Hessian Firm

Hessian Firm A group of metal aficionados united as a label, series of podcasts and an articles websites based on reviews, analyses and lifestyle articles.

https://hessianfirm.com/septicflesh-chasing-the-chimera-song-analysis/Septicflesh’s Mystic Places of Dawn stands out as ...


Septicflesh’s Mystic Places of Dawn stands out as a particular kind of classic within death metal. Not seeking the horror and brutality of its American counterparts or the cold otherworldly meditativeness of the Northern European bands, Septicflesh sought out a form of romanticism ingrained within Mediterranean art that focused on tragedy and the search for meaning within tragedy. Death metal has allowed them to express this as passionate outbursts of primal emotions as well as giving their music a certain gravitas. “Chasing the Chimera” is the perfect example of their layered compositional style due to its exterior simplicity that harbours a lot of nuance and depth within it as well as the very distinctive main melody. The chimera being a mythical creature represents an unattainable goal that draws us to pursue it. Septic Flesh use this idea to create a narrative full of unexpected twists and turns from a few rudimentary motifs.

Septicflesh's Mystic Places of Dawn stands out as a particular kind of classic within death metal. Not seeking the horror and brutality of its American counterparts or the cold otherworldly meditativeness of the Northern European bands, Septicflesh sought out a form of romanticism ingrained within M...

We are proud to announce that we have officially ran out of  - Red Hog CDs. For anyone needing one, feel free to contact...

We are proud to announce that we have officially ran out of - Red Hog CDs. For anyone needing one, feel free to contact the band as they have some remaining

We thank Musipedia Of Metal for their review of Trais of Anguish - Scathed Gaping Misery

We thank Musipedia Of Metal for their review of Trais of Anguish - Scathed Gaping Misery

A blog about hard rock & heavy metal reviews


Today is the day,
TrailsOf Anguish - Scathed Gaping Misery is officially out and no longer on pre-order.
We would also like to thank ClawHammer PR for their excellent work at getting the word out.
We hope you enjoy this compilation as much as we did when we unearthed this hidden gem.


Trails of Anguish Scathed Gaping Misery review Black Metal


On May 17th, 2024, Hessian Firm will release ‘Scathed Gaping Misery’, a compilation of the only two EPs ever released from defunct Canadian black metal duo Trails of Anguish.

we thank The Razor's Edge for their review of Trails of Anguish - Scathed Gaping Misery

we thank The Razor's Edge for their review of Trails of Anguish - Scathed Gaping Misery

The Razor's Edge review the Trails of Anguish album, Scathed Gaping Miser. Released May 17th via Hessian Firm

Trails of Anguish - Scathed Gaping Misery CD

Trails of Anguish - Scathed Gaping Misery CD

We thank Metal Eclipse Reviews for their review of TrailsOf Anguish Scathed Gaping Misery out on the 17th of May

We thank Metal Eclipse Reviews for their review of TrailsOf Anguish Scathed Gaping Misery out on the 17th of May

What were you thinking about a few hours ago? Maybe, like me, you found yourself pondering how things might have unfolded differently if you hadn’t eaten that extra meal, or if you had manage…

https://hessianfirm.com/antaeus-inner-war-chorus-analysis/Antaeus have always been an oddity within black metal. On one ...


Antaeus have always been an oddity within black metal. On one hand they have been derided for their perceived lack of originality but on the other hand, they are praised for their ability to convey destructive violence without ever degenerating into background noise through sheer monotony. Beneath the grindcore influenced aesthetics, the nihilistic expression and the constant streams of tremolo picked power chords, there is a distinct ideology towards composition that takes Darkthrone's minimalism and takes it to its logical extreme. Where Darkthrone would build a riff around two notes to build tension before resolving the riff in unexpected ways, Antaeus discard that resolution and focus on the conflict between those two notes not as a means to an end but as the entire purpose of the riff itself.

Antaeus have always been an oddity within black metal. On one hand they have been derided for their perceived lack of originality but on the other hand, they are praised for their ability to convey destructive violence without ever degenerating into background noise through sheer monotony. Beneath t...

https://hessianfirm.com/death-metal-from-hellas-part-iii-nightfall-parade-into-centuries-1992/Nightfall’s debut album Pa...


Nightfall’s debut album Parade into Centuries (1992) was, in many ways, a landmark release. It was arguably the earliest full-length album issued by a Greek black/death metal band (sole contender being Death Courier’s Demise LP) as well as the inaugural release on France’s Holy Records – home to acts such as Septic Flesh, Elend and Supuration/S.U.P. Moreover, Parade into Centuries was one of the founding documents for the Greek branch of dark/atmospheric metal – a composite style that grew out of the domestic death metal scene and successively incorporated elements from other fields of metal music and beyond.

https://hessianfirm.com/iced-earth-burnt-offerings1995/Iced Earth - Burnt Offerings review Iced Earth were always an ano...


Iced Earth - Burnt Offerings review

Iced Earth were always an anomaly within USPM, far darker and much more aggressive than their peers and unlike the rest of the bands from that scene, they did not present any latent hard rock influences and sought to push power metal to new heights. Taking the rapid galloping rhythms of Metallica and exaggerating them to a machine gun stutter while combining them with early Slayer’s penchant for chromatic melodies and maintaining a heavy metal foundation defined both Iced Earth and Night of the Stormrider as forward thinking albums in a subgenre far too concerned with its past. Burnt Offerings takes those established ideas, slows down the pace and ventures towards pathways that have never been explored in USPM to produce what may be the subgenre’s crowning achievement.

Iced Earth were always an anomaly within USPM, far darker and much more aggressive than their peers and unlike the rest of the bands from that scene, they did not present any latent hard rock influences and sought to push power metal to new heights. Taking the rapid galloping rhythms of Metallica an...


Delve into the journey of Trails of Anguish, from their tumultuous beginnings to their upcoming compilation and beyond. Explore their musica...

Due to many unforeseen circumstances, we have decided to push back Scathed Gaping Misery by TrailsOf Anguish for a May 1...

Due to many unforeseen circumstances, we have decided to push back Scathed Gaping Misery by TrailsOf Anguish for a May 17th release. We are also working with ClawHammer PR to properly promote the release. If anyone wants to a press kit feel free to contact them.

Band: Trails of AnguishAlbum: Scathed Gaping MiseryDate: 2024Genre: Melodic Black MetalCountry: CanadaLimited Edition Compact Disc (CD):Bandcamp: https://tra...

https://hessianfirm.com/death-metal-from-hellas-part-ii-funeral-revolt-burial-1992/For the second installment in our ser...


For the second installment in our series, we proceed north from Athens to the city of Edessa (Central Macedonia), home of another early proponent of Hellenic DM: Funeral Revolt. Like Horrified in the previous article, the band was formed in 1989 and released two demo tapes before setting up a deal with Black Power Records for the release of a 12” EP. Lackluster cover art notwithstanding, Burial proved to be the band’s strongest statement and offers up three tracks of well-written, old school death metal along with two complementary instrumental pieces.

(suggested track listening: ”Fly Beyond”, ”Concealment of Truth”) For the second installment in our series, we proceed north from Athens to the city of Edessa (Central Macedonia), home of another early proponent of Hellenic DM: Funeral Revolt. Like Horrified in the previous article, the band...

https://hessianfirm.com/Whenever the subjects of Greece and metal music intertwine, the discussion tends to gravitate to...


Whenever the subjects of Greece and metal music intertwine, the discussion tends to gravitate towards the Hellenes’ genuinely unique contribution to the black metal movement of the early-to-mid- 1990s. Quite naturally so, of course – albums such as Rotting Christ’s Thy Mighty Contract (1993) or Varathron’s His Majesty at the Swamp (1993) qualify as pinnacles of the heavy metal genre at large. However, the Greeks also had a good hand in creating peculiar forms of dark and atmospheric death metal, which more or less developed in tandem with (or slightly predated) the so-called Hellenic black metal idiom. One could make a good argument for them being closely related, as some bands more or less traversed the borders between the subgenres (which back then weren’t as solidified as some of our contemporaries would like to believe).

https://hessianfirm.com/death-metal-from-hellas-part-i-horrified-eternal-god-1991/Whenever the subjects of Greece and me...


Whenever the subjects of Greece and metal music intertwine, the discussion tends to gravitate towards the Hellenes’ genuinely unique contribution to the black metal movement of the early-to-mid- 1990s. Quite naturally so, of course – albums such as Rotting Christ’s Thy Mighty Contract (1993) or Varathron’s His Majesty at the Swamp (1993) qualify as pinnacles of the heavy metal genre at large. However, the Greeks also had a good hand in creating peculiar forms of dark and atmospheric death metal, which more or less developed in tandem with (or slightly predated) the so-called Hellenic black metal idiom. One could make a good argument for them being closely related, as some bands more or less traversed the borders between the subgenres (which back then weren’t as solidified as some of our contemporaries would like to believe).

https://hessianfirm.com/lordian-guard-sinners-in-the-hands-of-an-angry-god-1997/When speaking of metal music in terms of...


When speaking of metal music in terms of its perceived heaviness, a surface-level reading would point towards sonic signifiers such as down-tuned guitars, distorted vocals, or slow, pounding percussion. However, when creating genuinely heavy music as opposed to merely a ”heavy” sound, a strong argument could be made for the importance of less tangible qualities. For further enlightenment on this distinction, we turn to the music of US heavy metal band Lordian Guard and their second album ”Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” (1997).

When speaking of metal music in terms of its perceived heaviness, a surface-level reading would point towards sonic signifiers such as down-tuned guitars, distorted vocals, or slow, pounding percussion. However, when creating genuinely heavy music as opposed to merely a ”heavy” sound, a strong a...

https://hessianfirm.com/the-black-the-priest-of-satan-1994/In spite of featuring Jon Nödtveidt on vocals/guitars/keyboar...


In spite of featuring Jon Nödtveidt on vocals/guitars/keyboards and having been put to tape only a few months after the recording of ”The Somberlain”, The Black’s debut album bears surprisingly little similitude to classic Dissection. The first notable impression when listening to ”The Priest of Satan” is how gratifyingly evil it sounds. The vocals and guitar tone are rawness personified, but the guitars also sharp enough to carry the more melodic riffs central to the compositions. Drums – courtesy of band founder Markus Pesonen – exhibit a reverberated, damp and natural character which together with the stringed instruments create an equally feral and sluggishly earth-shattering underground BM production. Keyboards are employed tastefully, either to enhance certain passages or carry the melody.

Article by Johan Pettersson In spite of featuring Jon Nödtveidt on vocals/guitars/keyboards and having been put to tape only a few months after the recording of ”The Somberlain”, The Black’s debut album bears surprisingly little similitude to classic Dissection. The first notable impression w...

https://hessianfirm.com/hessian-scrum-special-justin-sledge-esoterica-project-song-lyric-analyses/Dr. Justin Sledge hold...


Dr. Justin Sledge holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Memphis and is a researcher and lecturer on philosophy and religion. Through his project and youtube channel Esoterica, he explores and divulges the arcane wisdom of the world’s religious, mystical and esoteric traditions.

Being a metalhead as well, Dr. Sledge takes this opportunity to discuss topics such as metal music, its connection to esoteric subjects and its place in the modern world.

We also take a deep dive into the lyrics of four metal songs dealing with matters related to his field of study.

Dr. Justin Sledge holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Memphis and is a researcher and lecturer on philosophy and religion. Through his project and youtube channel Esoterica, he explores and divulges the arcane wisdom of the world’s religious, mystical and esoteric traditions. Being a ...

Nåstrond – Toteslaut(1995)The Swedish Black Metal scene of the 1990s is often – and perhaps rightfully – portrayed as ha...

Nåstrond – Toteslaut(1995)

The Swedish Black Metal scene of the 1990s is often – and perhaps rightfully – portrayed as having consisted of a smaller cadre of style-defining artists, followed by a veritable deluge of more or less competent copycats. This observation does hold a certain degree of accuracy: who ever wants to hear another Dissection or Marduk clone? On the other hand, it overlooks the outlier bands who forged their own mode of expression, but either did not garner much attention or were met by outright hostility. Which brings us to the case of Göteborg-based Nåstrond.


https://hessianfirm.com/hessian-firm-to-release-trails-of-anguish-scathed-gaping-misery/The first of our planned reissue...


The first of our planned reissues for this year, Trails of Anguish – Scathed Gaping Misery is a compilation of 2 EPs: Relentless Abhorrence of Misery’s Grievance and Scarred Memento released in 2001 and 2003 respectively. Both feature an original and well executed approach to black metal that deserved to see the light of day once again. The CDs will be released on the 29/03/2023. In the meantime the band’s music can be listened to on the YouTube link above, Spotify and Bandcamp. Pre-orders are available on both Bandcamp and Bigcartel.

The first of our planned reissues for this year, Trails of Anguish - Scathed Gaping Misery is a compilation of 2 EPs: Relentless Abhorrence of Misery's Grievance and Scarred Memento released in 2001 and 2003 respectively. Both feature an original and well executed approach to black metal that deserv...

After many months of preparation and hard work we are finally ready to present our upcoming releases. As it has always b...

After many months of preparation and hard work we are finally ready to present our upcoming releases. As it has always been our upmost priority to shine a light on unknown and underappeciated band within the great deluge that is metal today. We have opted this time around to focus our efforts towards cult classics that have unfortunately been swallowed up by the sands of time.

First on the list we would like to present TrailsOf Anguish. A blisteringly aggressive Canadian black metal band that seemlessly integrates beautiful melodies within their songs. Having released only 2 EPs between 2001 and 2003, we have compliled them both in the new compilation: Scathed Gaping Misery. The official release date will be Friday 29th of March. More news will come shortly.

Next up we have Damonacy, a highly touted New Jersey death metal act who released 2 fantastic demos in 1991 and 1992 before unceremeniously splitting up. Sophistication meets simple minded brutality as the music twists and turns between devastatingly crushing breakdown and dizzying melodies. The compilation: Grotesque Treasures is currently facing production delays but it is on its way.

Last but not least. We have legendary Japanese black metal project Endless Dismal Moan. Fully authorized by former member Lydian 6 and relatives of Chaos 9 (R.IP), Nightmarish and oppressive in its approach and completely eschewing the forests and cold of traditional black metal in favour of a much more harrowing urban setting. We have the first 2 demos coming simultaneously out on the end of June. Production will begin shortly and as always we will keep sharing updates as things move along.



On this installment, Mike Stevens explains the mindset that made Timeghoul's sound so distinctive during a time where death metal had reached its artistic peak. How the band focused on creative narrative music inspired by death metal as well as how that energy transferred 30 years later to Grevlar.



Jon Chang of legendary grindcore outfit Gridlink shares his thoughts on the band’s latest offering Coronet Juniper, the compositional influences and ideas that have permitted both Gridlink and Discordance Axis to stand head and shoulders above their peers, the multifaceted approach towards aesthetics and lyricism and much more.

Jon Chang of legendary grindcore outfit Gridlink shares his thoughts on the band's latest offering Coronet Juniper, the compositional influences and ideas that have permitted both Gridlink and Discordance Axis to stand head and shoulders above their peers, the multifaceted approach towards aesthetic...

https://hessianfirm.com/a-case-for-death-metals-greatest-album-demigod-slumber-of-sullen-eyes/Nick and Tempestuous Might...


Nick and Tempestuous Might comb through Demigod's Slumber of Sullen Eyes and how it's measured use of death metal's most fundamental techniques allow it to reach unparalleled heights.

00:00 Background and Introduction to Slumber of Sullen Eyes
11:09 Leads and melodies
14:44 Rhythm and riffcraft
20:41 Compositional subtleties
25:51 Song structures
30:29 Final look at the nuances and closing thoughts on the legacy of the album

Tempestuous Might: https://www.youtube.com/...
Hessian Scrum with Seppo of Demigod/Adramelech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVokr...

Nick and Tempestuous Might comb through Demigod's Slumber of Sullen Eyes and how it's measured use of death metal's most fundamental techniques allow it to reach unparalleled heights. 00:00 Background and Introduction to Slumber of Sullen Eyes 11:09 Leads and melodies 14:44 Rhythm and riffcraft 20:4...



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