**READ THE WHOLE POST** We are very excited to announce that John Eberhart, one of the best bowhunters in the country and known for consistently taking mature bucks on pressured lands with his bow, will be joining us at Huntstock Massachusetts this year! It is the first time he will be at a Northeastern hunting show so you wont want to miss it. He'll be delivering daily seminars and hanging out at his booth where you can pick up signed copies of his books and pick his brain on hunting. Bowhunting pressured bucks is par for the course for all of us in the Northeast, and there's no one better to learn from than this legendary bowhunter!
Tickets are on sale now at www.huntstockevents.com. All tickets purchased before March 1st will get 2X the door prize tickets when you check in at the event. The Massachusetts Huntstock is going back to being a CAPPED TICKET EVENT which could sell out before the show, since last year we were close to reaching our parking capacity, so get your tickets now!
**GIVEAWAY PROMO** COMMENT ON THIS POST TAGGING 3 FRIENDS and we will give one of the commenters a FREE phantom saddle! WE WILL ALSO CHOOSE 4 PEOPLE WHO BUY TICKETS BY JANUARY 7TH TO RECIEVE 4X DOOR PRIZE ENTRIES. You will be notified by email if you win the 4X entries.