Wonder Ministries

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Wonder Ministries A community of women united and living on mission for Jesus!!

💗💗 let’s normalize not disregarding the opposite s*x because of pride. let’s normalize seeking biblical community and li...

💗💗 let’s normalize not disregarding the opposite s*x because of pride. let’s normalize seeking biblical community and listening and building up one another. men are not greater than women in the eyes of the Lord. women are not greater than men in the eyes of the Lord. we are all sinful and in need of Savior and by His grace we are set free.

be on guard against pride. lean into Jesus and seek His Word. invest in the local church and learn from other believers ...

be on guard against pride. lean into Jesus and seek His Word. invest in the local church and learn from other believers 💗

phil. 2:3

Psalm 119:3-13, John 14:15, Hebrews 10:26.

Psalm 119:3-13, John 14:15, Hebrews 10:26.

HEY FRIENDS it’s been a minute!!! sorry for that…lots and lots has happened in the year and a half since i was last here...


it’s been a minute!!! sorry for that…lots and lots has happened in the year and a half since i was last here. some life change happened:
1) i got engaged and married my best friend!!
2) I finished my third year of seminary and changed my degree to a masters of arts in biblical counseling!!
3) I am currently in the middle of a year and a half off from classes to help us financially and also to give me time to rest
4) i am currently in a full time job that i LOVE working with people and learning skill sets to help me counsel others one day!!
5) we adopted the cutest lil kitty named freddie 🤍

In addition to all of these sweet things and changes that have happened, I have wrestled consistently with the Lord over convictions that I have felt but also and more importantly over His Word. Do I actually believe the Word of God is living and true? It’s easy to quickly say yes but it’s tougher to figure out why you do. So I have struggled and questioned and prayed and not prayed and talked it out with those who are wise. And it is through this, I have fallen in love with reading His Word again and seeking Him.

2 Timothy 3:12-17 states, “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”

Life is busy and I’m tired with all the newness I have worked through the past several months but it has also been oh so sweet and tough at the same time. And I’m sooo glad to be back in whatever capacity the Lord leads me here!!

vulnerable post pt. 2. i woke up this morning very sad. during my first class this morning, i was begging the Lord to he...

vulnerable post pt. 2. i woke up this morning very sad. during my first class this morning, i was begging the Lord to help me hold it together just for the hour and fifteen minutes i was sitting there. grief can be a very meticulous and strange emotional experience for anyone, and today it came out of nowhere for me. lately, my season of life has been one of busyness and chaos and stress. i am realizing now how all of that has been a distraction from the grief that I am experiencing, especially with the holidays right around the corner.

“It’s okay to not be okay” is a phrase that I myself have overheard countless times and honestly, the truth of the statement for me didn’t hit me until i was feeling every bit of the “not okay” this morning.

it really is okay to feel pain. It really is okay to feel hurt. It really is okay to feel and experience grief. But it’s how we respond to each of these.

for my grief, I am choosing to be open and vulnerable but I am also choosing to run to the Father. He is my Comforter that no one can measure to.

paul states in 1 Corinthians 1:3, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”

In your sorrow and grief and pain, seek comfort in Christ alone, for He will give you all that you need and more. 🤍

“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who ca...

“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14 NIV

to be honest, life is hard right now. as someone who strives for perfection, who tries too hard for emotions to not clou...

to be honest, life is hard right now. as someone who strives for perfection, who tries too hard for emotions to not cloud their judgement, who thinks (literally) all. the. time. this season is hard. I have allowed for my emotions to overwhelm me. I have given the Enemy so many footholds, my mind could be a jungle gym. I have led with decisions of my feelings instead of pursuing ones of holiness.

and as a result? I am barely dog paddling just trying to get to the next day. “Lord just get me through the next 24 hours, please.” And He has. But he didn’t make all the things that I have on my plate disappear. He didn’t just say “poof! You don’t have to deal with your scattered emotions today!” No. He gave me Peace. Perfect Peace. He gave me rest. Physical, emotional and spiritual rest. He gave me comfort. Through reading His Word and clinging to each syllable as well as through the comforting words and hugs of close ones. David says in Psalm 34:18, “The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.”

There is nothing you can do to earn His love, His peace, His grace or His comfort. All He asks is for you to come to Him.

“Come to me, all who labor are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

How is the Lord comforting you right now?


wonder ministries. a fundraising video.

as many of you know, the Lord convicted me to step out in faith and to go full time with the non profit, called , that i started in March of 2020. here is my heart, my heart behind the ministry as well as what the Lord has led me to do with Wonder so that more disciples will make more disciples. please consider partnering with me and with Wonder, so that more people will grow to know scripture but also ultimately know God deeply and more intentionally.

Acts 2:42-43 states, “And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles.”

/// F U N D R A I S I N G /// sometimes ministry doesn’t look like planning podcast episodes or sharing words from scrip...

/// F U N D R A I S I N G ///

sometimes ministry doesn’t look like planning podcast episodes or sharing words from scripture. sometimes it’s meetings about websites and budgets and throwing on a sweater in 70 degree weather because you’re filming a fundraising video and by the time it’s sent out, it will literally be sweater weather lol.

ministry isn’t always what we think it is. it’s not a one and done situation. it’s a process. full of pruning. full of discipline. full of obedience and trust. and today I’m encouraged knowing that something that seems so scary to my very human point of view, is not to God. when He leads and when we follow His direction, we are able to see His heart for people, even in the seemingly mundane things.

happy first day of fall everyone!! (: find Jesus in the day to day and not just the big moments. 🤍

\\\ A B I D E\\\I was reading back through john 15 today at a coffee shop and came across in my journal, some words and ...

\\\ A B I D E\\\

I was reading back through john 15 today at a coffee shop and came across in my journal, some words and phrases that stood out to me the last time I studied this passage.

These important words included: remain, bear fruit, fruitless vs. fruitful, vine, branches, abiding, love from the Father, disciples (He is our life source), and intimacy with God (seen through His specific love for His people-also known as agape).

These past two weeks, I’ve traded my trust in the Lord and His beautiful plan for trusting in the world and allowing anxiety to fill me. Old insecurities festered in me, both through how I view myself but also how I view and trust in the faithfulness of God, especially when it comes to believing Him when He asks me for my faith in Him.

So as I studied and read this passage in john 15, I am reminded that my purpose is to be connected to the Source of ALL Life. We cannot live without abiding and staying connected to the vine. Don’t let sin continue to stand in the way of you seeking Jesus. See your sin. Repent of it. Confess that Jesus is Lord. Pursue righteousness and stay rooted in Him. And you will be able to witness the fruitfulness the God provides.

“Remain in me, as I also remain in you.” abide in the Father. That is our purpose. That is our security. That is His perfect love displayed through grace.

hello all!!! i just realized i have not yet done an intro post here yet so here ya go (: hi!! my name is emma and i am t...

hello all!!! i just realized i have not yet done an intro post here yet so here ya go (:

hi!! my name is emma and i am the executive director and founder of Wonder Ministries!!! i was born in northwest arkansas but was as also raised as a TCK in Hong Kong, China for 4 years which is where I first surrendered my life to following Jesus!! I am currently in my 3rd year of pursuing my MDiv at Midwestern Seminary in Kansas City because of my passion and heart for directing women towards, first, scripture, but also towards biblically sound resources that educate women on how to study God’s Word and ultimately make disciples (Matt. 28)!!! Below are a few fun facts about me:

1. I’ve been to 26-28 countries!!
2. I have a huge fear of birds 😬
3. I LOVE Chinese food and Mexican food!!
4. Huge survivor fan here (:
5. I’m always down for a road trip!! 🚗

hope you all have a great thursday!!! 💛

\\\ O L D  S E L F & N E W  S E L F \\\Hey guys!! Sorry I’ve been MIA since the last episode but here is a verse that we...

\\\ O L D S E L F & N E W S E L F \\\

Hey guys!! Sorry I’ve been MIA since the last episode but here is a verse that we focused on in our Go and Grow episode of Ephesians 4:17-32 called, “Reacting to the Transformation of Sanctification” (:

If you haven’t yet, you should check it out on Spotify and Apple Podcasts (both links available in our link tree in our bio!!)

ps: we are dropping our final 2 eps for this series in the next few days!!! 💛

/// A P E S T /// A few weeks ago, we introduced the resource of the APEST in one of our podcast episodes and we wanted ...

/// A P E S T ///

A few weeks ago, we introduced the resource of the APEST in one of our podcast episodes and we wanted to provided you guys with more information on this resource (:

The APEST is available on our link tree in our bio (: let us know what your gifts are!!

\\\ G O  A N D  G R O W \\\We just released episode 5 of our series through the book of Ephesians!! This episode is enti...

\\\ G O A N D G R O W \\\

We just released episode 5 of our series through the book of Ephesians!! This episode is entitled "Reacting to the Transformation of Sanctification" and we dive into Ephesians 4:17-32, where Paul discusses major elements like: living in sin, the old self vs. the new self, anger, and putting on kindness and compassion towards one another. Give it a listen and let us know your thoughts through leaving a comment or in our DMs!! Happy Friday!! 💛

/// A F G H A N I S T A N ///"Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom o...

/// A F G H A N I S T A N ///

"Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:10 NIV).

My heart hurts. My heart hurts for the brothers and sisters that are living in fear. Living in the unknown. Living and knowing the threat of persecution. The threat of martyrdom for the pursuit of encountering God in the underground church network. So pray for steadfastness and boldness. Pray for protection and courage. Pray for the gospel to be proclaimed. And pray for faithfulness as many will encounter the end of their lives due to their devotion of proclaiming the goodness and the sweetness of the Good News.

\\\ G O  A N D  G R O W \\\Episode 4 has officially dropped!!! This episode we are focused on studying Ephesians 4:1-16,...

\\\ G O A N D G R O W \\\

Episode 4 has officially dropped!!! This episode we are focused on studying Ephesians 4:1-16, in which Paul teaches the Ephesian church on living a life first, unified with the Spirit, and then, unified with the Body of Christ!!

Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts!!! 💛

episode 3 is out NOW and is focused on Ephesians 3 and how Paul desires unity within the church!! 💛 available on spotify...

episode 3 is out NOW and is focused on Ephesians 3 and how Paul desires unity within the church!! 💛 available on spotify and apple podcasts!!! let us know what you think (:

Episode  #2 is out of our study in Ephesians called “Go and Grow.” Go listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts!! ✨

Episode #2 is out of our study in Ephesians called “Go and Grow.” Go listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts!! ✨

an amazing passage to meditate on from our first episode in our study of Ephesians titled “Go and Grow.” Follow along wi...

an amazing passage to meditate on from our first episode in our study of Ephesians titled “Go and Grow.” Follow along with our new episodes on Apple podcasts & Spotify! ☻︎

woohoo! ✨Our podcast’s season two will be in Ephesians!!! We have titled this series “Go and Grow” and our first episode...

woohoo! ✨Our podcast’s season two will be in Ephesians!!! We have titled this series “Go and Grow” and our first episode about recognizing God’s good gifts is out on all podcast platforms now!! Go give it a listen to be encouraged!

surprise friends ✨ we’re back!!!!  ✨ We have some exciting new episodes to share with you guys over the coming weeks, an...

surprise friends ✨ we’re back!!!! ✨ We have some exciting new episodes to share with you guys over the coming weeks, and we cannot help but be so excited! Keep your eyes peeled for a post coming in the next day or so about what the theme/topic of our next season of podcast episodes will be!! ☻︎
Feel free to DM us with any prayer requests you may have or if you have anything you would love to see on the page soon!



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