My revards start every day from Busines pool
Spliting in Green pool!!!
🔼 Growth drivers of ULTIMA
🔹 ULTIMA is the ultimate cryptocurrency operating on a secure Smart Blockchain, leading all the products within its namesake ecosystem.
🔹The main goal of ULTIMA is to simplify people's interaction with cryptocurrency and provide access to DeFi-U technology! The development and growth in the crypto market are ensured by a hyper-deflationary strategy. The main mechanisms driving the value of Ultima:
☑️ Launch of UNITY promo split contracts with WIN tokens, allowing the purchase of even more UNITY split licenses, increasing the split limit, and earning more rewards in ULTIMA!
☑️ Upcoming verification on the reputable CoinMarketCap aggregator. It will confirm the reliability, security, and stability of ULTIMA, contributing to strengthening ULTIMA's position in the crypto market.
☑️ ULTIMA halving in 2 months. It will be a long-term growth driver for the token, increasing its value.
☑️ The imminent launch of the Ultima Debit Card, erasing the boundaries between fiat and cryptocurrencies.
☑️ Upcoming major events in Asia.
🔹 All factors mentioned above play a significant role in the growth of ULTIMA. The ecosystem team works every day to increase the token's value, ensuring that each user gets maximum benefits from both the ecosystem's products and the infrastructure token.
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➡️ One community pool — hundreds of thousands of rewards in ULTIMA
🟩 In early November, the ULTIMA team launched a community pool — a secure storage in the form of smart contracts responsible for the uninterrupted distribution of rewards and the continuous maintenance of ULTIMA token liquidity!
🟩 Hundreds of thousands of users, utilizing DeFi-U blockchain technology, receive real benefits — every day on their SMART WALLET, they see rewards in ULTIMA tokens, which come directly from the community pool!
🟩 Thus, among all Unity SPLIT token holders, a strictly limited amount of ULTIMA tokens — 51.84 is distributed. And by February 2024, this amount will be halved!
🔥 Seize the opportunity to engage with technology where just one click gives you the right to own the main token of the ULTIMA ecosystem:
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➡️ Ultima terms you need to know
🔹 Friends, for a better understanding of the processes happening in the ULTIMA ecosystem, we continue to share with you the key definitions:
✅ Splitting — a process of participation by UNITY SPLIT and VIP SPLIT token holders in the distribution of the total volume of ULTIMA tokens.
✅ Halving — a planned process of reducing the daily reward in the form of ULTIMA tokens among all UNITY SPLIT and VIP SPLIT token holders. Every 10,000,000 blocks, the amount of ULTIMA distributed daily is halved.
✅ Delegated liquidity pool — a secure storage in the form of smart contracts where ULTIMA tokens from users on the market are frozen and stored. The liquidity pool is what provides and maintains uninterrupted liquidity for ULTIMA.
🔹 We hope this information has been useful for you and has helped you better understand the concepts of the ULTIMA crypto world. Share this information with the community!
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Day 1 per 100 Split🥳
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