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Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Elementary Kanji of the Day: 年

Example Words & Usage:

year, counter for years
昨年 (さくねん) — last year
今年 (ことし) — this year
年間 (ねんかん) — a year
年度 (ねんど) — fiscal year (usu. April 1 to March 31 in Japan)
年齢 (ねんれい) — age
年ぶり (ねんぶり) — after an interval of ... years
年生 (ねんせい) — nth-year student
少年 (しょうねん) — boy
来年 (らいねん) — next year
年代 (ねんだい) — age

Generated with kanjioftheday by Douglas Perkins.

Kanji of the Day

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network Japanese Word of the Day!済む: to not need, to be able to avoid    Part of spe...

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Word of the Day!

済む: to not need, to be able to avoid

Part of speech:

Example sentence:スミスさんは入院しないで済みました。

Sentence meaning:
Thankfully, Smith-san was able to avoid being hospitalized.

Yomigana word:すむ

Yomigana sentence:

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Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Elementary Kanji of the Day: 鳥

Example Words & Usage:

bird, chicken
鳥取県 (とっとりけん) — Tottori Prefecture (Chugoku area)
鳥居 (とりい) — torii
焼き鳥 (やきとり) — yakitori
放鳥 (ほうちょう) — setting free a bird
野鳥 (やちょう) — wild bird
飛鳥 (ひちょう) — flying bird
白鳥 (しらとり) — swan (Cygnus spp.)
水鳥 (すいちょう) — waterfowl
千鳥 (ちどり) — plover
一石二鳥 (いっせきにちょう) — killing two birds with one stone

Generated with kanjioftheday by Douglas Perkins.

Kanji of the Day

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network Japanese Word of the Day!克服する: to overcome, to conquer, to get rid of    Par...

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Word of the Day!

克服する: to overcome, to conquer, to get rid of

Part of speech:

Example sentence:怖いものは克服して、ハロウィーンを楽しみましょう。

Sentence meaning:
Let's overcome something we are scared of and enjoy Halloween.

Yomigana word:こくふくする

Yomigana sentence:

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Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Elementary Kanji of the Day: 神

Example Words & Usage:

gods, mind, soul
シン ジン
かみ かん- こう-
神戸 (こうべ) — Kobe (city)
阪神 (はんしん) — Osaka-Kobe
神社 (じんしゃ) — Shinto shrine
精神的 (せいしんてき) — mental
精神 (せいしん) — mind
神奈川県 (かながわけん) — Kanagawa Prefecture (Kanto area)
阪神大震災 (はんしんだいしんさい) — Great Hanshin Earthquake (January 17, 1995)
精神科 (せいしんか) — psychiatry
神様 (かみさま) — God
神経 (しんけい) — nerve

Generated with kanjioftheday by Douglas Perkins.

Kanji of the Day

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network Japanese Word of the Day!ポイ捨て: littering    Part of speech:nounExample sente...

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Word of the Day!

ポイ捨て: littering

Part of speech:

Example sentence:ハロウィーンの時、ポイ捨てがよく問題になります。

Sentence meaning:
Unfortunately, littering is typically a problem on Halloween.

Yomigana word:ぽいすて

Yomigana sentence:

See a new Japanese word and sample sentence each day, with audio pronunciation. Learn Japanese, one word at a time!


Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Elementary Kanji of the Day: 追

Example Words & Usage:

chase, drive away, follow, pursue, meanwhile
追加 (ついか) — addition
追う (おう) — to chase
追求 (ついきゅう) — pursuit (of a goal, ideal, etc.)
追及 (ついきゅう) — investigation (e.g., into someone's guilt)
追試 (ついし) — replication (of an experiment)
追い風 (おいかぜ) — tailwind
追跡 (ついせき) — chase
追って (おって) — later on
追悼 (ついとう) — mourning
追突 (ついとつ) — rear-end collision

Generated with kanjioftheday by Douglas Perkins.

Kanji of the Day

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network Japanese Word of the Day!練り歩く: to march along, to parade, to flaunt    Part ...

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Word of the Day!

練り歩く: to march along, to parade, to flaunt

Part of speech:

Example sentence:奇抜なコスチュームで渋谷の街を練り歩きます。

Sentence meaning:
Many people parade through Shibuya with their extraordinary costumes.

Yomigana word:ねりあるく

Yomigana sentence:

See a new Japanese word and sample sentence each day, with audio pronunciation. Learn Japanese, one word at a time!


Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Elementary Kanji of the Day: 庫

Example Words & Usage:

warehouse, storehouse
コ ク
兵庫県 (ひょうごけん) — Hyogo Prefecture (Kinki area)
文庫 (ぶんこ) — library
冷蔵庫 (れいぞうこ) — refrigerator
倉庫 (そうこ) — storehouse
在庫 (ざいこ) — stock
宝庫 (ほうこ) — treasury
金庫 (かねぐら) — treasure house
国庫 (こっこ) — national treasury
在庫切れ (ざいこぎれ) — out of stock
車庫 (しゃこ) — garage

Generated with kanjioftheday by Douglas Perkins.

Kanji of the Day

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network Japanese Word of the Day!奇抜な: extraordinary, eccentric, outrageous    Part o...

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Word of the Day!

奇抜な: extraordinary, eccentric, outrageous

Part of speech:

Example sentence:奇抜なコスチュームが面白いです。

Sentence meaning:
Some of the costumes are so outrageous it's hysterical.

Yomigana word:きばつな

Yomigana sentence:

See a new Japanese word and sample sentence each day, with audio pronunciation. Learn Japanese, one word at a time!


Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Elementary Kanji of the Day: 弟

Example Words & Usage:

younger brother, faithful service to elders
テイ ダイ デ
兄弟 (きょうだい) — siblings
弟子 (ていし) — pupil
弟さん (おとうとさん) — younger brother
義弟 (おとうと) — brother-in-law (spouse's younger brother or younger sister's husband)
姉弟 (きょうだい) — older sister and younger brother
従兄弟 (いとこ) — cousin (male)
兄弟姉妹 (きょうだいしまい) — brothers and sisters
師弟 (してい) — teacher and student
弟子入り (でしいり) — becoming a pupil (of)
実弟 (じってい) — biological younger brother

Generated with kanjioftheday by Douglas Perkins.

Kanji of the Day

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network Japanese Word of the Day!仮装する: to masquerade, to disguise oneself as    Part...

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Word of the Day!

仮装する: to masquerade, to disguise oneself as

Part of speech:

Example sentence:渋谷には仮装した人がたくさんいます。

Sentence meaning:
A lot of people disguise themselves in costumes and go to Shibuya.

Yomigana word:かそうする

Yomigana sentence:

See a new Japanese word and sample sentence each day, with audio pronunciation. Learn Japanese, one word at a time!


Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Elementary Kanji of the Day: 招

Example Words & Usage:

beckon, invite, summon, engage
招致 (しょうち) — invitation
招待 (しょうたい) — invitation
招き (まねき) — invitation
招く (まねく) — to invite
招集 (しょうしゅう) — call
招待状 (しょうたいじょう) — invitation
招待客 (しょうたいきゃく) — invitee
招き猫 (まねきねこ) — beckoning cat
招致委員会 (しょうちいいんかい) — bid committee
招請 (しょうじょう) — invitation

Generated with kanjioftheday by Douglas Perkins.

Kanji of the Day

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network Japanese Word of the Day!ハロウィーン: Halloween    Part of speech:nounExample sen...

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Word of the Day!

ハロウィーン: Halloween

Part of speech:

Example sentence:にもかかわらず、デイビッドさんはハロウィーンは楽しめると言っていました。

Sentence meaning:
Despite this, David-san said he still enjoys Halloween.

Yomigana word:はろうぃぃん

Yomigana sentence:

See a new Japanese word and sample sentence each day, with audio pronunciation. Learn Japanese, one word at a time!


Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Elementary Kanji of the Day: 役

Example Words & Usage:

duty, war, campaign, drafted labor, office, service, role
ヤク エキ

役割 (やくわり) — part
役員 (やくいん) — director
現役 (げんえき) — active duty
懲役 (ちょうえき) — penal servitude
市役所 (しやくしょ) — municipal office
主役 (しゅやく) — leading part
役立つ (やくだつ) — to be useful
取締役 (とりしまりやく) — company director
取締役社長 (とりしまりやくしゃちょう) — managing director
役所 (やくしょ) — government office

Generated with kanjioftheday by Douglas Perkins.

Kanji of the Day

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network Japanese Word of the Day!かび臭い: musty, smelling of mold    Part of speech:i-a...

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Word of the Day!

かび臭い: musty, smelling of mold

Part of speech:

Example sentence:暗くてかび臭いと、そこに住んでいそうなお化けを想像します。

Sentence meaning:
Whenever they are in a musty room, they think about the ghosts that might be inhabiting the building.

Yomigana word:かびくさい

Yomigana sentence:

See a new Japanese word and sample sentence each day, with audio pronunciation. Learn Japanese, one word at a time!


Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Elementary Kanji of the Day: 墓

Example Words & Usage:

grave, tomb

墓地 (はかち) — cemetery
墓参り (はかまいり) — visit to a grave
墓場 (はかば) — graveyard
墓石 (はかいし) — tombstone
墓前 (ぼぜん) — in front of a grave
墓所 (はかしょ) — graveyard
墓参 (はかまいり) — visit to a grave
墓碑 (ぼひ) — gravestone
陵墓 (りょうぼ) — imperial tomb
墓穴 (はかあな) — grave (pit)

Generated with kanjioftheday by Douglas Perkins.

Kanji of the Day

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network Japanese Word of the Day!豆電球: miniature bulb, nightlight    Part of speech:n...

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Word of the Day!

豆電球: miniature bulb, nightlight

Part of speech:

Example sentence:夜は豆電球をつけて寝るそうです。

Sentence meaning:
I heard they keep a nightlight on to go to sleep.

Yomigana word:まめでんきゅう

Yomigana sentence:

See a new Japanese word and sample sentence each day, with audio pronunciation. Learn Japanese, one word at a time!


Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Elementary Kanji of the Day: 秒

Example Words & Usage:

second (1/60 minute)

数秒 (すうびょう) — several seconds
毎秒 (まいびょう) — every second
秒速 (びょうそく) — speed per second
一秒 (いちびょう) — one second
秒読み (びょうよみ) — countdown
秒殺 (びょうさつ) — winning in a flash
秒針 (びょうしん) — second hand (of clock)
ミリ秒 (ミリびょう) — millisecond
寸秒 (すんびょう) — a moment
閏秒 (うるうびょう) — leap second

Generated with kanjioftheday by Douglas Perkins.

Kanji of the Day

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network Japanese Word of the Day!暗い: dark    Part of speech:i-adjectiveExample sente...

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Word of the Day!

暗い: dark

Part of speech:

Example sentence:暗い所も苦手だと言っていました。

Sentence meaning:
They said they don't like to be in dark places either.

Yomigana word:くらい

Yomigana sentence:

See a new Japanese word and sample sentence each day, with audio pronunciation. Learn Japanese, one word at a time!


Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Elementary Kanji of the Day: 像

Example Words & Usage:

statue, picture, image, figure, portrait

映像 (えいぞう) — image (on a screen)
想像 (そうぞう) — imagination
画像 (がぞう) — image
想像力 (そうぞうりょく) — imagination
仏像 (ぶつぞう) — statue of Buddha
将来像 (しょうらいぞう) — vision of the future
特典映像 (とくてんえいぞう) — bonus footage (e.g., behind-the-scenes interviews)
立像 (りつぞう) — standing statue
肖像 (しょうぞう) — portrait
雪像 (せつぞう) — snow sculpture

Generated with kanjioftheday by Douglas Perkins.

Kanji of the Day

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network Japanese Word of the Day!お化け: ghost    Part of speech:nounExample sentence:デ...

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Word of the Day!

お化け: ghost

Part of speech:

Example sentence:デイビットさんはお化けが怖いです。

Sentence meaning:
David-san is scared of ghosts.

Yomigana word:おばけ

Yomigana sentence:

See a new Japanese word and sample sentence each day, with audio pronunciation. Learn Japanese, one word at a time!


Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Elementary Kanji of the Day: 命

Example Words & Usage:

fate, command, decree, destiny, life, appoint
メイ ミョウ
一生懸命 (いっしょうけんめい) — very hard
生命 (せいめい) — life
命令 (めいれい) — order
運命 (うんめい) — fate
懸命 (けんめい) — eager
立命 (りつめい) — peace of mind
生命保険 (せいめいほけん) — life insurance
革命 (かくめい) — revolution
使命 (しめい) — mission
寿命 (じゅみょう) — lifespan

Generated with kanjioftheday by Douglas Perkins.

Kanji of the Day

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network Japanese Word of the Day!意外な: surprising, unforeseen, eye-opening    Part of...

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Word of the Day!

意外な: surprising, unforeseen, eye-opening

Part of speech:

Example sentence:デイビットさんの怖いものは意外です。

Sentence meaning:
David-san is scared of some surprising things.

Yomigana word:いがいな

Yomigana sentence:

See a new Japanese word and sample sentence each day, with audio pronunciation. Learn Japanese, one word at a time!


Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Elementary Kanji of the Day: 園

Example Words & Usage:

park, garden, yard, farm
学園 (がくえん) — educational institution
公園 (こうえん) — park
幼稚園 (ようちえん) — kindergarten
保育園 (ほいくえん) — nursery school
動物園 (どうぶつえん) — zoo
花園 (かえん) — flower garden
園児 (えんじ) — kindergarten pupil
農園 (のうえん) — farm
入園 (にゅうえん) — enrollment in kindergarten
園内 (えんない) — inside the kindergarten

Generated with kanjioftheday by Douglas Perkins.

Kanji of the Day

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network Japanese Word of the Day!圧迫感: a feeling of oppression, oppressive feeling   ...

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Word of the Day!

圧迫感: a feeling of oppression, oppressive feeling

Part of speech:

Example sentence:狭い所は圧迫感があります。

Sentence meaning:
Many people get a feeling of oppression in small spaces.

Yomigana word:あっぱくかん

Yomigana sentence:

See a new Japanese word and sample sentence each day, with audio pronunciation. Learn Japanese, one word at a time!


Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Elementary Kanji of the Day: 奮

Example Words & Usage:

stirred up, be invigorated, flourish
興奮 (こうふん) — excitement
奮闘 (ふんとう) — strenuous effort
奮起 (ふんき) — stirring
興奮気味 (こうふんぎみ) — being somewhat excited (agitated)
奮発 (ふんぱつ) — strenuous exertion
発奮 (はっぷん) — being roused
孤軍奮闘 (こぐんふんとう) — fighting alone
興奮状態 (こうふんじょうたい) — excited condition
奮って (ふるって) — energetically
奮戦 (ふんせん) — hard fighting

Generated with kanjioftheday by Douglas Perkins.

Kanji of the Day

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network Japanese Word of the Day!狭い: narrow, contracted, confined    Part of speech:...

Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Word of the Day!

狭い: narrow, contracted, confined

Part of speech:

Example sentence:檻が狭くて、怖いのかもしれません。

Sentence meaning:
The cage is so confined that the dog might be scared.

Yomigana word:せまい

Yomigana sentence:

See a new Japanese word and sample sentence each day, with audio pronunciation. Learn Japanese, one word at a time!


Learn Japanese with Zelcadia Gaming Network

Japanese Elementary Kanji of the Day: 警

Example Words & Usage:

admonish, commandment
警報 (けいほう) — alarm
県警 (けんけい) — prefectural police
警戒 (けいかい) — vigilance
警察 (けいさつ) — police
警視庁 (けいしちょう) — Metropolitan Police Department
警察官 (けいさつかん) — police officer
警告 (けいこく) — warning
警備 (けいび) — defense
警察庁 (けいさつちょう) — National Police Agency
警官 (けいかん) — police officer

Generated with kanjioftheday by Douglas Perkins.

Kanji of the Day

🔥 Eclipse/JK vs Rounder/sweetener - JDD - Semi-Final WB - Mario Tennis Aces - マリオテニスエース🔥💗Like & Share!💗🎉Click the link i...

🔥 Eclipse/JK vs Rounder/sweetener - JDD - Semi-Final WB - Mario Tennis Aces - マリオテニスエース🔥
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