My name is Heidi McNall, I am an Executive Field Vice President with Origami Owl. I am a single mom with, three beautiful, talented children. Samantha is 21 and pursuing a Communications degree. Jared, 19, is a Saxophone major, hoping to play full time for a military band, upon graduation. My baby Lynnae is a soccer loving junior in high school. They are all amazing and trying to navigate life and school during this global pandemic. I currently reside in Upstate NY (Mid state really, South of Syracuse NY). It is a winter wonderland in this part of the country, with more snow the past few weeks than we have seen in years. It is not too different from how I grew up in South Dakota and Wyoming. I am a small town girl, who has always had big dreams! Being the oldest of three, living on 500 acres, 5 miles from the nearest neighbor and 25 miles from the nearest town, I had to be a leader. I love leadership. I could spend each day teaching people and love seeing that Ah ha moment my team gets when I am training. Continue Reading...... https://issuu.com/cwnforwomen/docs/successful_women_magazine_april/10
April 2021. Featuring stories of successful women around the US that have taken a leap of faith with their career choices and started working from home. Like Julie Guenthner who is a wife, mom, and brand new grandmother. She has successfully helped change her whole family's life by making the brave....