The Social Ember

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The Social Ember Helping entrepreneurs reach their business goals through social media, strategy and branding

Stop wasting your energy on overthinking things. You are not getting any further ahead by contemplating every single out...

Stop wasting your energy on overthinking things. You are not getting any further ahead by contemplating every single outcome.

Make your plan, then get to work.

Roll with the punches, learn as you go and figure out how to adapt to new opportunities and changes along the way.

The best ideas are often the ones that come from the hurdles and ‘mistakes’ along your original route. You just have to be open to taking the detour.

Other people don’t need to be on board with your thoughts and goals. They are YOURS, so at the end of the day, only you ...

Other people don’t need to be on board with your thoughts and goals. They are YOURS, so at the end of the day, only you need to be on board with them.

✨Want to start up a side hustle?
✨Been told by people in your life that they don’t think it’s a great idea even though you feel good about it?
✨Thank them for their feedback, then say, “perfect, so glad to hear you won’t be stealing my great idea!”
✨Then get to work.

When you believe in something, stand strong in that belief. Always be respectful, but know that other people’s discomfort in you going after what feels right for your life, is on them. They are entitled to their opinion just as you are entitled to move forward through their discomfort towards your happiness.

You do you, boo.

I’ve noticed a common thread in conversations I have with almost every new client. When we talk about what they want les...

I’ve noticed a common thread in conversations I have with almost every new client. When we talk about what they want less of in their lives or things they would like to change in their lives, their lists are endless. When we switch gears and I ask what do you want your life to look like? No holding back, what is your ideal life? Often clients are stumped. Or can come up with only a small handful of things to say.

Why is it that so many of us have all of these negative or heavy items on our list sitting so readily available but we can’t identify what we would like to replace them with with the same ease.

If you know where you want to go you will get there much faster than wandering about hoping to arrive at an unknown destination that just so happens to be the ideal life for you.

If you haven’t already done so, take some time this weekend and start to think about where you want your life to go (and don’t limit yourself when you do this).

This needs to be your starting point. Just to help get you started…
✨ Career - same job, promoted, moved companies, nee career completely?
✨ Relationships - friendships, significant other, parents, children?
✨ Your home - same home, move, done some Reno’s, upgrade or down size?
✨Health - mental & emotional health, physical health

Think ambitiously! Dreaming small is a waste of time!


Imagine a world where we all took time to question things and stand up for ourselves and others.  No really, pause and i...

Imagine a world where we all took time to question things and stand up for ourselves and others. No really, pause and imagine this for a minute. What does it look like?

For me, I see:
A sense of pride & belonging
Love & compassion
Meaningful conversations
Not settling for status quo or “the way things are”

On a global scale, or even just here in North America, our current world is far off from many of these things. Want to see change? It starts with each one of us.

People too often think they can’t make a difference so they don’t put in the effort. But like everything in life, one small positive act leads to another and another and another. The impact we could have on the world and our own happiness if we all chose to stand up, speak up, question others and leadership, etc. would be mind blowing!

We were given a voice, so let’s all use it!

When was the last time you challenged yourself to learn a new skill?I have heard it a few times where people are waiting...

When was the last time you challenged yourself to learn a new skill?

I have heard it a few times where people are waiting for whatever reason/excuse to be able to learn a new skill or hobby.

Why are we waiting?

For months I have been wanting to learn how to bead but just kept putting it off and making excuses. I’m too busy. I don’t have the supplies. I don’t have anyone here to teach me. Blah blah blah.

FINALLY I had a moment a couple weeks ago where I stopped making excuses for my lack of action and started YouTubing my way through beading my first pair of earrings. (The ones I’m wearing here)

You can learn almost anything on the internet!

Now that I’ve started, I LOVE it and can’t believe I’ve waited this long to try it out.

Moral of the story, stop waiting & just start trying!

Just a reminder that you are allowed to slow down when you want to, not just when you need to. You don’t need permission...

Just a reminder that you are allowed to slow down when you want to, not just when you need to. You don’t need permission… just do it.

I have been a little MIA lately on here because I have been putting most of my energy and attention on my family and my own personal interests. I still have been serving my clients and giving it my 110% with them. I still have been sewing & packing orders for my other business. But I’ve also been having almost daily picnics, splashing in the water with my kids, hiking, diving deeper into my indigenous culture. All of which are things that I value deeply and I would never strive for more likes on my IG feed over those things.

I know my priorities and I practice what I preach. I was starting to feel run down (says everyone in Ontario because this lockdown has been never ending) so I did something about it. And damnnnn I feel good because of it.

I absolutely encourage you to pause and refocus also. You’ll be surprised to see the opportunities that are right in front of you. You were just too busy to notice.

You want some help along that journey? Reach out and let’s chat to get you on the right path to loving life, because that’s what it’s really about.

Let’s talk quickly about loss & grieving. Yesterday my family had to say goodbye to our fur babe, Mica. We had her for 1...

Let’s talk quickly about loss & grieving. Yesterday my family had to say goodbye to our fur babe, Mica. We had her for 10 years (almost to the day). We are all taking it quite hard as she was a big part of our family.

When it comes to loss, my husband & I deal with things very differently. I can’t stress how important communication is, especially during times like this. Eric & I respect each other so immensely that we find ways to compromise to make this healing easier on both of us, even when it’s not the easiest way for ourselves.

Here are some things that work for me when wading through tough times:
🖤 Allow yourself to feel ALL of the emotions. You can’t work through your feelings if you won’t let yourself feel them.
🖤 Journal. Don’t sensor yourself, just write.
🖤 Talk to friends and family. Not for the purpose of fixing things, but just to let out all of those thoughts in your head.
🖤 Talk to the ones in your household and communicate your needs and allow them to communicate theirs. Compromise where necessary from both sides.
🖤 Do things that make you feel good.
🖤 Sleep.

If you are on the other side of this as the person offering support I want to say this. You don’t have to always offer advice or try to fix things. Just making your presence known and offering a listening ear is often the best thing you can do.

I have been flooded with the most kind messages over the past 24 hours. I feel all of your presence. I know that if I need to, I can reach out at any time. I am grateful for all of you.

Much love xox

Earlier today in my stories I told a story about a conversation I overheard from a group of young girls who were maybe 1...

Earlier today in my stories I told a story about a conversation I overheard from a group of young girls who were maybe 10 years old. They were talking about being “body shamed” and being called “fat all the time” by their peers. I made the suggestion that we all start talking to the younger generation much more & immediately about body positivity & inclusivity & how this all starts at home.

And when I say starts at home there are two sides of this. Teaching them things as well as showing them things. You need to be the example for who you want them to become. This means you cannot walk around talking about your “imperfections” and expect them to feel fabulous about their own bodies. That is just not the way it works.

If you are in front of the mirror grabbing your stomach or talking about your thighs or your nose or whatever area you feel unsatisfied with think about how you would feel if you witnessed your child, niece or nephew, friends child etc. saying the same things about them selves. Would you tell them their thoughts are true, that they could totally lose a few pounds... doubtful. You’d remind them of what all their body has done for them and will continue to do for them. Start to do the same for yourself. Do it for you and do it for the next generation who is learning by what they see us do.

“Life is not hard because we are doing it wrong. Life is hard because we are doing it right. You will never change the f...

“Life is not hard because we are doing it wrong. Life is hard because we are doing it right. You will never change the fact that being human is hard so you have to change your idea that it was ever supposed to be easy.” - Glennon Doyle from her book Untamed

The faster we stop setting unrealistic expectations for ourselves, the faster we can soak in all the happiness and positivity that can be surrounding us.

Set big goals and work hard but also accept you are human and need to set boundaries. You can do both. In fact, you should do both!

Make your first goal, behind your health, your happiness. Because when you look back on your life that’s what will truly matter.

Do I have my s**t all together? Absolutely not! But nobody does.  If you find someone that claims that they do and they ...

Do I have my s**t all together? Absolutely not!

But nobody does. If you find someone that claims that they do and they want to teach you their ways I suggest calling bulls**t on them because no human has everything perfect. And admitting that makes it better for everyone.

✨Stop putting so much pressure on yourself
✨Stop comparing yourself to others, their journey is not yours to live and vice versa
✨Continue trying to do the best you can with where you are at
✨Continue with personal development
✨Start loving yourself whole heartedly right now
✨Start believing you are capable of reaching for more and don’t look back

The other night I was having a conversation where I mentioned that I have learned so much about life since becoming a mo...

The other night I was having a conversation where I mentioned that I have learned so much about life since becoming a mother. My favourite lesson I have learned and am reminded of daily by my two little ones is to treat every day like it is its own adventure.

The minute my kids are done one activity their brains instantly think about what is the next amazing thing we can do/experience?

I understand that as we get older we have more responsibilities but why as adults do we stop looking for the next great adventure in our day to day lives? Why are we all waiting until Friday night to look for something positive in our weeks?

Why can’t we make mundane tasks into something brighter and more vibrant? The answer is WE CAN we just stopped choosing to do so.

Maybe it is because we started caring what others thought about us, are afraid of being judged, are feeling overwhelmed by the weight of our responsibilities in life. Whatever it is, tell it to knock it off! Let’s start dancing our way through life and finding magic in all of the little moments again.

To all the mama’s out there, Happy Mother’s Day!

My parents always made me feel encouraged & this is something I feel forever grateful and privileged for. They made me f...

My parents always made me feel encouraged & this is something I feel forever grateful and privileged for. They made me feel that I could always accomplish big things. Even bigger than they maybe even thought they could accomplish themselves sometimes.

They were also not perfect. They made mistakes. And when they did, they apologized. We spoke about it.

Their imperfection is my favourite part now that I’m a parent. It showed me how to truly be human. I make mistakes in my social life, career, as a parent, in my relationship with my husband. I think we all do. But what I know to be true is that those mistakes don’t define my worth and abilities.

I’m still a good friend, mama, partner, entrepreneur, even if I slip up and so are you!

Stop punishing yourself. Get back on track and make every moment worth it.


Be open to new connections. When you have chemistry with someone foster that relationship. And that doesn’t mean just fo...

Be open to new connections.

When you have chemistry with someone foster that relationship. And that doesn’t mean just for a significant other it means for friendships too.

I am definitely the person that talks to strangers everywhere I go. I love to meet new people and have interesting conversations. Sometimes after these conversations you just know that something clicks. The same way many people describe getting butterflies when they meet their significant other.

When this happens, listen! Exchange information and keep in touch. It may lead to a lifelong friendship or it may end after one other convo in your IG DM’s. Either way is totally ok. But you won’t know the outcome unless you put yourself out there.

Start listening to your gut more, crazy enough, it knows what it’s talking about!

Pictured here is my business partner/best friend & I. Check my stories today to hear the story about how we decided to start a business together after the first night of us meeting. It’s crazy but it’s true.

I’ve heard from a lot of people saying they are frustrated because they haven’t been able to fully work towards all of t...

I’ve heard from a lot of people saying they are frustrated because they haven’t been able to fully work towards all of their goals during this pandemic due to external factors.

I really need you to know that putting things on hold (pandemic or not) is not always about losing motivation. It’s about doing what is genuinely right for you in the moment you are in.

I had originally planned on putting together another group offering for Common Collective by now but I have put it on hold. This is me practicing what I preach.

I see so many coaches/people telling other people to slow down and do what’s best for them all while they are overloading their own plates. They get burnt out! Knowing your limits and taking action to not let yourself get there is always the better option.

What is the point in working so hard to achieve your goals if for the year it took you to accomplish them you were miserable and burnt out? As cliché as it sounds we only get one life to live and yes we all want to accomplish amazing things but if you are working yourself into burnout consistently you are not truly living even if you can check off some boxes on your goals to do list.

Find that joy in your journey.

I’ve referred to creating a roadmap before when talking about goal setting. The map you create is like a highway; relati...

I’ve referred to creating a roadmap before when talking about goal setting. The map you create is like a highway; relatively linear. The best part of that map though are all the dirt roads you find along the way.

Take as many of these detours that feel right to you in the moment. They are still pushing you forward but taking you on a more scenic route.

Those are the adventures that make up your life. Those are the experiences that you grow and learn from.

Don’t get such tunnel vision on the path to your goals that you forget to experience the off roading road trip along the way. From my experience, it has the best playlist.

This is called “figuring s**t out”. I also own another business, . It’s a company where one of my besties and I sell han...

This is called “figuring s**t out”.

I also own another business, . It’s a company where one of my besties and I sell handmade kimonos (made by the 2 of us) for adults and children like the one in this pic.

Before the pandemic we would hire a photographer () and get models and a makeup artist so we could get proper pictures of all of our merchandise. Since COVID started this just hasn’t been overly possible. So, our only option was to make s**t happen... {enter this picture}.

This is my guest room/office in my house. My cellphone is attached to a ring light while I use the timer to take pictures of product for my website. This image will be cropped for the site...

Am I in love with the images? NO
Is having images that I don’t love up on my site rather than not having images at all better? ABSOLUTELY!

Stop finding excuses and start making things happen, for everything in life.

You can’t make your dreams happen if you don’t start working on them. I’m here to tell you that waiting for the “right time” is BS. The right time is NOW!

What do the Spice Girls, S*x in the City and my circle of friends have in common?  All are groups of women that are all ...

What do the Spice Girls, S*x in the City and my circle of friends have in common?

All are groups of women that are all very different in personality and beliefs who have come together, seen past their differences, accepted the other women for who they are, not criticized or shut them out because they didn’t see eye to eye on particular ideas.

Imagine the world was full of more people who understood that you don’t have to be exactly the same as someone to come together in community with them and support each other? Oh, what a world that would be!

I have a few different groups of really great girl friends, a bunch of which are not shown here. Despite our differences in many areas we are great friends, support each other unconditionally, are there for each other in the hard moments often with a chocolate bar in hand and celebrate each other in our moments of triumph. We’ve got each other’s backs (see what I did there 🙃).

I’m telling you all this because I want you to start having more conversations with others despite the differences you see (physically, emotionally, politically, etc.) Be more open minded because I can almost guarantee that you will be pleasantly surprised.

** I feel I need to add that there will always be some topics that are your nonnegotiable beliefs. Stand strong in those beliefs (note that doesn’t say impose your beliefs on others or put down others based on your differences).

So, the real question here though is what spice girl were you?

I genuinely have the best clients. They show up ready. They put in the work. And we have one hell of a good time doing i...

I genuinely have the best clients. They show up ready. They put in the work. And we have one hell of a good time doing it all together.

I am so grateful for each and every one of you who have joined me 1:1 or in a group program so far.

Do you feel stuck in a rut? Need help getting your business idea up and running? Feel like you need more joy in your day to day life? Reach out! Let’s set up a free 1:1 call to see if we are a good fit for helping you crush all of this and more.

My son is only in daycare a few days a week and the other days he is home with me. In my opinion that makes me so incred...

My son is only in daycare a few days a week and the other days he is home with me. In my opinion that makes me so incredibly privileged and I don’t take that for granted.

My husband and I have created a life we want to live which has enabled me to spend an incredible amount of quality time with my children before they start school full-time (& afterwards too).

You can also create the life you want to live. It takes time, a ton of hard work and perseverance to keep on going even through the hard times.

If you want help creating the life you want to live, reach out to me and let’s put together a game plan for you.

For me, even though I am very business focussed, success is measured by the amount of happiness in my life.

I’m incredibly successful.

This week in my Common Collective group we are chatting all about health and body positivity. I mentioned last night in ...

This week in my Common Collective group we are chatting all about health and body positivity. I mentioned last night in our weekly zoom group call the concept of actions speak louder than words.

This is ultimately true when it comes to body positivity and how we teach the next generation to think about and treat their own bodies as well. No matter how much you try to teach them about how they should feel about themselves, what they will actually learn is what they see you do and say about your own body.

You can preach all you want but if you look in the mirror and say ughhhh I hate my thighs, these love handles have got to goooo! Your efforts in teaching them have all flown out the window when they hear these remarks. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to have fitness & health goals but you should love yourself the way you are today and just keep striving to meet your goals.

I gave all of the women in my Common Collective group a challenge this week. At least once a day they have to look in the mirror and tell themselves something they love about their physical body. I challenge you to do the same.

Self love happens in many forms. There is so much power in practising self love. But it is just that, it must be practised in order for it to become your reality.

When you start to make yourself and your health a priority you will start to see yourself making other major changes and...

When you start to make yourself and your health a priority you will start to see yourself making other major changes and transformation in your life.

You wouldn’t build a new house on a cracked foundation, you’d strength the foundation then build your dream home. Use this same mentality for building your dream life.

Work on YOUR foundation first - physical, mental & emotional. And suddenly you will watch your baby steps turn into strides... maybe even a little strut 😜💁🏻‍♀️


Who run this m***a?! Girls!I’m pretty convinced everything I want to share with you in life can be done through song 💃🏽I...

Who run this m***a?! Girls!

I’m pretty convinced everything I want to share with you in life can be done through song 💃🏽

International Women’s Day!

I have 2 challenges for everyone today.

I would like everyone to call or text three important women in your life today. Tell them something amazing about them. Give a very genuine compliment about something they do or about their personality that inspires you.

Next, I want you to promote at least 3 woman owned companies today on your social platforms. In your feed, stories, a reel, whatever. Post about as many as you can think of. Imagine what this free advertising could do for these women?!

Let’s all keep lifting other women up as we rise.

Pictured are a few of my favourite women. There are a handful missing from this pic but these women are strong, powerful, hella funny, supportive, inspirational, caring, kind, genuine and so much more.

In order to love who you are, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you. - Andrea DykstraYou don’t have to love ev...

In order to love who you are, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you. - Andrea Dykstra

You don’t have to love every part of your past but I hope you can acknowledge that it has shaped you into the person you are today and that is something to accept and be proud of.

You learned from your past.
You grew from your past.

Let it be the fuel for your glow up ✨

Many of us have had hard times in the past or walked through trauma. When you think back on those times or talk about th...

Many of us have had hard times in the past or walked through trauma. When you think back on those times or talk about them I want you to tell your story as if it is your biggest triumph.

Because it is.

You lived through something that was very difficult and you are here to talk about it. I am sorry from the depths of my soul that you had to go through whatever it is that you went through.

It is time to reclaim your strength. Know that your struggles can fuel your greatest strengths and rise up.

Be the friend that calls out and challenges their friends. So what do I mean by that?When you hear a friend being hard o...

Be the friend that calls out and challenges their friends. So what do I mean by that?

When you hear a friend being hard on themselves, putting themselves down, dreaming small, talking themselves out of their own dreams and goals or are making excuses for their poor behaviour or lack of action - CALL THAT S**T OUT!

Because you know they can do better. Sometimes they may just need a reminder, so be that reminder for them. Because friends don’t let friends talk s**t about themselves. They raise each other up so damn high until you are both on cloud 9 together.

Tag your bestie to remind them you’ve got their back! 👯‍♀️👯‍♂️

PS my fab magnetic lashes I’m wearing today are from and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them!

Gyms have been closed for what seems like forever now here in Ontario.  If you have been using their closure as an excus...

Gyms have been closed for what seems like forever now here in Ontario. If you have been using their closure as an excuse to not stay active during this pandemic I would like to challenge you to spice things up a bit and break a sweat right in your own home.

You do not need much space and you don’t need to own any or much equipment. Interested in picking up a few things to use during your workouts? I highly suggest a yoga mat, resistance bands and a couple of free weights, but again, these are all not necessary.

Fitness has been a huge passion of mine for almost as long as I can remember and I work hard at it. I’m proud of where I am at with my fitness level especially after 2 kids and during a pandemic. I’m still working hard DAILY to hit more milestones that I have set out for myself.

A few tips to help get you back on track.
- Schedule in your workouts and stick to them the same way you would show up for a doctors appointment. Don’t cancel on yourself.
- Do you need accountability? Try signing up for online classes or joining an accountability group. Many of us are more likely to show up and give it our all when there are other people involved.
- Find workouts that you enjoy. Is running not your thing but you love to dance? Try a Zumba class. It is a great form of cardio while listening to fun music and having a blast often messing up the moves. (No? Just me… k)
- Don’t know where to begin on creating a workout of your own? YouTube has all your answers. There are so many people who have created free online programs that you can follow that are not too advanced so they are great for any fitness level. One I have recently been introduced to is Chloe Ting.
- Track your accomplishments visually. Put a calendar on the wall and check off each day that you get your workout in. Seeing those checkmarks will make you want to keep going. And, seeing the empty squares can also help give you the extra push to get your butt in gear.
- Lastly, crank up the music and have fun with it.

💪🏽 🍑

PAUSE. Pause when you feel like you need it. Pause when you don’t feel like you need it. Just pause. Enjoy the little mo...


Pause when you feel like you need it.
Pause when you don’t feel like you need it.

Just pause.
Enjoy the little moments.
Be present.
Sit with your thoughts.

Life is meant to be LIVED & ENJOYED not just as a way to pass time. Remember that.

✨COMMON COLLECTIVE✨ Elevation. Evolution. Accountability. It’s here!!! Are you feeling the need for community these days...

✨COMMON COLLECTIVE✨ Elevation. Evolution. Accountability.

It’s here!!! Are you feeling the need for community these days more than ever? Are you finding it even harder to stay motivated to keep working towards your goals - health, fitness, career and personal because life during a pandemic is, well, not exactly exciting or motivating? Us too!

I have partnered up with one of my best friends, Krystin, to create this 6 week program that focuses on accountability, creating community and finding ways to bring joy to your own life every single day! We will be a group of women who want to elevate ourselves & others and who have a strong desire to continue to evolve and grow even if we aren't sure yet where we are headed next.

For more information and to reserve your spot click here —->

Can’t wait for you to join us!

10 Facts About Me ..just because. What’s a random fact about you? Let me know in the comments!1 - I LOVE to dance and do...

10 Facts About Me ..just because. What’s a random fact about you? Let me know in the comments!

1 - I LOVE to dance and do it every single day around my house
2 - I have said I was going to own my own business since I was a teenager.  I have the school project from grade 11 entrepreneurship class to prove it!
3 - I am indigenous and only starting to learn more about my culture over the past few years.
4 - I signed with a modelling agency in my teens who asked me to get a nose job and I refused because I was born with this face and knew I shouldn’t have to change it to please others (although I did shed a few tears after the conversation I’m so happy I didn’t do it!)
5 - I am the slowest reader ever and that’s a major reason why I love audio books
6 - I have always known I wanted to be a mother. In fact I thought I wanted at least 4 kids but my mental health was a major reason why we stopped at 2 and I couldn’t be any happier that we did. Hormones are a crazy thing let me tell you.
7 - I was a big partier all throughout my 20’s and up until not long before I got pregnant with my daughter. Sip Sip Hooray!
8 - Two of my favourite foods are chocolate and ice cream. Basically I’m an oversized child with my food choices.
9 - I have never had anything waxed because I’m too afraid of it lol hallelujah for not being a hairy human 🤣
10 - I was engaged before I met my current husband. DODGED THAT BULLET!! 🙌🏽 phew!

Tell me something about you below!!

Did you get outside today? This week?If you are in Ontario like I am, you are also in lockdown. It is very easy for a fe...

Did you get outside today? This week?

If you are in Ontario like I am, you are also in lockdown. It is very easy for a few days to pass and you realize you haven’t actually left your house at all. Let’s be real, there is nowhere to go other than for groceries and it’s getting damn cold out there so motivation to get out isn’t really at an all time high.

Having said that, now more than ever it is so important for you to be getting outside daily! The fresh air, sunshine and movement is not only good for your physical health but even more importantly, your mental health.

I’m not saying you are going to want to do it, I’m saying you should do it anyway. Force yourself to get up and get out there. It doesn’t have to be for long (although, the longer the better). If getting out and walking to the corner and back is all you got in you today then do it and be proud that you did. If you feel like you can run a 10k then do the damn thing.

Even just the actions of putting on your boots and coat and getting out the door is enough to switch things up for you which is sometimes all we really need.

Let’s keep that focus on doing good for ourselves, even when it may not be the easy choice.

You got this!

Surround yourself with people who inspire you and push you past your comfort zone but don’t make you feel less than for ...

Surround yourself with people who inspire you and push you past your comfort zone but don’t make you feel less than for where you are at in your journey.

The last part of that is crucial. Many times it can be done unintentionally but it stings just the same.

Look for groups online of individuals that share a common interest with you, join virtual clubs, engage with others rather than just scroll past.

Right now, many of our connections will be virtual so be diligent about protecting your peace because the online world can quietly creep in on you if you aren’t intentional about who you are spending time with, following and consuming. Detox your social media & unfollow accounts that aren’t actually motivating, inspiring or providing you with happiness.

Find that crew and make them a priority in your life because having positive connections in your life is beautiful.

“It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.” - unknown When you stop believing that you ca...

“It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.” - unknown

When you stop believing that you can’t do or accomplish things you will watch yourself in real time transform and propel forward.

You will be more open to opportunities and conversations that potentially change your perspective and/or provide you with more knowledge which will open doors for you.

So take that self doubt and negative self talk and show it the exit sign. Because girl, you got this.

📸 :

How are you all doing?  Like, realllyyy doing. I’ll be very honest to say that this past week got the best of me. It was...

How are you all doing? Like, realllyyy doing.

I’ll be very honest to say that this past week got the best of me. It was a hard one. A ton of little things topped with some bad news about my dog’s health and well, I just didn’t have the capacity to show up here for everyone else. I needed every ounce of energy I had left for my own mental health and my family.

It’s ok to admit that you are struggling.
It’s ok to be struggling.

What helped me?
✨Leaning on the ones I love; friends & family
✨Exercise - it helps me clear my head. Sometimes it was cardio, more of the time it was dancing (pretty much always dancing)
✨I took pressure off of myself to accomplish as much as I usually want to daily
✨Netflix - I needed to just numb my mind for a while. I’m not usually a big TV watcher but this week I smashed the entire season of Bridgerton and I’m more than ok with it.

I did what I needed to do in order to get through the slump.

The key is to do what it takes to not stay stuck. It can be difficult but it’s vital. Find what works for you, seek out the help you need and do things that make you feel good.

Just keep swimming 🐠




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