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Al-Muzāharāt Translating the Maghribī left. Collective.

“We recognise our old friend, our old mole"


Just released, Elias Terrass' 'On Autonomy and Food Sovereignty', published by the North African Network for Food Sovere...

Just released, Elias Terrass' 'On Autonomy and Food Sovereignty', published by the North African Network for Food Sovereignty (شبكة شمال أفريقيا للسيادة الغذائية).

Includes photographs by the author.

"... the domination of the state and its capitalist economic model is not an accomplished mission, but rather an ongoing process. There are communities that still enjoy a considerable degree of autonomy in their subsistence ..."

'بطل واحد هو الشعب''One Hero, the People!'Today, 5 July, we remember the victory of the Algerian people against French c...

'بطل واحد هو الشعب'
'One Hero, the People!'

Today, 5 July, we remember the victory of the Algerian people against French colonialism, and all their struggles since then for a just society.

Following 'the deaths of at least 23 African men at the Melilla-Morocco border on June 24' (HRW) – 'A Call for Participa...

Following 'the deaths of at least 23 African men at the Melilla-Morocco border on June 24' (HRW) –

'A Call for Participation,
Migrants' Lives Matter,
Sit-in against deaths at the border,
Rabat, outside the Parliament,
Friday 1 July'

– via Attac Maroc

This Sunday, from Paroles d'honneur.

This Sunday, from Paroles d'honneur.

"The People Demand ..."  #ثورة٢٥يناير

"The People Demand ..."


Listen to Working-Class History's interview with Hossam el-Hamalawy, "about the uprising, the decade of worker-student m...

Listen to Working-Class History's interview with Hossam el-Hamalawy, "about the uprising, the decade of worker-student militancy leading up to it, and its relevance today."

Interview here:

New translation – "Women and men of Zagora, let us fight for – – A decent, free hospital. – Quality, standardised, free ...

New translation –

"Women and men of Zagora, let us fight for –

– A decent, free hospital.
– Quality, standardised, free education.
– Work for our unemployed children. ..."

Full translation here:


“من أجل: الحرية، الكرامة، و العدالة الاجتماعية”

Follow Free Omar Radi for further updates.

Follow Free Omar Radi for further updates.

"Amid tensions with its allies and mounting aggression with its foes—including the escalation of violence with Algeria a...

"Amid tensions with its allies and mounting aggression with its foes—including the escalation of violence with Algeria and the Polisario Front—Morocco faces the risk of a dangerous slide into isolation and hostility." – Samia Errazzouki.

Despite Washington’s about-face on Western Sahara, the erstwhile darling of U.S. policy circles is more isolated than ever.

Read Hamza Hamouchene's brilliant, Fanonian interpretation of the Algerian Hirāk, launched in 2019. "Fanon did not offer...

Read Hamza Hamouchene's brilliant, Fanonian interpretation of the Algerian Hirāk, launched in 2019.

"Fanon did not offer us clear prescriptions for making the transition from decolonization to a new liberating political order. Rather, he viewed this as a protracted process that must be informed by praxis and, above all, by confidence in the masses and in their revolutionary potential to develop a liberating alternative."

Frantz Fanon died 60 years ago today. In his last decade, he was deeply involved in Algeria’s anti-colonial struggle — providing lessons that can still be used in the country's fight against dictatorship today.

Attac Maroc's statement on the arrest of unemployed graduate activist and Attac member, Fatima Zahra Ould Belaid. Attac ...

Attac Maroc's statement on the arrest of unemployed graduate activist and Attac member, Fatima Zahra Ould Belaid.

Attac Maroc "condemns the arrest of our comrade Fatima Zahra Ould Belaid, and demands here immediate and unconditional release."

Police officers arrested Fatima Zahra Ould Belaid, activist of ATTAC CADTM Morocco, on November 25, 2021 at her home in Tangier. The prosecutor ordered her imprisonment on the basis of a…

HRW's short, damning report on the Makhzan's persecution of Free Omar Radi – one of Morocco's leading investigative jour...

HRW's short, damning report on the Makhzan's persecution of Free Omar Radi – one of Morocco's leading investigative journalists – with a focus on the "mockery of a trial" that led to a six-year prison sentence.


Omar Radi, an investigative journalist in Morocco, was denied a fair trial and sentenced to six years in prison on espionage and r**e charges.

A joint statement from several prominent Resistance Committees, on Hamdok's 21 November agreement with junta leader Gene...

A joint statement from several prominent Resistance Committees, on Hamdok's 21 November agreement with junta leader General al-Burhan to return as interim Prime Minister.


Ouissal Harize's interview with artist Youcef Hadjazi – “I was born right in the middle of the Black Decade, but I do no...

Ouissal Harize's interview with artist Youcef Hadjazi –

“I was born right in the middle of the Black Decade, but I do not remember much about it, because I was a child. However, I carry with me both the traumatic and the healing energies that surrounded me during my childhood. By the healing energies, I refer to my parents, my family, society. My closest proximity to the civil war was those opposing energies.”

The New Arab Meets: Algerian artist, Youcef Hadjazi, whose exhibition and workshop Trauma Then, Trauma Now attempts to grapple with the pain the people and country continue to face.

New translation – "Any uprising against the dictatorial regime, weighing as heavily as it does on the people, will begin...

New translation –

"Any uprising against the dictatorial regime, weighing as heavily as it does on the people, will begin with discussions at the Committee level ..."

Thanks for the الحزب الشيوعي السوداني Sudanese Communist Party-SCP.

‘the parliaments of the people’

Interview by Yassin Akouh with former Movement of the Rif detainee Jamal Mouna: "YA: Do you have hope that Zefzafi and t...

Interview by Yassin Akouh with former Movement of the Rif detainee Jamal Mouna:

"YA: Do you have hope that Zefzafi and the other activists will be released early? Can the new government change that? (...)

JM: The state wants to release them, but only in their way. And the prisoners refuse to renounce their cause."


Five years ago, the Hirak protest movement broke out in the Moroccan Rif. Economically, the Rif region has not improved since then. Politically, however, the movement breathed new life into the area.

Protest against the  , London 13 Nov. Photo by Steve Eason: #مليونية13نوفمبر بلندن

Protest against the , London 13 Nov.

Photo by Steve Eason:

#مليونية13نوفمبر بلندن

'The case of Morocco provides insight into "green grabbing" and "green colonialism" within North Africa through transiti...

'The case of Morocco provides insight into "green grabbing" and "green colonialism" within North Africa through transitioning to renewable energy. While "green grabbing" refers to some of the dynamics of land grabs that take place within a supposedly green agenda, "green colonialism" points to the extension of colonial relations of plunder and dispossession to the green era.' – Hamza Hamouchene

Renewable energy projects, just like traditional ones, have fuelled dispossession, exploitation and socioeconomic exclusion across the region

New translation – "We call on the Resistance Committees and the revolutionary professional, trade union, political, stud...

New translation –

"We call on the Resistance Committees and the revolutionary professional, trade union, political, student, and popular forces to ready themselves, and to activate their tools of communication, organisation, and networking in their given locales."

Thanks and solidarity to the تجمع المهنيين السودانيين.

لا للانقلاب العسكري

Gilbert Achcar for al-Quds, on Iraq's parliamentary elections last Sunday: “The first thing to appreciate about the elec...

Gilbert Achcar for al-Quds, on Iraq's parliamentary elections last Sunday:

“The first thing to appreciate about the elections is the tremendous victory of indifference, as is clear from a participation rate of around 41% of all registered voters, according to official statistics (...) The recent rate is half that recorded for the first parliamentary elections in Iraq, at the end of 2005, which led to the current constitution (...) This significance of this clear: that the social discontent [التذمّر] that found expression both through the abstention during the 2018 elections and the 2019 intifada have not been quieted by the political changes seen since in Iraq, and particularly amongst the young; indeed, they have only increased that discontent, proving that the “Octoberist” forces’ position – to reject the elections, as a protest against the fundamentally undemocratic situation – was entirely correct.

(...) The second thing to appreciate is that the great majority of the Iraqi people reject Iranian wardship over the country. The forces dependent on Iran (...) lost the majority of the seats they gained in 2018, down from 48 MPs (of 329) to only 14!

(...) The third fact of Sunday’s elections is Muqtada al-Sadr’s surpassing of Iran's allies amongst Iraqi Shias. The “Sadri Network” achieved 73 MPs, up from the 19 it achieved three years ago in an alliance with the Communist Party, which, this time, chose to boycott the elections.

تشير نتائج الانتخابات البرلمانية العراقية التي أجريت يوم الأحد الماضي إلى جملة عِبَر أساسية بالنسبة لأوضاع العراق كما بالنسبة لأوضاع المنطقة برمّتها. العبرة الأول...

Stamp marking the centenary of the Battle of Annual.Rifian troops under 'Abd al-Karim al-Khattabi routed a much larger S...

Stamp marking the centenary of the Battle of Annual.

Rifian troops under 'Abd al-Karim al-Khattabi routed a much larger Spanish force, achieving the first major military defeat of European imperialism in the Maghreb.

A new translation, of a statement from the Progressive Left Student Caucus of the UNEM. "This repression is part of a wi...

A new translation, of a statement from the Progressive Left Student Caucus of the UNEM.

"This repression is part of a wider, vicious attack by the Sudanese regime against all democratic, progressive forces in Sudan – an attack that aims to prevent them from completing the tasks of the Sudanese revolution."

Thanks to الاتحاد الوطني لطلبة المغرب: فصيل طلبة اليسار التقدمي

“A Statement of Solidarity with the Students of Sudan”

With President Kais Saied's announcement yesterday he has "extended the suspension of parliament until further notice", ...

With President Kais Saied's announcement yesterday he has "extended the suspension of parliament until further notice", as Al-Jazeera put it, we remember Yousfi's recent interview with 7iber –

"At the current moment, it is difficult to predict the path that Said will take, though it is crucial that the various social and political forces, movements, and wider civil society ready themselves to oppose any despotic move on his part. What happens will ultimately be the result of the interaction between three factors. First, the strategy [خارطة الطريق] and any extraordinary measures taken by the president. Second, how the various powers – political, financial, and regional – react to those measures. Third, whether Tunisia's social movements and national institutions are able to confront, on the one hand, those powers' corrupt attempts at protecting their own interests, and on the other, resist any despotic undertaking by Saied himself.”

كيف يمكن فهم موقف الحراكات الاجتماعية والنقابات ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني التونسية من التطورات الأخيرة في البلاد؟

An essay by Abdennour Agrawli on the co-incidence of "70 fires across 18 wilayas" over the last week in Algeria, and Pre...

An essay by Abdennour Agrawli on the co-incidence of "70 fires across 18 wilayas" over the last week in Algeria, and President Tebboune's recent declaration of "long-overdue economic reforms":

"... the integration of the Algerian economy within global capitalism would mean for the popular masses nothing other than the loss of the social and democratic gains made with national independence, such as the loss of free medicine for all, the consequence of which the pandemic has revealed, and the transfer of wealth to a minority of oligarchs and imperialist powers.

In the face of this policy, it is by the constitution of popular committees – firefighters, health workers, and all workers – that the popular masses can come to face this catastrophe and build solidarity at the national and international level, to better manage these fires and aid the victims of disaster."

Comme toujours, nous remercions Révolution Permanente.

Ces derniers jours, l'Algérie est ravagée par des incendies dans le cadre d'un été caniculaire. Si le gouvernement tente de pointer la responsabilité de prétendus pyromanes, ce phénomène est indissociable du dérèglement climatique et de la destruction des services publics. Une manière de ...

In Sidi Bennour, Morocco, a young street vendor named Yassine set himself on fire to protest against Hogra ('injustice')...

In Sidi Bennour, Morocco, a young street vendor named Yassine set himself on fire to protest against Hogra ('injustice') and the authorities confiscating his stall.

Yassine died from his injuries after being hospitalised. Al-M thinks of his family, and wishes him a full recovery.

The banner reads: "We are all Yassine; Don't leave me to burn [myself]"

One of several perspectives on Kais Saied's maneuvering recorded by Olivier Piot for Le Monde diplomatique: "What will h...

One of several perspectives on Kais Saied's maneuvering recorded by Olivier Piot for Le Monde diplomatique:

"What will he [President Kais Saied] do against the rentier economy and the power of grand capitalist families and oligopolies which block all economic reforms in the country? 'It is on this point that the head of state remains fundamentally an actor for the counter-revolution in Tunisia', says the Tunisian academic Jamil Sayah. 'In this area, as in others, if we are to avoid succumbing to populist fantasies to a "strong state", Tunisian civil society must keep up the pressure on the [son] president, to force him to respect the gains of the 2011 revolution.'"

Par Olivier Piot (Horizons arabes, Les blogs du Diplo, 1er août 2021)



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