A little BTS: the world of fonts is vast. Beyond Ariel, Times New Roman, and the all-time hated Comic Sans, there are thousands of fonts, or typefaces, to choose from.
To break them down simply— there are serif fonts and sans-serif fonts. You can think of “serifs” as the tiny “feet” attached to each stroke that a character is made up of. For example: Times New Roman, Garamond, or Bodoni, to name a few of the most popular. Sans-serif fonts (“sans” meaning “without” in French) don’t have the feet. The letters you’re reading now are sans-serif. Popular sans typefaces are Ariel, Comic Sans, Calibri, Century Gothic, and Helvetica.
Because MINDSWIM is inspired by The New York Times, its typeface for body text was originally going to be Georgia, what they use. However, upon further inspection, MINDSWIM wound up with Freight Text Pro. It looks just like Georgia, but has lighter lines, or a lighter weight, giving a more elegant look.
Once a font is chosen, you should consider its weight (how heavy or light), style (normal, italic), size, letter spacing, line height, and any transformations. As mentioned, the world of fonts is vast. But if you’re into this sort of thing, it’s also fun.
To learn more about typeface, check out Typewolf at www.typewolf.com by designer Jeremiah Shoaf. He ranked Freight Text Pro as one of the most popular serif fonts of 2020.