Hon, Julius mwalya Revolutionist

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Hon, Julius mwalya Revolutionist The real change of leadership and innovation




Je sais que vous aimez Pâques autant que moi. C'est la période la plus paisible et merveilleuse de l'année. Que votre famille vous baigne d'amour, que votre Pâques soit bénie et joyeuse. Joyeuses Pâques!




Happy New year my friend

Very true

Very true



You may not know me, but I know everything about you.
Psalm 139:1

I know when you sit down and when you rise up.
Psalm 139:2

I am familiar with all your ways.
Psalm 139:3

Even the very hairs on your head are numbered.
Matthew 10:29-31

For you were made in my image.
Genesis 1:27

In me you live and move and have your being.
Acts 17:28

For you are my offspring.
Acts 17:28

I knew you even before you were conceived.
Jeremiah 1:4-5

I chose you when I planned creation.
Ephesians 1:11-12

You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book.
Psalm 139:15-16

I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live.
Acts 17:26

You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Psalm 139:14

I knit you together in your mother's womb.
Psalm 139:13

And brought you forth on the day you were born.
Psalm 71:6

I have been misrepresented by those who don't know me.
John 8:41-44

I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love.
1 John 4:16

And it is my desire to lavish my love on you.
1 John 3:1

Simply because you are my child and I am your Father.
1 John 3:1

I offer you more than your earthly father ever could.
Matthew 7:11

For I am the perfect father.
Matthew 5:48

Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand.
James 1:17

For I am your provider and I meet all your needs.
Matthew 6:31-33

My plan for your future has always been filled with hope.
Jeremiah 29:11

Because I love you with an everlasting love.
Jeremiah 31:3

My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore.
Psalm 139:17-18

And I rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17

I will never stop doing good to you.
Jeremiah 32:40

For you are my treasured possession.
Exodus 19:5

I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul.
Jeremiah 32:41

And I want to show you great and marvelous things.
Jeremiah 33:3

If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me.
Deuteronomy 4:29

Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

For it is I who gave you those desires.
Philippians 2:13

I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine.
Ephesians 3:20

For I am your greatest encourager.
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4

When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you.
Psalm 34:18

As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart.
Isaiah 40:11

One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes.
Revelation 21:3-4

And I'll take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth.
Revelation 21:3-4

I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus.
John 17:23

For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed.
John 17:26

He is the exact representation of my being.
Hebrews 1:3

He came to demonstrate that I am for you, not against you.
Romans 8:31

And to tell you that I am not counting your sins.
2 Corinthians 5:18-19

Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled.
2 Corinthians 5:18-19

His death was the ultimate expression of my love for you.
1 John 4:10

I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love.
Romans 8:31-32

If you receive the gift of my son Jesus, you receive me.
1 John 2:23

And nothing will ever separate you from my love again.
Romans 8:38-39

Come home and I'll throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen.
Luke 15:7

I have always been Father, and will always be Father.
Ephesians 3:14-15

My question is…Will you be my child?
John 1:12-13

I am waiting for you.
Luke 15:11-32

Love, Your Dad.

Almighty God"



Forgiveness allows the past to die and forges a new beginning. It is the key that unlocks the door of hatred and resentment and allows the fresh wind of love and acceptance to blow through our hearts. Forgiveness is the power that...


I’m glad that God does not invite us to His boardroom where decisions are being made concerning me. I submit my requests and wait for Him to do as God. Sometimes we pray then follow God to His decision chambers and try to think how He might answer. We bring along with us our limitations that is the assumption that a difficult situation to us will also be difficult to God, no wonder we are not allowed to enter into that chamber.

Now as we wait for His answers we play around with possibilities like Samuel kept on saying "surely this must be the one" every time he saw one of the other sons of Jesse. But God had the unimaginable planned; the small boy David was the unimaginable.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. Ephesians 3:20-21

Beggining with Ephesians chapter 1 a crescendo builds up culminating into these awesome words above. Just to mention a few stepping stones before we reach this beautiful peak: Every spiritual blessing (v3), chosen before foundation of the world (v4) predestined for adoption (v5), Accepted in the beloved (v6), Redeemed & forgiven (7), inheritance (v11), sealed (13) and the list goes on and on.

Surely God comes through in ways beyond our imagination. With a hindsight I truly thank God for the prayers that He never answered the way I expected, ultimately His answers are beyond our imagination. Eye has not seen, ears have not heard and the mind has not conceived what God had in store for you and i. Get ready for the unimaginable.

Several biblical evidence attests to this fact:

One angel killed 185,000 people. (2 Kings 19:35)

Four lepers scared the entire Assyrian Army. (2 Kings 7)

Three hundred men with Gideon defeated a huge army (Judges 7:7)

A jaw of a donkey killed a thousand men (Judges 15:16)

The sun stool still. (Joshua 10:13)

It is not time to doubt or fear but to be excited that my circumstances are similar to all these examples, I think I can fit into the hall of fame (Heb.11). Don’t limit God, let faith arise today and expect the unimaginable, if things don’t happen the way you expected thank God that “Father Knows Best”

Once again prayer is not getting our will done but letting God’s will be done. If we being evil know how to give good gifts to our children how much more our God. Expect the unimaginable because our God has unlimited resources!


Prof Patricia Kameri-Mbote was classmates with DCJ Philomena Mwilu.

When Mwilu went back to further her studies recently, Mbote became her teacher.

Today, Mwilu was interviewing Mbote for the CJ position.

Prof. Mbote also taught Justice David Majanja who is now a member of JSC and interviewed her today.

It's a small small world full of lessons!



A Generation of Young Christians:

1. We are always right and we never accept correction. A corrector is seen as an enemy.

2. We love to sing in Church, but do not read our Bible at home.

3. We are full of lust, sensuality and emotions and we call it love.

4. We want to have wonderful marriages, but by the time we are 25 years we've already spent almost ten years in relationships. Sometimes, we may have had more boy lovers and girl lovers than even our parents.

5. Sexual activities are now part of our relationships calling it romance.

6. We want to be rich in life, meanwhile, we spend all our finances on the latest ipads, iphone, laptops, cameras, smartphones, etc, which in many cases we uses less than 30% of their functions.

7. We do not pay our tithes and offerings claiming we are students.

8. We say we are Christian men & women but dress like hollywood stars and we call it fashion.

9. We love pleasures rather than God.

10. In Church you will see us with our hands lifted up singing slow songs which we call worship but on our phones in our pockets, you will see pics of naked and half naked women, hip hop, Antichrist, etc and we have a nice way of justifying it.

11. We are hardly convicted when we go to Church because our hearts have been hardened by the deceitfulness of sin and pride.

But God foresaw these and warned us in 2 Timothy 3 That In the last days men and women will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power.

We need to change our ways, we have no excuse on judgement day. You can forward if u want to. But I know u wouldn't because is not funny. _share Jesus today to save yourself and the world at Large.


Kijana mwenzangu usipite bila kusoma Love story (Stor yenye kugusa maisha)
Kijana maskini na mwenye maisha duni alimpenda msichana mmoja
Baada ya kutumia muda mwingi kumfikiria msichana huyo,
Siku moja akaamua kumwita na kumwambia ukweli ya kwamba amempenda na angehitaji kumuoa.
Msichana kwa nyodo na jeuri akasema "sikiliza tena unisikilize kwa makini wewe maskini mshahara wako unaopokea kwa mwezi hautoshi hata kwa matumizi yangu ya siku moja sasa utawezaje kunitunza mm!
Kwaufupi mm sio levo zako hivyo basi sahau kabisa kuhusu kunipata mimi
Nenda katafute maskini mwenzio atakae endana na maisha yako,
Mwisho akamwangalia kwa dharau na kisha akaenda zake.
Kwanzia siku ile kijana hakubahatika tena kumuona msichana yule lkn kwakuwa alimpenda basi hakuweza kumsahau kirahisi rahisi siku zilienda na miezi ikasonga,
Miaka 10 baadae wawili hawa walikuja kukutana katika supermarket moja hivi mjini
Kijana alipomwona msichana alitabasamu lakin kabla hajasema chochote msichana k**a kawaida yake kwa dharau akasema "we maskin upo! hivi na ww unaingiaga supermarket eh!
Akaongeza huku akisema walau sasahivi nakuona umependeza inaonekana boss wako kakuongeza mshahara
ila kwa kifupi naomba nikwambie sasahivi nimeshaolewa mume wangu anafanya kazi kwenye kampuni moja hivi ya mtu binafsi kampuni maarufu sana na mshahara wa mume wangu ni shilingi milioni moja na laki mbili kwa mwezi na malupulupu mengine kibao,
Unafikiri ww na umaskini wako kuna siku utakuja kufikia kiwango cha mshahara anachopokea mume wangu!
Macho ya kijana yalitokwa na machozi kwa kuona msichana hajabadilika na anaendelea kuwa na maneno ya kejeri na dharau.
Mara hii mume wa yule dada akaingia ktk supermarket
Ile kumuona yule kijana mume akasema "ooh! Kiongozi upo hapa! Leo imekuwa bahati umekutana na mke wangu!" Kisha akamgeukia mke wake na kusema "mke wangu huyu ndo boss wangu
Na unajua nn mke wangu usishangae kumuona boss wangu anakuja kununua vitu mwenyewe hapa supermarket ukweli ni kwamba boss wangu hana mke, anasema alisha wahi kumpenda msichana mmoja lakini hakufanikiwa kumpata na amekuwa na ndoto ya kuja kukutana tena na msichana huyo ndio maana mpaka sasa bado hajaoa.
Akaendelea kusema hebu fikiria ni bahati kiasi gani alikuwa nayo msichana huyo k**a angekubali kuolewa na boss wangu leo hii siangekuwa
Muda wote msichana alikuwa kimya hajui hata ajibu nn kwa dharau alizomuonyesha kijana tangu mwanzo.
Kwenye maisha mambo huweza kubadilika k**a vile upepo unavoweza kubadili mwelekeo kulingana na masaa Hivyo basi usimdharau na kumbeza mtu yeyote kwa sababu ya hali aliyonayo,
Maana kila mtu anafungu lake alilopangiwa na Mungu,
Lakini pia kumbuka hakuna ajuaye kesho
Wakati mwingine mtu unayemdharau leo ndiye huyohuyo ambaye kesho utasimulia mafanikio yake.
Kwako unayesoma ujumbe huu nakuombea Mungu akakufungulie milango ya baraka na kuyapa thamani maisha yako ili pale ulipozomewa ukashangiliwe na wale wote waliokudharau punde wakapate kukupigia magoti kwa uweza wa Mungu.


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Teachers Nationwide Resource Centre
Phrasal verbs

1. Call off = cancel
2. Turn down = reject
3. Bring up = mention
4. Come up= arise/ produce
5. Hand over = relinquish / give a chance
6. Take over= take control /responsibility
7. Take up= require
8. Get on= continue / have a good relationship
9. Talk over = discuss / interrupt
10. Use up = exhaust / use completely
11. Look forward to = await
12. Go on = continue
13. Catch up = discuss latest news
14. Fill in = complete
15. Hand in = submit
16. Look up= find/search
17. Look into = check/ investigate
18. Figure out = understand / solve
19. Go over = review
20. Show up = arrive
21. Ring up= call
22. Go back = return to a place
23. Pick out= choose
24. chip in = help
25. Break in on = interrupt
26. Come apart = separate
27. Go ahead = start / proceed
28. Cut in = interrupt
29. Own up= confess
30. Figure out = discover
31. Get back = return
32. Get away = escape
33. Work out= exercise
34. Hang in = stay positive
35. Put down = insult
36. Pass out = faint
37. Leave out = omit/ skip
38. Show off = boast / brag
39. Peter out = finish / come to an end gradually
40. Lay off= dismiss
41. Take on = employ( someone)
42. Cross out = delete / cancel / erase
43. Sort out = solve
44. Make out = understand / hear
45. Abide by = follow ( a rule / decision / instruction)
46. Pile up = accumulate
47. Pig put = eat a lot
48. Pick up = collect
49. mix up = confuse
50. Make of = understand / have an opinion
51. Opt for = choose
52. Pass back = return
53. Patch up = fix/ make things better
54. Plump for = choose
55. Polish off = finish / consume
56. Decide upon = choose / select
57. Die down = decrease
58. Get along = leave
59. Hook up = meet ( someone)
60. Jack up= increase sharply
61. Kick about = discuss
62. Talk about = discuss
63. Kick out = expel
64. Lay on = organise/ supply
65. Link up = connect /join
66. Make after = chase
67. Make away with = steal
68. Big up = exaggerate the importance
69. Blow up = explode
70. Book in = check in at a hotel
71. Call up= telephone
72. Cap off = finish / complete
73. Care for = like
74. carry off = win/succeed
75. Carry on = continue
76. Add on = include
77. Ask over = invite
78. Back away = retreat / go backwards
79. Back off = retreat
80. Bag out = criticize
81. Bull up = confuse / complicate
82. Bear on = influence / affect
83. Give up = quit / stop trying
84. Keep on = continue
85. Put off = postpone
86. Turn up = appear suddenly
87. Take after = resemble
88. Bring up = raise (children)
89. Fill out = complete a form
90. Drop out of = leave school
91. Do over = repeat a job / task
92. Fill up = fill to capacity
93. Look over = examine / check
94. Put away = save / store
95. Put out = extinguish
96. Set up = arrange/ begin
97. Throw away = discard
98. Cut down on= curtail ( expenses)
99. Try out = test
100. Turn off = repulse
101. Call on = visit
102. Go through = use up/ consume
103. Check up on = examine / investigate
104. wait on = serve
105. get rid of = eliminate/ eradicate/ erase
106. Get through with = finish
107. Look down on = despise
108. Look up to = respect & admire
109. Make sure of = verify
110. Put up with = tolerate
111. Run out of= exhaust supply
112. Think back on = recall/ remember
113. Walk out on = abandon
114. Get by= survive
115. Get up = arise
116. Grow up = get older
117. Walk up = arouse from sleep
118. Back up = support
119. Make up for = compensat


*Ugandan President’s address to his nation*.
A wisdom to share✨

Uganda President KAGUTA MUSEVENI warns against people misbehaving during this COVID-19 period, *"God has a lot of work, He has the whole world to look after. He cannot just be here in Uganda looking after idiots..."*.

Below is his reported statement.

"In a war situation, nobody asks anyone to stay indoors. *You stay indoors by choice.* In fact, if you have a basement, you hide there for as long as hostilities persist.

During a war, you *don't insist on your freedom*. You willingly give it up in exchange for survival.

During a war, you *don't complain of hunger.* You bear hunger and pray that you live to eat again

During a war, you *don't argue about opening your business*. You close your shop (if you have the time), and run for your life. You pray to outlive the war so that you can return to your business (that's if it has not been looted or destroyed by mortar fire).

During a war, you are *thankful to God for seeing another day in the land of the living*.

During a war, you *don't worry about your children not going to school.* You pray that the government does not forcefully enlist them as soldiers to be trained in the school premises now turned military depot.

*The world is currently in a state of war. A war without guns and bullets. A war without human soldiers. A war without borders. A war without cease-fire agreements. A war without a war room. A war without sacred zones.*

The army in this war is without mercy. It is without any milk of human kindness. It is indiscriminate - it has no respect for children, women, or places of worship. This army is not interested in spoils of war. It has no intention of regime change. It is not concerned about the rich mineral resources underneath the earth. It is not even interested in religious, ethnic or ideological hegemony. Its ambition has nothing to do with racial superiority. *It is an invisible, fleetfooted, and ruthlessly effective army.*

Its only agenda is a harvest of death. It is only satiated after turning the world into one big death field. Its capacity to achieve its aim is not in doubt. Without ground, amphibious and aeriel machines, it has bases in almost every country of the world. Its movement is not governed by any war convention or protocol. In short, *it is a law unto itself. It is Coronavirus. Also known as COVID-19* (because it announced its destructive presence and intention in the year of our Lord 2019)

Thankfully, this army has a weakness and it can be defeated. It only requires our collective action, discipline and forbearance. *COVID-19 cannot survive social and physical distancing.* It only thrives when you confront it. It loves to be confronted. It capitulates in the face of collective social and physical distancing. It bows before good personal hygiene. It is helpless when you take your destiny in your own hands by keeping them sanitized as often as possible.

*This is not a time to cry about bread and butter like spoilt children.* After all, the Holy book tells us that man shall not live by bread alone. *Let's obey and follow the instructions of the authorities.* Let's flatten the COVID-19 curve. Let's exercise patience. Let's be our brothers' keeper. *In no time, we shall regain our freedom, enterprise and socializing."*

In the midst of EMERGENCY, we practice urgency of service and the urgency of love for others✨
God bless us all

👏👏👏, the best and most intelligent public speech ever made during Covid-19. 🎩 off to him. SALUTE a great leader.



Now that the sky is calm & enabling, our major focus is on visualization and actualization of our dreams. We focus on the intuitions of our dreams with the knowledge of the inevitable. "When we dream, something great happens. I feel it coming".

" I'll rather be optimistic and wrong than pessimistic and right" -Elon Musk

I still believe in the power of dreams. Focus on your lane. Work hard & never underscore the power integrity and transparency. Listen to the world and grasp the useful content. Control how you feel, it dictates your actions. Read good books. Hope for the better. Have boundaries, stick to them.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams


A man who does carpentry work. This man, every morning, passes in front of a Church on his way to work. One day he took a decision that he must go into the Church at the chapel to greet JESUS before going to his work.
So each day he passes the Church he will go to the chapel and say "JESUS l ‘m here to greet you" he did this for many years and it became part of him. One day he went to work as usual and fell down from the roof where he was working and had a spinal cord injury, he was taken to many hospitals and there was no remedy to his health and he became paralyzed.
One day at the hospital where he was on his sick bed without hope, his wife left him alone in the room to bring something from the house. A man who dressed in white walked into the room and greeted him saying, "my friend l have come to greet you. JESUS came to visit him since he couldn't come to visit Him as usual. And the sick man said Thank You, the visitor left and this man started to notice changes on his body, and to his greatest surprise, he got up and sat down on the bed still thinking if it was a dream when his wife came and saw him sitting down she thought it was a Ghost and raised alarm ran out from the room. The Doctor and Nurses rushed to the room thinking the sick man is dead, when the Doctor first entered and saw the man sitting comfortably, he also ran back, before he decided to ask him what happened and the healed man told him all that happened,He was visiting JESUS daily for many years but one singular visit by JESUS changed his hopelessness to joy!
My brother, sister and Friend who is reading this message, this is a true life testimony. This happened somewhere.! JESUS lives, do not allow any body to deceive you please. As you type Amen and share



We need true unity from our ukambani leaders as they demonstrated in just concluded Machakos by election, peace and prayer to heal, build and consolidate our voting bloc. Peace and unity are the necessary ingredients for development and the enjoyment of fundamental freedoms and rights for every human being.

However, it is important to understand the idea of unity. Unity is not about the coming together of bodies, commanded by the powerful in society. It is not an event signified by elite political pacts. Unity is a process by which minds are drawn together organically to achieve a common purpose. Which is now making H. E Kalonzo Musyoka the 5th president of the republic of Kenya.

Unity does not mean the absence of difference. Instead, it is a process that acknowledges, recognises and celebrates difference as a natural part of a normal society. Therefore, unity does not necessarily mean uniformity among peoples. Rather it recognises and promotes diversity and the beauty of it.

Indeed, unity does not mean compulsory conformity of the minority to the majority merely because the majority demand compliance. Rather, unity behoves the majority to recognise and respect minorities in whatever form because they matter too.

Where there is unity of purpose there is difference but a commitment to development and prosperity. Genuine unity does not produce an impoverished society. It exalts a people to prosperity. On this day, we should be celebrating. But too many of our people are in great pain because of socio-economic burdens that have become unbearable.

Unity is not built on force. It is built upon foundations of love, understanding and appreciation of difference and diversity.

We deserve to be united by our values, aspirations, constitution and human rights. No single leader is bigger than the other . We must imagine a better, and more prosperous Kambaland in which our diversity is celebrated, not condemned.

We owe it to ourselves and future generations as God’s people to embrace one another in unity, to pray for the prosperity of our nation. Prayer works with works. We should not wait for divine intervention when we can change our behaviour.

Becoming a man by your own

Becoming a man by your own

I didn’t really know my father—he left my mother and me when I was two years old, and only traveled from Kenya to visit us once, when I was ten. That trip was the first and last I saw of him; after that, I heard from him only through the occasional letter, written on thin blue airmail paper that was preprinted to fold and address without an envelope.

His short visit had a profound impact on my life. My father gave me my first basketball and introduced me to jazz. But for the most part, the visit left me with more questions than it answered, and I knew I would have to figure out how to be a man on my own.

In our latest conversation on Renegades: Born in the USA, Bruce Springsteen and I explore the topic of masculinity and the influence that our fathers—both flawed role models—had on our lives. We also talk about the message American culture sends to boys about what it means to be a man—a message that too often emphasizes physical toughness over sensitivity; the need to dominate over the ability to love and care for others. Listen now on Spotify: spoti.fi/RenegadesEpisode6


Never eat the seed that will produce more fruits for you,no matter how hungry you're... It might be painful now, but it'll be gainful later


Happiness is not by chance
But by choice






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