I am 1 of the very few founders of Online Career Mode from the early days of FIFA 13 onwards and we bring you a new Pro Clubs Community
Spaces are limited, we unlike other pro clubs leagues do not want to have a large number of teams we instead would like to focus on hosting events and tournaments to just a select few
We focus on social interaction on twitch tv and encourage new members to grow their own communities with us as one and come together to arrange and host a site wide pro clubs💰PAID tournament/event and work together in building a happy, fun, enjoyable but still competitive community.
We also have a lot of interest from the FOCM which has a ton of management features for their leagues which we will more than likely try to emulate but with a players point of perspective rather than a managers
As you can see above we already have a nice look to our spreadsheets with easy stat input and auto calculations for other sheets
Am hoping that with the help from Jaaaay, Jumanator and all the lads who have supported me for many years on my channel that we can create this OPC - Online Pro Career
Any questions just inbox Andrew James Deegan
Oh and also go give my page a follow Ajdeegantv 😉