The last part of the guitar/bass chain is the Sunn Coliseum Cabinet (1970). It is 4ohms with. a 18” Sunn Transducer…in addition to the single 18” speaker there is a folded horn speaker…it is great match for my Sunn Sceptre Amp and sounds very deep, thick and warm…I love the horn speaker addition which is the old horn speakers you think of from a phonograph…horns are gaining popularity again because they are especially good at pushing high frequency sounds…for mics on a cab there are benefits to all 3 types of mics so here I did a lineup of one ribbon, one dynamic and one large diaphragm condenser…if I have the ability I’ve also experimented with mixing the back of a cabinet which is cool cause it gets the rumble and the sound from the air the cabinet is pulling through it, which can beef up a guitar recording