
StoryLeb A long form multimedia storytelling platform A media platform that aims at strengthening the use of multimedia storytelling in journalistic production.

The stories published on the platform were produced by young journalists and content creators who were trained by the StoryLeb team. The project benefitted from the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt.

Covid-19, an economic crisis, an explosion that destroyed half of the city and the “Kafala system” that puts you, unprot...

Covid-19, an economic crisis, an explosion that destroyed half of the city and the “Kafala system” that puts you, unprotected, at the mercy of your employer.
This is the journey of migrant domestic workers in and their fight for justice and self-empowerment 👇

Covid-19, an economic crisis, an explosion that destroyed half of the city and the “Kafala system” that puts you, unprotected, at the mercy of your employer. This is the journey of migrant domestic workers in Lebanon and their fight for justice and self-empowerment.

جائحة كورونا، الأزمة الاقتصادية، الانفجار الذي دمّر نصف المدينة، ونظام الكفالة الذي يضع العاملات تحت رحمة كفلائهم دون أد...

جائحة كورونا، الأزمة الاقتصادية، الانفجار الذي دمّر نصف المدينة، ونظام الكفالة الذي يضع العاملات تحت رحمة كفلائهم دون أدنى حماية…
هذه قصص عاملات منزليات مهاجرات في #لبنان ورحلة نضالهنّ من أجل العدالة والتمكين الذاتي 👇

جائحة كورونا، الأزمة الاقتصادية، الانفجار الذي دمّر نصف المدينة، ونظام الكفالة الذي يضع العاملات تحت رحمة كفلائهم دون أدنى حماية... هذه قصة عاملاتٍ مهاجراتٍ في لبنا...

Tsigereda and Dagafetch came from   to deceived promises of work in  . Thrown into a place where nothing seemed to prote...

Tsigereda and Dagafetch came from to deceived promises of work in . Thrown into a place where nothing seemed to protect them from abuse, they became part of an initiative launched by migrant domestic workers and for them.
DW Akademie Middle East / North Africa | DW Akademie |

Tsigereda and Dagafetch came from Ethiopia to deceived promises of work in Lebanon. Thrown into a place where nothing seemed to protect them from abuse, they became part of an initiative launched by migrant domestic workers and for them.

تعرّف/ي على إحدى المبادرات الذاتية لعاملات المنازل المهاجرات التي توفر فرصة للقاء والنقاش وتبادل التجارب في مساحة آمنة.🖼...

تعرّف/ي على إحدى المبادرات الذاتية لعاملات المنازل المهاجرات التي توفر فرصة للقاء والنقاش وتبادل التجارب في مساحة آمنة.
🖼 👇
DW Akademie Middle East / North Africa | DW Akademie |

توفّر "إنيا لنيا" صفوفا لتعليم صناعة الصابون لعاملات المنازل المهاجرات تمثل فرصة للقاء والنقاش وتبادل التجارب في مساحة آمنة.

How did the numbers of migrant domestic workers coming to or staying regularly in   change over the past 5 years?LOOK AT...

How did the numbers of migrant domestic workers coming to or staying regularly in change over the past 5 years?
DW Akademie Middle East / North Africa | DW Akademie |

How did the numbers of migrant domestic workers coming to or staying regularly in Lebanon change over the past 5 years under the effects of the economic collapse and the Covid-19 pandemics? A comparative view in numbers.

أتت تسيغيريدا وداغافيتش من إثيوبيا للعمل في  #لبنان بناءً على وعود كاذبة. في هذا المكان الذي تعّرضتها فيه للاستغلال، انض...

أتت تسيغيريدا وداغافيتش من إثيوبيا للعمل في #لبنان بناءً على وعود كاذبة. في هذا المكان الذي تعّرضتها فيه للاستغلال، انضمتا إلى مبادرة أسستها مجموعة من العاملات المنزليات المهاجرات..
تعرّف/ي على قصتهما 🎬 👇
DW Akademie Middle East / North Africa | DW Akademie |

أتت تسيغيريدا وداغافيتش من إثيوبيا للعمل في لبنان بناءً على وعود كاذبة كانتا قد صدقتاها. في هذا المكان الذي حُرمتا فيه من أي نوع من الحماية من الاستغلال، انضمتا إلى ....

A friend tells you about a job opportunity in  . You are told that you will be paid a good amount. You plan to use your ...

A friend tells you about a job opportunity in .
You are told that you will be paid a good amount. You plan to use your salary to build a home, continue your education, send your kids to school, and, maybe, save a little.
DW Akademie Middle East / North Africa | DW Akademie |

You were promised a good work in Lebanon. You decide to embark on the journey, hoping to help your family back home and save some money. What would you do when you arrive and face a reality full of deceits?

لماذا لا تستفيد العاملات المنزليات المهاجرات من قانون العمل اللبناني؟ وكيف يمكن إصلاح أو إنهاء نظام الكفالة؟DW Akademie ...

لماذا لا تستفيد العاملات المنزليات المهاجرات من قانون العمل اللبناني؟ وكيف يمكن إصلاح أو إنهاء نظام الكفالة؟
DW Akademie Middle East / North Africa | DW Akademie |

لماذا لا تستفيد العاملات المنزليات المهاجرات من قانون العمل اللبناني؟ كيف يمكن إصلاح أو إنهاء نظام الكفالة؟ إجابات المحامية اللبنانية والناشطة الحقوقية ديالا شحا....

Mariam jumped through the window of her employer’s house, saving herself from sexual harassment. Navigating the hardship...

Mariam jumped through the window of her employer’s house, saving herself from sexual harassment. Navigating the hardships of undocumented work, she started building an initiative to break the cycle of an unjust system.
DW Akademie Middle East / North Africa | DW Akademie |

Mariam jumped through the window of her employer’s house, saving herself from sexual harassment. Navigating the hardships of undocumented work, she started building an initiative to break the cycle of an unjust system.

كيف تغيرت أعداد العاملات المنزليات المهاجرات، الوافدات منهنّ أو المقيمات في  #لبنان، على مدى السنوات الخمس الأخيرة تحت ت...

كيف تغيرت أعداد العاملات المنزليات المهاجرات، الوافدات منهنّ أو المقيمات في #لبنان، على مدى السنوات الخمس الأخيرة تحت تأثير الأزمة الاقتصادية وانتشار جائحة كورونا؟
DW Akademie Middle East / North Africa | DW Akademie |

كيف تغيرت أعداد العاملات المنزليات المهاجرات على مدى السنوات الخمس الأخيرة تحت تأثير الأزمة الاقتصادية وانتشار جائحة كورونا؟ نظرة مقارَنة بالأرقام.

Coming from  , Massracha worked in two houses in  . Her journey was long in a country where nothing protected her from e...

Coming from , Massracha worked in two houses in . Her journey was long in a country where nothing protected her from exploitation and abuse.
Today, with other migrant domestic workers, she is building the safe space and creating the help she couldn’t find years ago.
DW Akademie Middle East / North Africa | DW Akademie |

Coming from Ethiopia, Massracha worked in two houses in Lebanon. Her journey was long in a country where nothing protected her from exploitation and abuse. Today, with other migrant domestic workers, she is building the safe space and creating the help she couldn’t find years ago.

لقد وعدوكِ بعمل جيد في  #لبنان، فقررتِ خوض المغامرة على أمل إعالة عائلتك وتوفير بعض المال. ولكن، ماذا تفعلين عندما تكتشف...

لقد وعدوكِ بعمل جيد في #لبنان، فقررتِ خوض المغامرة على أمل إعالة عائلتك وتوفير بعض المال. ولكن، ماذا تفعلين عندما تكتشفين زيف الوعود بعد وصولكِ إلى البلد الجديد؟
DW Akademie Middle East / North Africa | DW Akademie
قصة تفاعلية من

لقد وعدوكِ بعمل جيد في لبنان، فقررتِ خوض المغامرة على أمل إعالة عائلتك وتوفير بعض المال. ولكن، ماذا تفعلين عندما تكتشفين زيف الوعود بعد وصولكِ إلى البلد الجديد؟

عملت ماسرشا، القادمة من إثيوبيا، في منزلَين مختلفين في  #لبنان. كانت رحلتها طويلة وشائكة في بلدٍ تفتقد فيه الحماية من ال...

عملت ماسرشا، القادمة من إثيوبيا، في منزلَين مختلفين في #لبنان. كانت رحلتها طويلة وشائكة في بلدٍ تفتقد فيه الحماية من الاستغلال وسوء المعاملة. لكنها تعمل اليوم برفقة عاملات منزليات أخريات على خلق مساحة آمنة للعاملات وتوفير المساندة التي افتقدتها هي خلال تجربتها في لبنان.
DW Akademie | DW Akademie Middle East / North Africa
قصة متعددة الوسائط من

كانت رحلة ماسرشا طويلة وشائكة في بلدٍ تفتقد فيه أية حماية من الاستغلال. لكنها تعمل اليوم برفقة عاملات منزليات أخريات على توفير المساندة التي افتقدتها خلال تجربتها ف...


Soon on : a multimedia long story on the fight of migrant domestic workers in Lebanon against the oppressive, racist and dangerous Kafala system.
Here: a sneak peak of Dagafetch who told us of her experience in Lebanon in times of pandemics, economic collapse and after the horrendous explosion of the Beirut Port.

Stay tuned for the full story...
This project is part of the global initiative
"Transparency and media freedom - Crisis resilience in the pandemic"
Supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development


Soon on : a multimedia long story on the fight of migrant domestic workers in Lebanon against the oppressive, racist and dangerous Kafala system.
Here a sneak peak of Tsigerêđa Brihañů interview talking about the amazing work done at the እኛለኛ በስደት Egna Legna Besidetcommunity center in Beirut.
Stay tuned for the full story...

This project is part of the global initiative
"Transparency and media freedom - Crisis resilience in the pandemic"
Supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

مذكرات امرأة لبنانية سوداءمن المجتمع إلى المدرسة والجامعة، وحتّى منزل العائلة، حكاية نور، فتاة من أمّ إفريقية وأب لبناني...

مذكرات امرأة لبنانية سوداء
من المجتمع إلى المدرسة والجامعة، وحتّى منزل العائلة، حكاية نور، فتاة من أمّ إفريقية وأب لبناني، مع العنصرية والقهرِ وأشكال التمييز. أو… كيف تنجو امرأة سوداء من عنفِ كلِّ شيء؟
كتابة: زينب مريم كنعان
The diaries of a Lebanese black woman
From society to school and into her own family, the story of Nour, a young woman whose mother is African and father Lebanese. Her personal memories are filled with racism, oppression and all sorts of bullying... How does a black woman survive the inherent violence of a racist society?
Written by: Zaynab Kanaan

StoryLeb - - is a media platform that aims at strengthening the use of multimedia storytelling in journalistic production.
The stories published on the platform were produced by young journalists and content creators who were trained by the StoryLeb team.
The project benefitted from the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt.

Shabab Live DW Deutsche Welle European Commission

من المجتمع إلى المدرسة والجامعة، وحتّى منزل العائلة، حكاية نور، فتاة من أمّ إفريقية وأب لبناني، مع العنصرية والقهرِ وأشكال التمييز. أو... كيف تنجو امرأة سوداء من عنف....

"My name is Sabrine Abu el-Ola " : About Sabrine whose dreams of education were destroyed by the war in Syria and who, i...

"My name is Sabrine Abu el-Ola " : About Sabrine whose dreams of education were destroyed by the war in Syria and who, in Ain El Helwe refugees camp in Lebanon, only went through further delusions.

Written by young journalist trained by the StoryLeb Project: Anas Younes Ali

StoryLeb - - is a media platform that aims at strengthening the use of multimedia storytelling in journalistic production.
The stories published on the platform were produced by young journalists and content creators who were trained by the StoryLeb team.
The project benefitted from the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt.
Shabab Live DW Deutsche Welle European Commission

About Sabrine whose dreams of education were destroyed by the war in Syria and who, in Ain El Helwe refugees camp in Lebanon, only went through further delusions.

"The trains’ disappearance "  : From the coastal route to the Beirut- Damascus one, a journey with the memories of the t...

"The trains’ disappearance " : From the coastal route to the Beirut- Damascus one, a journey with the memories of the train’s heroes, going back over decades of stories.
Written by young journalist trained by the StoryLeb project: Layla Yammine
StoryLeb - - is a media platform that aims at strengthening the use of multimedia storytelling in journalistic production.
The stories published on the platform were produced by young journalists and content creators who were trained by the StoryLeb team.
The project benefitted from the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt.
Shabab Live DW Deutsche Welle European Commission

From the coastal route to the Beirut- Damascus one, a journey with the memories of the train’s heroes, going back over decades of stories.

"A Child Marriage Story" : “Childbirth was excruciating, I felt a pain I had never experienced before, it was more inten...

"A Child Marriage Story" : “Childbirth was excruciating, I felt a pain I had never experienced before, it was more intense than what I could take both physically and mentally. I was too young to go through something like this. They put the newborn in my arms and I stared in surprise as if I was carrying a doll”.

Written by young journalist trained by the StoryLeb project: Joelle Abd El Aal
StoryLeb - - is a media platform that aims at strengthening the use of multimedia storytelling in journalistic production.
The stories published on the platform were produced by young journalists and content creators who were trained by the StoryLeb team.
The project benefitted from the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt.

Shabab Live DW Deutsche Welle European Commission

Childbirth was excruciating, I felt a pain I had never experienced before. I was too young to go through something like this

"Life, love, work: the small dreams of a visually impaired young man": A series of events happen to Mohammad, from board...

"Life, love, work: the small dreams of a visually impaired young man": A series of events happen to Mohammad, from boarding school and the punishments inflicted by the superintendents to love stories, bullying and job hunting.

Written by young journalist trained by the StoryLeb project: Mahdi Dirani
StoryLeb - - is a media platform that aims at strengthening the use of multimedia storytelling in journalistic production.
The stories published on the platform were produced by young journalists and content creators who were trained by the StoryLeb team.
The project benefitted from the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt.
Shabab Live DW Deutsche Welle European Commission

A series of events happen to Mohammad, from boarding school and the punishments inflicted by the superintendents to love stories, bullying and job hunting.

"Stateless Persons in Tripoli: Hostages of Waiting and Despair"On Mohammad who is banned from love, work and travel, and...

"Stateless Persons in Tripoli: Hostages of Waiting and Despair"
On Mohammad who is banned from love, work and travel, and his excruciating journey to retrieve his nationality. On Abdallah whose many failures made him resort to the sea. On Laila who is denied the basic right of access to health care. And, on Qamar, the girl whose vulnerable position of statelessness exposed her to rape…

A story written by young journalist trained by the StoryLeb project: Douaa Sibaby

StoryLeb - - is a media platform that aims at strengthening the use of multimedia storytelling in journalistic production.
The stories published on the platform were produced by young journalists and content creators who were trained by the StoryLeb team.
The project benefitted from the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt.
Shabab Live DW Deutsch lernen European Commission

On Mohammad who is banned from love, work and travel, and his excruciating journey to retrieve his nationality. On Abdallah whose many failures made him resort to the sea. On Laila who is denied the basic right of access to health care. And, on Qamar, the girl whose vulnerable position of statelessn...

"The stories of the Bikfaya bus" : From Ain Toura, Mrouj and Bikfaya to Beirut, aboard buses where many things happen fr...

"The stories of the Bikfaya bus" :
From Ain Toura, Mrouj and Bikfaya to Beirut, aboard buses where many things happen from racism, harassment, friendships, discoveries and old time reminiscing.


Written by young journalist trained by the StoryLeb project: Ghada Haddad

StoryLeb - - is a media platform that aims at strengthening the use of multimedia storytelling in journalistic production.
The stories published on the platform were produced by young journalists and content creators who were trained by the StoryLeb team.
The project benefitted from the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt.

Shabab Live DW Deutsche Welle European Commission

From Ain Toura, Mrouj and Bikfaya to Beirut, aboard buses where many things happen from racism, harassment, friendships, discoveries and old time reminiscing.

"Ana Hon" is the story of a local media initiative in the city of    . Its protagonists are young women and men of diffe...

"Ana Hon" is the story of a local media initiative in the city of . Its protagonists are young women and men of different nationalities, who live in the city and share the hopes and concerns of its people.

Written by young journalist, trained by the StoryLeb project: Rabee Karazoun

StoryLeb - - is a media platform that aims at strengthening the use of multimedia storytelling in journalistic production.
The stories published on the platform were produced by young journalists and content creators who were trained by the StoryLeb team.
The project benefitted from the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt.
Shabab Live DW Deutsche Welle European Commission

This is the story of a local media initiative, whose protagonists are young women and men of different nationalities, living in the city and sharing the hopes and concerns of its people.


They had a soccer team called "Shabab Falastine" (the Youth of Palestine). Their "coach" tells the story of all the players immigrating, one after the other, until there was no team left and the field became an empty place full of nostalgic memories.

Read the full story by Iyad Taysir:

StoryLeb - - is a media platform that aims at strengthening the use of multimedia storytelling in journalistic production.
The stories published on the platform were produced by young journalists and content creators who were trained by the StoryLeb team.
The project benefitted from the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt.
Shabab Live DW Deutsche Welle European Commission


في عمر الرابعة عشر، صار عاملاً في مصلحة السكك الحديدة، وخلال الحرب العالمية الثانية خاض العديد من المخاطر والمغامرات. شريط من ذكريات تستعيد القصص المهددة بالاندثار كحال سكك القطار القديمة.

Youssef's son was 14 when he became a railway worker to help his family out. During the world war II, he had to go through many adventures and danger on the routes.
As he remembers the past, old stories of the Lebanese disappeared trains come flourishing.

Filmed & Edited by: Ali Shiran
Read the full story by Layla Yammine
StoryLeb - - is a media platform that aims at strengthening the use of multimedia storytelling in journalistic production.
The stories published on the platform were produced by young journalists and content creators who were trained by the StoryLeb team.
The project benefitted from the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt.

Shabab Live DW Deutsche Welle European Commission

قصّة جديدة متعدّدة الوسائط من StoryLeb - كتابة: إياد تيسير / رسم: رزان وهبةحكاية عائلة فلسطينية تشبه مئات العائلات في مخ...

قصّة جديدة متعدّدة الوسائط من StoryLeb - كتابة: إياد تيسير / رسم: رزان وهبة
حكاية عائلة فلسطينية تشبه مئات العائلات في مخيّمات #لبنان، ينفرط عنقود أبنائها في طرق الهجرة الوعرة غرباً… سفرٌ ومجهولٌ ورحلة الأفق المتاح الأخير.

Shabab Live | Deutsche Welle Akademie | European Commission

عن عائلة فلسطينية تشبه مئات العائلات في مخيّمات لبنان، ينفرط عنقود أبنائها في طرق الهجرة الوعرة غرباً... سفرٌ ومجهولٌ ورحلة الأفق المتاح الأخير.


محمود، فلسطيني ترك سوريا في العام 2013، وانتقل إلى لبنان ليتابع تعليمه في علوم الكمبيوتر، لكنه وبسبب الظروف السياسية والاقتصادية في المخيمات الفلسطينية، انتهى به الحال عاملاً في متجر للهواتف..

Mahmoud is a Palestinian who left Syria in 2013 and went to Lebanon to pursue his studies in computer sciences. The political and economic situation of the Palestinian refugees camp forced him to work in a phone store…
إخراج: أنس علي
تصوير ومونتاج: هبة ياسين
Directed by: Anas Ali
Filmed and Edited by: Hiba Yassine

Read the Full Story by Anas Younes


Shabab Live DW Deutsche Welle European Commission

StoryLeb - - is a media platform that aims at strengthening the use of multimedia storytelling in journalistic production.
The stories published on the platform were produced by young journalists and content creators who were trained by the StoryLeb team.
The project benefitted from the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt.

بجهد فرديّ، مشاريعُ تنموية استفادت من غنى المنطقة ومن الكفاءات المحلية، لتنشط سياحة داخليّة تقدّم للضيف تجربة فريدة..قصص...

بجهد فرديّ، مشاريعُ تنموية استفادت من غنى المنطقة ومن الكفاءات المحلية، لتنشط سياحة داخليّة تقدّم للضيف تجربة فريدة..
قصص متعددة الوسائط من منطقة الشوف في #لبنان

Shabab Live | Deutsche Welle Akademie | European Commission

بجهد فرديّ وإصرار لا يستسلم أمام العوائق، مشاريعُ تنموية استفادت من غنى المنطقة ومن الكفاءات المحلية، لتنشط سياحة ريفيّة وداخليّة تفدّم للضيف تجربة فريدة، تجمع بي....

قصّة جديدة، متعدّدة الوسائط، من StoryLebمن  #طرابلس إلى العاصمة على طول الخطّ الساحلي، إلى خط  #بيروت دمشق، رحلة في ذكري...

قصّة جديدة، متعدّدة الوسائط، من StoryLeb
من #طرابلس إلى العاصمة على طول الخطّ الساحلي، إلى خط #بيروت دمشق، رحلة في ذكريات أبطال القطار، تستعيد الحكايات على مدى عقود.

| Shabab Live
Deutsche Welle Akademie | European Commission

من الخطّ الساحلي إلى خط بيروت دمشق، رحلة في ذكريات أبطال القطار، تستعيد الحكايات على مدى عقود.

محمود، فلسطيني ترك سوريا في العام 2013 وانتقل إلى لبنان ليتابع تعليمه في علوم الكمبيوتر، لكنه وبسبب الظروف الاقتصادية لل...

محمود، فلسطيني ترك سوريا في العام 2013 وانتقل إلى لبنان ليتابع تعليمه في علوم الكمبيوتر، لكنه وبسبب الظروف الاقتصادية للفلسطينيين في المخيمات، انتهى به الحال عاملاً في متجر للهواتف.. 🎬
| Shabab Live

محمود، فلسطيني ترك سوريا في العام 2013، وانتقل إلى لبنان ليتابع تعليمه في علوم الكمبيوتر، لكنه وبسبب الظروف السياسية والاقتصادية في المخيمات الفلسطينية، انتهى به ال....



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StoryLeb will give 15 young journalists from all Lebanese regions (including non-Lebanese residents) the opportunity to build and improve their skills and to produce and publish, on an established platform, a multimedia long-format social story about their regions.

StoryLeb is part of the “Shabab Live” project, implemented in partnership with DW Akademie, Al-Jana & AlKhatt organizations, funded by the European Union and supported by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.