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Exchange of prisoners between Aruba and Curacao in the context of a Kingdom regulation

WILLEMSTAD - Yesterday a remarkable prisoner exchange took place between Aruba and Curacao.

Two inmates from the SDKK prison in Curacao were placed aboard a Coast Guard boat and transported to Aruba. At the same time, an Aruban detainee was taken aboard the same vessel to be transferred to the SDKK prison in Curacao.
According to the Public Prosecution Service, this exchange of prisoners is part of a regulation within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. This arrangement makes it possible to move prisoners to another country within the Kingdom when this is necessary.
A few weeks ago, nine prisoners were transferred from Aruba to Curacao for maintenance work on the KIA facilities in Aruba.

Such transfers can occur for various reasons. In some cases, the prisoner may have to serve a sentence in the country where the crime was committed.
In other cases, the prison facilities in one of the countries may need maintenance, as was the case recently with the KIA facilities in Aruba.
These arrangements are designed to promote flexibility and cooperation within the Kingdom, while at the same time ensuring the safety and well-being of the detainees.

BRITISH AIRWAYS LANDS ON ARUBA FOR THE FIRST TIMEORANJESTAD - British Airways has been flying between London and Aruba s...


ORANJESTAD - British Airways has been flying between London and Aruba since this week. A Boeing 777-200ER calls at the Caribbean island twice a week, in combination with nearby Antigua. The first flight received a warm welcome at Queen Beatrix International Airport.

Aruba is flown every Thursday and Sunday from London Gatwick. The British capital is the third European destination with flights to the island, after Amsterdam (KLM and TUI fly) and Stockholm (Sunclass Airlines).

British Airways Aruba

In addition to Economy Class, British Airways also offers Premium Economy and Business Class on board the Boeing 777-200ER.

Begroting Aruba, Curaçao en Sint-Maarten hoeft in 2022 niet sluitendAruba, Curaçao en Sint-Maarten hoeven ook in 2022 ni...

Begroting Aruba, Curaçao en Sint-Maarten hoeft in 2022 niet sluitend

Aruba, Curaçao en Sint-Maarten hoeven ook in 2022 niet aan de begrotingsnormen te voldoen. Dat heeft de Rijksministerraad besloten. Dat betekent dat zij dit jaar binnen bepaalde kaders meer geld kunnen uitgeven dan er binnenkomt.

De regels voor de begroting van de landen zijn wettelijk vastgelegd. Afgesproken is dat de Aruba, Curaçao en Sint-Maarten zorgen voor een sluitende begroting. Als gevolg van de wereldwijde coronapandemie lukte dat eerder in 2020 en 2021 niet.
De landen vroegen en kregen toen akkoord om af te wijken van de afspraken. De aanhoudende pandemie en alle daaruit voortkomende gevolgen zorgen dat de landen voor dit jaar weer toestemming vragen om af te wijken van de vastgelegde eisen. Dat akkoord hebben ze opnieuw gekregen.
“Ik ben blij dat we hier met de landen samen deze afspraken over hebben kunnen maken”, aldus staatssecretaris Van Huffelen van Koninkrijksrelaties.
Nederland bood de landen tot nu toe hulp met noodsteunleningen van ongeveer één miljard euro. Ook is er voortdurende ondersteuning bij de bestrijding van COVID-19. Daarnaast hielp Nederland met bijvoorbeeld voedselpakketten.


Aruba verzocht de Rijksministerraad ook toestemming om de salariskorting van 12,5%, een van de eerder afgesproken voorwaarden voor de noodsteun, deels te kunnen afbouwen. Daar heeft de Rijksministerraad niet mee ingestemd, onder meer omdat Aruba nog een beroep doet op de noodsteunleningen en geen sluitende begroting kent. Wel is afgesproken dat Aruba voorstellen doet voor een andere invulling van de salariskorting. Verder wordt met de landen bekeken onder welke voorwaarden op termijn de salariskorting kan worden afgebouwd.

Travel to Aruba: Vaccinated, boosted visitors don't need a Covid testFeb 05, 2022Aruba has changed its entry requirement...

Travel to Aruba: Vaccinated, boosted visitors don't need a Covid test

Feb 05, 2022
Aruba has changed its entry requirements and has eliminated a testing requirement for visitors who have received a Covid booster.

Aruba has eliminated the Covid entry-test requirement for visitors who show proof of having been vaccinated and received a booster shot.
If visitors have not been vaxxed and boosted, two other options also are available for entry: taking an antigen test one day prior to arrival or a PCR test within three days of arrival (up from two days).
Fully vaccinated visitors must travel with a digitally variable QR-code proof of Covid-19 vaccination and booster.
To be considered fully vaccinated, a visitor must have received a booster shot at least seven days before travel and have a completed series of one dose of a one-dose vaccine or two doses of a two-dose vaccine.
Vaccination proof must be uploaded as part of Aruba's Embarkation/Debarkation Card process no earlier than three days before arrival.

Children 11 and under are exempt. Visitors between 12 and 17 can enter Aruba with a completed primary vaccine series with no booster.
Visitors 12 and over who have tested positive using a Covid-19 test by nasopharyngeal swab between 10 days and 12 weeks prior to their travel date to Aruba and do not show any symptoms also will be exempt from the requirement of providing a negative Covid-19 test result.

Willemstad-Curaçao is no longer allowed to exclude people of the same s*x from entering into a marriage, because this sh...

Willemstad-Curaçao is no longer allowed to exclude people of the same s*x from entering into a marriage, because this should be considered to be contrary to the principle of equality and the prohibition of discrimination.

The civil code of Curaçao still stipulates that a marriage can only be concluded between a man and a woman. By judgment of September 13, 2021, the court of first instance of Curaçao ruled in a lawsuit by the Human Rights Caribbean Foundation that this provision is contrary to the principle of equality and the prohibition of discrimination laid down in Article 3 of the Constitution (the Curaçao Constitution).

Increasing Acceptance

According to the court, there is no justification for giving same-s*x couples a civil
to refuse marriage, certainly as long as there is no comparable legal system such as

a registered partnership.

In the verdict, the court considered the increased social acceptance of affective relationships between men and men and women and women, worldwide, in the region and in Curaçao. Reference has been made, among other things, to the opening up of marriage in countries such as Colombia, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico and in Bonaire and Florida. Measures

The court considered that it is up to the legislator to take the measures desired by the legislator to eliminate the unlawful discrimination.

Willemstad- Curaçao mag mensen van gelijk geslacht niet langer uitsluiten van het sluiten van een huwelijk, omdat dit in strijd moet worden geacht met het gelijkheidsbeginsel en met het verbod op discriminatie.

In het burgerlijk wetboek van Curaçao is nu nog bepaald dat een huwelijk slechts kan worden gesloten tussen een man en een vrouw. Bij vonnis van 13 september 2021 heeft het gerecht in eerste aanleg van Curaçao, in een rechtszaak van de Human Rights Caribbean Foundation beslist dat deze bepaling in strijd is met het gelijkheidsbeginsel en discriminatieverbod vastgelegd in artikel 3 van de Staatsregeling (de Curaçaose grondwet).

Toenemende acceptatie

Volgens het gerecht bestaat er geen rechtvaardiging om paren van gelijk geslacht een burgerlijk
huwelijk te weigeren, zeker zolang er geen sprake is van een vergelijkbaar wettelijk stelsel zoals

een geregistreerd partnerschap.

In het vonnis heeft het gerecht stilgestaan bij de toegenomen maatschappelijke acceptatie van affectieve relaties tussen mannen en mannen en vrouwen en vrouwen, zowel wereldwijd, in de regio als in Curaçao. Gewezen is onder meer op de openstelling van het huwelijk in landen als Colombia, Brazilië, Argentinië en Mexico en in Bonaire en Florida. Maatregelen

Het gerecht heeft overwogen dat het aan de wetgever is om door de wetgever gewenste maatregelen te treffen om de ongeoorloofde discriminatie op te heffen.



ARUBA  CURAÇAO   ST MAARTENAgain stricter measures on the islands against persistent corona waveWILLEMSTAD/ORANJESTAD - ...

Again stricter measures on the islands against persistent corona wave
WILLEMSTAD/ORANJESTAD - The continuing wave of corona infections on the islands of Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten is tightening the measures again. The curfew went into effect on Sint Maarten on Sunday, and this will also happen on Curaçao from Friday. Not yet in Aruba, but the schools there will not open until September 1.
In the past two days, four people have died on Aruba, which of the above islands also has the most active infections (1053). The deceased patients were not vaccinated. According to epidemiologist Garreth Tromp, these corona deaths could have been prevented.
“Of the 30% unvaccinated in Aruba, 93% end up in the ICU and 100% of the deaths in this fourth corona wave had no vaccine.” One of today's deceased is a tourist.
The reason Aruba keeps schools closed for longer - the big holiday ends on August 19 - is because there have also been many infections among children in recent weeks, the government said. In addition, many cases are under the age of 12 because those age groups cannot be vaccinated yet. Nurseries will be allowed to open next week.
Curfew Curaçao
Curaçao Prime Minister Gilmar 'P*k' Pisas says there is no other option on Thursday (August 12). He did not want to introduce new measures for a long time, but is now mainly forced by the high number of corona patients in the hospital.
The curfew will be in effect from 13 August between midnight and 4.30 am. It has also been announced that no activities may be organized with more than a hundred people. Dancing and playing loud music are prohibited. Wearing face masks is also mandatory again when people go shopping.
Pisas fears the consequences of strict measures for the already bad economic situation on the island. The MFF leader says nightlife plays an important role in the economy.
“When people go out, they usually go to the hairdresser first, get their nails done or buy new clothes. That is good for the economy and that is now disappearing.”
In recent weeks, attempts have been made to make agreements with entertainment venues to carry out stricter controls. But that has not led to a clear decrease in the number of infections, which means that the new measures are necessary, according to Pisas.
Nightlife on Aruba curbed
The Aruban Prime Minister (resigned) Evelyn Wever-Croes further announced on Thursday evening that nightlife, bars, restaurants, are the largest sources of infection. That is why dancing is no longer allowed and there are again restrictions for performances.
Tourism, which has recovered beyond expectations in recent months, is now also taking some hits. According to the tourism authority ATA, there are more cancellations, especially now that America, as the largest tourism market for Aruba, advises against traveling to the island.
Hospitals in a pinch
635 active infections were registered on Curaçao on Thursday. 38 patients with Covid-19 are in hospital, 13 of which are in intensive care. However, Curaçao Medical Center has a serious shortage of personnel for intensive care. Pisas immediately deposited two million guilders for this.

Also in Aruba, the staff shortage is now the biggest problem, which means that ICU care is limited. In the past two weeks, the Aruban hospital HOH saw the number of corona admissions ninefold. There are now 46 infected patients, seven of whom are in the ICU, three are pregnant women and a child. Of this number, 28 have not been vaccinated.
Nevertheless, the crisis team says that the situation in the Aruban hospital is under control and that they can still provide the necessary care (including non-urgent).
Dead on St. Maarten
According to the latest figures from Thursday, there are 308 active cases on Sint Maarten. There has also been another death. A total of 39 people with Covid-19 have died on the island since the start of the crisis. There are now 18 corona patients in the hospital.
Opnieuw strengere maatregelen op de eilanden tegen aanhoudende coronagolf
WILLEMSTAD/ORANJESTAD – De aanhoudende golf van coronabesmettingen op de eilanden Aruba, Curaçao en Sint-Maarten zet de maatregelen weer op scherp. Zondag ging op Sint-Maarten de avondklok in, en ook op Curaçao gebeurt dat vanaf vrijdag. Op Aruba nog niet, maar daar gaan de scholen niet eerder open dan 1 september.
De afgelopen twee dagen vielen er vier doden op Aruba, die van bovengenoemde eilanden ook de meeste actieve besmettingen heeft (1053). De overleden patiënten waren niet gevaccineerd. Volgens epidemioloog Garreth Tromp hadden deze coronadoden voorkomen kunnen worden.
“Van de 30% niet-gevaccineerden op Aruba, eindigt 93% op de ICU en 100% van de doden in deze vierde coronagolf had geen vaccin.” Eén van de overledenen van vandaag is een toerist.
De reden dat Aruba de scholen langer dicht houdt – de grote vakantie eindigt op 19 augustus – is omdat er de laatste weken ook veel besmettingen zijn onder kinderen, aldus de overheid. Veel gevallen zijn er bovendien onder de 12 jaar want die leeftijdsgroepen kunnen nog niet gevaccineerd worden. Crèches mogen volgende week trouwens wel open.
Avondklok Curaçao
De Curaçaose premier Gilmar ‘P*k’ Pisas zegt donderdag (12 augustus) niet anders te kunnen. Hij wilde lange tijd niet overgaan tot het introduceren van nieuwe maatregelen, maar is nu vooral gedwongen door het hoge aantal coronapatiënten in het ziekenhuis.
De avondklok geldt vanaf 13 augustus tussen middernacht en half vijf ’s ochtends. Ook is bekend gemaakt dat er geen activiteiten mogen worden georganiseerd met meer dan honderd mensen. Dansen en het spelen van harde muziek zijn verboden. Ook is het dragen van mondkapjes weer verplicht als mensen gaan winkelen.
Pisas vreest de gevolgen van strenge maatregelen voor de al slechte economische situatie op het eiland. De MFK-leider zegt dat het uitgaansleven een belangrijke rol speelt in de economie.
“Als mensen uitgaan, gaan ze meestal eerst naar de kapper, laten hun nagels doen of kopen nieuwe kleren. Dat is goed voor de economie en dat valt nu weg.”
In de afgelopen weken is geprobeerd afspraken te maken met uitgaansgelegenheden om strengere controles uit te voeren. Maar dat heeft niet geleid tot een duidelijk afname van het aantal besmettingen, waardoor volgens Pisas de nieuwe maatregelen nodig zijn.
Uitgaansleven op Aruba aan banden
De Arubaanse premier (demissionair) Evelyn Wever-Croes maakt donderdagavond verder bekend dat het uitgaansleven ‘s avonds, bars, restaurants, de grootste besmettingshaarden zijn. Daarom mag er niet meer gedanst worden en zijn er weer beperkingen voor optredens.
Het toerisme dat zich de afgelopen maanden boven verwachting herstelde, krijgt nu ook weer wat klappen. Er zijn volgens toerisme-autoriteit ATA meer afzeggingen, zeker nu Amerika als grootste toerismemarkt voor Aruba, afraadt om naar het eiland te reizen.
Ziekenhuizen in de knel
Op Curaçao waren donderdag 635 actieve besmettingen geregistreerd. 38 patiënten met Covid-19 liggen in het ziekenhuis, waarvan dertien op de intensive care. Curaçao Medical Center heeft echter een groot gebrek aan personeel voor de intensive care. Pisas heeft hiervoor direct twee miljoen gulden gestort.

Ook op Aruba is het personeelstekort nu het grootste probleem waardoor de ICU-zorg beperkt is. In de afgelopen twee weken zag het Arubaanse ziekenhuis HOH het aantal corona-opnames vernegenvoudigen. Er liggen nu 46 besmette patiënten van wie zeven op de ICU, drie zijn zwangere vrouwen en een kind. Van dit aantal zijn 28 niet gevaccineerd.
Toch zegt het crisisteam dat de situatie in het Arubaanse ziekenhuis onder controle is en ze de benodigde zorg (ook niet-spoedeisend) nog kunnen bieden.
Dode op Sint-Maarten
Op Sint-Maarten zijn er volgens de laatste cijfers van donderdag 308 actieve gevallen. Er is ook weer een dode gevallen. In totaal zijn 39 mensen met Covid-19 overleden op het eiland sinds het begin van de crisis. In het ziekenhuis liggen inmiddels 18 coronapatiënten.

Five detained fishermen released in Venezuela" Willemstad Prime Minister Gilmar Pisas announced during the press confere...

Five detained fishermen released in Venezuela" Willemstad Prime Minister Gilmar Pisas announced during the press conference today that the five fishermen who have been imprisoned in Venezuela since March 27, 2020 have been released. They are five Curaçaoans. They were sailing on the open sea when the lockdown started. fishermen were then arrested in the territorial waters of Venezuela. According to Human Rights Defense Curaçao, this concerns Evelio Evertsz born 11-5-1970 on Curaçao, Genaro Thode born on 29-4-1958 in Bonaire living on Curaçao, Naoki Snijders born on 18 -12-1993 in Curaçao, Wolfang Accides Zavala Mar born on 28-05-1969 in Venezuela and resident of Curaçao and Davidson Gonzales born on 4-12-2000 in Curaçao.The five fishermen received assistance from the Dutch Embassy.Minister Stef Blok of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs already urged a quick and fair trial with the Venezuelan How the release came about is still unclear, but Pisas has indicated given more information about this at a later date.



Judges sworn in as members of the Joint Court of JusticePress release Aug. 2, 2021WILLEMSTAD - On Monday, August 2, Ruri...

Judges sworn in as members of the Joint Court of Justice
Press release Aug. 2, 2021
WILLEMSTAD - On Monday, August 2, Rurik Louis Marie van Opstal, Sander Lanshage and Ole Jan van Leeuwen were sworn in as members of the Joint Court of Justice of Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten and Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba. All have taken the oath or affirmation before the Acting Governor of Curaçao, Her Excellency Michèle Russel-Capriles.

Three more people have died as a result of Corona Covid 19 in Curaçao. Eleven people hace succumbed to the virus in nine...

Three more people have died as a result of Corona Covid 19 in Curaçao. Eleven people hace succumbed to the virus in nine days. The counter since the start of the corona crisis stands at 33.
On Monday, 183 people were tested positive, out of a total of 1397 corona tests. The test ratio is therefore 15.5 percent. Slightly lower than the past few days.
Nine patients were admitted, but five people were also discharged. There are now 69 in the hospital, 22 of them in intensive care. There is also one patient from Bonaire, who is counted among the statistics there.

Numbers Of Covid-19 Deaths Rise In Curacao As Two More Patients Die In Curacao.Again, two patients in Curaçao died from ...

Numbers Of Covid-19 Deaths Rise In Curacao As Two More Patients Die In Curacao.
Again, two patients in Curaçao died from the consequences of Corona. Friday too. The number of deaths since the start of the corona crisis is now thirty. Today 278 people have tested positive. A total of 1,563 corona tests were administered. A test ratio of 17.8 percent. 63 people healed. Nine people have been hospitalized, one of whom had to be taken straight to the Intensive Care Unit. Three patients have been released from hospital. There are now 58 people, sixteen of whom are in intensive care. That includes one Bonairean, who is in Intensive Care.
Opnieuw zijn twee patiënten in Curaçao overleden aan de gevolgen van Corona. Vrijdag ook al. Het aantal doden sinds het begin van de coronacrisis is nu dertig. Er zijn vandaag 278 mensen positief getest. In totaal werden 1563 coronatesten afgenomen. Een testratio derhalve van 17,8 procent. 63 mensen genasen. Negen mensen zijn opgenomen in het ziekenhuis van wie één iemand meteen naar de Intensive Care moest worden gebracht. Drie patiënten zijn ontslagen uit het ziekenhuis. Daar liggen nu 58 mensen, van wie zestien op de intensive care. Dat is inclusief één Bonairiaan, die op de Intensive Care ligt.

RHUGGENAATH: COHO ACT MUST BE AMENDED March 25, 2021Rhuggenaath is satisfied with the criticism of the Council of State ...

Rhuggenaath is satisfied with the criticism of the Council of State on the COHO Act. This is in line with the criticism that Curaçao has already expressed. According to Rhuggenaath, it is now up to the Netherlands, to the caretaker cabinet and possibly afterwards to the new government to discuss further and amend the Kingdom Act. Silveria Jacobs of Sint-Maarten also says she is happy that what is wrong with COHO can now be corrected. Aruban Prime Minister Evelyn Wever-Croes has not yet responded.

Aruba hospital can hardly handle the influx of corona patients anymoreThe Horacio Oduber Hospital in Aruba can hardly ha...

Aruba hospital can hardly handle the influx of corona patients anymore
The Horacio Oduber Hospital in Aruba can hardly handle the influx of corona patients. On Wednesday, five new patients were admitted to the corona ward and one person to intensive care. This means that the number of corona patients here has risen to 41 and the critical limit has been reached. Chairman of the Board of Directors Jacco Vroegop sounded the alarm the day before

The hospital does not have sufficiently qualified staff. Moreover, work has been under high pressure for over a year. Finding staff to provide care for those beds is still quite a challenge, according to Vroegop.

Last year Aruba received more IC equipment from the Netherlands. Since last year, the hospital has also been receiving a lot of extra care personnel to support them from the Netherlands, who also pay. Without this help, many patients would not be able to be helped, says Vroegop.

The influx of corona patients has jeopardized regular care and operations have to be canceled. The hospital had only two beds left in the intensive care unit on Wednesday

Upcoming Prime Minister Curaçao in hospital. Mar 24, 2021 WILLEMSTAD - The leader of the MFK and future prime minister o...

Upcoming Prime Minister Curaçao in hospital. Mar 24, 2021
WILLEMSTAD - The leader of the MFK and future prime minister of Curaçao Gilmar 'P*k' Pisas is in hospital.
Around 5:00 p.m. Pisas fell and got a cut on his head.
Various tests are being carried out, after which more can be said about the condition of Pisas, Sithree van Heydoorn reports on behalf of the MFK.

Curacao official election results

Curacao official election results

Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao residents flying to Sint Maarten must show a negative PCR test. Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao resident...

Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao residents flying to Sint Maarten must show a negative PCR test. Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao residents flying to Sint Maarten must show a negative PCR test
PHILIPSBURG - Residents of Curaçao, Aruba and Bonaire can only go to Sint Maarten from Monday if they can hand over a negative PCR test that is not older than 72 hours. Sint Maarten announced on Sunday that it would place the ABC islands on the list of countries with a high risk. On Sint Maarten (more than 40,000 inhabitants) there have been very few corona-infected patients for a long time. On Saturday there were eighteen active infections.

Curaçao, Aruba and Bonaire are faced with a significant increase in the number of corona infections. This is already clearly noticeable in the local hospitals on Bonaire and Aruba, where other medical care is at risk. Bonaire has already sent four corona patients who need intensive care to Curaçao.

Curaçao (nearly 160,000 inhabitants) had registered 1,000 infected corona patients on Saturday, Aruba (more than 100,000 inhabitants) had 417 and Bonaire (more than 20,000 inhabitants) 434. There is a curfew on all three islands. On Curaçao and Bonaire it starts at 9 p.m., on Aruba at midnight.

The CMC hospital in Curaçao says that the number of patients infected with Covid-19 is increasing. As a result, non-emergency surgeries scheduled for Monday and Tuesday will in any case be canceled. On Sunday afternoon, 23 patients with a Covid-19 infection were admitted to the hospital, of which eleven are in intensive care. Four patients have been transferred from Bonaire. According to the hospital, it is striking that many relatively young patients, between 30 and 40 years old, have to be admitted to the ICU. According to the hospital, this is a result of the British corona variant on the island.


BREAKING NEWS: THE COVID 19 NUMBERS IN CURACAO ARE ALARMING, THE DATA IS CORRECT: WILLEMSTAD The figures are correct. Epidemiologist Izzy Gerstenbluth emphasizes this. He explains that things went well on the island for a long time, until the arrival of the new variants of the corona virus. The numbers are alarming. The figures really add up, says Gerstenbluth. The reason why the measures are being tightened now, again, is to get the virus back under control. Especially the group between 25 and 39 is now the most often tested positive, 40 percent of the infected people belong to this group. 37.1 percent of those who tested positive are between the ages of 40 and 64. According to the epidemiologist, it is therefore a relatively young group that contributes to the number of infections. He makes another appeal to you to comply with all measures. Keep your distance, wear your face mask, wash your hands.
WILLEMSTAD De cijfers kloppen. Dat benadrukt epidemioloog Izzy Gerstenbluth. Hij legt uit dat het lange tijd goed ging op het eiland, tot de intrede van de nieuwe varianten van het coronavirus. De cijfers zijn verontrustend. De cijfers kloppen echt aldus Gerstenbluth. De reden waarom de maatregelen nu, opnieuw, worden aangescherpt is om het virus opnieuw onder controle te krijgen. Vooral de groep tussen de 25 en 39 wordt nu het vaakst positief getest, veertig procent van de besmette personen behoort tot deze groep. 37,1 procent van de positief getesten is tussen de 40 en 64 jaar. Volgens de epidemioloog is het dus een relatief jonge groep die bijdraagt aan het aantal besmettingen. Hij doet opnieuw een oproep om je aan alle maatregelen te houden. Hou afstand, draag je mondkapje, was je handen.



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