Can you broaden your horizons while staying in place? Mars lays down the gauntlet this Tuesday, May 12, zooming into Pisces and your intrepid ninth house until June 27. If it were a normal year, you’d be doing everything in your power to book a mindblowing vacation—the kind that involves something like studying with a master teacher at her Marrakesh or cycling through wine country. But this is 2020 (sigh). The good news is that excitable Mars CAN help you redefine “traveling.” Lucky for you, this zone of your chart is ruled by fantasy-fueled Pisces, so your very own imagination will take you far. Sign up for online lectures and watch TED talks by people who’ve returned from truly far-flung locales or spent time immersed in different cultures. (Or binge-watch every episode of departed Cancer icon Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown.) Download a translation app and finally get around to mastering a foreign language. By the time “this” is over, you may be able to navigate around a far-flung destination without resorting to tourist sign language. If you’ve been getting relocation plans in place, you might move your quarantine pod over the coming six weeks. Or not: The ninth house rules visionary political action and this could be your cue to rally your community into a support structure to get through these trying times. Your nurturing touch and take-charge determination are a rare (and much-needed) brew!