One of the women inside WCCW the women’s prison here in WA state had a man who goes by the name Jolene Starr put in her cell last summer. Mr. Starr is in prison for repeatedly ra**ng an 11-year-old girl. This triggered her PTSD. I helped her to fill out a resolution request form and Mr. Starr was removed. Then October 5 they put another man Fallon Brown in her cell. Mr. Brown is in prison for shooting his roommate in the head and killing him. She filled out a resolution request form and they told her if she feels unsafe her option is to go to the hole. I’m livid! I sent Jo Wofford the superintendent an email on Friday and put a call in leaving a message with her assistant and I have not heard back. Of course the solution is to remove the men completely but if they’re not going to you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know not to put the men in to cells with women who have PTSD from the trauma they experienced at the hands of men. But the dilemma they’re in is if they put them in a cell with a woman who isn’t triggered by the males then they have to worry about her getting pregnant. So the DOC mainly Jo Wofford chooses to have women be re-traumatized in order to prevent a million dollar baby lawsuit. SWS website has a complete list of every man being housed inside WCCW along with several extensive news articles.

PROTECTING FEMALERIGHTS AND SAFETY Sovereign Women Speak works to help our most vulnerable sisters—incarcerated women—retain, or in some cases, regain the right to be housed exclusively with fellow females. We advocate against the growing trend of prisons transferring males who identify as women...