Me loading into my No Man's Sky save after over a year, decided to start a new save to check out all the updates and I'm enjoying it, alot!!
All new TraumatisedEwok Gaming & Entertainment News.
Aiming to be a weekly short news burst every Sunday, featuring the content we'll dive into in our Monthly Just Chatting News stream.
#gamingnews #news #therapysessions #streamer #streaming #contentcreator #updates
I'll never be able to do this again 🤣
#EscapeFromTarkov #eft #tarkov #streamer #streaming #therapysessions
This weeks Therapy Sessions folks, hope to see you in the week!
#streaming #stream #streamer #contentcreator #therapysessions #shadowofmordor #tarkov #f124
First time!!!
#EscapeFromTarkov #eft #therapysessions #contentcreator #stream #streamer
Coming up in this week's Therapy Sessions!!
#therapysessions #stream #streamer #contentcreator #EscapeFromTarkov #x4foundations #shadowofmordor
It's not what it sounds like....
#galacticare #gaming #xboxseriesx #GamePassUltimate #XboxGamePass
Keep Your Foot In It!! #F123 #f123game #f123gameplay #eagames #logitechg920 #xboxseriesx
Channelled my inner Drax!! #eft #EscapeFromTarkov #escapefromtarkovclips #tarkov #guardiansofthegalaxy
Some BattleField V sniping fun.
#Battlefield #battlefieldv #BFV #EA #gaming
Panic fire for the win 🤣 #EscapeFromTarkov #tarkov #eft #lucky
Been working on some loading screen ideas for Tarkov streams, here's a look at one of them, let me know your thoughts folks!
Why we drone!! #rainbowsixsiege #r6siege #r6siegeclips #r6s #Ubisoft #xboxseriesx #contentcreator
Tarkov noob gets a Labs card on Scav, where's the exit?! #EscapeFromTarkov #escapefromtarkovclips #eft #tarkov #tarkovclips #noob #pcgaming
I've made a few adjustments to the colour settings on Tarkov to make the gane look a bit less gloomy. There's a huge difference!
The pain of Tarkov, new Tarkov Trauma Diaries coming soon over on YouTube.
Ooops!! 🤣 #baldursgate3 #baldursgate #BG3 #larianstudios #xboxseriesx #contentcreator #streamer
The most secure location in any video game!! 🤣