桐谷 広人

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桐谷 広人 日本の社会がより強く、優しく、しなやかであるように。 私たちにできることを探していきたい。

こんにちは、桐谷宏人 です。父が脳出血で麻痺したとき、私には最高の老人ホームに送るだけのお金がありませんでした。 お金が足りず、妻は父の介護をしたくなかったので、私と離婚することを選びました。 当時の私は無力だったので株式投資を選択しました...

こんにちは、桐谷宏人 です。
父が脳出血で麻痺したとき、私には最高の老人ホームに送るだけのお金がありませんでした。 お金が足りず、妻は父の介護をしたくなかったので、私と離婚することを選びました。 当時の私は無力だったので株式投資を選択しました。
そこで私は、私の投資知識を活用して、より多くの人が経済的自由を達成できるよう、無料の株式知識トレーニング クラスを開くことにしました。 同時に、日本を代表するプロ投資家をお招きして無料公開講座も開催しますので、投資について学びたい方はどなたでもご参加いただけます! 投資のコツやコツ、高配当株、年初から上昇している銘柄などをオンラインで毎日レクチャー!

Nombuso ZwaneSAPS ON FESTIVE SAFETY MEASURESTONGA - Thursday 26, 2020, police in Tonga held a meeting with liquor trader...

Nombuso Zwane


TONGA - Thursday 26, 2020, police in Tonga held a meeting with liquor traders and liquor board in preparation for safety during the upcoming festive season. Noncompliance in regard to trading hours and Covid 19 regulations were top on agenda. Liquor traders were also reminded to always display their liquor licences every time. Liquor board also mentioned that operations will be discontinued if their licences are not renewed.
Traders were also informed that noncompliance might lead businesses not to qualify for their licences to be renewed and the operations to be totally discontinued.Liquor board added that it is the responsibility of the liquor traders to manage their patrons. Traders who registered their businesses as a company, must always appoint the manager(s).
Liquor licences are not allowed to be rented out, but can only rent the building and licence be transferred To the tenant or the tenant apply for a new licence. The CPF chairperson, Stanley Madonsela, raised the concern that liquor board issues a lot of liquor licences. He said the lesser the liquor outlets the easier will police be able to manage liquor related crimes.
Liquor traders were also advised to report suspicious looking people so that police can source information and monitor the area.
Liquor traders mentioned that police's intervention is mostly needed as some of their patrons are problematic. They pledged to extend their support in physically take part in the fight against crime.

Bonginkosi MathonsiMY HUSTLER MY HUSTLER WITH THEMBA MLAHLEKINAAS MAFAMBISA. Themba Mlahleki is a 21 year old entreprene...

Bonginkosi Mathonsi
NAAS MAFAMBISA. Themba Mlahleki is a 21 year old entrepreneur in the field of art who has a vision of building a art empire, following his dream and passion in Art. Themba started art at a younger age and his ability to be a good artist was recognized during his primary education time,
he became the best learner of Art and culture subject in high school, his drawings were perfect and accurate compared to others where they come to him for help with homework.
He entered art competition and had always been a winner of all time; he could draw perfect cartoons, make artificial cars and beautiful houses. Along his journey he had to focus on one type of art that he could master to push his passion.
Drawing became one of the most passionate type of art he could use to touch and motivate other people. He started small by drawing for close friends and siblings where people started to notice his drawing talent and skills, Themba’s drawing skill has been recognized more when he drew a his sibling face in a top clothing fabric, he suffered
a great deal of sleepless nights during festive seasons since he was doing everything manually (Hand drawing) which made his production to be slow, lead to backlog and not meeting his deadline and he would lose some of the clients who needs production in numbers.
Through thin and think he fought and raised enough money to buy his own machine that helped him to push his production fast and meet his target, Themba has now established a brand name “LOW LIFE’’
and further his studies to westcol Tvet college where he is doing marketing and uses his business to pay for his own fees.

FROM DUSK TILL DAWNNombuso ZwaneThe community of ka-Hhoy has embarked in a process against Transnet after many years Tra...

Nombuso Zwane
The community of ka-Hhoy has embarked in a process against Transnet after many years Transnet has been using one of their route passing through the village, the community wanted to be recognized and for Transnet to play CSI role which they have successfully meet with the Transnet officials from the head office in Johannesburg who finally attended the community of kaHhoyi on the 27 of November 2020

after 2 days protest action by the community. Transnet did apologize for not showing up for the meeting that was scheduled to sit on Thursday. During their arrival the burning issues were
Discussed between the delegated community committee which included, Employment, Community development, Stakeholder relations Both parties agreed on the following terms

Transnet will provide food for families in the community for a better christmas this December as a way of giving back to the community considering tha a lot of families were finencially crippled by covid 19. Transnet will donate sanitary towels helping to restore the dignity of women in the community

Transnet will adopt at least one school that was historically disadvantaged and offer the necessary aid that is needed so as to ensure that teaching and learning does not get hindered due to lack of resources Transnet acknowledges the environmental health impacts caused by its operations and will participate in water purification programs should the need arise.

Transnet will look into the allegations of nepotism that are now rampant within the institutions. Transnet will conduct annual exhibitions to help communities understand the work done by the entity. Transnet will rebuild fencing along its lines to prevent the killing of cattles Transnet will adopt at least one school that was historically disadvantaged and offer the necessary aid that is needed so as to ensure that teaching and learning does not get hindered due to lack of resources

Transnet acknowledges the environmental health impacts caused by its operations and will participate in water purification programs should the need arise. Transnet will look into the allegations of nepotism that are now rampant within the institutions.
- Transnet will conduct annual exhibitions to help communities understand the work done by the entity. Transnet will rebuild fencing along its lines to prevent the killing of cattles

The next meeting with leaders of Transnet from different divisions will be on the 3rd of December 2020(03/12/2020).
We salute the brave youth that stood firm and confronted institutions that are meant to be arbiters of service delivery.


This is a motivational message left for youth to start building the nation they want to see in the future, this is what you do, standing up for what is right and true.
Tomorrow starts today so if we fail to do go by us we will be a generation with no legacy said concerned member of the community by the name of Mafia

Bonginkosi MathonsiRACISM MUST FALL !!!MALELANE RIVERSIDE. After 24 years of South African democracy it still looks like...

Bonginkosi Mathonsi


MALELANE RIVERSIDE. After 24 years of South African democracy it still looks like freedom is something meant only for white rich people in the country, the only race that can call black race by names, including ‘’Monkey’s, Kaffir” and other insulting names to discredit a black men’s dignity and undermine their human rights.

On the 27 of November 2020 Nkomazi Economic Freedom Fighters including provincial and CCT Members has gone out in a peaceful march at Riverside farm and Leopard creek Golf Estate owned by one of the richest man in South Africa Mr. Johan Rupert, The farm has been reported as one of the farms that practice racism.
Members of the farm has been living under harsh condition, breathing through a wound and living in an unhealthy condition, partially demolished infrastructures and other contributing factors.
Farm dwellers and workers claim to be ill-treated every day to an extent where by one of the famers has been made by the racist farm managers to extract the remains of her deceased elders (skull and bones) and dug out more graves in Leopard Creek Golf Estate and Ka-Nkanyezi burial.

The descendents of the deceased has never had peace ever since and they reported this matter to the South African Police Service and human rights commission but there has been nothing positive out of all the meetings they had including the racist farm management. Mr. Elvis Khoza Secretary of the land Claimant at Malelane Riverside farm has informed Esibayeni media house that it has been tearing years,

Living in a condition where you have to watch your back, thinking if you might live to see tomorrow, He explained that one of the farm workers was set to chase a buffalo till it retaliated and kill him in the scene, upon reporting this matter to the SAPS, Family members of the deceased were chased out of the farm and Another member of the farm has been missing after he was recently collected by other farm members who are suspected to be instructed by the farm

Managers and witnesses are afraid to make a statement since they fear that their life will be in the line of fire. The secretary further said all

They want as farm workers is the restoration of their four fathers’ graves and remains, there will be no discussion up until they see the bones of their loved ones and have DNA test of the remains so that they will go and rebury them in peace.

The farm members has invited Economic Freedom Fighters to assist them after they have exhausted all the options they had in their hand, fulfilling their demands that they want back all the three burial sites which are Stonela now known as Leopard Creek, Nkanyezi burial and Ngonini where the farm managers has put wild animals, they want to benefit from the land of their ancestors and restoration of the cemeteries name as they were before they

Were changed. The EFF Provincial Chairperson has delivered a memorandum in solidarity and support of the farm dwellers and workers, that all burial sites be returned to rightful land owners,
Managers who are racist be removed with immediate effect, no development should take place in the farm without consultation between the current owner and claimants, elaborated

Were changed. The EFF Provincial Chairperson has delivered a memorandum in solidarity and support of the farm dwellers and workers, that all burial sites be returned to rightful land owners,
Managers who are racist be removed with immediate effect, no development should take place in the farm without consultation between the current owner and claimants, elaborated



Hustle My Hustler

Hustle My Hustler


nkomazi news room


By Mathonsi Bonginkosi


Nkomazi Municipality has brought development to improve the Kamaqhekeza Water Plant located at Sebokeng village in Block C. The project is estimated to a budget of Two Hundred And Sixteen Million (R216 000 000) to improve the plant and bulk line of a steel pipe of 444 mm and 244 mm said the Nkomazi Municipality project manager Mr. Sibuyi Moses (06 AUGUST 2020.

The project has three phases that split the budget, and this project runs through multiple villages including Ward 1, 3, 4 and 6 as per Municipal demarcations. The tender was awarded to a local business trading by the name of VUKA-MAGAGULA PROJECTS AND TRADING, which started working around May 2020 in the side of Bock C Phakama.

The project was stopped by community members including the Siboshwa Water Crises Committee that was formed by the community members who organized themselves and engage with the Nkomazi Municipality about shortage of water at Block C last year October 2019.

The Siboshwa Water Crises Committee claim that in the meetings they had with the Nkomazi Municipality they were promised a steel pipe that will be running on top of beams but the delivered pipes are installed underground, and they were not hired hence ward councilors has employed people of their choice using political alignment.

The community has made research about the installed pipe which they claim is an Asbestos Cement Pipe with mini steel. The main reason the pipe has to be on top, is for visibility to anyone and would be easy to see who tampers with it and do illegal connections. Another uprising at Sebokeng has been encountered after the VMT project has moved from Phakama to Sebokeng water plant, community members complaining about they were not employment, unaware of the project.

The community members who represented the members in the uprising were called by Councilors of Ward 1,3,4 and 6 a non-constituted steering committee was formulated which angered the communities because some members of the steering committee has conflict of interest and were not delegated by any authenticated and legal association.

Ever since the project has been stopped, members of the community were trying means to bring the Municipality on the table to review the minutes of the meeting they had with the Siboshwa water crises committee, instead of the Nkomazi municipality meeting the community to address their outcry members of the community we assaulted.

Four members of the community were assaulted, including Lungile Melody Khoza who was ambushed at her house around 1 am and kept hostage till 3 am by three unknown armed man at gun point, asking if she needs money or work, upon realization that her only interest was a pipe she claims was promised to the Siboshwa water crises committee. She was assaulted and threatened to kill her entire family if she doesn’t stay away from the water installation project.

Nkomazi Municipality was consulted and claim to have no knowledge of such conduct and do not condone that kind barbaric behavior, a case should be open for whoever is responsible, the municipality appoint contractors to do the work they are hired for, not to hunt community members, said Mr. Cyril Repinga, Nkomazi Municipality head of communication.

A further investigation was made about the assault allegations; a case was opened confirmed by Tonga SAPS. Questions were directed to the VMT project engineering who we were referred to upon consultation, and he responded I quote “send me a list of the question via SMS, so I can ask my manager if I can answer them.
” A message was sent with number of questions and it was not answered.
As a journalist I was denied an opportunity to take a picture of the resumed public project by the VMT project engineer Khisimusi Sibitane for non-presented reason. However, the community is under shock due to resume of the project without a meeting between contractor, councilors and the informal steering committee, there is an allegation that members who were boycotting have been employed,
security personnel have been employed to stop the community from exercising their rights to information, redress and accountability which is promoted by the Bathopele principles.

By Ray MhlongoUMBIKISHO WA TIYELA E TSAMBOKHULUUmmango wase Tsambokhulu utfolakale uteleka emalanga lasitfupha balwela k...

By Ray Mhlongo


Ummango wase Tsambokhulu utfolakale uteleka emalanga lasitfupha balwela kutsi bafakelwe tiyela. Ngekubuka kwetinhlohloteli nobe tingwazi talommango, lelitsimba labo Sibusiso Malandule,

Babutsana baya emahhovisi esifundza ngemnyaka wa 2017 bayiswa ngulomgwaco(B2952 lohlanganisa live laMswati nalo lelilase Ningizimu Afrika. Imphendvulo layo lihhovisi latse wona lomnyaka wa2017/2018 umakuphuma timali telive batawubeka embili lelidzaba lokwakha tiyela emgwaceni B2952.

Lokwente lommango uteleke libilishi lelinebungoti, Labanetigodzi kusukela ngemnyaka we nkhululeko 1994 sekwengce sikhatsi sekuVota. Lenankinga ihluphe lonammango minyakanyaka kodvwa lihhovisi lesifundza soloku litsembisa kwakha lotiyela nelibhilishi kubuye kungenteki.

Ummango wase Mananga nase Mbuzini sewufakelwe tiyela kabili. Lomnyaka wa2020 nga-Bhimbidvwane lona lophetse indzawo watjela lommango wase Tsambokhulu kutsi ukhiphe dalada kutsi labo labatewufaka tiyela bangaphazamiseki

Lonammango wente imihlangano nemkhandlu dolobha kodvwa lemibuto lebute ummango ayizange iphendvulwe. Ummango wase Tsambokhulu ugcine uvumelana kutsi bayovala lesosicoje lesinika lonammango emanti nase Mbuzini. Lommango wase Tsambokhulu

utsemba kutsi uma uvala lesicoje sabo lihhovisi lamkhandludolobha litawuyisukumela lendzaba ngobe iMbuzini uma ikhala iyaphendvulwa ngekushehsa. Mkhandludolobha wendzawo 12b, Khekhe Nkala wente umhlangano ne Department of public works* lotobanjelwa eMbombela.

Lonammango wase Tsambokhulu ufuna MEC kutsi atitele atewubona kutsi konakale nganani. Cyril Repinga,lokhulumela Mkhandludolobha wase Nkomazi,"tsine Mkhandludolobha wase Nkomazi akusitsi lesinakekela imigwaco yesifundza(provincial road).

Lommango sewukhatsele ufuna lusito emahhovisi lamakhulu esive. Lokubuhlungu ngalommango kutsi MEC Gillion Mashego bekalelengandletjane ngenca yeligciwane lelibitwa nge COVID19, lokubuhlungu futsi kutsi emahhovisi wonkana esive anaka indzaba yaleligciwane leliphephetsa sive sonkana.

Lonammango uvale sicoje semanti nobe engcinamba yeligciwane leliphephetsa sive lifuna sigeze ngaloku phindzaphindzene, kuvalwa kwesicoje sewanti kungumcondvo lomubi ngalesikhatsi semnyaka.

Lommango ubite emahhovisi aka Department of public works batobatjela ngalenkinga lebekwe kulenye inkinga, bagcine bavumelana kuvukula sicoje ngoba loko kubhebhetsekisa leligciwane. Ngiyatsemba letikhalo talommango titawulungiswa ngekushesha" asho aphetsa inkulumo yakhe

By Mathonsi Bonginkosi MANGWENI ABSA ATM BOMBEDAn ABSA ATM was bombed at Mangweni Shopping complex on Tuesday 04 August ...

By Mathonsi Bonginkosi


An ABSA ATM was bombed at Mangweni Shopping complex on Tuesday 04 August 2020 morning by unknown suspects. The suspects has bombed the ATM using unknown explosives. This took place around 02:00 am during a quiet night.
The suspects failed to get access to the money inside the Automatic Teller machine and fled from the scene. A case has been opened with the matter at hand under investigation. In the last 3 months after the introduction of the lockdown levels, various ATMs around Nkomazi were attacked by unknown suspects and No arrest have been made so far.

this looks like a group of people orchestrated the heist of volts. any member with information can submit it to a nearest police station so we can keep our community safe since this can not only end up by bombing of the ATMs but migrate to house breaking.


By Ray Mhlongo


Lotibonele utsi bekucedza kushaya insimbi yesitfupha kusihlwa (18:00pm), kubonakale indvodza lese ikhulile iti gayela libhayisikili kulotiyela locondza eNgwenyeni. utse maka cedza kundlula emabhaceni etindlela tasemalobothini a Kamaqhekeza plaza. "kubonakale Iloli lemhlophe lenetimbawu temkhandludolobha wase Nkomazi ichamuka emalobhothini,

Ihamba kancane umshayeli angumuntfu lonake indlela. Ngeku cwabita kweliso kuvakale umsindvo wekungcuzana kwetintfo. kudvonse wonke umuntfu wafuna kubona lembangela yalo msindvo, kubonakale indvodza leseyi khulile ilele kutiyela embi kwe kuba ishayiswe iloli yafela khona lapho, kepha lomshayeli wenele kubona lomonakalo wabe sekacela empundzini.

utse angaka fiki khashane wabe seka landvwa yimoto ye Ford Ranger, yabe seyimhlale emuva emhlana. kutse kungaka pheli sikhatsi yabonakala iloli ibuya ilandzewlwa yi ford. utse uma atsandza kwehla emotini wafaka bo gonsa tinyawo betishaya esphundvu.

kepha umphakatsi ukhonile kumvimba, lesento seku cela empunzini kwemshayeli kubangele kutsi umphakatsi utsatse ingalo yemtsetfo, wate waanyulelwa nge maphoyisa.
Lona lophetse emaphoyiseni e-Tonga SAPS Caputeni Magonseni Nkosi, lapho lokushicilelwe khona lelilicala. ukhuumela lommango utsi "Sivule licala lokubulala ngalokungasiyo inhloso.

Lelitsimba lekubuka imbangela yekufa libetse liya fonelwa kuto cwaninga lokufa kwalendvodza. Loleka phetse emaphoyisa e tonga uchubeke watsi "Emaphoyisa alapho eNkomazi abukene
nalengcilamba yebashayeli labashayela budedengu sikhatsi lesidze, emaphoyisa ahlangene nematsimba lahlukene lafana ne Department of public works, road and transport

nemkhandlu dolobha wase Nkomazi kwehlisa lokushayiswa kwebantfu kakhulu kulama loli emanti labe inkinga kakhulu.
Timbawu netidulu tekwehlisa emafutsa tifakiwe kodvwa bantfu solo bayashayiswa. lleli tiko lema phoyisa licea kubambisana emphakatsini kuba shayeli kanye nebahlali.

By Mathonsi BonginkosiOUTCRY FOR HELP 05 August 2020A Tsobolo family which consists of 7 members, 3 boys and 4 women ran...

By Mathonsi Bonginkosi

OUTCRY FOR HELP 05 August 2020

A Tsobolo family which consists of 7 members, 3 boys and 4 women ranging from 40 and below, located at Block C Phakama nearby Sincobile Secondary School has suffered so much from fire that burned down their house by an unknown cause last year February (2019).

It is a child headed family which depends on Social grant for a living; one of their siblings is the only person who works part-time in a Tavern nearby to assist with the little they get from social grant. They confirm that they received few blankets and a container from the disaster management after the incident happened.

The Steel container is the only living room they have, which turn out to be a kitchen, sitting room and a bedroom said Dumisile Tsobolo.Some of their members sleep out in other relatives and come back in the morning, which she described as the most painful thing to be endured by little kids who never volunteered to be in a situation that she can’t do anything to help it.
This is an outcry from the family to the South African Government, Nkomazi Municipality or anyone willing to help who can assist in any form.

It can be work opportunities, Building of a house, Food parcel or Clothing material. Our family will be forever grateful to the help we had after the incident, and we thank those who are willing to be a helping hand to a needy family.
For any donation please contact, Tsobolo Dumisile at 081 850 1768

By Mathonsi BonginkosiCOMMUNITY OUTREACH PROGRAM 06 August 2020Happy Children Social Community Development distributed m...

By Mathonsi Bonginkosi


Happy Children Social Community Development distributed more than 200 food parcels at Ntunda, Tonga, Block B and Block C.
The organization is currently distributing food parcels donated by the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) around Nkomazi. Happy Children Social Community (HCSCD) is a nonprofit organization established on May 2013, located at Kamhlushwa.
It is an organization formed by multiple members who started by donating school uniform from their pocket,

the members were inspired by their history at an early age, attending school without school uniform and swear not to see any other kid suffer the same fate if there are means they can do to change their situation.

They decided to formalize the structure and make it big, exploring other means of development including education, art and culture, environment affairs and other development sectors. The organization does not only work in Nkomazi hence they move around the Mpumalanga and depends on donation from small and big companies including Eskom. Without donors the organization hardly performs its functions.

‘’ What helps the organization mostly is its commitment, being organized and hard-working, we have working committees from different sectors who help us reach our beneficiaries easy through community mobilization and outreach programmes.

The organization find challenges whereby their expected beneficiaries have multiplied more than their budget or when politicians want to interfere and tamper with the organizational guideline. ’’He further elaborated that the organization belongs to its entire beneficiaries, it doesn’t have any favoritism,

and they do not condone nepotism said Nkala Freeman — Project Director. The organization has supplied more than 800 -1000 school uniforms ever since it was established, its purpose is to explore and develop branches across the country, creating a happy kids free zone whereby they will be installing jumping castle, tambourines, swings and many more to be used by kids for free.


for news report: contact Mr Mathonsi Bonginkosi call 0794546027 / whatsapp 066 009 8812

Lebombo Border Post is closed due to positive covid19 case. Tebogo Tlholoe, OPS Manager Customs sent a message that read...

Lebombo Border Post is closed due to positive covid19 case.

Tebogo Tlholoe, OPS Manager Customs sent a message that reads as follows,
'Arrangements have be made to decontaminate the operational offices including common surfaces. Alternative route is advisable. Update will be send out once the process is finalised. Thank you and Stay Safe'.

Image : Megan Molteni

TONGA MALL  & KAMAQHEKEZA MONEY HEIST09 July 2020BY Mathonsi BonginkosiIt has been confirmed that Tonga mall has been ro...

09 July 2020

BY Mathonsi Bonginkosi

It has been confirmed that Tonga mall has been robbed by a group of armed men. Tonga SAPS released customs for nine suspects who blew up ATMs and vaults in two different stores in Tonga Mall at about 2 a.m. on Thursday 09 July 2020 . The group had to enter two stores in order to detonate an ATM and a store with unknown explosives.

Nine armed suspects were seen on cctv , coming in from south side of the mall. Some wore ladies' outfit ,posing as women. The suspects first broke into OBC, split up, 5 remained in OBC, and 4 went to Picardi Rebel Liquors, said Mr Mduduzi, Tonga center Manager. He further explained that he was informed early in the morning around 4 am.

The suspects allegedly blew the Picardi Rebel's safe and took R63 900, while the other gang blew EasyPay ATM at OBC and took R37,000 . Furthermore, the money taken from the OBC Chicken safe was not confirmed due to a system failure caused by the explosion.
Xolisane Mabunda, a member of the Tonga police forum, said that when he heard the alarm he hoped that it was a false alarm and when he approached, the OBC Chicken front door was already broken. He was spotted before he could make a call for backup, chased at gun point, shots were fired from behind as he ran for his life.

The suspect fired several times and one of the bullets shot rested on the wall at skipper bar, as he managed to evade and called the police line, unfortunately it was not working. He then made means to call another officer and some participants of the police forum. Suspects fled to a bush near the river before the police arrive. No one has been arrested and the investigation continues.

The same group of suspects have committed another heist at Kamaqhekeza Caltex filing station, where they found 3 ladies and one male. one of the employees noticed the thugs coming from the sharks opposite to the filing station. The employees tried to run but they were caught at gun point, told to freeze and keep quiet.
The robbers managed to take the sum of R6 500 from the teller and the was also a failed attempt in blasting the Easy Pay volt. The explosion torn the place apart but could not blast open the volt. After realizing that the heist failed, they fled and the police were called. said the filling station manager Brain Msimango.





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