It's time to END NIGERIA so that people who want development can go ahead.*
~ Bishop kuka h
I have never been as unsure of Nigeria future as I am now………BISHOP MATTHEW HASSAN KUKAH
After independence, in order to build a great nation, each country went to work. But in Nigeria, after independence, our people went to pray and fast.
So, while we were praying, Malaysia came here and took our palm seedlings and build a great factory of it.
While we were praying, Singapore went into investment in technology.
While we were praying, India went into ICT.
While we were praying, China went to massive industrialization.
While we were shouting Allah Alakuba! UAE went into massive infrastructural development.
While we were binding and casting Lucifer, Japan went into technological development.
While we were speaking in tongues, Denmark went into education of her citizens.
While we were mounting big speakers in our places of worship, USA was mounting man on the moon.