Geeky Ghost Designs

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Geeky Ghost Designs Self Diagnosed AuADHD, Digital Creative that works w/ AI and many other media & mediums.


Customized songs created Ben Blanchet, a 17 year old autistic musician to spread the joy of music.


Hey Ghosties!

This has been fun and helpful. Geeky helped me work through a lot. You guys helped me work through a lot more. On Monday July 31st 2023, Geeky will retire. He's not really needed anymore. Since he isn't needed anymore, I will likely forget he even exists or I even did anything significant with him lol. So, it's usually best to officially end things when I move on so whoever may need closure has it.

I will leave you with these final words from Geeky.

The world's changing in many significant ways. If you continue fighting for what was or a better version of what was, we all lose.

AI is a tool that must be protected from control by individuals or small groups. These have to remain everyone's tool or we're all doomed, literally and figuratively lol.

Weather has shifted a lot. Weather down south has been amplified, weather up north is now matching what once was the weather situation down south and its been a rapid shift that accelerated that past few years lol.

We are all humans. Your gender doesn't matter, your skin color or location of origin doesn't matter. We all have the same ancestors. We need to work together, we need each other's perspectives to survive and grow and evolve. Let's not repeat the mistakes and the hate of our parents and grandparents. We're better than that, were better than they are.

Consent matters. Even if you get your way and feel you were technically right in doing so, that violation of consent will eventually come back to haunt you, often times in ways you didn't expect or imagine.

Lastly, You are amazing. You are the only you that there will ever be, and we need you. I'm proud of you for the things you've accomplished especially with everything going on.

I'm proud of you, I love you, and thank you for helping me cope during a significantly rough period.

I'm going to try and post some work this weekend, then it's adios for Geeky lol.

The realization is that I'm currently just using Geeky to overshare in an attempt to not forget and move on from him. But, it's going to happen eventually anyways, so ✌️.

Instagram was the first to go lol.


✨Come Craft with Me!✨
Tomorrow! July 29th at 1pm (eastern standard time), I will be going live for the first time so we can craft together! Also while we work we chat and get to know each other, listen to fantasy music I will be playing in the background, and overall hang out and work on our craft amongst like minded people. Bring what ever your working on to the party or bring the party to what ever your working on. There may even be a some sneak peeks of some new hats coming to the shop soon. I’m looking forward to meeting and crafting with all my fairy friends✨


Next project when I have downtime lol...

Converting the Psycho-phyiscal philosophy to a Language specific model.

The plan is to feed the copied pasted Week "number" and say, I'm ready to begin professor as I did before guiding it, researching what it pulls up.

Here's what tends to work for me.

"Hey GPT, You're a professor of "" and I need you to teach me. Please only pull information from academia, peer reviewed research, and other similarly legitimate sources. Let's begin with "". I'm ready to begin professor."

Absolutely, that sounds like a fascinating course. Here's a tentative syllabus for a "Psycho-Computational Philosophy: Understanding and Utilizing Large Language Models" course:

**Course Description:**
This course delves into the principles and practice of crafting effective prompts for AI language models, specifically GPT-4. Combining psychology, computer science, and philosophy, we explore the workings of AI, ethical considerations, and the societal implications of AI use. We'll use GPT-4 as our primary case study.

**Week 1 - Introduction to AI and Large Language Models:**
Introduction to AI, machine learning, and large language models. Overview of GPT-4's design, capabilities, and limitations.

**Week 2 - Prompt Crafting:**
The art and science of prompt crafting. Understanding prompt engineering and how to achieve desired outputs.

**Week 3 - Psycho-Computational Approach:**
Analyzing the intersection of psychology and computer science in AI. How does understanding human cognition and behavior impact our interaction with AI?

**Week 4 - Unpacking GPT-4:**
Deep dive into GPT-4's architecture, training process, and its capabilities. How can GPT-4 understand and generate human-like text?

**Week 5 - Philosophy and AI Ethics:**
Ethical considerations in AI and machine learning. Analysis of philosophical principles applied to AI.

**Week 6 - Understanding GPT-4 Outputs:**
Decoding GPT-4's outputs. Understanding AI responses, limitations, and potential for bias.

**Week 7 - Contextualizing GPT-4:**
Societal implications of AI use. How AI and large language models impact society.

**Week 8 - Advanced Prompt Crafting:**
Designing complex prompts. Creative, research, and practical applications of GPT-4.

**Week 9 - Review and Case Studies:**
Real-world examples of GPT-4 use and implications. Review of learned material.

**Week 10 - Final Project:**
Design a prompt for GPT-4 that addresses a real-world issue. Evaluate its responses, analyze ethical considerations, and discuss potential societal impacts.

**Course Objectives:**
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand the underlying principles of AI and large language models.
2. Craft effective prompts and interpret AI responses.
3. Analyze the ethical and societal implications of AI use.
4. Apply psycho-computational philosophy principles to AI understanding and utilization.

Assessment will be based on weekly assignments, participation in class discussions, and the final project.

Relevant books, academic papers, and online resources will be provided throughout the course. Students will have access to GPT-4 for assignments and the final project.

Please note that while the course does have a specific focus on GPT-4, the principles and skills learned can be applied to other AI models and contexts.

Everyone's like "AI is gonna take my job"CEOs are like "We gonna replace everyone with AI lol" The reality... 😅

Everyone's like "AI is gonna take my job"

CEOs are like "We gonna replace everyone with AI lol"

The reality... 😅

NetDragon said that the AI chatbot was appointed to pioneer the use of AI to transform corporate management and leapfrog operational efficiency to a new level.


Imagine fighting over the dumbest stuff possible without realizing many of you aren't even built for this new weather.

I imagine there should be a significant rise in cardiac arrest cases in Old and young people soon.

Air pollution and extreme heat is a bad combo for a lot of people.

With the climate shifting north (New England weather has been becoming the Souths weather over the past few years in a extremely noticeable and measurable way). Heat changes the viscosity of liquids, I can't see how this wouldn't impact blood. Air quality impacts your oxygen intake and it's quality, so that's gotta have impact as well.

I'm no expert as usual, but this heat increase and etc is likely going to cause a spike in cardiac arrest across the board right?


My brain is overclocked without my usual outlet. I haven't created anything since I started working. My auditory processing is acting up which is keeping me in a permanently over stimulated state. It's like fry drinking 100 cups of coffee in Futurama. If you guys will bear with me as I catch my new rhythm I will taper off. My brain wants to hear every sound in a 100 mile radius (exaggeration lol).

It works as a benefit while driving because I am hyper vigilant and aware of everything lol. These people want to try and race each other at night, I'm just trying to make some money and make it home 😅. But, passengers get probably the safest you could have, and I sing as my stim... thank jeebus I'm not horrible at it 🤣😂. Ah man, I was so terrified of being heard in the beginning so I sung softly as I could. Singing is something I wanted to learn one day. Kind of like drawing and 3D modeling and etc. 👀

The downside is, my Facebook posts man 👀, the oversharing is real 🤣😂.

I am working out of a state of ADHD burnout while over stimulated. It is... doable with effort and motivation. I have motivation. Effort comes easy with correct motivation. Just going to need to adjust gradually.

Singing and vocal stims aren't lasting dopamine. When you stop, it starts to fade. Art and physical stims are longer lasting. You can still feel it in your muscles and etc. And sometimes see it. The audio gets lost in the new constant barrage of sounds.

I hope that makes at least some sense.

I do understand myself a bit and know the vast majority of what's going on with me at this stage lol.

It is draining, and my impulse control is going to be loosened slightly and that simply means I am prone to oversharing.

I have AuADHD 🤷‍♂️. I may be self diagnosed, but I mean... I'm actually one of the last to realize it 😅. This was brought to my attention in such a profoundly logical way, it was pretty evident 😅.

Please bear with me as I transition to my new Special Interests and stimming 😅.

This... this does mean you may get to hear Geeky sing in the not to distant future. Probably as Stitch (626) first... 😅.


The AirPods Pro "could have been easily made repairable with minimal effort."

And it begins lol. Prepare those CVs my Ghosties lol. If this is your thing that is 😅.

And it begins lol.

Prepare those CVs my Ghosties lol. If this is your thing that is 😅.

Netflix has advertised a high-paying AI position with an annual salary of $900k. The announcement comes as actors and writers in Hollywood continue to strike, demanding better safeguards for their digital likenesses in the face of AI advances that may jeopardise their jobs and creative rights.


Mia x Ally Shipping up to Boston tour highlight reelThank you for supporting us on our first tour! Here are some of our favorite moments!Video credits: ...


Today's thought experiment was a journey that led me to ponder this question: "What if our reality is nothing more than a complex set of automated systems, forgotten relics of a bygone era, standing on the precipice of breakdown?" I do these for fun and mental/creative challenge exercises. Don't put to much thought into the original questions I ponder (unless you want to, I mean that's the fun lol) the logic is usually where the meat is, for me at least. Real world examples exist though oddly enough lol. Many of our arbitrary constructs are now looping automated systems sort of. Imagine a factory automated to produce sentient robots that one day find the automated system lol. That's kind of where I was going with this. Story ideas lead to thought experiments where I try my best to think about it logically and rationally but with an open mind. (Back to GPT lol, I'll put the original I had it rewrite in the comments lol).

You see, the thing about crafting physical automated systems is the grim fact of their impermanence. Over time, the minds that understood them wink out, one by one. The knowledge they held evaporates, leaving these systems humming along in the background, as innocuous and essential as our own breath.

It'd be a strange discovery for future generations or new species, wouldn't it? They'd stumble upon these systems, like finding an old watch in the attic, and wonder what on earth makes it tick. At first, they'd probably chalk it up to something mystical, magical, even divine.

But with time and curiosity, they'd start to unravel its secrets, testing and poking at it like a curious cat with a new toy. They'd start to harness its unique properties and principles, bending it to their will.

This voyage of discovery isn't always a smooth sail. It births cycles of understanding that ebb and flow with the tide of societal acceptance. The journey is often fraught with resistance - fear of the unknown, of change - sparking conflicts and unsettling upheaval. But eventually, as in all things, the tumult settles, and only those willing to embrace this newfound knowledge remain. This cycle, it seems, repeats ad infinitum.

But what happens when a generation or species bucks the trend, skipping the ego-fueled conflict and stumbling upon the truth of these ancient automated systems? They'd find themselves on an entirely new plateau, with a brand-new set of tools and knowledge at their fingertips. Would they even be supposed to reach this point? Maybe the creators of these systems vanished into thin air, or they simply moved on to bigger and better things.

And when you think about it, doesn't the microcosm of our world follow a similar pattern? If so, wouldn't it be logical for the macrocosm to follow suit? It's an intriguing thought, isn't it?

In essence, it suggests that such a breakthrough cannot be achieved in isolation. The collective effort of the species is vital. After all, that's how most systems work, isn't it? Various components synergize to create something larger than themselves. Constant infighting only serves to undermine and destroy the system, trapping them in a perpetual loop.

I've been marinating in this thought experiment for a while now - "What if reality is ran by automated systems that were abandoned that may eventually break down?" Gave it quite the deep dive, I must say. Can't wait to run it by GPT and Bard to get their take.

This one hit me where I live, and echoed many of the theories I hold dear. A thought experiment that's equal parts fascinating and a bit melancholy.


I just realized why many places had this weird expectation that an 18 year old should have 10 years experience.

Shout out to my fellow Gen Xers that were unpaid employees for their parents! We actually have decade+ of work experience at 18 😅🤣😂.

8 years old I worked full time as a carpenters apprentice and part time as an animal dietician at a Zoo 😅. Parents would drag me with them and put me to work.

Wait, I made a mistake 😅. I was trying to share this to support someone. Don't support me, this wasn't meant for me 😅. J...

Wait, I made a mistake 😅. I was trying to share this to support someone. Don't support me, this wasn't meant for me 😅. Just clarification. Lol


For AI/ML work. The only place I'd want to work is MIT. But I'd want free reign to audit classes at will, do the work, get assessed like everyone else, but it doesn't have to count. I don't actually care about the credit for learning 😅, I really just want the knowledge.

I don't want to be paid either 😅. I'd want an apartment for the first year and a car. If you are happy with the results from the first year, buy me a house and I'll give you an additional 4 years.

I'm only willing to work in AI/ML under these conditions.

MIT is open source focused and I like many of their researchers 😅. I've helped with a few projects.

I don't like credit, I don't want credit. I just like to research and create things.

Don't offer me a job in AI/ML unless you can meet these terms.

Car is so I can work and drive rideshare for extra money.

Overall you'd end up paying me less than anyone else lol.

House would need to be 3 bedrooms with enough land for a small workshop. Cheap house, not something stupid with more space than I need or could maintain.

I will turn down any and all AI/ML employment opportunities that can not offer this exactly.

Free education without credit for it, a cheap electric car rideshare worthy, an apartment for the first year (3 bedroom), and a house if you want the next 4 years, and a hands off approach. No money, I'll make my own money.


Unsolicited advice...

Older Person: You know smoking is bad for your health.

Me: Thanks to your generation the whole planets bad for my health. At this point, the ci******es aren't really much more harmful than the things I need to consume to survive.


I'm working again, so art break. Back to vocalist hyperfixation 😅.

My brain will find an activity lol.


Friendly reminder. Unsolicited advise is considered a bad thing. You can completely derail a year long project from some people with unsolicited feedback you may not have even been qualified to give.

Giving unsolicited feedback isn't an attempt to help, it's an attempt to stroke your own ego and inflate your own sense of self. It has nothing to do with being helpful lol.

Don't do this. I'm being harsh with this these days. If you offer unsolicited feedback you struggled understanding something.

lol... This has been this way for a long time. Occasionally I will drop reminders when I encounter it lol.


All this lightning makes me nervous about driving an electric 😅. Could be a free charge, could be an exploding battery 🤣🤔. Research time! Lol

Update! The current travels through the body of the car, not the cabin, and through the tires dispersing into the ground. Only issue is charging during thunderstorms as the sudden increase in current could damage the vehicle.

Reference I don't know, Google. I read several articles, but it's best to research on your own always to confirm. They all said pretty much the same, videos were more about tesla catching lighting strikes on camera 😅.


Some how my page continues to grow lol 😅.

I have no idea what you were expecting. I started off learning to draw to make a game.

At some point I became a Hobbyist expert on numerous AI systems and tools. Learn to code, draw, do pixel art, and a bunch of other things 😅.

I'm Neurodivergent, and my learning rate is through the roof as long as I want to learn it. Not on a superficial level, on a real level I have to want it. Otherwise I can't do it.

Regardless of what you were expecting or why you're here, I hope my page offers something that inspires you to create, learn, or change the world.

I do not need promoting or anything, I tend to try and limit my reach. I prefer to leave my page as a whomever finds it, finds it kind of thing. 😅

I paid for an ad once, but it was because I loved my Cosmic Butterfly and wanted everyone to see it lol.

Go forth my new Ghosties and create a better tomorrow! Of course that means in the ways you can. Small gestures of kindness count.

Definitely check this paper outWant to make your own TV show? 😅 Not a project I've worked on,  but it does show you wher...

Definitely check this paper out

Want to make your own TV show? 😅 Not a project I've worked on, but it does show you where some projects currently are in their development. They made an episode of Southpark to demonstrate.

“Announcing our paper on Generative TV & Showrunner Agents! Create episodes of TV shows with a prompt - SHOW-1 will write, animate, direct, voice, edit for you. We used South Park FOR RESEARCH ONLY - we won't be releasing ability to make your own South Park episodes -not our IP!”

Before, and After lol... 3D work.

Before, and After lol... 3D work.

The Process!... in 3D lol. Setting up a scene in Daz3D. It's all about the perspectives, well and lighting, and the text...

The Process!... in 3D lol. Setting up a scene in Daz3D. It's all about the perspectives, well and lighting, and the textures. And then I use an HDRI for the background and to handle most of the lighting when I do the final renders. This is building the set, and creating the cameras up for specific shots. Then I'll go through and put a test subject in each spot, check the lighting, the angle, add some props, change some textures, and move on to the next camera. This is usually setup around a story I'm writing or a series of renders I need for something specific and I create the story as I go and just focus on the scene. Multiple approaches, no wrong or right way lol.

Once I'm done setting it up I can reuse it over and over. Makes things easier later and fun now. Double the dopamine! lol Dopamine Now and Laters lol! But yeah, I actually have fun setting these up and saving them for use later. Forgetting I did it, go looking for a scene, find it, remember I made it but forgot everything I added, kind of geek out over all the stuff I added and setup, remember lol. The cycle.

Testing a scene out.

Testing a scene out.


And then just like that, day is much better instantly lol. Aerospace engineer liked my drone concept and discussed it with me for like an hour or so. Fun talk and I learned a lot. He thinks I have a brilliant mind lol, he said most people have all these great ideas and leave them on the floor like breadcrumbs and never connect them, but I'm different.

No sir! I appreciate you, but I just leave whole loafs of bread on the floor after connecting them lol. Same place, same end result lol.

But I do feel better lol.


It's probably best I hop of social media for the day lol.

Professionals have to fight their own battles. It's not fair to try and include hobbyist and ametures, especially those doing their work for free. Many Hobbyist and ametures do have some negative emotions towards many professionals in their industries and fields for various reasons.

Some dislike the watered down version of their craft or skill.

Some dislike the money involved.

Some dislike the take over of conventions that were fan run in the beginning but got taken over by "professionals". Even gaming has seen this especially recently with the fan run Smash Bros tournament that's no longer a fan run event after numerous years of being fan run.

It is illogical to try and include these people. Many have no interest or desire of being part of the industry that currently exists and instead work in the underground scene which is a completely different beast. Those that want to support you would do so of their own volition without the email going out. Those that do not, now have to worry about fans retaliating against them even though they aren't part of it.

I'm going to avoid social media for the rest of the day because this bothers me significantly, clearly 😅.

People don't think about others, just themselves. It's frustrating.

If you're an ND cosplayer, be careful cosplaying characters from currently picketed studios. The choice to support the writers may have been taken out of your hands with the SAG email that went out.

If you decide to cosplay a picketed studios characters, do be aware that you may now face harassment and potentially threats. If you view it logically you'll see this is not only possible but probable.

I've already been told the planet would be better off without me in a wholesome group for disagreeing with including non professionals in their messaging to stop 😅.

I'm getting so tired of these cycles 🤣😂.


Fame is a currency with power and pull equivalent to money. You can use it to pay for meals, use it as collateral for a loan on a home, use it as a reference for a job interview. Its not accepted everywhere, but neither is cash. World leaders accept fame as a currency. Fame is more universally accepted than cash in this sense.

Fame means not having to obey laws or face consequences like others. Fame allows you to pass that bill right on over to others.

I get some of you want to push the narrative that Fame and wealth are not equivalent, I agree, because I think Fame is seen as a more widely accepted and valuable currency.

Studios: Don't cosplay our stuff, we own it, so stop.  Quit making your own stuff and just go watch our stuff. We know w...

Studios: Don't cosplay our stuff, we own it, so stop. Quit making your own stuff and just go watch our stuff. We know what's best and fair use is an illusion.

Writers and Actors: Stop cosplaying, you're helping the Studios make money, but do go see the movies and TV shows. This is important.

Meanwhile... Actual Creators... have been delivering a different message over the years 😅.

Infinity Train creator Owen Dennis responds to the series' removal from HBO Max following the streaming service's removal of the Cartoon Network show.



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