Karl Marx's The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte tracks the class struggle in France that created the conditions for a figure as ugly as Louis Bonaparte to rise to the position of French Emperor. On the day of Trump’s inauguration, it’s particulary relevant.
In the Preface to the 1869 edition, Marx writes: "The class struggle in France created circumstances and relationships that made it possible for a grotesque mediocrity to play a hero’s part."
By "hero", Marx wasn't describing Louis Bonaparte as any sort of positive individual. The point of his argument in the 18th Brumaire is to explain an important element of his theory of history: that people make history, but not in circumstances of their own choosing.
Class struggles in France created the conditions for a figure like Bonaparte to emerge. As Trump is inaugurated, it's worth remembering Marx's insight.
Late capitalism, beset by crisis, is careering towards ever more ghastly symptoms, from intensifying imperialism to a Trump presidency. Capitalism has created the conditions to allow such a "grotesque mediocrity" as Trump to play such an impactful role.
The flip side is that class struggles -- struggles from below -- can also create the conditions in which we can bring these grotesque mediocrities down.
👀 Check the link in the comments for an introductory article on Marx.