Hong Kong News - related to the National Security Law

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Hong Kong News - related to the National Security Law Updated news in English related to the controversial National Security Law imposed by China in Hong Kong

"Bickett, 37, arrived in Hong Kong nine years ago as a corporate lawyer handling cases for American companies in Asia. B...

"Bickett, 37, arrived in Hong Kong nine years ago as a corporate lawyer handling cases for American companies in Asia. But his fate has come to embody fears about a diminished rule of law in the Chinese territory and the unchecked power of the police force, after he was convicted and jailed for assaulting an officer who identified himself as such only after arresting Bickett. He is out on bail and appealing the verdict."

The case of Samuel Bickett is raising questions about police impunity and rule of law.

"Apple Daily, a popular newspaper in Hong Kong, has long needled Beijing with its rambunctious support of pro-democracy ...

"Apple Daily, a popular newspaper in Hong Kong, has long needled Beijing with its rambunctious support of pro-democracy protesters, aggressive investigations of officials and lampooning of China’s Communist Party leadership. Now China has effectively silenced the paper — and along with it, one of its most defiant critics.
Apple Daily said on Wednesday that it was closing less than a week after the police froze its accounts, raided its offices and arrested top editors, as the government’s escalating campaign against dissent takes aim at the city’s once vaunted media freedoms."

The police also arrested an editorial writer as part of an expanding national security investigation into the newspaper that has raised concerns about free speech.


On March 23, a Hong Kong High Court judge denied former Democratic Party lawmaker Andrew Wan’s bail appeal and sent him back to Lai Chi Kok prison.


"Hungary is a large recipient of Chinese investment. In the past both Hungary and Greece, where China's COSCO Shipping has a majority stake in Greece's largest port, have blocked EU statements on China."

Hungary has blocked a European Union statement criticising China's new security law in Hong Kong, two diplomats said, in a move likely to undermine efforts to confront Beijing's curbing of freedoms in the former British colony.

"A Hong Kong court on Friday sentenced Mr. Lai to 12 months in prison for his role in a peaceful demonstration in 2019 a...

"A Hong Kong court on Friday sentenced Mr. Lai to 12 months in prison for his role in a peaceful demonstration in 2019 against Beijing’s encroachment over the semiautonomous territory. Three activists and a labor leader were given sentences of eight to 18 months for their role in the protest.

Other prominent opposition figures received suspended sentences, meaning they would avoid being put behind bars if they are not convicted of another crime in the next two years. They included Martin Lee, an 82-year-old lawyer who is often called Hong Kong’s 'father of democracy,' who was given an 11-month suspended term.

The sentences fell short of the maximum of five years in prison the defendants had faced. Still, they sent an unmistakable message that activism carries severe risks for even the most internationally prominent opposition figures. Supporters of the defendants say the sentences are the latest sign of the fundamental transformation that Beijing has sought to impose on Hong Kong, once a bastion of free speech, to silence dissent."

The punishments for Mr. Lai, a media tycoon, and other leaders over an unauthorized peaceful protest point to what critics say is the shrinking space for dissent in Hong Kong.

"Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam announced amendments to voting laws on Tuesday that critics say favour pro-Beijing candidat...

"Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam announced amendments to voting laws on Tuesday that critics say favour pro-Beijing candidates by redrawing constituency boundaries, creating more electoral districts, and criminalising calls for voters to leave ballots blank."

Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam announced amendments to voting laws on Tuesday that critics say favour pro-Beijing candidates by redrawing constituency boundaries, creating more electoral districts, and criminalising calls for voters to leave ballots blank.

"In its latest move to tighten control over Hong Kong, China is pushing for a controversial 'patriot' plan to reform the...

"In its latest move to tighten control over Hong Kong, China is pushing for a controversial 'patriot' plan to reform the city's elections.

Beijing says the goal is to keep 'unpatriotic' figures from positions of political power in Hong Kong."

Aiming to tighten control over Hong Kong, China wants only "patriots" to run for office.

"Nominally, TVB said that its decision was a 'purely commercial' one. But the decision not to broadcast the awards cerem...

"Nominally, TVB said that its decision was a 'purely commercial' one. But the decision not to broadcast the awards ceremony comes after Bloomberg News reported earlier this month that China's Communist Party propaganda department has ordered its state-controlled media to play down the awards and not show the ceremony live."

Local TV has decided against showing the Academy Awards, a regular fixture on Hong Kong screens since 1969. Content concerns mean Hollywood's top awards may also not be seen on mainland China.

"'One Country, Two Systems', as the formula is known, is meant to allow Hong Kong to continue until at least 2047 with i...

"'One Country, Two Systems', as the formula is known, is meant to allow Hong Kong to continue until at least 2047 with its free speech, its independent courts and its vibrant - if limited - democracy, while the new sovereign power maintains its rigid, one-party rule."

"One Country, Two Systems" was an experiment centred on the defining ideological divide of our time.

"China's top law-making body has unveiled plans to ensure only 'patriots' can govern Hong Kong, as Beijing tightens its ...

"China's top law-making body has unveiled plans to ensure only 'patriots' can govern Hong Kong, as Beijing tightens its grip on the city with changes to the electoral system."

Premier Li Keqiang warns the world not to interfere, as he addresses China's largest political meeting.

"Holding banners and shouting slogans, hundreds of people assembled outside a court in Hong Kong on Monday in a rare act...

"Holding banners and shouting slogans, hundreds of people assembled outside a court in Hong Kong on Monday in a rare act of defiance after 47 of the city’s most prominent pro-democracy politicians and activists were arrested.

The brief gathering of supporters, who held bright yellow signs reading 'Release all political prisoners,' was an echo of the huge pro-democracy demonstrations that regularly filled the streets of Hong Kong in 2019. They lined up around the West Kowloon court complex, where the 47 opposition figures were being arraigned on charges of conspiracy to commit subversion."

A Chinese official has called for severe punishment of opposition figures facing charges under a new national security law.

"Hong Kong police on Sunday detained 47 pro-democracy activists on charges of conspiracy to commit subversion under the ...

"Hong Kong police on Sunday detained 47 pro-democracy activists on charges of conspiracy to commit subversion under the city’s national security law, in the largest mass charge against the semi-autonomous Chinese territory’s opposition camp since the law came into effect last June."

HONG KONG (AP) — Hong Kong police on Sunday detained 47 pro-democracy activists on charges of conspiracy to commit subversion under the city's national security law, in the largest mass charge...

"A bill to 'ensure patriots govern Hong Kong' has been endorsed by the chief executive council and will be tabled in Mar...

"A bill to 'ensure patriots govern Hong Kong' has been endorsed by the chief executive council and will be tabled in March, the secretary for constitutional and mainland affairs, Erick Tsang, told a press conference on Tuesday.

'If you claim to be patriotic and you don’t respect, or you try to sabotage, the basic characteristics of our system – a system led by the [People’s Republic of China] – that would not be acceptable,' Tsang said. 'You can’t say: "I’m patriotic but I don’t respect that it’s the Chinese Communist party which leads the country".'

All election participants will have to swear allegiance or face five-year ban under bill to be tabled next month

"The government issued a 157-page report accusing Radio Television Hong Kong, an outlet that has often reported critical...

"The government issued a 157-page report accusing Radio Television Hong Kong, an outlet that has often reported critically on officials, of lacking transparency and objectivity."

The broadcaster, Radio Television Hong Kong, is known for independent reporting often critical of the government.

"For years, parents and students in the semi-autonomous city have feared a shift toward China-style 'patriotic education...

"For years, parents and students in the semi-autonomous city have feared a shift toward China-style 'patriotic education,' with a previous attempt to introduce such a curriculum defeated by mass protests in 2012. The new rules, coming in the wake of both the new security law and a crackdown on the city's opposition movement, go far beyond what was previously mooted.

In a circular issued to schools Thursday, the city's Education Bureau (EDB) said that 'as far as national security is concerned, there is no room for debate or compromise.'"

Hong Kong has introduced sweeping new restrictions for how schools operate, months after the Beijing government imposed a new national security law giving authorities wide-ranging powers to crack down on vaguely defined political crimes.

"China on Friday said it will 'no longer recognise' the British National (Overseas) passport for Hong Kong people, as th...

"China on Friday said it will 'no longer recognise' the British National (Overseas) passport for Hong Kong people, as the United Kingdom prepares to open its doors to millions more residents of its former colony following a Beijing security crackdown."

Beijing’s announcement comes as Britain prepares to open its doors to millions of people from its former colony.

"In the 1960s, John Clancey was sent to Hong Kong from a small town in New York state to be a priest ministering to the ...

"In the 1960s, John Clancey was sent to Hong Kong from a small town in New York state to be a priest ministering to the city’s working poor. He stayed and ultimately turned himself into an advocate for the city’s powerless people.

Mr. Clancey, 79 years old, confirmed that he was arrested because he served as treasurer for a pro-democracy group that helped organize the primaries. Now a lawyer, Mr. Clancey is the first American detained under the new law, underscoring its wide reach and authorities’ willingness to wield it on locals and foreigners alike."

In the 1960s, American John Clancey was sent to Hong Kong from New York state to be a priest ministering to the city’s powerless, but now he faces prison for his role in the pro-democracy movement in his adopted home.

“Hong Kong’s biggest mobile telecom companies appear to have severed access to a website that listed the personal inform...

“Hong Kong’s biggest mobile telecom companies appear to have severed access to a website that listed the personal information of police officers, setting off fears that the authorities may use a new national security law to adopt censorship tactics widely used in mainland China.”

Users of major mobile carriers can no longer access a service that detailed the personal information of police officers, a possible sign that the city is turning to tactics used in mainland China.


At least 52 Hong Kong democrats were arrested on Wednesday morning for alleged violations of the national security law. According to media reports and social media posts, the opposition figures were arrested over their organisation and participation in the primaries for the postponed 2020 Legislativ...

"About 50 pro-democracy lawmakers and activists have been arrested in Hong Kong under the controversial national securit...

"About 50 pro-democracy lawmakers and activists have been arrested in Hong Kong under the controversial national security law.

The Democratic Party's page said the arrests were related to an independently organised primary vote last year to select democratic candidates for a legislature election."

Leader Carrie Lam had warned participation in the unofficial primaries could amount to subversion.

"Hong Kong’s highest court ordered Jimmy Lai, the pro-democracy publishing tycoon, back to jail on Thursday, just days a...

"Hong Kong’s highest court ordered Jimmy Lai, the pro-democracy publishing tycoon, back to jail on Thursday, just days after he was freed on bail, the latest twist in the continuing, flip-flopping legal battle over one of the city’s most prominent antigovernment figures."

Mr. Lai, the most prominent figure charged under Hong Kong’s sweeping national security law, had been released on bail just days before Thursday’s hearing.

"The past year has changed Hong Kong forever. From crushing pro-democracy protests and dissent to the implementation of ...

"The past year has changed Hong Kong forever. From crushing pro-democracy protests and dissent to the implementation of the National Security Law and ousted lawmakers, for many China's tightening grip is choking the city."

The past year has changed Hong Kong forever. From crushing pro-democracy protests and dissent to the implementation of the National Security Law and ousted lawmakers, for many China's tightening grip is choking the city. CNN's Ivan Watson looks into what the future holds for the semi-autonomous city...

"The arrests became a flashpoint for the pro-democracy movement, which was and still is being heavily targeted by author...

"The arrests became a flashpoint for the pro-democracy movement, which was and still is being heavily targeted by authorities.

Since the introduction of the national security law in June, dozens have been arrested, and high profile activists jailed or forced into exile."

Group’s trial on the mainland lasted just one day and was held with few public witnesses

"The law is designed to be a tool of censorship inside and outside the classroom. "

"The law is designed to be a tool of censorship inside and outside the classroom. "

Law criminalizes criticisms of China When UC Davis students enroll this spring in professor Eddy U’s class on inequalities in contemporary China, they’ll be given the option to conceal their identities during Zoom discussions and submit work under a secret alias. Still, some students told The

"In Hong Kong, the police said on Friday that Jimmy Lai, the outspoken founder of an ardently antigovernment newspaper, ...

"In Hong Kong, the police said on Friday that Jimmy Lai, the outspoken founder of an ardently antigovernment newspaper, had been charged under the city’s new national security law with colluding with foreign forces.

Hours later, Bloomberg News disclosed that plainclothes security officials had earlier that week detained Haze Fan, a Chinese staffer in Beijing, also on potential national security violations."

Mr. Lai’s case was followed hours later by a disclosure that the authorities in China had detained a Chinese citizen working for Bloomberg News.

“The United Kingdom will stand by the people of Hong Kong and keep our promise to protect and uphold their freedoms.”

“The United Kingdom will stand by the people of Hong Kong and keep our promise to protect and uphold their freedoms.”

British interior minister Priti Patel met with Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Nathan Law in London on Wednesday, pledging to protect and uphold freedoms for citizens of Britain's former colony.

"Britain issued nearly four times as many BNOs to Hongkongers in October as the number of refugees America will accept f...

"Britain issued nearly four times as many BNOs to Hongkongers in October as the number of refugees America will accept from the entire world this year."

America has undone its longstanding policy of granting special treatment to individuals with Hong Kong passports at exactly the wrong time.

"Hong Kong police have raided a church, just hours after its pastor said HSBC had frozen bank accounts belonging to him,...

"Hong Kong police have raided a church, just hours after its pastor said HSBC had frozen bank accounts belonging to him, his wife and the church’s charity."

Church describes act as ‘political retaliation’ by authorities over support of pro-democracy protestors and comes as eight more arrested

"Hong Kong police arrested eight more activists on Tuesday over an anti-government protest in July, the latest move by a...

"Hong Kong police arrested eight more activists on Tuesday over an anti-government protest in July, the latest move by authorities in a relentless crackdown on opposition forces in the Chinese-ruled city. The police did not identify the people, saying only that they were aged between 24 and 64."

Hong Kong police arrested eight more activists on Tuesday over an anti-government protest in July, the latest move by authorities in a relentless crackdown on opposition forces in the Chinese-ruled city.

“'Hong Kong is at the front lines of the resistance against Beijing’s authoritarianism; what happens there should matter...

“'Hong Kong is at the front lines of the resistance against Beijing’s authoritarianism; what happens there should matter to anyone anywhere who cares about the future of freedom, especially since Beijing is trying to export its high-tech, repressive ways to the world.'

If Americans can agree on one thing, regardless of political affiliation, it is that we 'care about the future of freedom.' For this reason alone, we must rebuild alliances and welcome new partners, both economic and strategic, to resist the spread of authoritarianism. Hong Kong — like the U.S., a former British colony — is ground zero in this worthy struggle."

Authoritarian regimes the world over, from Vladimir Putin’s Russia to Nicolas Maduro’s Venezuela, have used the COVID-19 pandemic to tighten their grip on...




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