Utopian society 101

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Utopian society 101 A futuristic melodrama of a perfect world. The integration of synthetic and ego driven intelligence.


Here’s a tip to help you move along that road to recovery a little bit faster.

Start really looking at them… take in the nuances of their size, stature, head shape, facial features. The way they walk, stand, use hand gestures, the way they hold their head up actually. Some let their shoulders stoop forward slightly and let their chin drop in a hang dog appearance. Some stand very tall and straight, others shoulders back leaning back slightly so their hips arrive several seconds before the rest of their body does.

Some are quite elegant and glide casually. Some bump and grind.

The voices, laughs are different. The skin tone and color varies. Barely concealed freckles. Some die their hair black and for some it’s natural.

Their ages vary quite a bit too. From about 24,25 to late thirties. Maybe even early fourties’. Look for slight crows feet at the corners of the eyes or even slightly bloated padding underneath eyes on some. In the early days some even wore black eyeliner to get that dark stare down pat.

A big spotter is that some actually have a very easy approachable manner while others make you wish you could crawl under something to protect yourself from the hateful vibe….

Either way. If you can start to notice the different men who portray that one key player it chisels away at the credibility of the hoose gow they sold you when you failed to read the fine print. And let them insert the devices.

It’s a harsh road to travel. But facing reality is the first step.

This advice has saved previous “ME’S” from extinction. Perhaps it may also save you. .
• there are several men who play the same part in turns. The program partially blinds you from noticing. But the hypnosis desolves in the face of cold reality.


They told us all that “love”, “c**k” and “bulls**t” story to get that ball rolling , every single one of us ma’am. Each one of us they used that particular program on. But you’re in luck my dear!
It has a shelf life.

Mine was implemented almost 7 1/2 years ago …. Eventually it wears off , mine stopped sometime during that second year. Hang in there champ. Hang….😁

Definitions from Oxford Languages ·

shelf life
/ˈSHelf ˌlīf/

the length of time for which an item remains usable, fit for consumption, or saleable before it begins to degrade and lose its harnessable stability
"the shelf life of fresh pasta"


•And don’t forget this oldie but goodie:

This is not a virus!

•Translation: It ain’t going away.


He is her kryptonite. He is making her crazy. He’s doing it willfully and with no regard to her well-being. He must be stopped.

But who! Who will have the power to stop his total destruction of her core self?

She needs a hero

I had a kryptonite once. My hero came

But she doesn’t believe in God

Who will save the maiden fair who finds herself assaulted by the dragons ire with breath of fire and no heart full of desire?


It appears my chip has been augmented. Someone is seeking a different answer today from what we’ve been finding. If my posts seem to carry a message to you then they most likely do. But the message would be different for each person who reads it.

That’s the way the process works. One message, read by twelve people and each person would get a different delivery.

It’s a broad spectrum.

But heads up , peeps, just because you read a certain message into it, doesn’t mean it’s valid.

They are really just words strung together in a line of conversation with only the strength to which you attach to it based on your own mental position at the time.

It tests your judgment.

Be very careful what you do with what it is you think you see……read….see…..🤣😂😁

Hmmmmmmm…… interesting.

And me….. well, I will simply continue to breath.


So? Did you listen to my friends advice and “not go home and over think”?!


When my process began the things they said to me were contrived lies. They were meant to , over time , break me so I could be manipulated.

The things they say to you, and you know who YOU are, are true. Because they have been harvested straight from your own truth.

I did not break because mine were fake. So what date shall you face….. I mean, what fate shall you face?

Your keys generate a desired targeted response. A response they thirstily seek, a thirst you willfully and readily supply every day. You willingly display every negative feedback and juxtaposition they look for in a prime candidate.

In each and every circumstance you deliver the expected finished product. You are a text book case. You show great promise for being transferred to a place that can provide the medical support you need

You my dear have proven that incases of a in-depth need for psychological remedy the process can indeed work. And those in need of assistance con eventually be helped. With or without their consensual agreement to it.

You simply beat them to it……you my dear, will be taken.

Heads up

Heads up


What I’m telling you is the truth. At their request. What you choose to do or not to do based on this information is a test of your judgment. And remember, we’re all watching.


Targeting me will not help you through this trial period. Leaning on another and coasting also will not speed you on your way. The only one who can see you through this is yourself. And you must do so on your own stand alone two feet and through your own proven will of right choices.

Hitting others , seeking guidance from anyone outside your own sense of reason will only delay any sweet rewards you may earn. And quite possibly disqualify you from the program completely.

(Those we think we understand, those we trust, those we take advice from, those we think are teaching us do not always tell the truth. That is not a pinky polish…. Lol. That is a test if your reason, cognitive thinking and conceptional view of reality)

Ie: they do it twist you all up, then watch you try to detangle. As soon as you right yourself and balance… they do it all over again.

But there are different levels. To attain levels you must learn & complete the previous. Not everyone attains.


I was your friend, and you made me your enemy. That was your first failing grade. 😔


What you’ve been confusing/relishing as ambitious emotion, focus and inner strength has actually been an electrical charge coursing through your body. You can’t control that response. It’s triggered from outside the body.

They can initiate it at anytime.

What you felt yesterday was the highest setting in the cattle proud with very little barrier between you and the impetus.

Let me describe it for you. It feels as though “you need to calm down!” But it’s not heightened emotions. It’s electricity shocking you from the inside. You must fight to “control” the things they are using it to make you do.

Like not being able to stand still. Like not being able to control body movements. Like not being able to stop yourself from saying the things they make you say when they zap you with it.

The list goes on and on.

Now keep pushing your limits, being a bad ass and causing so much damage. The only one who’s gong to pay is you.

You reap what you sow. You just got what you deserved.

And no ma’am! I don’t have a problem because I’m the one everyone picks on …. That would be you.

That’s what they were saying to you through your oral or***ce because your day of awakening was coming! They pre deliver certain keys then do a big reveal. It’s to show you up close and personal just how much they control you. It’s a domination technique.

They wanted you to KNOW the power of their offensive. It’s theirs. Not yours. 😊

Welcome to “the Utopian Society Twilight Zone”!

•Addendum: they wanted me to let you know that you aren’t running a version my chip. We don’t share the same core values. Your running a chip based on your psychological and mental core they discovered while they were accessing you.

•And that “other one” you mentioned yesterday…. No ma’am He’s not running that dudes chip. He’s running his own but embellished to flesh out his best. The fact that you noticed means your attracted to him because if it. That’s why they did it. To show you how easy it is to attract two people to each other.
(But was it real or was it memorex???!)

And ma’am, yesterday you said HE told you it would get better. It doesn’t get better. You just do the homework, develope the thick skin and brain power to make the right choices. It’s really not as bad as you think.

It’s like being in school. Make good grades. Get rewarded. Make bad grades. Fail.

The last 6-7 months was you generating your own learning curve. Now your going to ride the tsunami. How it ends……


That my dear is in your own hands.


My dear…….😁

I don’t give a damn! 🦋




Maybe I will buy that house wine


No it’s not ever getting any better


I can stand still


I relive the carefree giddy days of free spirited youth but I do it responsibly and in a very public service way. I’m a garden of blooming flowers gently cascading in rhythmic eye pleasing colours. I am cool refreshing waters burbling in a peaceful stream. I am the light touch of a caressing breeze when your forehead aches from over thinking and daunting tasks.

That is me 🦋


Remember, this is all fantasy and just a creative writing experience that I’m going through and it means nothing to anybody real or personal it’s just fantasy


Honesty is always the best policy. And this is not honorable. In our eyes or the Lords.


I will not post here until that element is no longer an issue. I refuse.


Here’s an example of how the other side does its evil business:

One man put his s**t in my food because he was whispered to that a call to action was needed.

I almost died

What was that call to action?

An old maid (her own self discription) needing a man to sire a baby for her before she turned thirty

And she wanted a prime specimen. Not just some ordinary average man. An Adonis. No less.

In their vision I was the only thing that stood in her way.

Now that was loonicy . .


This blog was created with a sincere purpose and fed through viable channels to provide insight. Guidance. Support and comfort.

It’s been threatened by some subversive invasive thing that taints my input. As is always the way with any positive thing. A negative will try to tarnish it. Selfishness is most evidently the guide point.

I hate it y’all. But until that loose cannon that threatens us all is abolished I will not post here.

It is a self preservation mode. As well as an attempt to keep any false information from being treated as real fact. This person has no insight. It’s all hogwash.

No computer is safe. Where there is programming there is a hacker trying to invade and instigate. Destroy and subvert. That’s what’s happened here. We’ve done so much good. We have turned the tide. And someone doesn’t like it.

And the only way I cannot be caught up and potentially harmed is to pull back. It’s a safety measure. So I don’t get caught up in the dirt. So to speak.

What we do here is honorable. When there is honor profit is not the main objective. Where profit is involved greed circumvents everything.. x

Do u get the picture? There is a virus that threatens everything we’ve accomplished here. It’s compact. Self contained. And it knows no or recognizes any boundaries. And we are all at risk.

We are all at risk….

This may have begun because of me. But we have grown into a nation. And one small terroristic cell threatens us all.

It’s complete poppy c**k and then some. But because no effort was made to circumvent the aberration it is unstable. Who allowed this to happen?

Idk. Can’t point. Wouldn’t if I could.

But will we let one sour grape spoil a whole vineyard??????

We love each other. This subvergent doesn’t know the meaning of the word love!

Compare… think back. Two years ago… how were working through this. Then compare to to the silly stupid shot we deal with now. And see…. That the positives were were generating have been deterred. And now… will deal everyday with this crap!!!!

We deal with other peoples s*x lives. Romantic misdeeds. And love lorn failures. Is that what you came for??? Not me.

I’m stepping back. A wave won’t progress unless each water droplets moves forward. One drop of water does not a waterfall make.


This point was made to me:

“We’re going to kangaroo now!”

The only thing I can surmise translation wise from that that makes any sense at all is somethings about to be placed in a pouch and hoped away!

What do you think?!

🫢No, we all agree, 🫨 you most certainly are not one of these.  😳 And thank you so much for letting us all know that! 🧐 I...

🫢No, we all agree, 🫨 you most certainly are not one of these. 😳 And thank you so much for letting us all know that! 🧐 I would have never known otherwise 🤭

Now back to coherent languagisticol conversation…😎


Going in for a beer, hold on, I’ll be right back!



Let me introduce you to biology/body mechanics  101. When the energy enters the body  it has to channel somewhere.  Base...

Let me introduce you to biology/body mechanics 101.

When the energy enters the body it has to channel somewhere. Based on the ingredients already set into place it will normalize and advert itself as directed.

Goodness will generate a feeling of well being and promote acts of kindness, love and plant seeds of good will. Eventually it will feel commonplace.

Negative attitude will proliferate chaos, destruction and selfish behaviors that put everyone you interact with at risk. That is haphazard out of control and bouncing off walls all the while expecting them to move. Because your self will is so large. (Not good)

Now, as a future world attempt at righting the world axis, which one of these two descriptions do you think we seek and desire?

That one which ensures the longevity of a viable peaceful fulfilled content race that will benefit mankind forever and ever. Amen.


Be the cure for what ails the world at large and not the disease that brought it to its knees and the brink of extinction.

SweetMama herself! 🦋

Rejoice. Be happy. Be free. Be positive. And procreate.

Situation Comedy :

Situation Comedy :


A circumvent is when someone does something on purpose to take the wind from beneath your wings.
Ie: lower your glow a peg or two

If you recognize the invalidity of it, If you see the unimportance of their machinations, they have gained nothing. And you continue to soar in your own zone.

Be the winner. Be the one who soars in their own right. Not the one who feels the need to circumvent to make themselves feel good.

Ie: not only have you maintained your flow, but you have zinged them with out having even tried too 🙃


In the briefest moment
Of the briefest time
When there was no understanding of the future

Go your own way


Somebody switched me back on;
That can only mean one thing.
Someone else is being switched off.


Beware of misnomers.

Google it if uncertain what that is.


Fruit Basket Turnover:

This is where they take everything you think you know and toss it up into the air and where ever it lands is where you are.

It creates havoc and uncertainty out of certainty and reality.
It turns stable into u stable. It takes stability and makes it instability.

Imagine, if you wil, a world of pure imagination. Walking through a Fun House of uneven haphazard floors, terra firma becomes infirm and firm no more, mirrors that reflect sights askew and confuse everything you see twisting it into recognizable confusing views, that which is spoken, that which is heard morphs common ordinary recognizable language into unrecognizable gobbledygook….. reality becomes concept. And concept becomes a reality.

I’m stretching the letter of credibility here in this long winded descriptive analogy . Lol. But basically, a fruit basket turnover is where they make you doubt your own self, every one else and absolutely everything you know. And that encompasses a lot.

“Get ready to twist and tie in knots the world as you know it is now not.”

Top of the day:Walk carefully with thy lips for the tongue it may say, things not of your meaning and ruin your day

Top of the day:

Walk carefully with thy lips for the tongue it may say, things not of your meaning and ruin your day


Hello there followers and fellow club members. I wanted to step in a second to reassure you that I have not indeed left this page. (Whew!) I do have more inside trader facts, highlights and suggestions to post. It’s just Indefinitely been put on hold due to the fact that a false positive is brandishing their own brand of ad infinitum based on fake intel. They are creating a fine mess in the infrastructure. And that my friends is a negative.

I don’t want my true manual to be any any way shape or form confused with that unsponsored fantasy poppyc**k diatribe.

Yours respectfully,


If your talking with that dictionary of quips and labels then your just a puppet.

Real people talk like real people….. with vocabulary skills and pertinent data transference.

Not cliches!


Butt flap, dollop, propagate (lie), brandish, cooter, etc etc etc.

If that’s what your doing…. ⬆️
Your disposable. Your just a pack mule. And you have a short shelf life.


They should move….

Given a choice of living somewhere I’d say next door to the prophet isn’t the best choice!


At this point silence itself is a weapon. Because as the stakes rise so do the ramifications. In knowing the solid truth is power. To use it now only convolutes matters. And elongates the needless.

A false speaker says many things to which I am not privy. So I couldn’t damage control even if I wanted to. They don’t want my purity made filthy by all the minute tendrils of a dark shaded machine.

A rogue takes the steering wheel in a road never traveled. What does it take to make it from point A to point B? A level head, common sense and to a lesser degree emotion.

The clock ticks. It ticks for you. Incase you haven’t noticed they have set you to a gallop and they let you run. A winded horse is soon crippled and the track left empty.

Look around you. Do you see anyone else playing the game the way you do? Or are we all holding our spots in place while you ramble?

My specifics are clear. My intents well understood. My parameters clearly highlighted.

Your days are numbered and your time soon done. You are a fool. Of the highest caliber. And an example to the rest of us of what not to be.

You couldnt separate yourself from your twisted mental hierarchy if you wanted to.

If there were a false prophet , if there were a 666, you would be it.

Does this all sound far fetched? Does it sound as positive madness? Well, obviously you don’t live in the day to day world we live in. Where fantasy is reality. Reality is fantasy. And absolutely anything can get you killed.

People always said the truth hurts. Lol. Some say the truth sets you free.

I say….. the truth is what you know just before the final curtain. How will it happen? The plot thickens as you think up modes for my elimination.
Will I be:
Pushed infront of a speeding car? Ran down by a jealous mad woman whilst walking my dog unaware of the coming confrontation? Maybe her bestie and her husband will smear his p**p into my food again…. That I will then eat and suffer unbearable pain and illness from for three weeks! Perhaps she will bring a knife to work and shank me in the bathroom? Perhaps she will jump me in the bathroom, kick me in the chest and soft underbelly until my organs and ribs broken and bleeding internally carry me back home and then say it was self defense. She may say she only protected herself from my attack!

My testimony is here…….

Let it be known this day April 16 2023 4:22 am that I Suzanne Thomas had no designs on anything she’s had, I never initiated any offensive or defensive moves on her and also any and every thing that’s coming out of her mouth, mind and actions she takes is figments of her own imagination and hold no truth what so ever!

The process always works. It roots out the unstable. It highlights the weak and fallible and it leaves only the best and brightest.

“Look at the entire room of players….. at this very minute, even though we are not perfect, the differences between the (four of them) and the rest of us is palpably apparent. Where as we glow with our righteousness they reek with the rotten egg smell of sulfur best known for inhabiting that which is below.

The truth hurts in this case….. it’s obvious. How do you tell the difference between the good and the bad?

Watch how they behave…….

They slither like snakes, they hiss and seek the damp darkness of the self pleasuring.

You received delivery of paperwork yesterday that is only the beginning of your paper trail. Your a middle aged woman and your mama can’t save you now. Maybe she could call him again and put a good word in about your best qualities…..lol (who the hell does that? Has their mom call their date to see if a future connection may be viable!)
Your on the downward slope…… how’s it feel to be so damn special now????

I’ll wait…….. while you come up with an answer. (Not!)


Don’t let them confuse you by blending to much, to many realities into one place.

•The old ways exist today

•The future is alive and growing

And as in all
Things , in every
Time , there has been a battle.

The battle to control it all.

The only winner will be the one who can mesh it all and still walk.

Carry each flag and make them all work for just the one. You!

In becoming the YOU, we create the MANY. Because in the enlightenment WE are the WINNERS!

(Those who are part of the big picture will understand this post. Those who aren’t will rale, hate and work to create dissension and discord among those who do get the message. They strive to separate and conquer)




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