Breaking the Comparison Cycle: Navigating Feeling ‘Not Good Enough’
FULL EPISODE links in comments or in your favourite podcast app. Why does the world want us to feel inadequate? Why do we compare ourselves to someone else's matrix? Join us to find out!
#podcast #yuenreads #notgoodenough #goodenough #Comparison #compare #matrix #socialmedia
I Am Really Bad With IT - When Ignorance Meets Technology: A Cognitive Bias Tale
FULL EPISODE ON OUR WEBSITE and most podcasting apps and platforms!
'I am bad with IT' - We hear this a lot. What does it mean? What are we trying to say? Why do we say it? Join us for a full episode to find out! #shorts #reels #tiktok #podcast #cognitivebias #DunningKrugerEffect
How much does lack of confidence stops your progression? In the latest episode we share our thoughts, impacts and some tips we think you might find useful in personal growth
Link in comments!
#podcast #gridlocktriangle #lackofconfidence #confidence #selfesteem #comparison #progress #progression
Do you haver any doubts? We do... Quite a lot... Do those doubts prevent you from progression? In the latest episode of our podcast we look at all those doubts that stop us from going forward towards our purpose. How much of an inner sceptic (or skeptic) are you?
Link in comments
#podcast #doubts #progression #Sceptic #skeptic #gridlocktriangle
Fear of failure can affect us all to a different extend. It also forms first part of our brand new concept of Gridlock Triangle preventing us from Progression.
Listen to the full episode using the link in comments!
#podcast #gridlocktriangle #progression #fear #failure #fearoffailure
Do we need to be creative? A lot of people say they are not creative. Why? And why Plato thought painters were not creative? All that and more in latest episode of our podcast!
Full episode on our website and all podcasting platforms!
Link in comments!
#podcast #creative #creativity #mythbusters #myths #art #painting
How much do you really decide on what you do every day? Maybe it is the others who organise your schedule? This week we look into planning, scheduling, organising and not letting others fill your calendar. Join us!
Link in comments!
#podcast #agenda #TYRANNY #yuenreads #schedule #planning #calendar
Find out what a toilet roll has to do with asking for and giving help in the latest episode of our podcast - Help Me, Help You: Exploring The Challenge of Asking For Help - links on our website and in comments #podcast #helping #caring #favours #favors #shorts #reelsfb #Tiktok
Agreeing to Disagree: How to Handle Conflicting Values and Beliefs in a Diverse World - New episode available on all podcasting platforms and our website! This time on arguing - or as some would like to call it - expressing different opinions :)
#podcast #YuenReads #arguing #agree #disagree #opinion
The Power of Reflection: Unlocking Self-Awareness and Growth
FULL EPISODE - link on our website!
#podcast #reflection #Growth #reelsvideo #shorts #theimperfectclinician
There is more and more of us on this planet and at the same time we seem to feel more lonely. It can be very destructive.
In the latest podcast episode you can learn on our take on certain aspects of loneliness and related issues.
#theimperfectclinician #yuenreads #podcast #lonely #loneliness #alonelife #relationships #friendship #anxiety #connection #DepressionAndAnxietyAwareness #boundaries #expectations #resilience #solitude #externalvalidation #validation #depression
We are BACK! Let's kick off the FOURTH SEASON with a very personal message recorded by Mike on the First Birthday of our little baby podcast. Thank you for this year to all that listen, support and give us energy. One Love. #Podcast #imperfect #Message #growth #birthday