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📚Book Review:Last Call at the Local📚Thank you to  for the free copy of this beauty      📖The Info📖SYNOPSIS: Swipe Left/s...

📚Book Review:Last Call at the Local📚

Thank you to for the free copy of this beauty

📖The Info📖
SYNOPSIS: Swipe Left/storygraph
FORMAT: physical
MY RATING:I loved it

This book was so sweet and so authentic about neurodivergence. I just wanted to sweep all of these characters into a big hug and never let go. None of them were perfect, and I think I loved that the most, they accommodated and loved every piece of what made each of them…them.

I absolutely devoured this book and read it in a few hours.

💕Favorite Quote💕
“[…] you don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to be in recovery or have everything under control. You deserve to be happy. Not later, but right now. You deserve as much happiness as you can get. And for what it’s worth, I think plenty of people would want to be with you exactly the way you are, including me.”

For all those who want a cozy romance with Ireland in the backdrop? Pick this up!

📚Review: Assistant to The Villain📚📖The Info📖SYNOPSIS: Swipe Left/storygraphFORMAT: physicalMY RATING:I loved it💭Review💭S...

📚Review: Assistant to The Villain📚

📖The Info📖
SYNOPSIS: Swipe Left/storygraph
FORMAT: physical
MY RATING:I loved it

Sitcom in a book? Sign me up.

This book was hilarious, big, and ridiculous and I loved every second.

If you loved Finley Donovan, but are looking for a medieval villainous silly twist. Pick this up!

I absolutely can’t wait for book 2.

📚Book Review:Godkiller📚Happy Friday eve!! Okay, Godkiller by Hannah Kaner was one of my favorites last year!SYNOPSIS: Sw...

📚Book Review:Godkiller📚

Happy Friday eve!! Okay, Godkiller by Hannah Kaner was one of my favorites last year!

SYNOPSIS: Swipe Left/storygraph
FORMAT: physical

This book was definitely a lot of set up and very character driven, but within it there are moments of action that kept it exciting for me!

I love the diversity of these characters, specifically the disability representation and how all the different characters of different social classes/ages/backgrounds interacted with each other.

The whole plot and adventure storyline is so interesting and I’m dying for the next book!

If you’re interested in a book with action, characters you won’t forget, and gods galore? Pick this up!

TW: torture, violence

📚Book Review📚📖The Info📖Genre: multi genre Synopsis: Swipe left/Goodreads/StorygraphHow I felt about it: Obsessed💭Review💭...

📚Book Review📚

📖The Info📖

Genre: multi genre

Synopsis: Swipe left/Goodreads/Storygraph

How I felt about it: Obsessed


“The things that looked fixed in the world, child—- mountains, titles, empires—their permanence is only an illusion, we believe they will last, but that is only because of the extreme brevity of our own lives.”

There are some books that touch you in ways you don’t expect, this is that book. Doerr crafts this beautiful story of 5 characters seamlessly, and pulls you into his world told in the past, present, and future while, somehow, pulling off some historical fiction, contemporary fiction and dystopian fiction that keeps with two themes: we are destroying the world/environment and the power of connection through the stories we tell, the books we read.

This book is 622 pages, but I could have probably read 600 more. The characters are developed to perfection. I mean, there is not a single moment I didn’t feel empathy for these characters, especially Seymour…I really just wanted to give him a hug. Doerr just does an amazing job at crafting the human experience in different ways, while still showing the underlying thread…the craving that runs deep in all of us…the longing for connection and meaning. I know some people have issue with how Seymour is crafted as a character but I think it underlies the need for understanding, connection, and how much the school systems and families and community directly effect how someone interacts with the world as I see it everyday working with kids with disabilities and seeing kids who don’t get the assistance they need due to ableism.

Every story arc is perfection all tied together by one book Cloud Cuckoo Land. Nothing felt rushed, every change of POV pulled me in deeper.

I just loved this books so much, especially the fact that it was a book within this book.

TW:bullying, ableism

📚Book Review: A Curious Beginning📚Thank you to  for the gifted copy of this book!    📖The Info📖The Book: A Curious Begin...

📚Book Review: A Curious Beginning📚

Thank you to for the gifted copy of this book!

📖The Info📖
The Book: A Curious Beginning by Deanna Raybourn

Synopsis: Swipe Left/storygraph

Format: physical

Genre: Mystery

How I felt about it: I really liked it

If you’re looking for something reminiscent of Sherlock Holmes/Indiana Jones or those old British murder mystery shows, look no further!

This book has suspense, a female lead who you’ll love, a mystery that keeps you turning the page, and minor characters you’ll wanna know more about. Can this book sometimes go into the sitcom funny extremes situation? Yes, and I loved every second.

📚Book Review: The Swap📚💭Review💭Egh. This book was egh. The only things that kept me going were the multiple povs that ke...

📚Book Review: The Swap📚


Egh. This book was egh. The only things that kept me going were the multiple povs that kept things interesting and the hope it would turn down a darker path, but it did not.

It was also a domestic thriller so not my fave.

I didn’t hate it but I definitely could have gone without reading.

📚Book Review: The Wife Upstairs📚📖The Info📖The Book: The Wife Upstairs by Rachel HawkinsSynopsis: Swipe Left/storygraphFo...

📚Book Review: The Wife Upstairs📚

📖The Info📖
The Book: The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins

Synopsis: Swipe Left/storygraph

Format: physical

Genre: Thriller

How I felt about it: It was fine

Was it a little predictable? Yes.

Was it a bit standard in its plot? Yes.

BUT…was it entertaining? Also yes.

This was a good palette cleanser and if you like a domestic thriller, I would suggest it if you’re looking for a fast read

📚Book Review: Would You Rather For Kids By Kids📚Families looking for gifts for their kids or just a way to pass the time...

📚Book Review: Would You Rather For Kids By Kids📚

Families looking for gifts for their kids or just a way to pass the time with each other? LOOK NO FURTHER, because my student Jada and her cousin Alexa wrote the most amazing book!

I can honestly say this Would You Rather book is fun for people of all ages because my fiancé and I definitely got it off Kindle Unlimited to pass time at airport and had a blast with all these questions!

For a little sneak peek, here are a couple favorites from the authors!

Jada’s Favorite Pick (And mine too): “Would you rather have legs that are six feet long OR arms that are four feet long?”

Alexa’s Favorite Pick: “Would you rather have your dentist pull out six of your teeth or your doctor give you three shots in one visit?”

These two kid indie authors really killed it with this one and reminded me why I love this game so much 😂

*picture posted with the permission of parents*

📚Book Review: A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch📚A review on a Monday, even though I haven’t really felt like reading, th...

📚Book Review: A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch📚

A review on a Monday, even though I haven’t really felt like reading, this book definitely pulled me in!

📖The Info📖
The Book: A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch by Sarah Hawley

Synopsis: Swipe Left/storygraph

Format: physical

Genre: Romance

How I felt about it: I loved it

Glimmer falls keeps getting better!

We had some enemies to lovers, the one bed trope, a truly lovely redemption arc and commentary on prejudice and injustice.

I loved the found family in this book and how Astaroth and Calladia loved each other and all their parts, how they made each other stronger, and their banter and playful jabs at each other.

This book was funny, sweet, fast paced, and a little spicy.

Thank you for the free copy!

: Anyone loving the holiday cheer?

TW: toxic family relationships

📚Book Review: Delilah Green Doesn’t Care📚I finally read this Booksta darling, and man was I missing out!📖The Info📖The Bo...

📚Book Review: Delilah Green Doesn’t Care📚

I finally read this Booksta darling, and man was I missing out!

📖The Info📖
The Book: Delilah Green Doesn’t Care by Ashley Herring Blake

Synopsis: Swipe Left/storygraph

Format: physical

Genre: Romance

How I felt about it: I loved it


I finally read this book, and it was worth every ounce of hype.

I love these fierce friendships and growth from the main characters.

I love the subplot of the relationship between Delilah’s stepfamily and how the author showed the complexities that can come from grief . I also loved the portrayal of co-parenting for Claire.

I loved Claire and her sweet soul and fierce protectiveness of her daughter.

I loved all the dialogue about blended families and non-nuclear families.

I loved the dual pov.

Really,I just adored it all and can’t wait to read book 2!

TW: toxic family relationships, mentions of parent death

📚Book Review: Midnight is the Darkest Hour📚I’m baacccckkkk and completely stocked on blue crabs 😂I definitely missed thi...

📚Book Review: Midnight is the Darkest Hour📚

I’m baacccckkkk and completely stocked on blue crabs 😂

I definitely missed this community in the last week and posting, so I’m excited to be back to it!

📖The Info📖
The Book: Midnight is The Darkest Hour by Ashley Winstead

Synopsis: Swipe Left/storygraph

Format: audiobook

Genre: Thriller/Suspense

How I felt about it: I liked it

Narration: excellent


My complaints:
What was that ending? Also, are we serious with Ruth and could we not have just gone full throttle and made it full on cult and darker?

What I liked?

The narration for this audiobook was on point.

It was an engaging and interesting premise.

It had a past and present pov which helped the pacing of the book.

I thought it was a good easy thriller, a palette cleanser that definitely helped me get out of a slump!

Thank you for the gifted copy

TW: religious trauma, child abuse, targeting

When one of your students writes a book…you have to brag on them 😍For all my therapist, teacher, parents friends who nee...

When one of your students writes a book…you have to brag on them 😍

For all my therapist, teacher, parents friends who need something to do with your kids , this one has some “Would You Rathers” that even I had a hard time picking between.

:Do you have any plans this week?

📚Book Review: Do Your Worst📚Rosie Danan came out with another read and I adore it! Thank you to  for the free copy. 📖The...

📚Book Review: Do Your Worst📚

Rosie Danan came out with another read and I adore it! Thank you to for the free copy.

📖The Info📖
The Book: Do Your Worst by Rosie Danan

Synopsis: Swipe Left/storygraph

Format: ebook


How I felt about it: I really liked it

Curse breaking and enemies to lovers with an ample amount of spice (more risqué than I’m used to from Berkley)?! Could I ask for more?

This was such a fun read for me and I devoured it in a couple days.

While, sometimes I didn’t love how mean they were to each other in the enemies to lovers, the back history that Danan sets with these characters family makes it believable. How these two characters grew together and learned to trust each other made my heart melt.

I thought this was an easy and fun read and recommend it to those who want something different from Danan’s previous series and don’t mind a little kinky pain play in their spice!

📚Book Review: Spoiler free Iron Flame📚Xaden can have all of me.Really, Xaden and Tairn carried this book on their backs....

📚Book Review: Spoiler free Iron Flame📚

Xaden can have all of me.

Really, Xaden and Tairn carried this book on their backs. I may even reread scenes because of them and I never reread usually.

This book made me feel every last emotion, and I’m still REELING after finishing…see the first photo in the carousel for my feelings right now.

I need book 3 like yesterday…

📚Book Review: The Institute📚This book was FINE. Wasn’t really what I was expecting. More horrors of reality than a horro...

📚Book Review: The Institute📚

This book was FINE. Wasn’t really what I was expecting. More horrors of reality than a horror book. It wasn’t my vibe but I could see a lot of people liking it if they wanted to read something that seems like it would be a Stranger Things prequel.

📚Book Review: Hunt on Dark Waters📚I just finished Hunt On Dark Waters by Katee Robert and adored it. Thank you to  for t...

📚Book Review: Hunt on Dark Waters📚

I just finished Hunt On Dark Waters by Katee Robert and adored it. Thank you to for the free copy of this book that comes out November 7th!

📖The Info📖
The Book: Hunt on Dark Waters by Katee Robert

Synopsis: Swipe Left/storygraph

Format: Physical


How I felt about it: I loved it

This book quite literally has it all…




✨Supernatural people/creatures

✨LGBTQIA+ rep,

✨One bed trope

✨A fun and mischevious female MC

✨A noble male MC

✨Dual POV


✨Awww/Swoonworthy dialogue like:
Evie:”Don’t you dare die.”
Bowen: “And lose out on a moment with you? Never.”

I absolutely loved this book! It was unputdownable. So for all those looking for a fast-paced romance, that’s sure to get you out of a slump? Check this out!

📖Book Review: None of This is True📖📖The Info📖The Book: None of This is True by Lisa JewellSynopsis: Swipe Left/storygrap...

📖Book Review: None of This is True📖

📖The Info📖
The Book: None of This is True by Lisa Jewell

Synopsis: Swipe Left/storygraph

Format: Physical


How I felt about it: I really liked it

Usually, I’m disappointed by reads written by Lisa Jewell, but this one was right up my alley.

It had dual POVs, timelines that converged, a bit of darkness, and interesting characters that kept me turning the page. While, the unreliable narrator is a little played out, I loved the podcast element in this and it made up for it. I think if this book just gave a little more darkness or gave me more time to be invested in some of the plot/subplots they had, it would’ve been a love instead of a really like for me, I think they put focus on elements that could’ve been forgotten.

If you’re looking for a fast pace and easy read with a little bit of darkness, check this out.

TW: stalking, alcoholism, gaslighting, mentions of child abuse, grooming, spousal abuse, pe******ia



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