"Classics" are called so because they are relevant to every generation. They deal with the intricacies of the human mind and behaviour. Though trends may change, human behaviour has never changed, and is often predictable, especially when one has to make a choice between bad and worse.
The Gita can be considered a classic, as it talks about what are the things we ought not do when faced with a similar predicament.
In this episode, Arjuna is despondent and decides to not take part in the war, much like Achilles was upset with his commander Agamemnon. Isn't it interesting that we can draw parallels between Hindu and Greek mythology?
Enjoy Gems from the Gita. If you like this series, please recommend it to your near and dear ones.
Gems from The Gita: Chapter 1
Adapted from the Bhagavad Gita...Script By: Vidhya Thakkar. Vidhya is a blogger, a Teacher for over two decades, and the mother of two teenage kids. Her blog...