G O D Hour Podcast Live Edition

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G.O.D. Hour Podcast

"Boardroom Affairs"
(Everybody can't have a Seat)
season:5 episode:7

Another key to your internal work is reflected in what I call "Boardroom Affairs". I can't stress enough the importance of self-accountability sets the tone if the steps behind every move ensure presence and growth or relevance of entitlement.

If you are the head of your table and have Mommy/Daddy issues. Then that trickles down and reflects in who is in what position representing you.

That lack of accountability is the thing that can crush the Authentic Authority you have in your life.

The Direction of your life is based on three basic factors.


So are you talking at(manipulating) or speaking to/with(active assessment)?

Are you Listening to Reply(intellectulalize)or are you Really Hearing to Innerstand?

Are you quick to React(act out of emotion)
Or are you learning the lessons or protecting your energy and presence(less is more)

These are just some of the points in living Authentic Authority as the head that wears the crown.

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This weeks Session:

🎩Infidelity and Compromise- cheating yourself to save face. Learning true Conflict Resolution.

🎩Solutions of Prevention- a major key in the reprogramming of the subconscious is learning the power of intent is in Resolve.

🎩Inner Circle Inner You- The Results of Trauma Bonding vs. Power Circle

G.O.D. Hour Podcast

"Boardroom Affairs"

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Time to Check Your TableG.O.D. Hour PodcastNew Episodes every Drop Every Tuesday @ 6 am est

Time to Check Your Table

G.O.D. Hour Podcast
New Episodes every Drop Every Tuesday @ 6 am est


The most natural sequence is Conflict but when we act to Deflect Presence becomes Possession.

The question I ask you is "What are you fighting to Hold on to"?

The fear of losing one's self or rather the identity we kept so long that was meant to protect us now suffocates and keeps you in a depressurized state.

Tearing the world apart, that we created out of lack is the First Step to Reaching the Zero Point.

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Detachment is an Art of Transmutation.

Through Transmission the Attachment or Undisciplined Thought was a Vehicle.

Acknowledging the Catalyst of whether Masculine Action Seeking Feeling or Feminine Receptive Seeking Action is the Key to This Process.

Through Attachment, one Seeks to give a False Sense of Progress

Compartmentalizing the streams into Categories Creating the Effect of Multitasking.

This Forms what is thought the need for Detachment, but is Really Dissociation with Self.

A common example of this is as I always speak about, is how you wake up.

This baseline of the Results of the Day.

Dissociation with Self is the act of Being what is required only to Transmit (project) Seeking the Patterns to match Feeling or Feeling to match Patterns.

We see this a lot in the Roles we play in our day-to-day activities. Before one knows it an entire week has past and they are no closer to anything they perceive to be out of reach due to not having enough time or the resources.

This is where understanding the vehicles come into play. From one side or the other doesn't matter, it's the understanding that this process of thought forms a neutral point(void).

Our Predestination attracts into that void what feeds the action/emotional refuse for us to act out a day.

The Definitions we Intellectualize.

"If I had", " When this happens", "when will"
all these expressions of the "How Long"

The How Long is what determines when you or how you will do something. "I wasn't feeling it or I deserve this time"

Clinging to Control focused on the If I don't.

This week on the G.O.D. Hour Podcast

"Perception Rift"

We are going to Explore this Mentality and Breakdown some Methods to breaking this baseline cycle, shifting from the transmitting by automatic thought to learning how to transmute or embrace the power of Auto Transmission.

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"Rational Being"
(Coping and Complacency)
G.O.D. Hour Podcast
New Episode every Tuesday @ 6 am est

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This weeks episode:

What drives your Fear of Becoming?
What is the Real Reason you Rationalize your "Coping Behaviors"?

You know this is the way I am if you don't like it leave, why are you with me? The list goes on and on. How we subjectively Identify ourselves in the hopes that instead of exploring, we create tests of worth and the reward is as we got into last week " The Incentive" in putting up with me is.......

The state of Rationalizing the Being dismissing the lessons presented in becoming. The is the Self Awareness of Submission to our own B.S. What we think is Accepting me for me is the Shallow attempt to face the Acknowledging and the Process of Acceptance.

So you are ready to bring it to the surface and put in the work. Or will you continue to create Coping Mechanisms and further Restrict the flow to your Greatest potential.

Let's get into this...

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This Weeks Breakdown:

Possessive Sentiment - Breaking the Rationalization of the if you Love me you will, and other emotional manipulations that we identify with to avoid facing the roots of subjective behavior.

Resilient Grievances- It's one thing to Acknowledge the Reason but the Acceptance of Processing to the Root is the only route to Emotional Clarity vs. Emotional Closure.

Committed to my Flaws- This is a common narrative for how we view all forms of Relationships. From the job letting you go to the constant Self Sabotaging behavior when comes to our comfort zones.

All this Plus the Weekly Reading.

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Human Design Chart $85

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It doesn't matter what it is the usual programming is to look for the External Incentive to the why.

If one only workouts out to Look Good or Lose Weight then the Incentive is in the Attention.

So when there the Attention whether positive or negative is the Asset of Control.

Same with Someone who says "when I'm in a Relationship I'm Loyal" Now any unresolved conflicts are used as incentives to the Relationship.

When one hasn't Faced the Roots of their whys the Creative Energy is used to form Distraction of Comfort.

If the only reason you do is to Receive the Lesson is never Learned to be Applied.

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"Free Incentive"

This Weeks Episode

💲 Compensation w/o Account- what you did what's been done only gives you "time served status" What made you "good" then you are noticing doesn't work now.

💲Invest & Returns- "do the same get the same" Pattern of Behavior needs to be Evaluated before you can step into Plans of Power.

💲New Tables- Look Around Observations of your Current what's makes you Uncomfortable and WHY? This is the Key to Becoming Self Aware.

Welcome to the New SEASON of The

G.O.D. Hour Podcast

Season 5 Episode 1.

We getting Deeper.


Last week Tapped into Resolving the Internal Arguments. This is a major key in removing the Fractures that occurred during the Soul Loss and initiating the paths of Shadow Integrations.

This week on the G.O.D. Hour Podcast

We are getting into

The "Immaculate Perspective"
(Honoring the Soul)

Or becoming the Impartial Point.

We are getting deeper into the understanding of emotional presence vs. emotional relevance. The Honoring of the Soul Path is detrimental to the Impartial Point.

The Unresolved can lead one to go against their purpose evading the authentic potential.

A great example of this is the hope narrative of "being the first in family"

To be married - without first clearing the first debts.

To go to college- and avoiding learning linkage

The fact is that if one is not willing to make impartial decisions, what is reflected from the soul fracture is what is the preservation of that emotional relevance.

Married but unhappy

A job with no fulfillment.

It's time to put in Work!!!!!!!

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This week session:

🗝Keys open Doors- Obstacles are the Opportunities to learn are you ready for the Price of Sacrifice?

🗝Wealth or Riches - Authentic Authority vs. Statistics in Survival.


🗝Orders of Distraction - Patterns of Recognition vs. Plans of Action.

All this plus the Weekly Reading and how to get plugged in with services in the Plug Talk.

Oh yea, I'm Papa Lucifer

New Episodes Every Tuesday @ 6 am est

Tune in to Tap Out of the Mundane.

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What if you sat down to become truly present?

What if you Realized all of your Arguments Required the Insidious Interpretation Complex?

The denial of Actions matching the changes enforcing a new standard of self-observation.

Two emotional points come to mind, insecurity( the enabling of reaction and reason) and jealousy( the reaction to not existing as).

Your fear to change projects and magnifies as one changes to meet the new requirements for growth.

Your "conditioning" (traumatic experiences) made you strive to be a "good" employee(boyfriend, girlfriend, mom, father, etc.)

But it's you being honest that is triggered to level up.

The Insidious Interpretation seeks Reasoning to in Reality never to change and at the furthest point seek dormancy and not submission to evolving.

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This weeks Session:

👹 Exposing in Hope: 90% of what one speaks is fluid in setting the tones for their Unresolved Arguments. The superficial standards usually break when forced to face true applications.

👹 Relevance and Reaction: When that application is triggered one either learns to change or seeks to Revert. "This was you when you met me", or " When I get this(Result) I'll act in such Way(dormancy vs. submission).

👹 Reviving Patterns: As long as one has Unresolved Arguments all coping mechanisms grow while in that dormancy. Emotional Manipulation, Passive and Aggressive behavior, low vibrational and addictive reactions.

This plus the Weekly Reading, how to get in on Plug Talk and more.....

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New Episodes Drop ever Tuesday @ 6 am est

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Natural Selection, only the strong survive, but here's a thought, what if relinquishing how you survived is the key to E...

Natural Selection, only the strong survive, but here's a thought, what if relinquishing how you survived is the key to Embracing the Transition.

The very lesson to self-mastery isn't found in what you used to get what you want. It's in the why you hold on to such a belief. Usually, through survival modes, we try to explain what's at stake while validating the existing usage of the resources. This is to maintain resonance.

But what if I told you the strong and the weak are the same coin? What if you realized those red flags you keep raising are only the fears of awakening the learning and understanding their will always be casualties to you Exalting your Authentic Authority in your Life.

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New Episode

"Natural Selection" (embracing transitions)


Efficient Interference"

You've heard it before, "You are in your way".

What do you do? Either seek attachment to prolong or avoid challenging the automatic thought recognition.


"I don't want to be dependent on no man" or "what does she bring to the table"

Origin: (Nothingness/Void/Subconscious) Traumatic Experience?

Middle point: the Identity sustained(emotional catalyst)

Result(Absolute): Environment and Structure.

The "Independent Woman", will always through Selective Process find an anchor in the childhood memories just as the "Real Man's Man" follows suit.

Sustaining these "Emotional Blocks" Requires Constant Conflict.

This is:

"Efficient Interference"

💣 Trapped in Reaction - Running off the emotional relevance. Transferring, for example, one's guilt about their life as the Responsibility of another.
"You want to make me happy, why aren't we married"?
" You gotta submit to me and my wants?

💣Codependent Manifest- Unconditional Manipulation, Double Talking. Speaking from the point of reaction as a Result Actively Selects what is heard and processed. This often leads to the point of reset to further divert accountability.
"If you love me you would..."?
" You knew I was like this when you met me, you trying to change me?

💣Broken by Association- the Bitter Broken Nigga/Bitch Club. Seeking successful conditions without self-assessment and elevating standards.
"Women need to, Men need to?"

Welcome to the G.O.D. Hour Podcast.

New Episodes Drop Every Tuesday cause only one day matters and that the one you embrace

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This Week:

Covert Independence: "What I Need you for" is this passive-aggressive attempt to prove through physical extremes to mask trauma. Creates the bases of bonding to the scenario created to actively suppress emotional wounds. Usually very additive nature's.

Self Destructive Solace: "I'm a lot to handle or I just want someone to do what I do" these points are tied to replacing the repressed with scenarios that shadow the emotional wounds. Usually, a very Ride or Die Obsessive nature's.

Broken Wings: the point of view from the Savior or Rescue complex is the same.

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This Weeks Session:On the G.O.D. Hour Podcast"Regurgitating Repression"Breaking down the Duality Extremes of Suppression...

This Weeks Session:
On the G.O.D. Hour Podcast

"Regurgitating Repression"

Breaking down the Duality Extremes of Suppression and Repression.

Regurgitation is repetition without in this context self-analysis or the comprehension of what we project.

This is one of two extremes Repression or Suppression.

The Repressed memories of traumatic experiences pushed out of awareness from points that nurture passive-aggressive behaviors and patterns.

While the Suppressed forms an aggressively passive nature.

Here's the fun fact both these feed from the same emotional point and often we slide between the two.

An example of this is how we form trauma bonds. The opposites attract narrative.

The Good Girls love Bad Boys comes to mind off the top.

The reality is we look to bring out what is in suppressed(save) others to mask what is repressed in our darkness.

This keeps us in the state of Reaction Regurgitating what is the same Rhetoric and Patterns we fear breaking.

Welcome to the G.O.D. Hour Podcast

This Week:

Covert Independence: "What I Need you for" is this passive-aggressive attempt to prove through physical extremes to mask trauma. Creates the bases of bonding to the scenario created to actively suppress emotional wounds. Usually very additive nature's.

Self Destructive Solace: "I'm a lot to handle or I just want someone to do what I do" these points are tied to replacing the repressed with scenarios that shadow the emotional wounds. Usually, a very Ride or Die Obsessive nature's.

Broken Wings: the point of view from the Savior or Rescue complex is the same.

Plus this weeks weekly clarity.

Tune in to Tap Out.
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This week on the G.O.D. Hour Podcast

"State of Contingency"

Examples of Contingency would be planning a trip and having money (streams) to cover all possible"incidentals" by way of Ownership.

This could be seen as Provisional Application but the difference is the Ownership. The ability to "write off" the gains and losses as the same (lessons).

This is the psychological rhythm of shadow work and Soul Healing.

In a Traumatic State one depends on the Instinct as Primary. Creating the Identity to fit and require an outlet (emotional void)

But when one understands that the instincts can evolve from survival to peace they can shift those instincts into an auxiliary position. Serving as the contingency.

Becoming the Order of Chaos or all Potential.


As we Assess our Internal Conflicts, Comforting Voices Change into Paranoid Whispers.

These are the Whispers of Our Insecurities, Doubts, and Fears through a Distorted Echo that made whole in our Reactions into our Space.

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This week Session:

👂🏾Distorted Echo: Voices of Our Wounds and how we Feed the Emotional Wounds.

👂🏾Character Flaws: How we Manifest these Thoughts and Live in Reaction to Illusions of our Wounds.

👂🏾Lost in Translation: Existing in the Voids of Reaction.

Tune in to Tap Out.

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It's time to stop fearing what it looks like and applying to learning how to empty and clear the path of now.

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This weeks session:

Tryphobic Thought: Your thoughts? or others' thoughts? create holes in your plans and patterns. It's not about the reaction(surface) it's about assessment(response)

Gates and Stalemates: Conditions vs. Boundaries

Plus more with the Weekly Reading and getting deeper into the Voids of Potential.

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Everything You do Once you Realize that you have been Reacting to your Traumas is Fighting the Point of Nothingness.

Yep every time something doesn't go your way or you fight tooth and nail to continue, ask yourself self the

"Question is this for my Survival, or is this Life?"

When I got really honest with myself I realized that this among the other questions that followed challenged the programming.

Not the external Reactions or the Triggers but the programming I created to feed through the triggers to Remain Relevant.

Fighting No Self or The Nothingness.

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This weeks Session:

🕳 Echos System- Behaviors, Habits, and Patterns

🕳 Irregular Introspective- Biased Reflections of Self-Projecting Biased points of Reactions.

🕳Plus Bonus Insight into this week's Lecture.

G.O.D. Hour Podcast

New Episodes Drop every Tuesday @ 6 am est.

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Parasocial relationships are one-sided relationships, where one person extends emotional energy, interest, and time, and the other party, the persona, is completely unaware of the other's existence.

This definition can be used to break down the existing necessity to feed or live through the traumatic experience.

The Lost trust in a parent creates characters who whether we over or have no trust- feeds that attachment.

The "Failure to Act" during a point in one's life event creates an antagonist (character persona) to anything that triggers the inability to correct that choice in the present.

The environment in which one maintains. "On the Run" then one creates a "set" to maintain social realism, the script of those very events.

The Relationships/Environment created by this definition is used to feed the personification or Characteristics of the trauma.

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Parasocial relationships are one-sided relationships, where one person extends emotional energy, interest, and time, and the other party, the persona, is completely unaware of the other's existence.

This definition can be used to break down the existing necessity to feed or live through the traumatic experience.

The Lost trust in a parent creates characters who whether we over or have no trust- feeds that attachment.

The "Failure to Act" during a point in one's life event creates an antagonist (character persona) to anything that triggers the inability to correct that choice in the present.

The environment in which one maintains. "On the Run" then one creates a "set" to maintain social realism, the script of those very events.

The Relationships/Environment created by this definition is used to feed the personification or Characteristics of the trauma.

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This weeks Session:

The Characters of Lost Childhood- Neglect, Acceptance, Rejection, Abandonment.

The Parent Trap- Guilt, Insecurity, Jealousy Self-Worth, Views, and Values,

Fanatic Transparency- Preserving the acts of the shadow, Survival, Traumatic Purpose.

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Welcome to the G.O.D. Hour Podcast.

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Welcome to the G.O.D. Hour PodcastThis week's session:Fade & Fill- Playing the background to the shadow. The Root to mos...

Welcome to the G.O.D. Hour Podcast

This week's session:

Fade & Fill- Playing the background to the shadow. The Root to most Traumatic Responses. Emotional Numbness vs. Emotional Manipulation.

Dub Over- The Sampling or Creating of Reaction Patterns. Every Relationship is the same because you aren't learning the pattern to assess but sustain the mental conditioning.

Studio Healing- gotta Tune in for this 😈😈😈

Plus the Weekly Reading and bonus Mantra

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Let's get into it!!!!!

The Transitions or the Crossfade. You know when in the horror flicks they always tell the story of the vengeful spirits of the ones that get stuck in "between". Remember as above so below. Yeah, that's you.

This week's episode we are getting into the layers of the transition.

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This week on the G.O.D. Hour Podcast we getting into
"Assault & Batteries"

We often talk about the Narcissus or the Abuser but never do we openly identify within ourselves the conduits of the supporter complex.

Like how some will say they baby father/mother ain't s**t. "No, no, no let's get to what you saw or what they accepted for you to lay with them.

Or that m**o was narcissistic, well let's talk about how and why you were a narcissistic battery for 12 years.

We often stay on one side of the coin and never look back at the ingredients we put in the pot.

These points come from the unidentified patterns in the cycles we assess in our childhood and adolescent wounds.

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Assaults and Batteries

This weeks session:

Battery Saver: That Identity takes a lot of power to maintain. What are you really cutting off and is it worth it for a " selfie"

Amps & Ohms: where you focus your energy may be detrimental if the demand and always greater than your supply.

Charged up: Spiritual Stamina, Emotional Endurance, Mental Output. These are the points where doesn't matter how many crystals and rituals you do if you aren't learning the charging system and the blockages.

New Episode Drops Tuesday @ 6 am est.

Let's Tune in to Tune Up🔥🔥🔥🔥

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