A little about myself in case you care - I am very sarcastic, sometimes you may not realize I am even doing it lol. I always trying to spread love/joy to all and I genuinely strive to be a very nice person! I love sports (American) Football and Basketball are my favorites. I am from Marco Island, Florida but live in Columbus, Ohio so I love The Ohio State Buckeyes! If you watch I pay attention to
alerts so feel free to comment, like, and share! I am hoping once I start getting enough donations I can do some kind of giveaway of cash/prizes to top fans of the page! (Anyone who has clips of games I play and wants to be on my page just send me a message with your clip I'll post it so you can get your views and claim your fame!)
I hope everyone has been awesome! Thanks for all the like/follows! So if you actually follow the page and want to know what you can do to help me out here is some stuff that help:
1. Obviously watching is always helpful! Whether you are as person who comments or not I always appreciate any viewers. Even if you left open my page on a separate tab or whatever it may be it goes a long way!
2. LIKE or COMMENT (whether you just roll a d20 in chat or actually say what's up and interact I love anything!) or SHARE on any activity. The way FB gaming algorithm works is the more who interact the better reach you will get! (So with that said I will never be annoyed by notifications! I am sure no one you know will judge you for liking a post of mine and if they do you don't need that negativity in your life :D)
3. Inviting people to my page is super helpful! This is actually the best form of showing me love! I would say for every 150 invites sent I get around 10-15 follows so I will always love and appreciate anyone who can invite people to like/follow my page it mean a lot in terms of helping me grow! If you read this thanks so much! I love y'all and hope you enjoy anytime you watch!