Rikki K Woods

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Rikki K Woods Animal lover, CreatingIncomeOnline. The 3 F's-Finance, Freedom, & Future

Embracing Change: Transforming HabitsHey there, Let's talk about the magic of change today. We all have those habits tha...

Embracing Change: Transforming Habits

Hey there,

Let's talk about the magic of change today.

We all have those habits that don't serve us well. You know the ones – those little rascals that keep us stuck in the same old patterns. But guess what? Change is possible, and it's completely worth it!

🌟 It's not always easy, but it's a journey worth embarking on.

🌟 Breaking free from habits that no longer serve you can feel like an uphill battle. But with each small step, you're getting closer to the best version of yourself.

🌟 It's okay to stumble, to have setbacks. They are a part of the process, not the end of it. The key is to keep moving forward.

🌟 Surround yourself with positive influences and supportive friends. You're not alone on this journey.

🌟 Celebrate your victories, no matter how small. Every change, every effort counts.

Remember, change is a beautiful thing, and it starts with altering the habits that hold you back. So, take a deep breath, believe in yourself, and let's make those positive changes together!

Share your journey with change below. Let's inspire and support each other!

🐎🌟 Exciting News: My Horses Have Arrived in Sydney! 🌟🐎After a long and challenging process, they're finally here! After ...

🐎🌟 Exciting News: My Horses Have Arrived in Sydney! 🌟🐎

After a long and challenging process, they're finally here! After 13 years of having horses in my life, last night marked a milestone. My horses have arrived in Sydney, and having them at my back door is an incredible feeling!

This is a dream come true. I can't express how grateful I am for this moment. These horses have been a big part of my life, and now, being able to care for them right in my own backyard is beyond amazing.

A massive thank you to Amber at Southern Highlands Horse Transport and Equine Services!

Thanks to all who've been part of this journey. Stay tuned for more updates as we embrace this new chapter in Sydney!

Embracing the Freedom of Entrepreneurship Hey everyone!As many of you know of the past year, I’ve started my own online ...

Embracing the Freedom of Entrepreneurship

Hey everyone!

As many of you know of the past year, I’ve started my own online business.

Living with a brain condition has its challenges. The numb limbs, severe headaches, light-headedness, severe nausea, brain fog, zoning out, chronic fatigue to name a few are unwelcome companions in my daily life. For a long time, these issues made the traditional 9-5 grind a constant struggle.

Picture this: The stress of waking up not knowing if I’d be able to make it to work. Those sick days when I couldn’t get out of bed. The looming fear of loosing my job, not because of my dedication but because my condition prevented me from driving.

But guess what? Those days are behind me now! My online business allows me to work on my own terms. It’s a breath of fresh air and a source on immense relief.

I can shape my work schedule around my health, my family commitment, and all the important events I used to miss out on. No more worrying about calling in sick and the financial strain that follows.

Today, I’m grateful for the opportunity to by my own boss, to chase my dreams, and to have the freedom to prioritize my health and well-being.

If your facing similar challenges or yearn for a change, I’m here to tell you that there’s hope. You can overcome the hurdles life throws at you and find your own path to success.

Here’s to a brighter, healthier and more fulfilling future!

Message me to find out how you can too.

It’s Official! Sydney is our new home base for the next 12 months before we dive into our next grand adventure!Although ...

It’s Official! Sydney is our new home base for the next 12 months before we dive into our next grand adventure!

Although its just Shaggy and I for now while Brodie is still hard at work finishing off building the hospital he’s been working on, while looking after my horses till, we can get them here, our reunion is just around the corner and we will be able to embark on this next chapter of our amazing journey together.

The next 12 months is all about progress and personal development: I’ll be putting all my efforts into my growing my business, striving for new heights and exciting opportunities. We’re committed to boosting our financial health, setting smart goals. Its also the season of continued self-development, with books to read, skills to be honed, and experiences to be cherished.

Let’s connect, explore, and inspire one another on this incredible journey. Hears to the next 12 months of growth, learning, and unforgettable moments!

What a big weekend So we have decided to move to Sydney for a while within the next 2 weeks.We have decided to hire an M...

What a big weekend

So we have decided to move to Sydney for a while within the next 2 weeks.

We have decided to hire an MLT transport truck to take my horses to Sydney for us, but getting my horses transported to Sydney means I can't get an exact date until a day or 2 before they are picked up, and to top it off mechanical problems with both our utes, one of which will definitely not be fixed in time!

So we decided to hire a removalist truck and do a last-minute trip to Sydney over the weekend with 90% of our stuff.

This consisted of 14 hours in the truck and a further 5 hours in my ute because on top of it all, we couldn't take Shaggy with us this time, so we decided to leave him in a boarding facility and the closest one that could take him last minute was 1 hour each way away from us plus all the other driving picking up and dropping off the truck.

But we got it done. All that's left to move are our essentials e.g. Lounge, TV, bed, fridge, and washing machine.

So we are ready to move in a heartbeat when we get the call to say the transport company is on its way to pick up my horses.


I have been camping my whole life since I was 3 weeks old, I can't even count the number of camping trips. From family c...

I have been camping my whole life since I was 3 weeks old, I can't even count the number of camping trips.

From family camping trips to camping with my horses, riding all day then sitting around the fire with friends having a few rums at night, to now camping adventures with my partner, and now we have added a puppy to the mix.

Through my many camping adventures, there are 5 destinations that stand out and hold great memories for me.

I want to share with you all something that's very close to my heart. I've been living with a condition all my life call...

I want to share with you all something that's very close to my heart.

I've been living with a condition all my life called Chiari 1 malformation, and I am sure that very few of you have even heard of it!!

So it's time for me to raise awareness and help people understand more about this condition, and a little more about me 😊

Chiari 1 Malformation is a neurological condition where the lower part of the brain, the cerebellum, extends into the spinal canal. I can tell from experience that there are many different signs and symptoms which can differ from person to person.

These are 14 of the most common signs and symptoms of this condition which has a significant impact on the quality of our lives.

💙 Let's spread the word so we can support those affected and promote understanding.

So good to have the old girl running again 🥰

So good to have the old girl running again 🥰

Awesome weekend away with Brodie Japp

Awesome weekend away with Brodie Japp

My top 5 fav tv shows and let me tell you it wasn't easy only picking 5. So here they are in no particular order because...

My top 5 fav tv shows and let me tell you it wasn't easy only picking 5.

So here they are in no particular order because its too hard to choose between them.

Embracing the Power of Positivity!Hey, I wanted to take a moment to share something that has truly transformed my life l...

Embracing the Power of Positivity!

Hey, I wanted to take a moment to share something that has truly transformed my life lately: focusing on the good.

As a 26-year-old woman navigating this exciting journey called life, I've come to realize that the energy we put out into the world has a remarkable impact on what we attract back. When we choose to shift our perspective and focus on the positive aspects of our lives, something magical happens: the good gets even better!

It's so easy to get caught up in the challenges and negativity that surround us. Trust me, I've been there too. But I've discovered that by consciously directing my attention to the blessings, small victories, and moments of joy, I'm inviting more positivity and abundance into my world.

Each day, I challenge myself to find at least three things to be grateful for. Whether it's the sunshine peeking through my window, My animals, or the loving support of my boyfriend, these seemingly small moments have the power to transform our mindset and amplify the good in our lives.

Remember, my friends, that positivity is contagious. By radiating good vibes, we inspire those around us to do the same. Our energy creates a ripple effect, spreading joy, love, and kindness throughout our communities.

So, let's embark on this beautiful journey together. Let's lift each other up and celebrate the incredible blessings life has to offer. Together, we can make the good even better!

Hey friends! Just dropping in with a gentle reminder for myself and for all of you out there. I've come to realize that ...

Hey friends!

Just dropping in with a gentle reminder for myself and for all of you out there. I've come to realize that sometimes later can easily turn into never if we let it.

Life has a way of keeping us busy and distracted, pulling us in a thousand different directions. We often find ourselves putting off the things we truly desire, thinking we'll get to them eventually. But here's the truth I've learned: "Eventually" rarely comes unless we make it happen.

So, let's shake off the procrastination, the self-doubt, and the fear of the unknown. Let's embrace the magic of the present moment and take action toward our dreams. Whether it's starting that business you've been dreaming of, traveling to that dream destination, or simply taking time for self-care and personal growth, remember that now is the perfect moment to begin.

Let's not wait for the perfect conditions or for everything to be in place. Let's dive in, take risks, and learn along the way. It's never too early or too late to start chasing our passions and building the lives we envision. We owe it to ourselves to make our dreams a reality.

So, let's make a pact today. Let's grab hold of our dreams, pursue them with unwavering determination, and transform our "someday" into "today." Let's prove to ourselves and the world that we're capable of achieving greatness.

Remember, life is too short to put our dreams on hold. Let's make the most of every precious moment and create a life that fills us with joy and fulfillment.

Who's with me? Share your dreams and aspirations below, and let's support each other in this incredible journey of turning our "later" into "now"!

Hey everyone! Just wanted to share a little reminder with you all today. Life has a funny way of throwing challenges our...

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to share a little reminder with you all today. Life has a funny way of throwing challenges our way, and it's easy to get caught up in self-doubt and negative thoughts. But guess what? We have the power to change that narrative!

At 26, I've come to realize that controlling our actions is the key to altering our perspective. Instead of dwelling on self-doubt, let's focus on taking positive steps forward. Let's choose to believe in ourselves and our abilities, even when it feels tough.

Remember, every action we take, no matter how small, has the power to shape our lives. So let's be intentional with our choices and embrace the opportunities for growth and learning that come our way. We're capable of achieving amazing things!

Let's replace self-doubt with self-confidence.

Today, I encourage you all to stand tall, chase your dreams, and believe in your potential. Surround yourself with positive influences, seek support from loved ones, and celebrate your victories, no matter how big or small.
Together, let's conquer our fears, break free from self-doubt, and create a life filled with positivity and purpose. You are capable, beautiful, and deserving of all the success that comes your way.

Control your actions, alter your perspective, and delete self-doubt.

Are you searching for a life-changing opportunity that merges financial prosperity with your passion for holistic well-b...

Are you searching for a life-changing opportunity that merges financial prosperity with your passion for holistic well-being?

Look no further! Partnering with a high-ticket affiliate marketing business opens up a world of possibilities.

By promoting the company's revolutionary products and business opportunities, you can make a positive impact on people's lives while earning substantial commissions.

With a strong global brand, a supportive community, and the freedom to design your own lifestyle, this is your chance to unlock unlimited earning potential and create a future filled with purpose and abundance.

Embrace the power of Affiliate Marketing and embark on a journey that will transform both your financial reality and personal fulfillment.


Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is the person you aspire to be! It's a gentle reminder that greatness takes time...

Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is the person you aspire to be!

It's a gentle reminder that greatness takes time and effort. Just like the majestic city of Rome, your dreams and goals require patience, perseverance, and consistent dedication.

Every step you take towards personal growth and self-improvement, no matter how small, adds up to something magnificent over time. Embrace the journey, learn from your experiences, and keep moving forward.

Allow yourself grace during the process. Understand that setbacks are opportunities for growth, and success is not defined by speed, but by resilience and determination.

So, dream big, set your goals, and work towards them day by day. Remember, you are a masterpiece in progress, and every step you take brings you closer to becoming the person you aspire to be.

Let's Celebrate Every Victory, Big or Small!Hey everyone! Today, I want to remind you of something important: celebratin...

Let's Celebrate Every Victory, Big or Small!

Hey everyone! Today, I want to remind you of something important: celebrating even the smallest victories can have a huge impact on our lives.

Life can sometimes feel like a never-ending journey with its ups and downs, but amidst the challenges, it's crucial to recognize and embrace every little accomplishment along the way. Whether it's acing a difficult exam, finishing a challenging workout, or simply making it through a tough day, each small victory deserves recognition and celebration.

Why is this so important, you ask? Well, celebrating these small wins can boost our motivation, self-confidence, and overall happiness. It reminds us that progress is happening, no matter how slow it may seem at times. By acknowledging our achievements, we cultivate a positive mindset and encourage ourselves to keep pushing forward toward our goals.

Remember, success is not solely defined by major milestones. It's the accumulation of countless small victories that lay the foundation for greatness. So, let's pause for a moment and acknowledge all those tiny triumphs that make our lives meaningful.
Let's celebrate the determination, resilience, and progress we showcase each day.

Share your small victories with us in the comments below and let's cheer each other on! Together, we can inspire a culture of celebration and support, turning even the most ordinary days into extraordinary ones.

The highlight of the week! New Computer! Slowly but surely building my dream home office...This week, I want to celebrat...

The highlight of the week! New Computer! Slowly but surely building my dream home office...

This week, I want to celebrate the progress I've made in building my dream home office, even though it's not yet exactly how I envision it. While there are still a few items on my Wishlist waiting to be acquired, I am grateful for the journey and the incremental steps that are bringing me closer to my ultimate home office setup.

Creating the perfect home office is a Labor of love. It requires patience, thoughtful planning, and a keen eye for detail. I've already taken significant strides toward realizing my vision, creating a space that inspires creativity and fosters productivity. Now that I have my new desktop computer, I can see my office starting to take shape.

Though I may still be missing a few key elements, I am reminded of the adage, "Rome wasn't built in a day." Each addition, no matter how small, brings me one step closer to the workspace I desire. I find solace in knowing that this process is not about achieving perfection overnight, but rather about the journey of creating a space that aligns with my needs and reflects my unique style.

So, as I look around my office, I acknowledge the progress I have made and celebrate my accomplishments thus far. I am grateful for the pieces I have acquired and the work they enable me to do. With each passing week, my home office evolves, inching ever closer to the vision in my mind. I am grateful for the opportunity to gradually bring my dream to life and excited about what the future holds for my growing workspace.

Embracing Change: Overcoming Challenges on the Path to self-TransformationChange is an extraordinary journey, full of ch...

Embracing Change: Overcoming Challenges on the Path to self-Transformation

Change is an extraordinary journey, full of challenges and setbacks. It’s easy to feel discouraged when attempting to break free from undesirable habits, but remember, each and every stumble brings you one step closer to success.

Today, I want to share my thoughts on the hurdles we face and the beauty of resilience on the path to becoming the person we aspire to be.

Habits can hold us, hostage, restricting our potential and limiting our growth. Breaking free requires courage, determination, and an unwavering belief in our capacity for change. But let’s be real transformation doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a gradual process with many trials along the way.

Failure is not a destination but a necessary pit-stop on our journey toward personal evolution. Each setback offers valuable lessons and a chance to reevaluate our approach. Remember, it's not about the number of times we fall it’s about the relentless will to rise, again and again.

The key is to embrace failures as stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks. Each unsuccessful attempt strengthens our resolve and reveals hidden insights about ourselves. We learn what triggers our undesirable behaviors, how to navigate through temptations, and which strategies work best for us. It’s a constant cycle of self-discovery.

So, don’t be disheartened by temporary setbacks. Instead, view them as opportunities to grow and refine your path to greatness. Celebrate even the smallest victories, as they are a testament to your perseverance. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is the person you aspire to become.

Today, I encourage you to embrace change, no matter how challenging it may seem. Embrace the journey of self-transformation, knowing that it won't always be smooth sailing. Learn from your failures, adapt your strategies, and keep moving forward. You have within you the power to become the person you dream of being.

New masterclass tomorrow night!!message me or comment for more details

New masterclass tomorrow night!!

message me or comment for more details




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