Civic engagement and advocacy for social issues are very important to the Lil Swimmers team. We're always looking to shine a light on underrepresented communities through our work.
As a team with a base in Taiwan and Taiwanese-American talent in front of and behind the camera, we would like to ask everyone to go to Jess's post on Instagram and give it a like. With her entry for the Taiwanese Census 2020 campaign by Taiwanese American Citizens League (TACL), Jess hopes raise money for Existential Crisis Club, while also bringing awareness to writing in "Taiwanese" as your race/ethnicity for the 2020 U.S. Census. (Also, if you haven't completed the census yet, it's super easy and available online at https://2020census.gov/)
For the post to qualify, it must reach 100 likes by Saturday, April 11th! Currently, the post has a little over 50 likes, so let's get it over the finish line!
Remember, you must go to the Instagram post and like it for this to work. Simply liking this Facebook post doesn't count!