🇯🇵 On April 22, the Japan Fair Trade Commission, Japan's competition watchdog 公正取引委員会, closed its antitrust investigation into Google with a commitment decision under Art. 48-6 of the AMA). I was informed of this case thanks to Masako Wakui 🙂
If I understand correctly, this case focused on Google’s discontinuation of search engine and search-service-related-advertisement technologies (says, in the original text, "検索エンジン及び検索連動型広告の技術") to Yahoo Japan.
Since 2010, Yahoo Japan has heavily relied on the technologies that enable Yahoo Japan to provide search services and to connect advertisers with publishers through search-related data, like keywords, which was crucial for revenue generation. Despite its initial commitment in 2010, however, Google (perhaps unilaterally) altered the agreement (against Yahoo's will and interest) and limited ("制限") the technology's provision from 2015 to 2022.
The JFTC perceived this action as a potential breach of the Antimonopoly Act, which could constitute monopolization ("私的独占" at Art. 3 of the AMA), refusal to deal ("取引拒絶" at para 2 of the JFTC’s UTPs General Designation) or interference with competitor transactions ("競争者に対する取引妨害" at para 14 of the General Designation). As far as I understand, these actions are generally deemed as anti-competitive practices, rather than unfair practices, under the AMA, restricting (or lessening) competition in relevant markets.
I am not sure, but it appears that, if this case had proceeded, anti-competitive effects on the digital ad market and/or the market for search service, where Google and Yahoo both are active, would've been found, as Google, a monopolist, refused to offer (more precisely, limited or restricted) the seemingly very necessary technologies thereby favoring its own businesses.
* I don't mean that it's about self-preferencing or essential facility doctrine. In fact, self-favoring is the very spirit of almost all anti-competitive practices, such as tying, refusal, or predation.
Japan Fair Trade Commission, Press release, 'Approval of the Commitment Plan submitted by Google LLC(April 22, 2024)' (Apr 22, 2024) https://www.jftc.go.jp/en/pressreleases/yearly-2024/April/240422.html
See also, Japan Fair Trade Commission, Press release, 'Yahoo Japan's Use of Technological Service Such As Search Engine Provided by Google (Tentative translation)' (Dec 2, 2010) https://www.jftc.go.jp/en/pressreleases/yearly-2010/dec/individual-000002.html
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