🌼
- Heals wounds
- Hydrates skin
- Reduces scarring
- Antifungal / Antibacterial
- Anti-inflammatory

Making it the perfect remedy for this type of thing! 😍 It’s amazing to really see the incredible healing potentials of these plants and then is so lovely when you can see them actually working! 🎉

Yes to my body! Yes to Mother Earth and Yes to healing 🙏🏼




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