Across the Desk w/ Kit Fairchild

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Across the Desk w/ Kit Fairchild A Youtube show with weekly episodes, published on Sundays. Topics are about Oklahoma politics and cu

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild closes out Season 9 with the fiasco that is the anti-DEI (Diversity, Equity,...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild closes out Season 9 with the fiasco that is the anti-DEI (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion) Executive order has shut down the NEW Leadership program at the University of Oklahoma. The program was to help women navigate the tough waters of politics as well as prepare to be leaders in business and the arts. when Governor Stitt found out about he closure of the popular program, he said he is not for keeping women out of politics or business and it wasn't his intent to do so. He was looking at it more from a racial standpoint which really doesn't make it any better.. Even admitting that it was an unintended consequence, due the fact Kevin Stitt lacks the vision to see ahead more than 1 or 2 moves.

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild closes out Season 9 with the fiasco that is the anti-DEI (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion) Executive order has shu...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about the pro-Palestinian protest that have been going on around the w...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about the pro-Palestinian protest that have been going on around the world and how Conservatives, Republicans, and the radical right are using the same play book when they used the same tactics to call Vietnam war protesters communist, degenerates, criminals and even violent terrorist as they are arrested for 'trespassing' and mention of violence against anyone..

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about the pro-Palestinian protest that have been going on around the world and how Conservatives, Republica...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about the increasingly alarming rhetoric by Republicans like Tom Cotto...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about the increasingly alarming rhetoric by Republicans like Tom Cotton and Keri Lake who are encouraging their minion followers to commit violent acts against the political opposition if the dare to protest or cast a vote for their political rivals. As well as commentary about the normalization of violence by Conservatives to make it a core staple of their Values today.

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about the increasingly alarming rhetoric by Republicans like Tom Cotton and Keri Lake who are encouraging t...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about how abortion has been the Republican white whale. As now that th...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about how abortion has been the Republican white whale. As now that they have caught him, they seem to be going down with the ship. We have seen in the past week a Legislator's seat in deep red Alabama go to the Democrat by a margin on 25 points and all because she ran on the IVF & abortion issue. As well as the Arizona Supreme Court ruling that set abortion back to the Civil War era in that state and now Republicans can't seem to run away from abortion, as well as judges they appointed, as the polling shows a resounding favor for legal abortion and maternity care, including birth control. Combine that with the fact that Republicans have poor messaging on the subject if not out right mixed messaging as they don't seem to have a unified message, much less a plan, to address the abortion debate.

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about how abortion has been the Republican white whale. As now that they have caught him, they seem to be g...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about the strategic blunders of Israel and Hamas when it comes to the ...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about the strategic blunders of Israel and Hamas when it comes to the killing of civilians, aid workers and attacking Iran's Consulate, as well as a little about Russia and Ukraine.

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about the strategic blunders of Israel and Hamas when it comes to the killing of civilians, aid workers and...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild shift from the Oklahoma Legislature and the extreme bills that were introduc...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild shift from the Oklahoma Legislature and the extreme bills that were introduced this session to Ryan Walters. It seems polling numbers came out showing that he is losing support fast.. Among Republicans!! .. And his cronies can't rebut fast enough to claim fake news, fake media, and 'mobs' of liberals.. on top of childish and petty antics before the last Oklahoma Department of Education meeting where they confiscated chairs, a memorial to Cathy Cummings, and tied the doors shut with electrical cords.. As well as the contrast between Sean Cummings raising over $70K in his late wife's name to pay off school lunch debt as compared to Ryan Walters spending $70K of taxpayer money on his own public relations and paying to get on national news instead of where it should go.. To our kid's education.. But even better yet is the contrast between Ryan having to pay our education money to get national exposure and Sean Cummings getting it for free from ABC News for giving away money he has raised to kids to pay off their lunch debt...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild shift from the Oklahoma Legislature and the extreme bills that were introduced this session to Ryan Walters. It s...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about the drama in the Oklahoma Senate that happened when Dusty Deever...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about the drama in the Oklahoma Senate that happened when Dusty Deevers and Nathan Dahm filibustered on the floor of the Oklahoma Senate. Why did they throw a fit and a tantrum upon the floor? Because none of the bills they introduced this Session made it out of committee. So since they didn't get out to the floor of the Senate, Dusty and Nathan thought it a good idea to hold up everyone else's bills by taking up the last part of the Session to filibuster and causing some of the bills before the Senate not to be heard. It's petty, it's childish, somewhat cowardly, and no way to build a coalition for the future.

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about the drama in the Oklahoma Senate that happened when Dusty Deevers and Nathan Dahm filibustered on the...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about a very junior Senator in the Oklahoma Legislature named Dusty De...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about a very junior Senator in the Oklahoma Legislature named Dusty Deevers. A Baptist preacher who is all about quashing rights and freedoms in the name of Christian Nationalism through the force of BIG GOVERNMENT. He has introduced 9 bills this session on abortion, p**n and the 1st amendment. Namely, creating a registry of women who go for maternity care, Charging women with felony murder for abortions, even outside the state. A law against consenting ADULTS texting sexy messages to each other making it a felony with prison time if the parties are not married to each other. The good news is, none of Dusty's bills made it out of committee, he is 0-9 on legislation due to his extreme anti-American views. Which is the best thing to come out, or in this case not come out, of the Legislature so far this year...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about a very junior Senator in the Oklahoma Legislature named Dusty Deevers. A Baptist preacher who is all ...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild discusses the threat of Christian Nationalism to our Republic and Democracy ...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild discusses the threat of Christian Nationalism to our Republic and Democracy and highlighting bills going through the Oklahoma Legislature on the ten commandments, forced prayer of adults and observation of Christian Dogma. As well as statements made to force every child under 18 to be labeled as Christian whether their parents and family are or not. And a bill to allow Christian adults to foster and adopt children of non-Christian backgrounds and of the LGBTQ youth community. As well as dangerous statements made about 'purging' non-Christians in the USA..

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild discusses the threat of Christian Nationalism to our Republic and Democracy and highlighting bills going through ...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about those Conservative Values of bigotry, hate, and violence as Okla...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about those Conservative Values of bigotry, hate, and violence as Oklahoma Senator Tom Woods when asked about the death of 16 year old non-binary Owasso High School student, Nex Benedict, that the Oklahomans who voted him into office 'don't want that filth in this state'. And how the BIG GOVERNMENT of Christian Nationalism puts at risk not just the freedoms, but the lives of those who would not conform to their narrow world view.

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about those Conservative Values of bigotry, hate, and violence as Oklahoma Senator Tom Woods when asked abo...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild once again talks about abortion as he discusses a few bills that were introd...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild once again talks about abortion as he discusses a few bills that were introduced into the Oklahoma Legislature designed to attack maternity care, abortion, and the OGBYN profession with draconian laws on drug trafficking of certain contraception and abortion medication as well as a violation of the 4th Amendment and HIPPA laws when it comes to one Representatives bill to create a state registry for women who have had abortions, miscarriages, Plan B, and IUD contraceptives...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild once again talks about abortion as he discusses a few bills that were introduced into the Oklahoma Legislature de...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about the conservative values of political violence as there are at le...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about the conservative values of political violence as there are at least two stories in the past week of Conservatives using violence by way of stochastic terrorism in order to get their sycophant followers to foment threats of death and violence against those they disagree with

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about the conservative values of political violence as there are at least two stories in the past week of C...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild discusses a few bills the have been introduced into the Oklahoma Legislature...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild discusses a few bills the have been introduced into the Oklahoma Legislature designed to change our voting laws in the state. Bills that limit postal services in certain areas. Bills designed to make direct access to democracy by putting limits on the initiative petition process. As well as nixing any future legislation of petition for Ranked Choice Voting. And one, on a good note, that makes the General Election date a State holiday.

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild discusses a few bills the have been introduced into the Oklahoma Legislature designed to change our voting laws i...

This week starts a brand new Season of Across the Desk w/ Kit Fairchild and we start off with the issue that is winning ...

This week starts a brand new Season of Across the Desk w/ Kit Fairchild and we start off with the issue that is winning political races for Democrats in special elections across the nation, Abortion and women's health care, as we dive into the 'why' and 'how' it has become such a winner for the Democratic party and why they should keep it the focus of 2025.

This week starts a brand new Season of Across the Desk w/ Kit Fairchild and we start off with the issue that is winning political races for Democrats in spec...

This week we end Season 8 with special Guest, Vice Mayor of the Village, Sean Cummings. Where we talk about  the Conserv...

This week we end Season 8 with special Guest, Vice Mayor of the Village, Sean Cummings. Where we talk about the Conservative values of violence, Christian Nationalism with the City Elders, the antics at the U.S. capitol with Markwayne Mullins wanting to fight the Union president and Kevin McCarthy elbowing another R in the kidney. As well as Ryan Walters Dunning-Krueger complex where he got kicked out of the OK Supreme Court where he tried to file his own brief even though he isn't a lawyer, much less one barred to go before the Supreme Court...

This week we end Season 8 with special Guest, Vice Mayor of the Village, Sean Cummings. Where we talk about the Conservative values of violence, Christian N...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about the creeping Christian Nationalism and how Conservatives are using it from...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about the creeping Christian Nationalism and how Conservatives are using it from everything, including, making the new Abortion amendment to the Ohio Constitution come under the rule of the Legislative instead of the Judicial branch and saying the Christian God is above any constitution anyway. Which is very dangerous stuff.. As well as a group called City Elders from Tulsa Oklahoma which touts to uphold biblical laws through city, county and state government, instituting a caste system, much like India's, where if you are not Evangelical Christian, you are evil and have no rights, freedoms, or the protection of law. Crazy stuff for sure, but right up elected officials ally as Ryan Walters and Representative Kevin Hern have spoken at City Elders events...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about the creeping Christian Nationalism and how Conservatives are using it from everything, including, making the ne...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about the threat of Christian Nationalism to our Constitution as radical Conserv...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about the threat of Christian Nationalism to our Constitution as radical Conservative Christians proclaim Cities, States and the Nation under the rule of Jesus Christ in a fit of theocracy. While those who are not Christian, or an approved branch of Christianity, are deemed 'evil' and without 'rights' and 'freedoms'... It's a direct attack upon our governing document that states we should be free to worship as we please without fear of reprisal and an assault upon the principle that we should not be subject to religious test to hold office or the public trust.. And above all of this is the fact that these Christian Nationalist are willing to use violence to install an autocratic, theocratic republic...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about the threat of Christian Nationalism to our Constitution as radical Conservative Christians proclaim Cities, Sta...

This week on The Will Rogers Experiment, Kit Fairchild and Sean Cummings talk about Oklahoma politics and the Oklahoma D...

This week on The Will Rogers Experiment, Kit Fairchild and Sean Cummings talk about Oklahoma politics and the Oklahoma Department of Education meeting that was held last week and the report about Ryan Walters not showing up to work.

This week on The Will Rogers Experiment, Kit Fairchild and Sean Cummings talk about Oklahoma politics and the Oklahoma Department of Education meeting that was held last week and the report about Ryan Walters not showing up to work. --- Send in a voice message:

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about Ryan Walters not showing up to work to provide base leadership a...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about Ryan Walters not showing up to work to provide base leadership as another grant writing manager resigns, he's late to his own meeting, hasn't shown up for meetings, and basically, isn't showing up to work at the job he was voted, and being paid 6 figures to do. Also, a court decision from West Virginia says you can't force kids to sit though an evangelical event. And here we are, several meetings later, and Summer Boismier still has an active teaching certificate in Oklahoma. She's suing Ryan for his personal assets for the defamation and the stochastic terrorism he invoked..

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about Ryan Walters not showing up to work to provide base leadership as another grant writing manager resig...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about the chaos and dysfunction of Republicans in the U.S. House of Re...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about the chaos and dysfunction of Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives as they had no plan beyond getting McCarthy out of the Speaker's chair. They have gone through several candidates and three rounds of voting for Jim Jordan, the last guy to throw his hat in the ring, where he lost votes at every attempt. Now we don't know who will be Speaker as several (R)s have declared a run and all the while, no business gets done in the house. No aid to Ukraine, no aid to Israel, and 26 days till the current CR comes due for funding the government..

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about the chaos and dysfunction of Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives as they had no plan be...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about how restrictive abortion bans in a few states (Idaho, Texas and Tennessee)...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about how restrictive abortion bans in a few states (Idaho, Texas and Tennessee) have led to a decline in access to maternity care for those who want to keep their pregnancy, as highly intrusive and restrictive laws and consequences for OBG-YN professionals force them to seek employment in a less hostile environment. As well as doxing abortion rights activist in Texas and a U.S. House representative has introduced a national ban on abortion drugs despite the cry of 'state's rights'..

This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about how restrictive abortion bans in a few states (Idaho, Texas and Tennessee) have led to a decline in access to m...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about the dysfunction and the chaos that represents today GOP. From local Oklaho...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about the dysfunction and the chaos that represents today GOP. From local Oklahoma politics of Governor Stitt calling a Special Session without any communication with the leaders of the Legislature and they are even in his own party! As well as the kook and clown show of the U.S. House of Representatives canning their leader without any strategy as to a replacement and more on the Ryan Walters fiascos and the general chaos manifested by his sycophant followers.

This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about the dysfunction and the chaos that represents today GOP. From local Oklahoma politics of Governor Stitt calling...

This week, Kit Fairchild sits down with The Village Vice Mayor Sean Cummings to discuss the newly transpired agreement b...

This week, Kit Fairchild sits down with The Village Vice Mayor Sean Cummings to discuss the newly transpired agreement between The Village and Yukon Oklahoma when it comes to jail detainees because of the horrid conditions at the Oklahoma County Jail. Which is listed as one of the worst jails in the nation.

This week, Kit Fairchild sits down with The Village Vice Mayor Sean Cummings to discuss the newly transpired agreement between The Village and Yukon Oklahoma...

This week Kit talks about the multi-page report put out by Ryan Walters about his testimony before the U.S. House of Rep...

This week Kit talks about the multi-page report put out by Ryan Walters about his testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives on the influence of the Chinese government when it comes to education . But he only gave the report to a select few in the Oklahoma Legislature, automatically causing division and chaos without that legislative body. As well as his crusade to kill the public school system with the same tactics of division and chaos, as well as the use of stochastic terrorism to achieve his political aims.

This week Kit talks about the multi-page report put out by Ryan Walters about his testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives on the influence of the ...

This week Kit talks about the real 'death cult' that exist with Conservatism today when it comes to threatening violence...

This week Kit talks about the real 'death cult' that exist with Conservatism today when it comes to threatening violence to gain their political will... It's a theme we have been seeing lately, over, and over, from Trump to DeSantis, to their sycophants making threats to the FBI if they prosecute and if they don't prosecute! Bomb threats to our smallest and most vulnerable citizens as we see them made to schools, as well as teachers and school board members and the media... It's Conservative Values week as we discuss the 'values' of making violent and terroristic threats ...

This week Kit talks about the real 'death cult' that exist with Conservatism today when it comes to threatening violence to gain their political will... It's...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about Kevin Stitt's appointment of Wes Nofire a a liaison for the Trib...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about Kevin Stitt's appointment of Wes Nofire a a liaison for the Tribes and how no Tribe of note thinks he's a good pick, if not an outright insult to pick him for the office... As well as the $825k we spent for one month to send 50 guys to look at the border...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about Kevin Stitt's appointment of Wes Nofire a a liaison for the Tribes and how no Tribe of note thinks he... week on Across the Desk, Kit tal...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about how Conservatives in Oklahoma are rallying around Ryan Walters as Democrats in the Oklahoma Legislature call for inquires into his impeachment. Which means (R)s are saying the bomb threats wouldn't happen if they'd just lay off of Ryan Walters...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about how Conservatives in Oklahoma are rallying around Ryan Walters as Democrats in the Oklahoma Legislature call fo...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about the bomb threats to the Union School District in Northeast Oklahoma and th...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about the bomb threats to the Union School District in Northeast Oklahoma and the 'slow to respond' statements to come from (R)s only after 4 days of repeated threats to schools, administration buildings, teacher and elected official homes, before anyone would say a word. And only after it was Superintendent Ryan Walter's house became a target did he, and others, speak up. And when they did? It was about 'the rhetoric' and 'All sides'. Showing us once again what those 'Conservative Values' actually look like.

This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about the bomb threats to the Union School District in Northeast Oklahoma and the 'slow to respond' statements to com...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit invites special guest Chaunte Gilmore to the show. Chaunte is a community leader who i...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit invites special guest Chaunte Gilmore to the show. Chaunte is a community leader who is involved in projects in the Northwest Oklahoma City area and is currently running for House District 100 to be a state legislator. We talk about what she has been doing, her leadership, as well as scholarship qualifications and the contrast between her and her opponent that will be on the ballot next year.

This week on Across the Desk, Kit invites special guest Chaunte Gilmore to the show. Chaunte is a community leader who is involved in projects in the Northwe...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about the Oklahoma Superintendent of Education Ryan Walters false clai...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about the Oklahoma Superintendent of Education Ryan Walters false claims about p**n in schools and how the evidence just cannot be corroborated, as well as the latest when it comes to Walters and his side kick Matt Langston being afraid of well educated and powerful women as they go after the Tulsa Public School District...

This week on Across the Desk, Kit Fairchild talks about the Oklahoma Superintendent of Education Ryan Walters false claims about p**n in schools and how the ...



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