Hey bruv,
The first episode of Light Laugh Bruv is here! It isn't yet available on all the podcasting platforms, but this post will be edited to include links to all of them once they're there.
Pinecast: https://livelaughbruv.pinecast.co/episode/c19387714af1492f/predestination-knives-out
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2XoeU5Mvfv3uwoM9iEMlOE
TuneIn: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Arts--Culture-Podcasts/Live-Laugh-Bruv-p1313652/?topicId=141442758
Thanks for listening!
Zac, Steven, and Alex talk movies, tv, music, and whatever else they feel like talking about. What a fun time!