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Jwilliamsocial Social Media Management Services and content creation for busy business owners!

Happy Family Day from my little family to yours 🫶🏼

Happy Family Day from my little family to yours 🫶🏼

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving from my family to yours 💗I am still here friends!! Working behind the scenes with clients & ...

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving from my family to yours 💗

I am still here friends!! Working behind the scenes with clients & just taking the slow down of social media for myself down to a zero 😝 It’s been a busy summer and it’s about to be a busy winter!! So thankful for my clients and to my 3 years in business 🥂

I might not be as active on this page ( which I’m hoping to change) but I promise business is still in full swing and I am just taking the time to focus on my clients 💕 Enjoy your long weekend !!!


IYKYK! 🥴 😆

Sorry in advance… 🤣

Have you ever taken “time” off social media and then all of a sudden it’s been a month since you’ve posted? 👋🏼 I have - ...

Have you ever taken “time” off social media and then all of a sudden it’s been a month since you’ve posted? 👋🏼 I have - I mean I just did and it was necessary and enjoyable. Did it affect my clients? NOT AT ALL. It might have affected any new potential business, but I also believe it was great for my own mental health.

It’s ok to take a day off, maybe two... maybe more. You should take as much time off as you feel is necessary. Social media might be my day to day job, but so is taking care of yourself, and I’ve always been in constant communication with my clients and my community still ❤️

The community of people Is always the biggest thing that draws me back in. I’ve created some incredible relationships with so many of you and I can’t even begin to explain how thankful I am to each one of you for always being a constant support!

But, sometimes you have to wonder.. if social media disappeared tomorrow how would your community find you? Do you have emails going out? I certainly don’t, and to be real it’s mostly because I subscribe to email lists that I never open 🙊 but it’s situations like this that make me question if I should?!

Do you use any other platforms to connect with your community outside of social media?

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas 💕 I have been a single mom, a working mom, a stay at home mom and now a business own...

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas 💕

I have been a single mom, a working mom, a stay at home mom and now a business owner whose still juggling being a mom, but I wouldn’t change it for a second!

I love being their mom! I love teaching my daughters to be strong minded individuals and empowering them to be who they want to be.. to love who they choose, and continually encourage them to be good humans!

I wouldn’t be who I am today without them. I wouldn’t have learned the lessons I did without them, and together we will keep learning and growing!

Motherhood is amazing and difficult all at the same time but I am blessed to be their mama!


Talk to your audience on social media like you would in real life.

People ask me all the time how to get followers, or how to get your audience to buy from you.

Let’s pretend there isn’t a screen in front of you!

Easier said than done right?

Imagine this...you walked into your favourite local business and when you open the door you’re greeted with a friendly and familiar voice.

Do you continue to go back? Most likely as you’ve had a great experience there. The staff care enough about you to have a conversation and they might even know your name! You feel welcomed and valued.

Does it feel the same when you go to a big box store? You most likely walk in, grab your things without even as much as a hello... it doesn’t exactly make you feel valued as a customer...

Your business on social media can either be the local brick and mortar store or the big box store.

You can choose to post your content & not engage with your audience or you can choose to take the time each day to get to know your audience. Which route could potentially lead to a customer/client??

Everyone behind these screens are REAL people (except sugar daddy Brian whose all up in your Dms .. he’s big box 😂)

Engaging with your audience is a VITAL part of growing on Instagram. When you invest in your audience they will invest in you!

And if you don’t have time to do it.. I have a monthly community engagement service that will ensure it gets done for you 😉

“ARE YOU THE CEO OR ARE YOU THE EMPLOYEE?”  asks me that at least a couple times a week 😆 If you had to write down of al...

“ARE YOU THE CEO OR ARE YOU THE EMPLOYEE?” asks me that at least a couple times a week 😆

If you had to write down of all the tasks you do in a day.. what would your list look like and how many of those tasks can you delegate?

You might think you can do it all.. but you can’t and shouldn’t!

Imagine what you could do if you decided to go for it and hire that team member or that VA? (Are you picturing it now... less tasks to do yourself and more opportunity to scale and build your business 🤯)

Your business might be your name (like mine) and you might be the face , the first connection and feel the need for it to be JUST YOU, but your team is just as valuable as you!

This is something I am learning to embrace everyday, and I have the best team beside me (.medium I 👀 you) When you hire me .. you get my team and that’s a bonus for you as you get multiple eyes on your social media to make sure you get the BEST results 🙌🏻

Have you ever thought about what holds you back from hiring a team?


How many times has fear stopped you from posting?

You spend countless hours writing captions, creating reels or content pieces that you’re so excited for and you just think “heck ya .. nailed it!” and save it to drafts!

And then...


But that voice that was hyping you up earlier is gone...

Replaced by self doubt & second guesses. What if no one likes it? What if I lose followers? What if I’m wrong!? The imposter syndrome steals your thunder ... and now it’s been days , weeks or even months since you’ve shared your brilliant work.

I’ll be honest .. this has been me for awhile. Playing it safe .. pushing myself to press share on a post. Always second guessing myself.. not anymore! You can like me or unfollow me and I won’t take it personally. I’m not for everyone but I am here for you who have supported and received my value.

Do you know what happens when you restrict your creativity? Your audience starts to notice .. all your followers that support you are now missing out on YOUR value!

Remind yourself who you’re creating content for (hint.. it’s not you!) and don’t let the imposter syndrome win. You have so much to offer your community and you shouldn’t hold back!

Because guess what! I’m your supporter and I notice .. 😉

You need to believe in yourself and not your competition... You have something different to offer. Not every client is f...

You need to believe in yourself and not your competition...

You have something different to offer.

Not every client is for you

Not every customer is going to buy your product

And that is OK!

People will buy from your “competitor” but it doesn’t mean you’re any less valuable. It just means they connected with that business differently.

You don’t need to see what others are doing In order to validate your doing a good job.


You are worthy of success

You got this!

Own your superpower this week and create the content your audience needs 💪


Hey you! We gotta chat about your social media...

Do you feel like you hear and read so many different things you don’t know what to believe anymore?

Hear me out ...

While watching a show with my husband we were talking about his little side gig business that he has started.

And naturally, as his wife and a social media professional I’m compelled to give him all my expert advice...🤣

So, we’re 5 minutes into the conversation and I’m getting a tad annoyed with him. I feel like he’s not listening, I’m repeating myself over and over (umm hello husband .. I do this for a living 🙄 )

AND THEN he basically says he doesn’t believe me!


Do you feel like my husband when it comes to your social media strategy?

An “unbeliever”!

You’ve googled and researched all the things to do and are still feeling lost and unsure.

Here is my learning in this ...

Social media comes easy to me.

I’m an expert in my field.

BUT .. not everyone else is..

Don’t be like my husband ... 😆 Book your strategy call with me and let’s move you forward and make you a BELIEVER 🙌🏻

WHO RUN THE WORLD?? 🙎🏻‍♀️🙎🏼‍♀️🙎🏽‍♀️🙎🏾‍♀️🙎🏿‍♀️Are you taking a moment to celebrate yourself and all women around you!? We...



Are you taking a moment to celebrate yourself and all women around you!?

We’re a community of fearless, loyal, uplifting, supportive, encouraging , bad a** women.

We are leaders, innovators, world changers.

I am so proud of how far women have come to create change and equality!

HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY to all the beautiful women I know and admire ❤️

I hit a road block last week...This picture might look like I got it all together, but that’s how easy it is to show the...

I hit a road block last week...

This picture might look like I got it all together, but that’s how easy it is to show the good parts on social media...

I feel this nagging voice in my the back of my mind telling me to produce content to make sure I get some posts out so my followers know I have value to offer them .. I gotta show up and be present and consistent ...

But what I really needed was to shut off my brain, turn off work mode and just step away from social media for the last couple days.

I’m tired...

It’s almost been a year of unpredictability

It’s almost been a year of mandatory changes and restrictions that have brought stress & sadness

It’s almost been a year of feeling the loss of what things used to be like

It’s almost been a year of working from home, virtual meetings, DM, phone or text conversations...

As an introvert it’s weird to say I miss connecting with people outside my home... but I do... It’s hard right now to see the light at the end of this tunnel and I for one am feeling the covid burn out.

The community and incredible connections I’ve made in this space and watching how my business has grown is what keeps me pushing forward, but right now I’m tired and not afraid to admit it.

You never know what someone is going through on the other side of the screen, so be kind, be supportive and know if you’re struggling right now you’re not alone ❤️ ❤️

I was reminded the other day that while It’s my job to understand how social media works many users and businesses don’t...

I was reminded the other day that while It’s my job to understand how social media works many users and businesses don’t know it the way I do.

My intentions are to help business owners understand the ways that Instagram can help your business. That’s why I love to share and to teach you little tips & tricks!!

You’re important. You’re worthy to be here. You’re business is valuable. You’re community is here!

If there is anyway I can HELP you or touch on a subject you might have questions about, please don’t be afraid to ask! This is a safe zone!

DM me anytime 💕

How are you showing up for your audience?It’s not about looking popular and having tons of followers; it’s about making ...

How are you showing up for your audience?

It’s not about looking popular and having tons of followers; it’s about making meaningful connections with the ones who follow & support you, and for your future clients/customers.

The attention seems to get mis-directed in other areas such as the vanity metrics of the likes & the follows.

Your audience is looking to know you and to trust you. How you show up for them is something they will or won’t forget.

Don’t just post and hope they come to you... go out and engage. Leave genuine comments, spark conversation by asking questions, reply to their stories!

If you have 30 minutes a day, take the time to scroll your feed and connect with your audience, with hashtags, with your ideal client and I can guarantee that you will start to see a difference with how people see you and your business 🙌🏻


My account been “Shadow banned” 😱

Wait just a minute... thats not a real thing! There I said it.

We have to stop blaming Instagram for content being removed or accounts being taken down for no reason or for low engagement...

There are 3 types of things that can happen to your account:

1. If your content violates community guidelines Instagram will remove it the content. (so if you’re ever wondering why it disappeared.. now ya know)

2. If you continue to violate these guidelines Instagram can remove your account altogether. (Ooof, no one wants this! - remember you don’t own your account)

3. If your content looks like it might violate community standards they will NOT recommend it to anyone! (Which means your content won’t get seen to a wider audience)

It’s important to remember to follow the community guidelines Instagram sets out! They are there for a reason!

Ps. This is straight from himself (the head of IG) 😏

Let me know in the comments if this was helpful!!

First Monday of 2021 ✨

First Monday of 2021 ✨

As 2020 comes to a close I have to look back on all the great things it did for me! I am an optimistic person, I don’t l...

As 2020 comes to a close I have to look back on all the great things it did for me!

I am an optimistic person, I don’t like to look at the negatives! I’m also an empath and it’s hard enough taking on the emotions of others I have to try really hard to look at the good!

But truthfully 2020 wasn’t a bad year for me!

I have an incredible team member who understands me and it’s been a delight being able to share this journey together. How many people can say they work so closely with a friend and not fight? 🙋🏼‍♀️

I went from playing safe and being scared to blossoming into the type of business owner I want to be! To valuing myself and my offers!

I’ve met the most incredible clients and connections this year that a lot of them have become more like friends. I’ve watched business owners take my tips, tricks and teachings; spread their wings and fly.. I’m like a proud mama bird!! (It made me tear up today as I listened to a podcast of a past client who took my advice to try out Tik tok from one of my post and is now seriously KILLING IT)

I want to cheer everyone on, and tell you that entrepreneurship is hard but to KEEP GOING! I’m in your corner 👊🏻

I’m taking myself into 2021 not setting goals but setting intentions to continue being the best version of me, and to help other businesses continue to thrive on social media 🙌🏻

What are your intentions for 2021??

I wasn’t going to share this, but here we go: ⁣⁣Months ago I was ready to give up on Instagram..⁣⁣It was stressful feeli...

I wasn’t going to share this, but here we go: ⁣

Months ago I was ready to give up on Instagram..⁣

It was stressful feeling like you had to have these perfectly edited photos, that your grid needed to be perfectly aligned. Frankly, owning a social media company I felt like I need to be the example of a “perfect IG account”. It was frustrating and felt exhausting... I am an expert in this field, and honesty I was overwhelmed trying to follow all the “right steps” and have the picture perfect account. ⁣

So I decided to flip the script and quit doing it the way everyone else was doing it... instead I decided to be unedited and unapologetically ME.... I am my brand. ⁣

I thought what if instead I changed what I posted, what If I was completely and authentically me instead of trying to be completely perfect? ⁣
What if I shared tips to help others, insights into my life?⁣
What if I stopped caring about engagement and the algorithm?⁣
What if I stopped comparing myself to everyone else on Instagram and what they were doing? ⁣
What if I started doing Instagram MY WAY??⁣

Once I started doing it MY WAY, everything started to change!⁣ My organic growth, my connections, the ability to feel zero pressure. I LOVE Instagram; because there is so many possibilities and potential to reach people who NEED YOU!

Change the game with me! Let’s create a movement of authenticity!! It’s time to level up, and if your feeling like Instagram is working against you... let’s be clear ... it’s not!! You’re just not doing Instagram YOUR WAY! ⁣

I want to teach you how you can grow your business on IG, while not feeling like you have to follow endless rules and meet insane expectations. Sure, I will teach you the basics, but I’m also going to teach you how you can be YOU and why that is what is going to grow your business. ⁣

I have a few spots left for the GROW YOUR OWN WAY workshop starting this Sunday, December 27. Are you in? Send me a message today!
**Quote not mine, I wish I could give credit if I only know who!

Behind every business there are people, and building authentic relationships with people is the key to building a busine...

Behind every business there are people, and building authentic relationships with people is the key to building a business that thrives long term.

Think of social media like a relationship. You normally don’t move in with someone or get married within the first 5 minutes...Or so I assume lol

You learn to build trust in the relationship by getting to know one another and being genuinely interested and invested in building a life together.

Your business is the same. It’s important to build genuine connections with your audience so you can establish trust... because when you have a trusting audience they are more likely to invest and buy from you!


Don’t be afraid to show who you really are!!!

Hi.. hello.. it’s me 🙋🏼‍♀️

You know about 3 months ago, I decided to stop doing what I was “programmed” to do and started creating content that aligned with my soul!!!

I quit focusing on what others in my profession were doing... because there’s only one of you.. and you’re a one of a kind painting! Don’t focus on what everyone else is doing ...it will distract you from your own goals.

When I started showing up as myself you know what happened? You all started noticing and enjoying the content I was putting out. It was relatable, saveable and valuable. And I felt FREE! Not even the algorithm got me down 👊🏻

You know how incredible it feels to just be YOU? Especially when it comes to your business on a widely used social media platform.. uhh it can be scary!

If you look at my previous posts you can see where it all changed for me... where I quit focusing on the aesthetics of my grid and started posting content that my audience was searching for and that I felt confident and good putting out!

You deserve to feel good about being who you are too!!

Those people who unfollow you? Not your people .. not your ideal client... they won’t ever invest in you, and you shouldn’t waste your energy worrying about them. Don’t let that unfollow discourage you from being YOU!

Are you struggling with the confidence to show up in a way that is 100% you??

I have 3 spots left in my program: GROW YOUR OWN WAY, starting December 27th for 6 weeks!!

You need to be in this workshop!! Dm me to save your spot!!

Invest in your audience so they will invest in you!The number of followers will never define you, your business or your ...

Invest in your audience so they will invest in you!

The number of followers will never define you, your business or your success. When you genuinely interact and engage with your followers the growth will come!


Tired of seeing posts on Instagram saying..."STOP doing this, Don't do that, This won't work??...

You start to question yourself...

You start wondering well then HOW??...

You feel frustrated...

You feel lost...

You just want to give up...

I get it!!! I was that professional telling you to follow the instructions...

I WAS WRONG (to a certain extent LOL)...

A year ago I was doing the same thing and preaching the "how to play book 101"... until I started feeling like a prisoner handcuffed to the "system of growth"...

I broke free...

I flipped the script...

And... Surprise!!

I started to see my own companies growth and opportunity expand!!

Do you want to experience freedom??

Join me on December 27th for my 6 week workshop: GROW YOUR OWN WAY!

Send me a message to save your spot - I have a few spots left!!

IT'S TIME TO BREAK THE RULES..IT'S TIME TO RE-WRITE THE SCRIPT.. of what a "PERFECT" Instagram looks like!"It's too much...


IT'S TIME TO RE-WRITE THE SCRIPT.. of what a "PERFECT" Instagram looks like!

"It's too much"
"It's overwhelming"
"I can't keep up with the aesthetically pleasing feed"
"I don't know how to stay consistent"
"I don't know what to post"

I hear this all the time from business owners like you...


I've done something about it....


A 6 week workshop designed to help you break through the barriers that are holding you back from truly being your most authentic self for your business on Instagram!

It's time to wave goodbye to the "do's" and "don'ts"

Join me for my beta round of GROW YOUR OWN WAY

Starting: December 27th.
Investment to you $399... Value...Priceless.

Are you going to join me in breaking the rules??

DM me to save your spot!!

No one is you and that is your superpower... Repeat that! There is only one of YOU... How powerful are those words? You ...

No one is you and that is your superpower...

Repeat that!

There is only one of YOU...

How powerful are those words?

You were made to be different, to stand out.. to be your most authentic self in life and in your business.

For too long I thought I needed to have the perfect grid...to make sure I didn’t give away to many social media tips, to follow what other businesses in my field were doing.

I started not wanting to post.. I started feeling lost..unsure of what I was offering...it was exhausting trying to “fit” in...

Until...one day I realized it didn’t matter what everyone else was doing, it only mattered what I WAS DOING. The more self aware I was about this, the easier it became to follow my intuition and start posting what I wanted to post.

You know what it did for me.. brought me opportunity.

Break out of the box and BE YOU! That will always be your superpower. @ Edmonton, Alberta

Building an army of ENTREPRENEURIAL WOMEN one daughter at a time!! I’ve spent the last year building a business, showing...

Building an army of ENTREPRENEURIAL WOMEN one daughter at a time!!

I’ve spent the last year building a business, showing my 3 ladies they are capable of doing anything they set their minds too.

My oldest tells me she’s never thought she couldn’t do something. She’s always been told she can be and do anything she wants and she TRULY believes it .. she’s got some many little side hustles and ideas going (no lie the kid always has money 😆)- entrepreneurship is in her blood.

My middle told me she has this great idea for when she gets older to own her own business and be her own BOSS!! She has told me all about what she wants to sell, and how people are going to work for her so she can make all the decisions 😂

My youngest is only 3 but lord knows that child is stubborn and strong willed, so I have no doubts she will do great things!

If your thinking about starting your dream, turning a side hustle into a reality.. Do it! DON’T wait for life to happen .. MAKE Life happen for you!

Be as confident in your dream as my girls are in theirs, and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t.

Ps. This is a throwback .. and made me realize I need more pictures of me and my three girls together!

Happy Small Business Saturday 💕 The majority of my clientele are small business owners, that have had to make adjustment...

Happy Small Business Saturday 💕

The majority of my clientele are small business owners, that have had to make adjustments this past year. It was emotional .. and it was hard..

My family has owned and operated small businesses my entire life... it put clothes on our backs and food on our table.

Our small businesses are the backbone of our communities, and need our support now more than ever!

I encourage you to stroll your local neighbourhood or Instagram feed to find some local businesses and buy, like, comment, share.. show as much support to them as possible!

If there is any local small businesses you want to share I would love to show them some love and support ... and if you know of any for kids stuff drop their handle please (having a hard time with that one!)

Instagram is at it again!! But this time this feature is super cool and convenient! For the new or potential clients/cus...

Instagram is at it again!!

But this time this feature is super cool and convenient!

For the new or potential clients/customers that pop into your DM’S asking about current products, services or promotions can easily click a question they are interested in and you can answer it efficiently and get back to business!

If you don’t have this feature yet.. stay tuned! It’s coming.

Will you use this feature?? @ Edmonton, Alberta

Instagram is at it again!! But this time this feature is super cool and convenient! For the new or potential clients/cus...

Instagram is at it again!!

But this time this feature is super cool and convenient!

For the new or potential clients/customers that pop into your DM’S asking about current products, services or promotions can easily click a question they are interested in and you can answer it efficiently and get back to business!

If you don’t have this feature yet.. stay tuned! It’s coming.

Will you use this feature?? @ Edmonton, Alberta

What exactly do I offer? Yes, I do love to give tips .. but did you know I also offer social media management for busy b...

What exactly do I offer?

Yes, I do love to give tips .. but did you know I also offer social media management for busy business owners & social media coaching??

What does this mean? As a social media manager - my team and I manage, grow and represent your business across social media channels. We focus on audience growth, engagement, content, brand reach, ads, and much more!

Why hire a social media manager? We focus all our energy on mastering the social space while you focus on mastering your business!


Hire for Social Media Coaching- if you prefer to be more hands on, but still don’t understand how social media works then this is for you! (And yes, you have to do more than just post!). Get clear on your target audience, optimize your reach, learn the ins & outs of the tools I use for my social media clients!

If you want to know more, send me a DM and we can chat!

“𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪’𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙛𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚“ A year ago.. even 5 years ago this girl you see right here was ...

“𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪’𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙛𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚“

A year ago.. even 5 years ago this girl you see right here was so afraid to step out of her comfort zone , she was afraid to take risks.. to be told no...to feel like she wasn’t good enough..

Now you’re looking at a girl whose spent the last year building a business and nurturing my online community. I’ve built trust and made some amazing connections all over the world! Ive been referred to other businesses through these amazing humans and always so grateful 💕

I’ve come along way, but I’m not even close to being where I want to be!

If I didn’t risk taking that chance in 2019 and signing my first client, I never would have established 𝗝𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗜𝗖𝗔 𝗪𝗜𝗟𝗟𝗜𝗔𝗠 - 𝗦𝗢𝗖𝗜𝗔𝗟 𝗠𝗘𝗗𝗜𝗔 𝗦𝗘𝗥𝗩𝗜𝗖𝗘𝗦! Let’s just say, I’m so glad I did!

And now... I got invited to speak on social media for business in a mastermind group next week!!

So, whats stopping you from taking a risk?



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00



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