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Vocal for Local has become a very trending phrase since PM Modi coined it in one of his speeches while addressing the na...

Vocal for Local has become a very trending phrase since PM Modi coined it in one of his speeches while addressing the nation. It basically means not only buying local products but also getting vocal for them by promoting them. The vision behind this is to become "Atmanirbhar" and make " "Swadeshi" a mantra of life. It seems like an extension to the Swadeshi Movement. This phenomenon stiffens the completion between home grown players and foreign players. Our country has the potential to create global companies much proved by many small entrepreneurs and startups but the biggest of all examples we have is that of Paytm, Oyo and Uber among other various successful billion dollar companies. The idea is to not only increase domestic consumption but also intensify the export activities and rely less on imported products. Those enterprises or ventures which never had any aspiration to grow big or go global. But the ‘Vocal for Local’ would provide those smaller ventures with that opportunity. Some of those companies, with proper handholding, can become a publicly listed company or get acquired by some bigger international brand, thus providing good exits. Local products are usually less expensive them the foreign made products. A few Indian local house products are toothpaste, khadi, soap, battery, automobiles, skincare products dairy products etc. We must support the local businesses rather than the foreign businesses for the inclination of the GDP for that we can contribute by spreading words about any business via reviews, ratings and photos. We can also keep them afloat by amplifying our support. Go Vocal, For Local, By Local.

India has a population of over 1.3 billion, has certainly grown well in the past two decades. Gross Domestic Product has...

India has a population of over 1.3 billion, has certainly grown well in the past two decades. Gross Domestic Product has increased 4.5 times and per capita consumption has increased 3 times. Similarly, food grain production has increased almost 2 times. Despite the growth over 7000 Indians die of hunger every day.Over 25 lakh Indians die of hunger every year. Many of us chooses what to eat and there is a part of our population who doesn't even get a single meal. Hunger is one major issue prevailing in India. Do you think it's because maybe India isn't sufficient in its food production?
India certainly does not have a problem of low production, while low productivity is certainly a problem. According to the FAO, India, with its vast ecological diversity, is the second largest producer of rice, sugar cane, groundnut, fruits and cotton in the world. It is the largest producer of milk, pulses and jute and figures among the leading producers of spices, fish, poultry, livestock and plantation crops. It is not that India has not put programs in place. The National Food Security Act, 2013 was promulgated to provide food and nutritional security at affordable prices. But the problem is that the state doesn't reach to the needy group of people. Significant proportions of women and children are malnurished and reasons are, mostly women are the last one to eat in the family, lack knowledge about the feeding practices, wide spread diseases and sanitization etc. There is also the very real problem of low incomes, mostly in rural India. We have over 300 million poor people that are unable to adequately feed themselves and their families. For India to do better, all these factors should be taken care of and ensure that the Indians have access to basic cereals and pulses, there is enough knowledge around nutrition and healthcare, and that our women and children have access to good, reliable, primary healthcare.

Media Trial India is known as the world's biggest democratic country and its media is known as the fourth pillar of demo...

Media Trial
India is known as the world's biggest democratic country and its media is known as the fourth pillar of democracy by virtue of which, media plays an important role in influencing the people and is the main source of spreading awareness. It can concluded from this that the freedom of press is freedom of the people. On a daily basis, we can see that our media does media trial over such cases which can get them TRP and could be used as a smart weapon to attract more viewers to their channel. Nowadays, the main focus of media is to gain TRP. Instead of news channels they are running some kind of entertainment channels which is highly discreditable. News these days is selected on the basis it favouring the central government and is becoming more about business, gaining popularity and diverting people's attention from real issues. In past few months itself, we have witnessed several cases of gang r**e but the popular media house were busy in reporting what color did Deepika Padukone wore for NCB enquiry or whether Sara Ali Khan is supported by her father Saif Ali Khan or not. There is no actual news being reported these days and its just becoming a game of name, fame and TRP. But who is at fault, the media, the government or us? It is because we continue to watch these non news worthy channels, we demand for such spicy entertainment. Its high time that we change our mindsets and should have nose for good news. We sometimes don't realise but we actually have the power to raise our voices against such harassing media trials. We should boycott such manipulative content and behaviour of media.

Wanting to look more beautiful and hence using some makeup and clicking pictures using many sort of filters isn't someti...

Wanting to look more beautiful and hence using some makeup and clicking pictures using many sort of filters isn't sometimes a bad idea but this doesn't mean going crazy and hating your real self!!.
Plastic surgeons are seeing more patients walk through their doors asking to look like their selfies is actually a growing mental health problem. With filters on social media like Instagram and Snapchat, flattering lighting, perfect poses, and editing apps that can make you look like a thinner version of yourself (with perfect skin, to boot), we’ve entered into the era of selfie perfection. But, some experts say, all this social media flawlessness is seeping from our phones and invading our real lives. More people are thinking: I want to look like that — and going to great lengths to get there.
The trend, what some people are calling “Snapchat dysmorphia,” is real — and getting more potent every year. According to 2017 data from the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS), 55 percent of fascial plastic surgeons say patients have requested cosmetic procedures to look better on social media — an increase of 13 percent from the year before.
The phenomenon of people requesting procedures to resemble their digital image has been referred to – sometimes flippantly, sometimes as a harbinger of end times – as “Snapchat dysmorphia”. The term was coined by the cosmetic doctor Tijion Esho, founder of the Esho clinics in London and Newcastle. He had noticed that where patients had once brought in pictures of celebrities with their ideal nose or jaw, they were now pointing to photos of themselves.
Remember, no matter what, outer beauty is temporary hence we should focus more on living a real life and working on our real self rather than finding pleasure in some fake stuff. Don't let yourself feel bad about your looks because that's not what you are, you are defined by your own soul and make that beautiful.

Patriarchy is basically the social system according to which men holds the power and are dominant over women socially, m...

Patriarchy is basically the social system according to which men holds the power and are dominant over women socially, morally, emotionally etc. and gives the male members a upper hand in every decisions. It makes women to suffer for sure but now a days even men are suffering due to the bars set by this system.

When we talk about patriarchy, why we always end up just talking about how it has affected women only, and why not the patriarchy which has affected men, women and all other spectrums negatively. Everytime when someone says or does something that enforces a stereotype that women are a weaker s*x, they are also alluding to an equally wrong stereotype that men are stronger.Patriarchy’s biggest problem is not so much that it typically undermines women, as much as that in defining this male superiority, it also sets definitions of masculinity and femininity.
Surely, due to the prevailing system most of the women in our country has to struggle a lot in order to achieve what they desire just because few men cannot accept the fact of women achieving something great and big.
Believe it or not but most of the crimes and assaults that women suffers are basically due to stereotype created by patriarchy - men being greater than women. Patriarchy also makes the implicit assertion that it is ‘right’ for men to s*xually dominate women.
While on the other hand, societal pressure on men to conform to patriarchy not only has many men fearing the concept of expressing emotion, but also influences things as inconsequential as what they order at a bar to decidedly more long-term things like what career options to choose. For everything they need to think about how "manly" the thing is.
Somehow, for men to talk about their feelings, fears or to show themselves as weak is bad because society says "men don't cry". This is also one of the reasons why men assaults and other crimes are not taken seriously.
We don't need a men dominating or a women dominating society.

Gen ZBasically the people born between roughly 1996 or so to 2010 comes under the category of Gen Z by according to the ...

Gen Z
Basically the people born between roughly 1996 or so to 2010 comes under the category of Gen Z by according to the researchers.
But what's soo different about them?
Gen Z is the first generation to got in social media in middle school. Members of Gen Z are more racially and ethnically diverse than any previous generation, and they are on track to be the most well-educated generation yet. They are also digital natives who have little or no memory of the world as it existed before smartphones.
This generation is raised by smartphones. They spends most of theri time on social media which is leading to some serious emotional and mental damage which many of them don't realise. They are more anxious, more fragile, more depressed and much less comfortable in taking risks. When lonely, sad, feels bored, the common way to solve all of it is to seek comfort from a digital pacifier.
But, also generation Z considers itself more accepting and open minded than any generation before it. They tends to understand the social issues and try resolving them, believe in actions more than the words.Members of Gen Z are currently in their early 20s or are teens, hence its important to take care of the issues they face in order to make future better as Gen Zers are geared toward fixing, changing and creating new solutions and opportunities in hopes of finding a better way to do things.
They have a view to make world a better place and are much dedicated to it.
Although, many of them are surrounded by the negativity of the social media which make things harder. But the main concern is what will be the attitude, behavior of upcoming CEO's , managers and entrepreneurs and citizens of our country , are we generating the principles and environment so that they can get the good surrounding , an healthy and safe scenario.

Male issues are as important as female, but could have a deeper impact since everyone has made an image that guys are st...

Male issues are as important as female, but could have a deeper impact since everyone has made an image that guys are strong enough to handle everything. But the reality is, they do face many difficulties which are taken for granted just because the prevailing mindsets. Body image issue is one such example.
It’s not just about weight and muscle, male body image affects the whole person.
Social media shows us all these folks hitting the gym, losing weight, getting ripped… you’d think it’d be inspiring for the guys, but most of the times it makes them want to hide in the corner. Between our Instagram feeds, TV shows, and movies, it’s difficult for guys to avoid images of muscular, built men. But how much one can bench is far from the only body image concern — male body image is far more complex than just muscle.
The common conception about men is that they should be lean, strong, and muscular. But the male body image struggle is about more than the shape of their bodies. Among other concerns, men are figuring out how to deal with hair loss, height perception, and skin care. It’s an unspoken thing, but if you don’t look a certain way or perform a certain way [s*xually], it can really challenge your masculinity. Even now, for most of the people it's not okay for men to wear makeup, use skincare, cry out aloud or maybe talk about their emotional side out loud.
It's okay to be short, it's okay to be thin and it's completely okay to say out what you want. You'll still be strong!!
Nothing should arise to make you feel a lesser man!

BigotryThe word bigot means,"a person intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices" .The term bigot is...

The word bigot means,"a person intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices" .The term bigot is also synonymous to "fanatic, fiend, freak, maniac, nut, zealot, bug. Each human being has a freedom of choice, to either be beastly or godly. Caused by unspiritual civilization, bigotry is beastly. It is a phase of man's unripe ego-sense.
There is little question among mental health professionals that bigotry can do considerable harm to the targets of the bigotry. What is more surprising is the evidence showing that those who harbor bigotry are also at risk. Bigotry may not be a “disease” in the strict medical sense. Yet,bigotry lends itself to a “disease model.” Bigotry and other forms of hatred are correlated with adverse health consequences and can spread rapidly via social media, podcasts and similar modes of dissemination.
The reason bigots do not care for others is that bigotry lacks Inner Love, vision of Oneness or true understanding. There are so many people who do not care for those who do not belong to their particular religion, creed, caste, race, social class, country, state, region, language, and so on. In fact bigots do not even care for themselves! If they did, they would be much more loving!
Failing to find acceptance and meaning in one’s community is often what leads individuals to join hate groups. Reaching out to these people rather than pushing them away changes their beliefs instead of making them more extreme. As we struggle to find solutions to the bigotry torturing our nation, we must remember that every person is flawed, with great capacities for good and evil. By cutting people out of your life, you not only lose the opportunity to change their minds, but you also fail to acknowledge their humanity and their fundamental capacity for redemption. Engage with them. Speak to them. That is the only way we will ever see change.

DoomscrollingDoomscrolling and doomsurfing refers to excessively reading upsetting news on your phone or computer or the...


Doomscrolling and doomsurfing refers to excessively reading upsetting news on your phone or computer or the tendency to keep scrolling through the bad news even though it's upsetting you.
While the term doomscrolling has been around for a while, it has garnered more attention this year as people are obsessively reading bad news on social media and other platforms, without boundaries around when to stop. Reading about current events is surely important but doomscrolling isn't,but why?? Apparently we might not realise this but while digging into bad news one by one we are not able to absorb them properly or in simpler words we have a lesser time to think about the particular event. Hence, we are not able to make up our mind to react in a thoughtful manner and make our reviews accordingly but instead we go with the flow which isn't a healthy manner.
Constantly reading bad news can lead to anxiety and negative emotions.You might not see it's effect at early stages but this definitely upsets you mentally. If you are a frequent doomscroller, it doesn’t necessarily mean you will develop clinical depression or an anxiety disorder; however, you may notice your mood worsen or your anxiety rise.
Limit the amount of time you do it, the number of sources you read and when you scroll. Replacing the time you spent doomscrolling with enjoyable activities can also help.Allow yourself the chance to unwind after you read the news and focus on the positive, too.

CasteismEven after modernisation taking place, India's caste system is perhaps the world's longest surviving social hier...

Even after modernisation taking place, India's caste system is perhaps the world's longest surviving social hierarchy. The caste system is the Hindu social and religious hierarchy, created a few thousand years ago. Traditionally, a person's caste is determined at birth and channels them into that caste's occupation.For decades, India has struggled to de-weaponize caste. When the Constitution was being written in the late 1940s, intellectuals knew caste was a sore spot that needed to be urgently addressed. They included specific protections for Dalits, who make up about 15 to 20 percent of India’s 1.3 billion people.
And now, according to crime statistics, the violence against them is rising.
This might seem surprising against the new narrative India is writing. So much has changed. Millions of people have been lifted out of poverty. The Indian economy is now one of the world’s biggest. Everywhere in the country, there are new roads, new airports, new infrastructure.
But in many places, especially in poorer rural areas, caste infrastructure is still the one that counts. 95 percent of Indians still marry within their caste, experts say. And recent studies show income and education levels correlate very closely with caste. Even controlling for education, Dalits still fall behind, indicating that caste discrimination is alive and well in the workplace. Not only this, even in professional world at times the lower castes face discriminations. Surprisingly, at the time of demanding justice for lower caste instead of blaming the wrong one, people tends to blame the victim.
The harsh reality is unless casteism is causing violence or Dalits to lose their lives, Indian societies don’t fully acknowledge just how dangerous the caste system is. Most upper-caste people never have to confront the reality of being Dalit. What's the use of being educated if one gives respect based on the caste and not according the worth or capabilities of the person.

Need of s*x education in IndiaIn a country where, s*x is a word which we cannot say out loud, the topic which when talke...

Need of s*x education in India
In a country where, s*x is a word which we cannot say out loud, the topic which when talked about is often responded with an awkward “Ahem!” or “Shush!” which makes us look around to ensure no one heard us. However, ironically, the very topic that we usually shun is something that men and women should be talking openly about. It is something parents should talk to their children about. But in the day and age of the Internet, social media, and unlimited access to information, how do we know for sure that children are getting the right information about everything, including s*x and s*xuality? Especially, in the absence of a detailed, comprehensive conversation at home and at school? It's the time where we need to push s*x education in the curriculum.
S*x education is an education related to the issues of human s*xuality, s*xual anatomy, s*xual activity, s*xual reproduction, reproductive health, reproductive rights, safe s*x, birth control, etc. It is curated to help young people gain information and skills to make healthy and wise decisions about s*x and s*xuality throughout their lives.
In the year 2007, when the Ministry of Human Resource Development promoted s*x education curriculum, there was a huge controversy, many opponents argued that it would corrupt the young minds and is against the traditional Indian values. Incorporating s*x education in school curriculum has always remained a subject of controversy. However, at a time when our country is witnessing an increasing number of s*xual violence, abuse and teen pregnancy; s*x education is undoubtedly imperative especially for the young school-going children. It's a need of an hour.
Now one might argue that in India not everyone is able to get basic education then why to hype about s*x education? We need to understand that every big chnge requires a small step and this small step will definitely bring a huge change someday.

Domestic violenceDomestic violence is violence committed by someone in the victim’s domestic circle. This includes partn...

Domestic violence

Domestic violence is violence committed by someone in the victim’s domestic circle. This includes partners and ex-partners, immediate family members, other relatives and family friends.There is usually a power gap between them. The victim is dependent on the offender. Domestic violence can take the form of physical, s*xual or psychological abuse.Women form the largest group of victims. However, men, children and elderly people can also be victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence occurs at all levels in society and in all population groups.
About 86% women who experienced violence never sought help, and 77% of the victims did not even mention the incident(s) to anyone.
The prevalence of domestic violence is arguably one of the top health concerns in the country. Understanding its definition can help you to take more effective action against its many manifestations of abuse. In some cases, abusers may not even realize that they're inflicting domestic violence on someone else. On the flipside, victims may not take action against their abusers if they don't realize that the behavior they're experiencing is indeed domestic violence.
There have been a hike in domestic violence since the lockdownlockdown due to which over 50 new helplines started across India.
The domestic abuse national helpline number is 181 while women police helpline numbers are 1091 and 1291.
Many researchers believe the best way to deter abuse is to stop people from becoming abusers in the first place. Don't fear to fight back or raise your voice against the crime.
Also, keep a check on your loved ones if there is a difference in their behaviour. Be kind to the ones who come to seek for help.

AnxietyAnxiety is a normal and often healthy emotion. However, when a person regularly feels disproportionate levels of ...

Anxiety is a normal and often healthy emotion. However, when a person regularly feels disproportionate levels of anxiety, it might become a medical disorder.
Anxiety disorders form a category of mental health diagnoses that lead to excessive nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worry.
Mild anxiety might be vague and unsettling, while severe anxiety may seriously affect day-to-day living. It could happen to anyone, anytime and the worst part is that many a times one doesn't even have a control over it.
Suffering with anxiety disorders is no joke as it gives you a feeling of helplessness at times. One will not be even sure what exactly is going on and what he/she is feeling.
It's difficult to explain for the person who's suffering. There's nothing to feel bad or low about if you are suffering. Remember, it's just a phase which will pass if we open up. Also, if you cannot help your loved ones coping up with difficult times then don't make them feel bad too!!
One thing might be very small for us but it could mean a lot to the other person, we all are different and react differently to various situations. People suffering already know their issues, they doesn't need to hear that, "you are overthinking", " stop being like this", "divert yourself", etc etc. Rather at these times ones needs comfort and someone who can understand without judging.
There are a number of things people do to help cope with symptoms of anxiety disorders and make treatment more effective. Stress management techniques and meditation can be helpful. Support groups (in-person or online) can provide an opportunity to share experiences and coping strategies. Learning more about the specifics of a disorder and helping family and friends to understand better can also be helpful. Avoid caffeine, which can worsen symptoms, and check with your doctor about any medications (don't be shyd about consulting a specialist too).

Homophobia is often the term used for intolerance toward bis*xual people, but the bis*xual community also struggle with ...

Homophobia is often the term used for intolerance toward bis*xual people, but the bis*xual community also struggle with biphobia. This is when their s*xuality is seen as invalid. Imagine someone teasing you for being a girl or a boy, how are you gonna feel?Bis*xual people suffers the same and many faces this on the daily basis.
People can be homophobic in many different ways. Homophobia takes the form of insults, discrimination and even includes violence. Such abuse is motivated purely on the fact someone is of a different s*xual orientation.
This bullying is born out of ignorance, fear and, in many cases, immaturity. Homophobia isn’t always obvious either. If you are ignored or not treated with the same respect as a heteros*xual person this is still homophobia.
Students even skip schools and other educational institutions to avoid the bullies. This also causes various mental health issues among them. As well as having a very real human cost, homophobia is also damaging to a country’s economy. This is because stigma and discrimination based on s*xual orientation and identity can result in fewer earnings, and fewer employment opportunities, for people who are LGBT, which results in less money going towards a country's gross domestic product (GDP).
Despite the important number of countries repealing laws that discriminate against LGBT people, same-s*x s*xual acts were illegal in 73 countries and five entities as of June 2016. This is a decrease from 92 in 2006. Homos*xual acts are punishable by death in 13 states (or parts of) including Sudan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and Somalia, an increase from 9 countries in 2006.
Public campaigns have proven successful in reaching large numbers of people with messages challenging homophobia and tackling homophobia. Also, Schools have an important part to play in challenging homophobia. It is fuelled by lack of awareness, and educating young people about LGBT issues is fundamental to overcoming widely accepted prejudice.

Pending JusticeThe Indian judiciary is infamous for the pending cases piled up in its closet. 74 years since independenc...

Pending Justice
The Indian judiciary is infamous for the pending cases piled up in its closet. 74 years since independence, the country's judiciary is still awaiting major reis going through a massive crisis.The pending cases are estimates to be 30 million! That's pretty huge right? Also, the ratio of judges per citizen is severely low - 17 judges per 1 million citizens.The time that the judicial system takes to dispose of a case often results in the violation of a person's fundamental right to fair justice and speedy trial.This delay in justice leads the victim to suffer more and in various cases with the extension of time no justice is being served or no development takes place.
What causes this delay?
According to the lawyers, one of the main reasons behind the delay in delivering justice is the lack of an adequate number of judges. Inadequate number of judges ends up overburdening the legal system in our country.Also,there is a very important need of the removal of archaic laws and mending the loopholes in existing laws.A number of laws, laid out decades ago, have lost their relevance today and continue to be a reason for misuse, hence, there is an urgent need to plug those loopholes in a number of existing laws so that they are not misused. The number of fast track courts should be expanded and extend these to the district level so that cases can be addressed in a shorter time period.
Also, people's lack of awareness about their fundamental rights, and unequal access to legal services also contribute to the corruption that ultimately denies justice to victims and survivors.
It is obvious that the number of litigations will increase with a population that continues to grow and that's why there is an urgent need for the Judicial system to buckle up and respond in more rapid manner.

Animal TestingAn animal test is any scientific experiment or test in which a live animal is forced to undergo something ...

Animal Testing
An animal test is any scientific experiment or test in which a live animal is forced to undergo something that is likely to cause them pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm.
Also, this animal testing is not like taking an animal to the vet for some kinda treatment rather it's more like a torture to them.
This is a serious brutal act towards animals.
Currently, so many of small animals are given various drugs, are operated on, force fed various medicines, surgically removing their organs, forcing them to inhale toxic gases etc just for experimentation purpose. Some experiments require the animal to die as part of the test. So many mouses are trapped in various laboratories, monkeys are caged for tha same. Mostly vertebrates animals and few of the invertebrates like Octopuses are taken for the experimentation.
Now many will say, that, it's only done for human advancement and yes that's true since this is a much effective way but this is done on the cost of the innocent lives of those animals. Also, animal testing is expensive and might not always gives exact same results one is expecting. Moreover, technologically advanced non-animal test methods can be used in place of animal testing. Not only are these tests more humane, they also have the potential to be cheaper, faster, and more relevant to humans.
A number of countries have also implemented bans on the testing of certain types of consumer goods on animals, such as the cosmetics-testing bans in the European Union, India, Israel, New Zealand, Norway, and elsewhere.
Each of us can help prevent animal suffering and deaths by buying cruelty-free products, donating only to charities that don’t experiment on animals, requesting alternatives to animal dissection, demanding the immediate implementation of humane, effective non-animal tests by government agencies and corporations, and calling on our alma maters to stop experimenting on animals.




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